(2010/06) June 2010 MTB


Wat happened to ur gal? Why gotten ear op? Is it because of the flu that develops into ear infection? Oh my, must be v Siong for u n hubby. They will get cranky over this period cos after the op, the recovery process is quite itchy, so they will tend to want to scratch. U need to drop ear drops for her rite?


Pat's schoolhouse really v ex. But heard Fr many that they are super good. $1650- after subsidy is either 1050 or 1350 depending if they categorize as infants or tods. Most regular infant care is ard $700 after subsidy. But then again the good ones are always more ex as compared to the heartland ones. Hah made me think of the heartland shopping malls vs town ones.

Jay is still crying after 2 days. I'm prepared for it. After a while he will be fine. He enjoyed the first 2 days when we accompanied him, don even want to go home.


Yah just buy magazine n fill out the contest page.


morning mummies..

those neighborhood CC/presch, should be quite ok right? those good ones are really ex lor.. wayy out of the budget..

CC or Preschool

11th January Tuesday


Xiao_Xiin (pls pm me your contact no)

12th January Wednesday

Tersher (pls pm me your contact no)

Tiger Baby


@ Tersher, Tigerbaby & Xiao_Xiin, shall we meet at Mindchamps @ Phoenix Park at 0930hrs? Alternatively, if non of us is driving, we can meet at Redhill MRT and take a cab in together

Amy (JG @ Evans + Maris Stella)

Bliss (JG @ Evans)

@ Amy & Bliss, shall we meet at JG @ Evans at 1100hrs

- 11th January Tuesday @ 1030hrs Arts Kidz Preschool

- 12th January Wednesday @ 0930hrs Mindchamps @ Phoenix Park let's meet earlier cos the children will be having their outdoor play @ 0930hrs and it'll be good to visit when they are outdoor and when they return to their classroom

- 12th January Wednesday @ 1100hrs Julia Gabriel @ Evans Road

- 12th January Wednesday @ 1400hrs Maris Stella Preschool

Please PM me your contact no. and email so that we do not flood the forum...

amoroux, the decision shd be quite sudden cos just last wk they still accepted my registration and i was #10 on the waitlist according to the lady...

bebe75, i am going to send my gal to GUG. waiting for them to confirm vacancy for next month. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Ladies, I just called Chiltern House and they only accept toddlers from 3 yrs onwards for their N1. The earliest registration for 2010 babies is Jan 2012 for 2013 classes. However, I think I want to send my baby to CC at the age of 18 mths instead of PILs taking care full time. Is it okie that I send him to a CC nearby my place first and transfer him to Chiltern at the age of 3? The CC I'm now looking at is my first skool which mthly is only less than $400 mthly. Thanks.

Bebe, Cath

Brought her to remove her ear tag- the extra piece of flesh at the ear. So they cut off the lump n had to do stitches. She was ok last nite though I was exhausted from staying up to monitor her temperature in case of infection.

Amouroux- I've pm u


glad to hear your gal is ok.

my #1 finally started his nursery.

day 1 - his daddy brought him in, #1 refused to let him out. cried a little here & there. also cried (like outburst) when he saw daddy waited outside when school ended.

day 2 - he was happy when i sent him to school. still could kiss on my cheek & managed to peck him, told him auntie (maid) would be waiting outside @ 11am. #1 said ok & flew into his class. called "mummy come" but i siam away. no tears.

day 3 - daddy sent him to school again. cried like nobody's biz. when door opened a little bit for the latecomers, #1 peeked through looking for daddy, cried again when door closed. -.-"

but #1 was ok when i fetched him home.

day 4 (today) - maid fetched him to & fro from school. whining away saying "not nice", "don't want" but still managed to go school.

my conclusion of #1 going to school: his daddy cannot bring him to school! haha.

my first skool:

eh is that a half day program for 3yrs old? just kpo to know.


u went for the opt le? her tag now is completely off or is there a little stump?

Hope she recover fast! Brave little one =))


Daddy cant bring to school! hahahahaa..


For those intend to go to CC can start at 18mths

But for kindy they only take in at least 2 yr old b mostly is 3 yr old.


As what we chat, I dun think I can go Sch hunting Liao. Our swimming date also have to postpone!!


Thanks for coordinating! Been bz in sch cos first wk.. Finally it's Friday!!


U signing Bb up for SM too?? Join us in April!! I've alr rec their letter abt apr last wk!


Where's GUG?

