(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

cherish, as long as got hot water.. should not be a problem.. somemore bb's tummy now is more mature liao.. just pack more hot water with you. and rinse the feeding tools every now and then..


hey girls.

i jus got back from cold storage, and yes Organix rice cereals only S$5.75 only, other flavours are at 6.30 .....

wanted to get the organix jar cereal but don have le...

i think my boy is quite fussy in his food.... i try pumpkin, sweet potato & carrot - all he show me was a WEY WEY face, like eating poison.... Once on pumpkin, he puke abit oso le!!!

The only thing that he takes Organix rice cereals, avocado!! i got earthbest as organix was OOS that time, he refuses to open his mouth after a few feeds....

I think his fav is Organix jar cereals coz he opens his mouth very fast after 1feed.

I tried all his food before giving him and i think he likes the bland tasting food... The purees i made for him all sweet but he don like le....

How? Any other suggestions ?? Or what other food to puree ??

Gymboree Trial at Harborfront on Saturday 5pm 15th January.

They need to inform their boss on the private trial class and she will let me know later but verbally she confirm that it is ok to go for the trial without taking up the membership

1) Amoroux












The class is subject to a maximum of 12 babies.

amoroux, i finally managed to call Grace Kids. the lady said they're going to move out of GWC (to where they don't know yet) by end of this month so now not a good time for trial.

i'm keen on the gymboree trial. sat aft 5pm no prob for me.

btw, i see u ladies directly at mindchamps this wed. i may want to drop by Kids Empire at farrer road in between JG and maris stella timing. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gymboree Trial at Harborfront on Saturday 5pm 15th January.

They need to inform their boss on the private trial class and she will let me know later but verbally she confirm that it is ok to go for the trial without taking up the membership

1) Amoroux


3) Tigerbaby










The class is subject to a maximum of 12 babies.

zinc, oic u took the premium ones.. then can take all photos back for free lo.. quite worth it.. i considering taking the 3 or 4 piece magnet one..

xiao xiin and bebe, he pretend pretend de la.. sometimes he's realli naughty!! haha... u see the photos in front he solemn solemn, then after hubby take out the iphone can start to see his cheeky side liao.. for the sake of the photos hubby 1st time let him hold the phone on his own.. and he dropped it.. lol! he's getting smart liao, he knws daddy will scold and mummy can bully.. when hubby "scold" him he'll turn away.. then hubby go other side continue "scolding" he'll turn away again.. haha quite funny..

rabbit, i tink ur pd not flexi lei.. whr got milk intake must hit 1litre de.. depends on baby ma.. and if total latch how we knw how much they drink.. dun let him affect u, as long as bb happy, healthy, active, putting on weight, small size is ok de ma..

i hesitant to keep cereal in fridge coz everyday mil will bring over to her hse.. then put inside, take out, put inside, take out.. got moisture when condense then will spoil faster? mayb i give mil a seperate container put at her hse..

wow jus'us, so lucky!! congrats congrats.. haha.. i also seldom win things de.. then when preggy i won my company d&d 2nd prize, hotel 2 nite stay, so happy.. haha.. i was telling hubby is baby "win" for me de..

oh no xiao xiin.. better bring zz for prick test soon to find the culprit.. hope he recovers quickly..

wow tersher, u bought alot of types of cereal... shiong on the pocket wor.. i onli tried bellamy's rice.. saturday just bought organix apple rice and earths best brown rice.. i mix earths best and bellamys, ryan likes.. =) even asked for more so i gave him 2nd round, total 6 spoons of the mixed cereal at 8.45pm!! haha so late eat later fat fat..

