(2010/06) June 2010 MTB


oh is it? hmm. this is something new wor. cuz nobody tells me its salt, i only know it can be strengthen bones.

yao rou - yo ji huh?

bak ku also can?


mezzo17, no leh.. my gal still taking just a few mouth of cereal only.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] been trying for almost 2 mths liao.. *headache*

hello mummies, happy new year!!!

mezzo - is there a baking class? if can squeeze somemore, can i join? haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

meat - i usually use 'ba tao' aka pork loin for my #1's porridge. my #2 yet to start on solids. prob will start soon! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

check with u mummies, r u all still burping ur babies?

yes, i am outside wandering with baby. baby fell asleep in ergo now. i din bring stroller out cos i just ran out very sneakily.

ikan bilis and dried scallops are covered with salt before putting under the sun to dry. i was about to ask how many times do mummies usually rinse ikan bilis and dried scallops before putting in to make porridge.


rinse as in wash?

if boil liao, the salt also there huh?

i told my mummy that im using ikan bilis for bb's porridge, she never said anything leh so i presume its ok. somemore she is those type of quite health conscious wor.


ya i still burp my bb after he finish his milk. sometimes he will burp on his own after taking his solids.

sparkle, good for u! heheh so cute the way u put it. 2 refugees.

when do we start porridge? so far my bb only on cereal n purees

brambles, yes I also still burp my boy. Sometimes he will self burp too like bluey's bb.

cath, so bbG poo 4 times but it is the normal consistency?

cos my bb was 2 times normal 2 times watery. now that you mentioned, ya I think he was farting quite a bit those days too.

I still have some leftover frozen pumpkin cubes. Perhaps try again next time when he is all well again.

Mummies, how long can we keep the frozen purees?


Koaru, you brought your baby to dermatologist for the eczema? Was it worth it? Yours is National Skin centre or..? I'm wondering whether to bring mine to consult dermatologist too if his eczema flares up again.


how often do u apply the steroids?

I used to not use steroids but baby was suffering so much till his sleep is disturbed cos of itchiness so started using. It is really much more effective to cure the red patches.

It have been a long time i have been chatting here. Had started my full time work for two weeks, still adapting to working life. Used to work at home for one year plus liao. Now going back to office again, a bit not used to it.

Still struggling to continue to breastfeeding my baby. Luckily my new boss allowed me to express my milk in office hours. Hopefully I can continue until my baby reach one years old. Read an article that for boy, he is able to absorb more nutrients from the breast milk and next time he will have no problem with the spelling and mathematics. Heehee. so this motivate me to continue giving him breastmilk.

Skin Problem

Sian, recently I noticed my baby skin got rashes. Thought it is just those normal rashes, but after one weeks, it is like getting worse. So bring him to see PD yesterday and doctor say it is ringworm. Need weeks in order to recover fully.

rabbit, J&J is bad. when my gal was on it, her skin got so dry and peeling at the joints. aft tat i switched to gaia and california baby and no more problem aft tat.

dot, my hubby also always complains tat i treat him like a maid and chauffeur now. he always joke tat he wanna come forum to rant abt his wife aka me. ;p


porridge: i mix with carrots, potato and pumpkin inside the porridge. not adding any salt or seasoning coz dont want to introduce it to bb. yes, my porridge is plain too but i think pumpkin does give some sweetness bah. havent really introduce meat yet as bb rejected once.

dot, let's hope that our bb will behave better this year! =)

LBB, at most twice a day previously.. nowadays i only apply once, after morning bath..

ok.. i seriously need to goes back to PD and ask him liao.. because i really dont see my gal scratching (but she loves to scratch her right eye, but there was no rash there)

i hope today after work got time to popby pharmacy to buy bath wash..

brambles, i also burp my boy but he doesnt stay still for me to burp nowadays. noticed that if i put him in bed, he will flip and turn and after awhile, confirm will merlion one. so now i try to keep him upright for awhile and monitoring if this helps or not.

lbb, ya loh. cos i never plan where i wanna go today so i just feel like refugee running away.

wahahha... i am eating my unangi don with my ger sleeping in ergo. quite difficult not the drop the rice on her but so far quite successful. haha...

what an achievement!