Neighbourhood cc

My #1 is at Puti nursery 1 now. Seems quite good n they will try to feed the N1 kids if they don know how to. Another cc I went to, they will not feed cos they feel tt when kids are hungry they ll eat. But not really, kids will munch the biscuits n cakes during tea break if they r hungry.

PuTi teaches phonics n hv outdoor play. Some water play as well. Teachers are mostly local, except 2 china teachers. Unlike many preschool nowadays hv many China teachers.

Serves vegetarian food only! Which is good cos little jay detest vege. No TV. Another cc I hv been to will let kids watch tv in the first n last 2 hrs.

Entertaining - very entertaining. Games , good quality toys. Even bathing kids hv toys to distract them.

So this neighborhood cc is good n cheap- $200 after subsidy. Best part is that it is just next blk from where my parents stayed. So v convenient for them to pick up my child.

hopecg, GUG is at united sq, mountbatten and suntec. refer to their website: http://www.gugifted.com/. i just registered my gal for the parent & babe class starting first week of Mar. as such, i guess i will delay SM till when it is still necessary. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bebe, u asked abt the fees:-

registration fee: $53.50

refundable deposit: $100

term (8 weeks) fee: $376.64

tigerbaby/bebe.. i think GUG is interesting too.. will sign #2 up when he turns 1 cause i did not sign my #1 for GUG before so can take this chance to see the difference.

amoroux, i also not sure leh... i'm looking for phonics class and the reviews i came across generally quite good...

i think they have trial class too... wanted to call them for trial class, ended up registering instantly ;p

from the website:

Our Parent & Babe (ages 8 months to 1.5 years) and Parent & Tot (ages 1.5 to 2.5 years) are meaningful bonding sessions developed especially for working Dads or Mums.

In addition, Kids' PlayClub (ages 2.5 to 4 years) is a weekly programme designed to provide even more stimulating and challenging activities to complement and enhance children's weekday schooling and learning.

All these comprehensive 1.5-hour weekend classes provide your young ones with opportunities to explore and participate in fun and exciting activities. They include action rhymes, alphabet games, phonics and language, songs, music and movement, puppetry, art & craft, cooking, sensorial and science discoveries!


Let's go trial for gug n JG leh. Personally prefer JG over gug during my gal time cos teacher quality is beta. U still keen on SM rite?pm me when u gt time k

Mummies reminder again to bring yr socks this Sunday for the Kindermusik trial see u gals on Sunday


Not sure if Pat's is super good cos I have no basis for comparison. My #1 enjoys himself there and since he was there since 6.5 months, we didn't wanna change schools as he has already made friends there. Most importantly, it's walking distance from my place so during emergency my helper can walk over to pick him up like when I went to give birth or when didi was hospitalised. We will also enroll didi there. Much easier to send/ fetch them home.

I've been trying to convince my hubby to let my #1 stay in Pat's till K2 and then go to a local primary school - there is 1 just across the street from me. But my hubby is still reluctant. If he is adamant, then I am going to a heartland school in Woodlands or Tampines/ Dover! Hahaha....


work these few days have been super busy and I'm falling behind in the thread again!


nice talkin with u! Sorry can't chat longer as actually I was a bit engorged n needed to go home n pump! U very fit huh, can carry the heavy bags of formula as we talk!


just saw that u visited the pd regarding zz's eczema.

did ur pd mention why do the prick test later and not soon? N did he say where the prick test is done?



Speedy recovery to your baby. You take care too. Do rest well so that you can take care of your baby.


Give Elson some time to adjust and before you know it, he will wave both of you goodbye le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Chiltern House very hard to get in so make sure you register by the 1st week of Jan 2012. 1 of the mothers from Pat's told me her boy was on the waitlist for 2 years! But that was for the branch on Halifax which is the same street as the Pat's my boy goes to.

Actually it's such a coincidence cos I was thinking of bringing my boy to do the test at national skin center. Cos really wish to find out the triggers instead of doing guesswork. Called Nsc today intending to book. Sigh but I forgot his BC no and can't do the appt booking. Terrible me hor?

Hi Tersher, can check with your about your baby's ops? My niece who is 3 mths now also has a little flesh on one of her ear? Which doc n hospital did u go to? Is the doc good and how long was the ops? How is your girl coping post- ops? Hope your girl has a speedy recover!

Tersher: take care! so ouch to hear that for your bb. hope she rest well and recover soon.

Ms Bluey: haha, your Elson sounds very cute.