Cold storage selling Organix so cheap? my bb now taking both Organix and Nestle cereal.. so now my Organix supply cut from 4 boxes a month to 2 boxes. tink my bb is greedy, as long as food can liao, she dun care the brand/flavour. dat day she can't refused her porridge after finishing almost a small ikea bowl, so i transfer the remaining with those in the slow cooker to another bowl for my own, she sees me eating n chiong over in her walker for it!! she finished the last few spoonfuls from my bowl. silly gal lor, change bowl oni and she tot is something else.. *shakes head*


my bb solids feeding schedule:

11-12pm porridge

5-5.30pm cereal


my bb also can't hit 1 litre leh. his max amount per feed is only 180ml, sometimes as little as 120ml. but still he is doing fine. your pd cheat your $ lah & make you worry for nothing. =p

cold storage:

haiya, only causeway pt & kallang nia? hoping somewhere nearer to hougang, hehe.

Gymboree Trial at Harborfront on Saturday 5pm 15th January.

They need to inform their boss on the private trial class and she will let me know later but verbally she confirm that it is ok to go for the trial without taking up the membership

1) Amoroux


3) Tigerbaby

4) Amy huhumum









The class is subject to a maximum of 12 babies.

Cold storage is selling Organix products cheaper but the oni problem is different outlets carry different items so it depends on yr "luck".

Do check out those stores selling organic products in HDB areas, they may be selling Organix and Bellamy brand bb foods as well and the price also cheaper than Vitakids.

Gymboree Trial at Harborfront on Saturday 5pm 15th January.

They need to inform their boss on the private trial class and she will let me know later but verbally she confirm that it is ok to go for the trial without taking up the membership

1) Amoroux


3) Tigerbaby

4) Amy huhumum

5) Dot








The class is subject to a maximum of 12 babies.

jojo, yaya i learnt to take it more easy liao..

bluey, hahaha! i went to review bb's eczema mah.. then shun bian bombard pd with questions lor.. at the same time i get back many packs of cereal samples and a tin of enfa fm sample.. hahaha!

Posted on Monday, January 10, 2011 - 3:05 pm:       

Gymboree Trial at Harborfront on Saturday 5pm 15th January.

They need to inform their boss on the private trial class and she will let me know later but verbally she confirm that it is ok to go for the trial without taking up the membership

1) Amoroux


3) Tigerbaby

4) Amy huhumum

5) Dot

6) raleigh







The class is subject to a maximum of 12 babies.

Gymboree Trial at Harborfront on Saturday 1200hrs 15th January *TIME CHANGED*

Mummies I have spoken to the boss and sphe said that they don't hold private trial class and it is not necessary cos she has only 2-3 babies for her noon class on Saturday. The class is subject to a maximum of 15 babies and which means we can still slot in another 4-6 more babies. First come first serve basis. I have requested them to reserve 6 places for us basis on below names.

Below mummies please take note on the change in timing and PM me your child's name, DOB and contact number. Payment of $40 payble on that day.

1) Amoroux


3) Tigerbaby

4) Amy huhumum

5) Dot

6) raleigh









nex cold storage also have?! another reason why i should go to nex liao, hee.


ohhh, maybe your pd bu shang you bombard him. =pp

{Gymboree Trial at Harborfront on Saturday 1200hrs 15th January *TIME CHANGED*

Mummies I have spoken to the boss and she said that they don't hold private trial class and it is not necessary cos she has only 2-3 babies for her noon class on Saturday. The class is subject to a maximum of 15 babies and which means we can still slot in another 4-6 more babies. First come first serve basis. I have requested them to reserve 6 places for us basis on below names as of 1533hrs.

Below mummies please take note on the change in timing and PM me your child's name, DOB and contact number. Payment of $40 payble on that day.

1) Amoroux


3) Tigerbaby

4) Amy huhumum

5) Dot

6) raleigh

7) Sheryl Yeo

8) Zoie





Once the names are filled up, I'll call Gymboree again to confirm the trial.


1) Amoroux


3) Tigerbaby

4) Amy huhumum

5) raleigh

6) sheryl

7) zoie







Sheryl, Zoie, added for you already

I've taken myself [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] out as bbE has a photoshoot at 2pm that day, dun want to tire him our b4 the photoshoot - otherwise, he will be cranky and photos not nice liao.

anymore trial classes must chio me, ok?

jusus - congrats on winning a manduca.

organix @ cold storage - wah, so cheap ah? cheaper than at T3 too.

xiaoxinn, i think your zz enjoyed himself very much yesterday too! My boy like more interested in the carpet than the activities. lol

btw, has anyone uploaded photos from yesterday's trial class already?