I have realised that my baby's eczema got better and cleared up after I stopped giving him bm. After the eczema has cleared, I gave him bm and it pop up again when I took prohibited food. So it cleared my doubts, i.e. it's my diet which causes him eczema.

amoroux, prohibited food like what? i suspect is the seafood i took.. that time that causes all these.. i ate crabs.. then after that Eczema came out! till then i stop taking crab.. maybe i also have to stop taking prawns and sotong.


Yes ikan billis is covered with salt even after several washes. So wont introduce till baby is older. Alot of old pple think its ok as its like natural flavouring like they use it as a base to make soup cos gt taste mah so cfm gt salt.


Yes i also use ba tao or yao rou to make porridge...v sweet and nice.. As for baking class must wait for the schedule to be out from bakerzin. Kid needs to be at least 4 the year they turn 4.


Use ba kut (those use to make soup) is good and the porridge will taste v sweet. Pumpkin can also...cook plain porridge and add in veggie. Basically baby dunno wat is sweet or salty tats y its best to delay salt and sweet stuff to them for their kidney to mature first.


besides the steroid cream, still need to liberally apply the moisturizer in btn throughout the day like 4-5 times. Also I hv been using Cetaphil cleanser for my boy - J&J too drying.


cos my hubby family side got sensitive/eczema history so we went to a dermatologist instead of PD/GP @ CGH. At least we can pinpoint the problem and his condition is much under control liao.

So for babies with eczema, pls be more prudent when it comes to intro solid food..


now my turn to congratulate u returning to FT working.. will take a while to get use to.

back home. hacking done. works to be continued tmrw. maid has cleaned up the place but still a little dusty.

bought my ger a bottle of heinz vegetable puree and she loves it lots.

koaru, hmm okok.. i try to increase the frequency.. but apply more times.. skin wont feel sticky???

amoroux, diary pdts quite difficult leh.. but i took diary pdts since day one wor.. hmm..


That's why my baby's eczema keep flaring up lor, I avoided milk and took milo without cream! But hmm... still flare... it's really difficult to avoid. Hopefully they will grow out of it when they get older.

amoroux, ohh.. mine flare up after the crab thingy at like she is 3 mths old..

usually they will outgrow during childhood period.. just like asthma.. i used to have childhood asthma and i had to stop normal fm and can only take soy formula..

anyway, i planning to stop bf, after clearing up my fbm, i will intro fm.


bo bian leh.. cos the their dry skin needs the moisture to prevent it fr being dry, and I alternate btn physiogel and aqueous cream else too siong on the pocket cos physio is so ex!

kaoru, ya lor! not mentioning PD visit! then physiogel i bot 2 small tubes de (need to put 1 at mil's hse).. that time robinson got sale.. $22 each..

cherish, ya loh. that's the thing. my baby can't stay still for me to burp her. but once put her on bed, she'll flip and then will merlion abit. so i wonder izzit cuz i din burp her or cuz her tummy is gassy?

mezzo... ok, let me know. v keen. hehe. u forgot... my #1 born the same yr n month as ur #1 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

kaoru, aqueous cream can ar? i googled on aqueous cream before n found out that it is actually a washing cream. long term use as moisturizer actually harms the skin leh. i'm going to do something crazy. going to order $200 worth of physiogel cream n ai cream from ttsh online shopping.


stop burping my bb since long long long ago leh. kekeke... as long as they dun merlion, it's ok la.

i took nachos with cheese, BK turkey bacon double yesterday, bb has no signs of worsening eczema leh. so funny... haiz...

Mummies who r still breastfeeding, hv u taken those kind of homemade iced lemon tea n does ur baby get cranky after that? Mine did 1 day later n I wonder if it's the drink or just generally a passing phase. My mum says it's the drink cuz iced lemon tea gassy


ya I read that supposed to intro later... but I guess she aint injesting the scallop just the sweetness from it so I didnt stop my mil.. she raised 3 kids doing this so I guess its ok... but I bought japanese scallops la... supposedly the best for babies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

brambles, my baby has no special reaction after i drank home made ice lemon tea. i would drink a cup of teh every morning when i work too.

but then again, everybody has different reaction to caffeine, maybe our babies also react differently. if i am not wrong, those homemade lemon tea at coffee shops are made with teh-o and add in a teaspoon of lemon juice. usually coffeeshop's tea are quite strong.