Lbb, how much does the prick test cost at nsk? My pd gave me the referral letter for reference purpose n told me to take note of the foods listed on it. The referral letter is attention to gleneagles. I also dunno y must wait three months. Maybe he wants me to do the elimiation method first. So far only the first flare up is very severe. Second flare up was when I had creamy mix pasta. Abt three days ago, there were some new ones behind the neck. All almost cleared already. I took some cheese again today. If I see new eczema tmr, then it gotta be diary products. If not, then I can suspect it's the mushrooms is the creamy mix pasta. I also dun like the guessing game, it makes me paranoid. N I always can't resist food which I want to eat. Will be good to do the prick test. But heartpain sia.... N also i think the test results will become obsolete as they will grow out of the allergies as they develop their immunity leh.

I manage to assist my zz in consolidating his nap times. He only nap for 2-2.5 hrs in the day. Hopefully the next few weeks will be good.

Hi mums interested in pats (excluding baby haven at Halifax),

The Meyer road principal just emailed me today. They only have full or half day daily classes for children aged 3 and above (based on calendar year). She suggested that I start my son when he is 20 months in their Saturday story club class, 1.5hrs morning, and from the story class, I can feel better if I or him like the school. And if he continues attending story club until the year he turns 3 which is January 2013 he will have priority to the full day nursery class. I like her suggestion, and the location convenience so most probably I will do it this way. I'm not too keen also to check out too many schools and may end up confusing myself. So from march 2012 he will attend story class on Saturdays and maybe another weekday class, I will see how he develop then decide if he's ready for activities.

Jenn, yah loh... Chiltern hse very hot and even b4 I have kid, I already more or less make up my mind to let my kid attend this school.

Anyway, my hubby is not keen in any of the branded schools at all. He just want to put baby to any place which is less than $500 mthly. He said he was from PAP and he doesn't see anything wrong putting kids into PAP. He feels that everyone will find their niche when they grow up. Can study, good. If cannot study, can be chef, hair stylish or any job which the person like or best in. It's best to let the kids decide what they want and not the parents to chase the papers bindly. I really don't know how to convince him. To me, kid is an empty hard disk and anything introduce during the first 6 years is very important.


Agreed, yet also disagreed with your hubby. Agreed that should let kids decide and parents don't just paper chase blindly. True when kids are in Sec Sch or JC. But now at this young age, how kids decide? If let kids decide, they will just wanna stay home, watch TV and play all day!

Personally, I feel pre-school must be near home or convenient for parents to pick the child up if child is sick or hurt themselves in school. Also cost must be within parent's budget. No point paying thru the nose for pre-school. It's a long road ahead. If budget is tight then save for later when in proper grade school. But if within your means, then good to expose your kids to more things lor.

Haha... Like you, I also need to fight my own "battle" with my hubby. Am trying hard to convince him to let my boy study in local school.


Reaction time: how will u react if ur husbands says dis to u: "aiya! Mistake la, that time we should register n not get married"

N juz only he can ask "wat r u angry with"

How shld I react? I shld haf juz say "yah.. Maybe.. So we

can juz kcuf ard without burden n a title to name"

Bluey, Jenn n Elise, thanks for yr well wishes. Baby is doing well. Hubby also took leave, so we are taking turns to jaga baby n to rest. 这个老公没嫁错.

Sheryl, it looks like a clean cut. Hopefully no stump left.

Bizzymum, I went to dr Roland sim at Mt Alvernia,referral from my pd. Got to book a day surgery room n separately pay for anesthetist. Honestly, he doesn't inspire a lot of confidence post-surgery. Eg we had to ask him whether bb needs any anti biotic cream cos he forgot abt it. Asked him how much pain shld I expect bb to be in and he gave very cryptic answers which made me feel like he doesn't know.

Bizzymum, the op took more than 1 hr. If it's just a small lump, maybe yr niece needn't do op. Can just do ligation which is very cheap n quick.

Sheryl, cool. Your hubby doesn't mean it I'm sure. He doesn't even rem wad he said, means he din mean it, u know.

Aiya, my fil got hospitalized. N my mil is angry with him for not picking up her calls the whole day. Angry until she doesn't even wanna go to the hospital. So funny lor. I mean I understand her reasons for being angry but now is not the time to be angry wad.

Sheryl, he's probably still young and said it in the spur of the moment. Tell him nicely that his comment is very hurtful n shouldn't be said under any circumstance. Have a good heart to heart talk with each other. Try to set aside negative emotions.

