(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

bliss n mummies, can ask for another advice?

i'm starting new job soon and dun think i can express at work [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so if i pump in the morning say at 7am then pump again when i reach home at 7pm and latch on at night. will it affect supply as in slowly drop to zero? and will bb have enough to drink when i latch at night? cuz body is 'conditioned' to think that dun need so much milk, right?

hope to bf for as long as i can but with new job, i am not sure if i can do it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Milk Intake

my boy takes 4 or 5 feeds of 180ml milk with 1 porridge feeding in the noon.


asked my babysitter yesterday if she can help to continue looking after my boy after apr and she said no. in real headache now. dont know if my mum can help me or not. damn sianzz. no mood to work at all.

cherish, try to look for other nanny??

oh ya mummies, Cetaphil cleanser can used to wash baby's hair?? because j&j can use to wash bb hair also..

Rabbit, i trying to see if able to opt out for another nanny. my thot is bb is 7mth old now and if send him to a new nanny to tc, i'm not sure if the new nanny will hv that bonding with my boy as not look after since young lor. soo sianZ leh and that feeling is so lousy now.

Sparkle, i bought the apple puree. u mean to say just scoop out the puree and heat it up straight away give them eat can huh? no need to mix with milk powder or other things right? i'm only afraid its too sour. i have a concern about giving introducing juice to her too early. what about you? btw, your helper is really tsk tsk. so kaypoh for what? when u go bk to work today, someone else can jaga bb and helper for u?

bebe: did you yourself tasted the juice and puree? is it sour?

xiaoxin: actually i do not know how the packaging looks like for normal physiogel and AI. got sell in the normal places outside meh? i didn't see AI on the packaging which i bought at NTUC the other day leh. how much is the pigeon fish crackers? the other time i went to expo there's some japanese wordings for the titbits. is it that one?

Gitz: i also very tempted to buy gerber bites. it looks so yummy. actually greedy mummy wanted to try more than bb. haha!

rabbit: i suspect your gal is very hungry like mine. so wake up many times at nite. my gal also having this phrase for the past 2 weeks. so my colleague advised me to add 1 and a half teaspoon of cereal to her milk to make her more full. and now the problem is solved.


I thin doesn't matter? My #1 start porridge at 14 mtgs cuz he just hates them.

Now I stop E cereal cuz of bronchitis. He not very keen also. Play more than he eat. So messy lor...


Sure will drop but I dun think will drop to zero.

Body will slowly adjust the time but meaning u have to pump extra hard during 7pm. Or u just hand express at work when u go toliet etc..

elise, i suspect so also.. but i only have the energy to feed her once at nite.. i not keen to put cereal into bottle leh.. solids aren't suppose to be eaten when seated upright with spoon?

xiao xiin / koaru,

thanks for the online pharmacy links, very useful!

i found the ellgy gentle cleanser le! hee.

ikan bilis:

thanks mummies for the info! i really so ignorant about the salt in it. now i will try to cut down on the amount. =>


My heart goes out to u. I know that frustration of hvg to look for another nanny.

Honestly, after all the episode of nanny hunting, hv u gone IFC visits? May not be too bad an idea. I hv just sent my #1 to cc yesterday. And his classmates who has been to IFC is real independent n guai. No nonsense n listen to instructions. They also tend to share better cos they grew up in environment where toys are not solely theirs n they need yo share. They know how to eat on their own at 2 yrs plus.

Pil or parents as caregiver, not that no good but they tend to take easy way out- kids want something, they give. Cos as such they will not bother them. My parents will turn on tv from 2-5pm so they can hv their rest.

i kinda agree with cath.. somemore IFC wont suka suka reject your baby. should consider IFC, then from now till 18 mths.. switch to childcare..

rabbit, cath, elise,

i havent consider IFC yet. somemore, IFC is very hot in punggol area, long q in waiting list. really need to discuss with my hubby. yesterday told him abt the babysitter reply and i was already so sianz and worried. he jsut told me no need to think so much. eventually will hv solution when time comes. =.=""

Missbluey, cetaphil n ellgy, which is better huh? Ellgy is a foam cleanser right? N foam is suppose to be harsh leh. Mm.....

Hee... I bot Peckham pears. But no energy to go n peel n blend. Must I steam it like apples?

elise, i didnt add milk into the puree. am i suppose to add milk to jar food? i tasted the puree, the taste very nice. i hope it doesnt make my ger choosy and can go back to cereal again.

i thinking not to give juice so fast.

mummies, i have a query. i double pump but strangely my right side yield keep dropping but the left side yield is maintained. the yield used to be similar amount for both sides leh. what to do ah? pump more often on the right?