Bluey- Please let ur hubby noe its something serious. My #1 when nt even 1st month, those irritating aliens gave him those amulet without my permission n he kana something lyk food poisoning. Some ink tat they used contain toxic tat is harmful to kids. Tats y lyk Rabbit say cannot do it on bb below 3mths. I tried b4 n i noe its for real. Ask him izzit wan to kill ur boy in a slow way?


oh well, hubby is a strong believer on this, will be difficult for him to understand this. but i don't really trust this fu shui thingy leh. but whatever it is, i just throw away whenever i see.


How come yr bond 8yrs?!.. U really considering ar? My hb was jus saying that the lil babies fees are even higher than wad he charge for upper sec maths tuition fees! He joked that he will target the lil ones liao!


Some mummies on my fb commented that keen to come over my place for playdate.. Shall we set it on this Friday at 330? Or I'm ok to go elsewhere for playdates too! Fridays are gd for me

raleigh, thanks for ur info.. shall check it out at Nex Cold Storage... oni went there once before but nv really take notice of the bb food. but i find that it's really quiet coz most ppl goes to the NTUC upstairs.. i did noticed that their seafood looked really fresh though, i would love to shop there coz no crowd at all... NTUC too crowded!!

Amoroux.. Sorry using iPhone dunno how to cut n paste, can include me too. Thanks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mezzo/bluey Want go?


yes indeed if I hadnt gone with you and hope then I wouldnt know abt the contest, ya should be the bamboo flame one... but they havent told me when to collect lah I already over the moon and best thing is one mummy from this forum actually asked if I was selling it and I hadnt known it yet! she faster than me!


aiyo really a pity if jojo doesnt like it... its a life saviour for me


I think its more like lucky bb, like what jojo say.. cos I never won anything before.. haha


its actually a contest from the babycarriersand sling shop... if you bought a carrier from them then can join but its over and since this the first one perhaps they will have a second one!




can I ask what do babies do here arh? I havent start researching on these enrichment classes thought it too early now...

Gymboree Trial at Harborfront on Saturday 1200hrs 15th January *TIME CHANGED*

Mummies I have spoken to the boss and she said that they don't hold private trial class and it is not necessary cos she has only 2-3 babies for her noon class on Saturday. The class is subject to a maximum of 15 babies and which means we can still slot in another 4-6 more babies. First come first serve basis. I have requested them to reserve 6 places for us basis on below names as of 1533hrs.

Below mummies please take note on the change in timing and PM me your child's name, DOB and contact number. Payment of $40 payble on that day.

1) Amoroux


3) Tigerbaby

4) Amy huhumum

5) Raleigh

6) Sheryl Yeo

7) Zoie

8) Genice





Once the names are filled up, I'll call Gymboree again to confirm the trial.

Mummies, please take note that babies should not be fed before the lesson as they might throw up. They did not specify how long before the lesson, but I reckon 1hr?

For hygiene purpose, please wear socks for yourself and baby. Think my LO is the only one w/o socks yesterday!



Gymboree do wat to kids? run around? Like in a gym? Your bb so funny at Kindermusik, eager to "sing" along.


Yah, how come when we come out, nobody talks to us? Or we should approach them to ask? I didn't see what you all do after that. Think some left? Anyway, I think I will consider the location first before gg for any trials. Cos I'm quite lazy to travel to and fro and bb not getting lighter.


Thanks! I can understand your anger. I m also angry with myself for falling sick. CHAO JI ANGRYYYY!!! Btw, hope you like the bib.

trial lesson

wah! really think these pple earn big bucks. At Kindermusik, one hour $330!! Now at Gymboree $480!! How come so x????!!!!


need help here. If i m now on 3 times pump daily, how to reduce to two times? My pumping timing now is 8+am, 5+pm, 11+pm. I thinking to reduce to 8+am and 11+pm only.