Happy new year to all!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Comtemplating if I should share my bad experience. I better then... I brought my #1 for GUG trial. In one of the arts n craft activity, cream is used. However did me n my group of friends realised that they used shaving cream instead of whipped cream (which is the norm they use). Reason for using shaving cream is becoz their whipped cream ran out of stock. One of my friends' gal gotten the shaving cream while doing the activity. It became quite chaotic. If I remember correctly, she did have some issues (eg rash) thereafter. Luckily the amt swallow was not huge. We wrote to complain abt the use of shaving cream. Even question their flexibility in replacing the arts n crafts activity since the cream went out of stock. Yet they did not bother much abt us! I juz find it totally absurd n ridiculous w/ an excuse of no stock for whipped cream! Shaving cream is toxic?! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

They r dealing w/ young children, should the priority be on the children's safety instead of a LAME excuse of whipped cream out of stock?

My blood really boils whenever I recalled this.

Sorry, dun mean to be a wet blanket.

Though the activities r interesting, pls do watch out on your precious n ask questions abt their materials use or juz watch the brand or kind of material by looking out for the bottle/packaging.

Re: JG

My #1 attended two terms n I tot itz gd. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Discontinued as he started childcare, did not want to have him overwhelm w/ too much 'classes'.

Xiaoxin & tersher

Young? Ya he is.. But it's brainless to even mention it.

When we 1st told his mum I was pregnant, she asked us to register n get married & he shock mi by asking his mum "y register? Need mehx?"

N ytd aft movie, he say tat time wrong move, shld haf juz register n not get married?

Any diff in register marriage n getting married? WTF


My experience with gug is that we went to the recept to ask more info. But the gal at the counter just pointed the price to us on the board. When asked about wat does the course covers, they ask us if we are ok with the price first. We were pretty upset with that so decided to walk off.


I agree that convenience is v impt when considering cc. Cause there may be times where the child is not feeling well n someone needs to fetch him back Fr school.

I think hv to look at the cc environment, teachers n toys that are provided. I'm the sort who will not want to see tv in cc, prefer to hv story telling , Lego toys, beads n wooden blocks cos these toys will help to develop fine motor skills, story telling cos most kids are ok with music n dance, but to make them sit down to listen is equally important.


Hope ur gal is feeling better.

Dr Ivan Ong clinic

Hv anyone stayed with the previous clinic that dr Ong was at? Is that ok? Cos I'm thinking of not switching to the new clinic after hearing all neg stuff abt the clinic.


I really think ur hubby is not getting used to the new parent status. He probably means he is not ready to be a father as opposed to being ur hubby.


Chill. Men are most well known to think only with their other head, not the one with brains in side [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I think what he meant was to ROM and not have the wedding dinner etc. He is probably not good with words as we can all tell by now. Maybe finances are tight with your new house coming so he just think should just ROM and saved the money spent on wedding.

Cut him some slack. When things get a bit overwhelming, can sometimes make brainless commets. I know it is hard not to be upset but angry already then move on. Once cool down then tell him don't say this kind of things again. Let him know why you are upset so that he will not repeat the same mistake again. *HUGS*


Personally I am ok with TV time in school. At home also watch tv mah ;)

Yah loh, the 2 CCs around my block (1 is just at my void deck) are all priced below $500 and that is also one of the reason y my hubby insisted of putting baby there. He sees no reason of paying another 300 just for schoolbus.


Cos at home already watched tv already so prefer him to stay away Fr tv during skool. Hv a balance of toys, games, music n story listening will be better. But actually is my personal preference ;)


if like tt, I would agree with your hubby. I'll choose between the two CCs. Cos so convenient. At void deck some more. Mayb u visit the two CCs first and decide. Schoolbus at 18 months also not good for bb rite? Still so young.

doobom, cath, thanks for ur feedback on GUG! I will keep a lookout on wat u pointed. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mezzo17, i'm interested in the JG trial too! let me know if there is one. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

elise / jenn,

this morning, in fact, the whole morning, #1 kept repeating "no school", "i want go back" etc. sigh. how to get him like school ah?

we also noticed that he don't even tell his teacher when he wants to pee. hais!!!


your hubby sweet wor. hope your gal recovers soon.


i think your hubby said it w/o considering your feeling.

Thanks, Sparkle. Saw yr bb's FB photo showing her enjoying her food. So envious. I showed it to my girl and said this bb is a good girl who enjoys her food, can u pls be more like her.

Bluey, hubby is indeed sweet though he can be exasperating at times too. Cannot demand too much bah.