Sparkle, apples are a good strong source of iron. I feed my boy apple water daily until he does not want plain water anymore but I don't mind since it's natural source. I boil half an apple with a mug of water, need to peel off the skin and remove seeds. Sometimes I will mash the boiled apple and feed him some. Touch wood, but my boy has not fallen six since he was born so maybe it's really the apples? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Xiaoxiin, if yr pear is green skin, that is not a suitable variety for babies as it can trigger phlegm. You shd taste it and see if it leaves a waxy feel on your tongue. I feed my boy the big brown china pears (like the size of Fujian apple) or the small red skin pear. No need to steam, just scrap with teaspoon. Now at almost 7 months they can eat some light textured food already, not necessary to purée to smooth paste. My mum very sarcastic when she saw me pureeing food last month, she said last time she never purée our fruits also we eat and never die.

Oh ya, apple water has regulated my boy's poo poo very well. He has never constipated and always immediately after apple water, he sure poo. And his cheeks are like apples now! A bit rosy also [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] When I was pregnant, I had a huge craving for fuji apples and had to eat it everyday so maybe that helps with his facial shape also haha!

bz bz bz!!!



envy u! no need to kena all these!! hope ur cupboard issue is settled! wanted to ask u.. hows e subtle senses thingy huh? any news?

re cc

the other day went kinderland w bliss.. would like to look ard more.. i rem e last time we act had a list of schs we wanted to visit? and the mummies whu are keen? i lost track alr eh! amoroux can update pls? st james kindergarten 2nd outlet at leedon.. fren who sent #1 there and gave birth to #2 in jun said it's full since aug.. we are looking at nanyang kindergarten instad.. apparently, they dun entertain any reg yet..

re playdate

when's next huh?? i need a respite!


im helping an ex-classmate to "promote" for this Rainbow. anyone heard of this before?

she said its no obligations but to her, she can get about $10 for every successful appts she make & for the man to do the demo & to show about the machine (how it works but no obligations). according to her (she is currently using it), the machine is very gd, its all about being a dust-free environment, you will be entitled for 1 free mattress cleaning service.

whoever is keen, can pm me for her contact.

btw, she only want to help her hubby out with the increase expenses as she is a first time mummy (sahm).

im not keen in all these stuff, hence i try my luck here. =>

xiao xiin,

have yet to try cetaphil though i already bought it. still using ellgy. so far so good on my bb leh. so thought of buying ellgy again. its soapless & no smell.

since pd prescribed de, i guess it should be ok? before that, i don't know got this brand lor. haha.

Ty- E apple water sweet a nt huh? My boy juz simply refused to drink water. Tot of trying. U use Fuji apple to boil?

Jenn- Will pm u e tel n webby tml.

Hopecg, ya at least I dun have nightmares abt looking after zz. Teaching gave me nightmares literally.

Now, my boy's still wide awake, hubby's not home, clothes washed but not hanged, pump not washed, milk not freezed, bins not emptied, yet I'm still happily lying on the bed with my boy. Baby comes first, the rest can wait. Wait until later I got no time to sleep. Haha! Seriously I need to adjust his nap times. They r messed up now.

Jolene, yes it is sweet with apple taste but don't add sugar ya. Not fuji apples, normal cheap apples will do the job, just make sure it's fresh with no bruise. Try it, if your boy likes it, problem solved! May take a few times before he realize it is not plain old boring water!

Don't cut the apple into small pieces, just chop in half and use half piece to boil in 1 mug of water approximately 200ml. Reason why don't cut into small pieces is because you don't want too much residue in the water, keep it as clear as possible, though some type of apples will turn the water slightly cloudy. Obviously don't use green apple also. And remember to remove the skin and seeds first. I usually boil the whole apple in 400ml of water for abt 20mins then I feed him 60ml and keep the rest in fridge to feed him the next day. I don't reboil to warm it, I just pour some out into his small milk bottle in the morning and by noon it's room temperature and can feed liao.

Koaru.. thanks! starting work 2 wks from now.. gonna be a bz 2011.. looking forward to the change.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jolene, tywong, my boy also dun drink plain water. I add one cap of gripewater to 30-50ml of plain water, he will only drink a little bit. Sigh... He loves to bite his magmag, n let the water flow down his neck.