Is it to slowly shift the middle pump timing nearer to the 11+pm pump until they both meet at 11+pm? Or I stop the middle one totally and if engorge, just pump abit to relieve will do? Now getting abit confused cos the interval is much further apart. Thanks in advance for any advice or suggestion.

Organix rice cereals

Ya..i also saw @ kallang cold storage selling for $5 plus. i go vitakids see is $8 plus but it seems vitakids one is bigger packaging then cold storage. Anyone can confirm?


Hahaha, he was so excited till he refused to drink milk and nap after we got home.


2 types of lesson are available at Gymboree, namely music and play & learn. The trial is for the latter and it emphasises the child's gross motor skills and build strength through play. I think it might be good to observe them how they encourage babies to crawl, stand, walk etc... We can then do that at home?

I'm keen in Gymboree cos I wanna improve the LO's gross motor skills and strength. He is very lazy at home leh...


I think earlier there was a mummy who tried to arrange for baby swim but fell thru cos our babies were too young then to be exposed to chlorine?

I'm keen on the swimming too!


Read that rashes may be caused by diarrhea, antibiotics, teething, or when baby is starting on baby foods. [from Drypers Treasured Moments 1]. This helps?

swimming trial: me! me! I also want! But now not a good time, I think. Monsoon season, often raining.

kindermusik trial: actually, i prefer like this - that they do not ask us to sign up. Anyway, the number of parents and babies waiting to get into the classroom after us is gd enuf advertisement for them, I think. Also, they've got a pretty good programme, got hao liao, no need to hard sell.

Amoroux, Sorry liao... If it is noon, I can't go liao... will join you guys on another day[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I have remove my name from the list.

Gymboree Trial at Harborfront on Saturday 1200hrs 15th January *TIME CHANGED*

Mummies I have spoken to the boss and she said that they don't hold private trial class and it is not necessary cos she has only 2-3 babies for her noon class on Saturday. The class is subject to a maximum of 15 babies and which means we can still slot in another 4-6 more babies. First come first serve basis. I have requested them to reserve 6 places for us basis on below names as of 1533hrs.

Below mummies please take note on the change in timing and PM me your child's name, DOB and contact number. Payment of $40 payble on that day.

1) Amoroux

2) Tigerbaby

3) Amy huhumum

4) Raleigh

5) Sheryl Yeo

6) Zoie

7) Genice







Think will KIV gym classes till bb is ard 9mths old at least can crawl more smoothly and sit better.

Swim class can also look at Marsden heard they are quite good with babies.

Want To Sell: 2 X M Size Mamy Poko (44 piece Each)

Dear all,

Want to sell 2 packs of M Size of Mamy Poko with 44 piece each. Brand New. My son has outgrown it.

Usual price is $16.80. Selling only for $23.00 for 2 packs.

Interested parties, please sms me at 97421248 or email me at [email protected]

Self collection at Suntec during work hours or Jurong West or Bukit Panjang after work hours.

Picture as follows:


Want to buy as above.Budget ard $18. Giant is selling one big tin - 1.8kg free one small tin 900g at $68.pLSE MSG ME at 94311188

how to prepare broccoli for baby huh? even after cooking usually still a bit hard, cannot mash by spoon like sweet potato. then how? must use blender is it?

i am interested in baby swimming class! hope weather gets better soon

oh yes! if its swim swim, i'm also interested. anybody organizing? last time i rem got 1 mummy organizing one swim at a condo. but can't rem who's that liao

rabbit: your PD side so good huh, so many freebies. if got Nan Pro 2, you help me to take some samples back hor, can?

btw, do you all know actually how many posts are required for me to post at WTS section? i'm so pissed and frustrated. everytime i finished typing everything, then realize that i can't post at all! help


Yaozi, thanks thanks for yr suggestion. I'll try that. Means lazy mummy gotta do more puree.

Jojo,think I'm a spendthrift? I just keep buying n buying. I still hv EYS si Shen brown rice n organic millets n more than a dozen Heinz baby food jars in my cabinet.

Sparkle, I just steam the broccoli n then use blender to puree-fied the cooked veg.