I just made avocado purée. How come it's green instead of yellow? The avocado flesh is not hard, shd be ripe hor? I ate a tsp of it, tastes yucky leh.

Genice, u going back to work? I must have missed reading your post. Where to?

Anyone wants to buy pampers (green) M n L from me? My boy can't use pampers due to his eczema. Sigh...

xiao xiin.. going back to education related line but not doing teaching.

Re: Kindermusik

Anyone keen to take over my slot? I may not be in Sin on sunday. If u keen , can pm me, i will call and change the details. If not, i might have to rush back from malacca.. a last min trip.

Apple/Pear Juice Puree

I dun use the bottled puree..what I did was to slice and peel the fruits and use the grinder..when he was abt 5 mth, I used the finer blade in the grinder and fed him with the juice. However, now I use the broader blade and feed him some bits of the flesh.

I notice that his poo is softer after feeding the pear puree...so now I will prepare pear puree if he show signs of constipation


MIL came yesterday and commented that I used too little meat and therefore my porridge is not sweet..so I let her cook. In the end, the pork meat is more than the rice..ha ha. But hor my boy still does not like it. The verdict - it is not my problem. To make him finish the porridge, she add a little of soy sauce. I think if wanna put soy sauce, I will buy better brand one..I rem my mum used to buy kikoman.

Talking abt soy sauce, when my #1 was 5 mth old many years old, she had sudden outbreak of hive coupled with eczema which lasted for almost 2 mth..we visited the PD derm at NSC and she told us to stop "preservative" products, incl cow milk. Soy sauce was one of them cos of dunno what ingredient. Kikoman was exceptional. But diet restriction did not help and we switched to TCM. The EYS doc advised me not to restrict too much..a little bit of everything is ok except chillies, nuts and seafood. We heeded his advice and notice that her condition did get better.

Milk feed

Thanks mummies for assuring me..I can't help worrying cos MIL kept saying he is not drinking enough. But when I told her that I am giving my bb 2 cereals feed (breakfast and dinner) and I porridge (lunch) feed per day..she said I shd give 1 cereal feed (BF) and 2 porridge feeds (Lunch/dinner) to keep him full. I explained to her (countless times) that cereal is more nutrition..somemore I dun give plain rice cereal, I used multigrain/brown rice/ barley/oatmeal and the crucial thing is I can add FM with cereal. I am so tired of explaining to her that rice/porridge is plainly CARBO - MILK is better. Hiaz..her food pyramid (Porridge - cereal - FM - BM) is totally opposite of mine (BM - FM - CEREAL - Porridge).

Talking abt sick babies

I can understand the stress and frustration with sick baby..it is tough. And I am glad that my baby did not have sickness (other than the fever from the vaccine jab) since day1. His eczema/milk rash is also quite mild. Unlike my #1 who was quite sickly and visits to PD was like a monthly affair, I believe BM plays a part...#3 was breastfed almost 90% since day 1. He was considered "small" but his weightgain and milestone progressed very fast compared to #1 and #2. Now he can stand on the cot and cruise round the cot with support on the railing. I do not recall #1 and #2 achieving that fast at 7mth. Apart from diet, I think physical contact and playtime also play a part. MIL made #1 sleep most of the time, cos easier to take care. For #3, he has shorter nap..and I "exercise" him often trying to wear him out so that he can nap..dunno why he has boundless of energy to stay awake. But then all babies are different..#1 was a sleepy baby..and she was relatively easier to take care..sleep on time..eat on time. For #3..hard to stick to routine..


Cheer up. My friends both managed to get nanny without any problems n can take care until they go cc. They gone to the same nanny agency as me n can find good ones. Maybe I'm just unlucky.

And, hv u spoken to ur mum? How did she react to taking care of ur boy? Don't feel sad ok? Still hv 3 mths to get a solution.

Jenn / others

U gals hv bought the organic rice cereal from united square rite? Can ask which store is that? I'm going today.


It is Vitavids..next to cold storage at basement. Bring along standchart bb bonus card if you have, I think for certain goods (except blue tag), they give discount. I remember bellany's rice cereal is blue tag..but some bb finger food can have discount. Now I got my bb food item from there..much cheaper than cold storage...

morning mummies.. haiz.. my bb on milk strike again.. wasted 80% of my bm.. i wonder if she is teething.. i cant figure it out. why babies so temperamental huh?

Cath, cherish,

After much consideration, we decide perhaps it's best to stay wif pil fr mon - thur n go back our home on fri to cut down the logistics ferrying. And I get to spend more time at nite n morning wif kiddo tho it means all 4 hv to squeeze into 1 room. And when my ger is older say 5 or 6 yrs then I will get a maid hopefully shift to bigger house too n put my boy in cc.

So I am cc hunting at Tampines area - any gd recommendation pls advise! Else will settle for LSH or Mindchamps


The shop is Vitakids, between Hock Hua and GNC in B1.


Haha... You mommies do so many pattern for your babies already. Mine just starting cereal on Xmas day. Only 1 cereal feed a day. Started with the Organix cereal for a week than the sisen brown rice for 2nd week. He is slurping them up! So funny.


I hv only 2 to compare but I think genetics play a more vital role cos all r early walkers late teething. Both hv lotsa opportunities to explore be it on floor or bed so their gross motor skills r quite gd. Only diff is Jie jie a gd milk drinker always finishes her milk in 1 sitting never need to warm milk n feeding n napping also very easy. didi is more challenging but then again cos he has more distractions to put up wif like another toddler cousin or Jie Jie so his nap is short n random too. That is why I scared if send to nanny how can she cope if she is alone cos my boy naps at most 3 hrs in the day. And wif him crawling n starting to stand by himself..

cath, thanks. i can fully understand what u went thru that time. i managed to talk to my mum yesterday. she agreed to 'tong' for me before bb hits 18mths old. but in case something crops up, i need to find alternative solution. just hoping and praying hard she can tong till dec..

jenn, i also thought maybe i am going too slowly on food. my ger only have 1 cereal feed a day since xmas and it only replace half a milk feed.

ty, i didnt know apple has iron content. i bought organix apple cereal it doesnt show iron as one of the nutritional value.

anyway will try to boil apple water. :)

hopecg, nanyang kindergarten starts accepting registration (putting on waitlist) for babies born in 2010 from 10 jan 2011 onwards! need to pay $100 non-refundable deposit!


Sorry Sparkle, I just googled on apples and I think my understanding was not totally right, its easier for you to read this link - apples are not very high in iron content but it has a beneficial ability to help the body absorb iron found in other foods.

Try the apple water and let me know if your girl likes it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] It definitely tastes better than the Heinz apple juice - I bought that before and it is just horrible, sour and very diluted taste and my boy didn't like it at all.

My zz detest avocado! Now I'm going to use them for facial mask. Hahaha.... He really turn his head away when he see the spoon coming. N cry if I force the spoon into his mouth. Aiyo!! Wad a waste. He loves earth's best brown rice.

Mummies, how do we know if bb has constipation? My bb poo bit by bit several times a day. Texture is like soft clay ok ma? Quite worried bcos he doesn't like to drink plain water.

Kaoru, my zz also nap very little n random. Actually 3 hrs is very good already. Zz nap only for less than 2 hrs in total on Monday. Yesterday when I brot him out, he took many short naps in the manduca. Yaolan doesn't work on him now. Must carry until sleep then transfer to cot. Even the part time cleaner comment that he is very cranky today.

Hope, when are you planning to visit Pat's? I sent them a request on their website earlier this week, still waiting for their call... but I am only interested in their Meyer road or Siglap branch, does those locations suit you?

Did anyone research on Brighton Montessori?

Oh koaru

Ur pil are in tampines n u r at sk? Ya then it's easier to try to all stay together for now till ur boy is 18 mths. That's probably wat I will do next week too. To stay with parents Fr mon - thurs. Then move back on fri.

xiao xiin, my gal too poo bit by bit throughout the day and output like clay. though i am not sure if it is constipation, i feed her fresh pear puree and heinz pear juice and her situation improves. what i suppose is overdose of iron and lack of fiber.


CC or Preschool Scouting

Hope & Mummies

My apologies for the silence. I had wanted to call the schools and make appointment but always got "hijack" for something and forgot about it.

I have arranged below appointments for viewing :-

- 11th January Tuesday @ 1030hrs Arts Kidz Preschool

- 12th January Wednesday @ 1000hrs Mindchamps @ Phoenix Park

- 12th January Wednesday @ 1100hrs Julia Gabriel @ Evans Road

- 12th January Wednesday @ 1400hrs Maris Stella Preschool

Please let me know who is keen to join in the visit.

Anyone intending to queue for NY Kindy on 10th?