Cannot drink tea? I'm very horrible. Drink coke almost daily. Now I try to drink teh-o instead of teh bcos of the dairy issue. But then sometimes when I forgot n still drink teh, my zz's eczema also still the same. Hahaha!


I have no time to do the frequent bathing thing. I think forget it. Now I'm trying applying organic olive oil on top of physiogel cream which is on top of physiogel ai. Seems not bad. The rashes on knees n elbows r clearing up. I think the olive oil helps to retain moisture esp in air con room. Hope all the rashes will clear up soon.

Jenn, the physiogel cream is slightly cheaper than unity's promotion. N u dun have to buy in bundle. 150ml costs $29.54 before gst. If u purchase more than $150, delivery is free. When u've spent $200, u get their premium membership which entitles u to 10% discount.


Kaoru, how did u see the dermatologist? Need referral? wad did the derm do other than the usual soap-free cleanser, steriods cream n vvv intensive moisturizer?

Actually I think eczema is like migraine. No cure, can only be managed. Need to find the trigger by elimination. When flare up, then bobian gotta use medications to keep it down.

Sparkle, saw your escape photo on fb. So cute leh. So everything ok? They nv say anything right? Or they realise their mistake? =p


Ya dried stuff has Salt to preserve them. Ikan bilis is rather saltish. Guess it is one of the seasoning.


Hope u n hubby are ok now. Ya sometimes we lament how our life has changed with kid n now kids! Well, I guess it's part of our life together cos wanting a child is a decision made by both.


U made me all excited abt bbG's first party.

I hv a question for everyone. BbG drinks a lot at night. Here's his feeding schedule:

9am drinks 180ml bm

2pm drinks 180ml

530pm eat 1/2 adult bowl of cereal

7pm drinks 320ml ebm

12midnite drinks 190ml ebm

4am & 6am drinks 180ml ebm

Sounded like a lot rite? Esp the 7pm feed. But daytime, even if I want to feed more milk in daytime, he will not want. So I increase one cereal feed at 12noon but he will become uninterested in taking milk at 2pm.

Xiaoxin: your ordering from the TTSH online sounds like a good idea leh. surf the net, and found that a brand called Gaia works for ecezma baby. u wana try that or just stick to physiogel only? website: www.gaia.com.sg. as for my britt, she still having red spots or patches on and off. very xian to see that leh.

Sparkle: your parents/MIL didn't scold you for running out huh? keke. i also bought a bottle of heinz apple flavours. but i do not know how to prepare it leh, any ideas?

mummies, do u all know when can pple start to eat those organic rice puffs? is it right now can start oredi?

cath: your bb is a good milk drinker! mine is not! if bb like half of yours then good leh. she dun like milk milk now, only after i added the cereal inside, then she guai guai finish everythiung

xiaoxiin, i dunno if they realised their mistake cos i dun wanna question them, dun wanna spoil r/s. but i do think i made a right choice to go out although very aimlessly walking around shopping center when most shops are not opened yet.

when i came home, the floor still dusty although my helper already sweep and mop the floor.

tmrw need to go back to work but home still have some more works to be done. no more hacking and drilling but i worried my dear helper very kaypo will carry my ger to see the renovation works.

today a neighbour also doing major renovation works and despite the loud machinery noise, my helper still try to kaypo see see while carrying my ger. i already told her to stay my ger away from noise and dust. keep saying until i frustrated.

elise, never scold. its not first time i bring my ger out alone. i am the mother, i suppose i am qualified to bring her anywhere i want to, right? they cant qns me on that.

did u buy the apple juice or apple puree? i bought the vegetable puree. i scoop 1/3 of the jar into a small cup container and put the container into a cup of hot water to warm the puree.

mummies giving organix cereal - i realised the organix cereal has no iron content. what can i add into the cereal for iron?

cath, bbG really drinks a lot. my gal pales under comparison. are u able to make him drink one more time between 9am to 2pm? dont have to be full feed, maybe start with half feed?

for my ger's case she drinks abt every 3 hrs in the day and will sleep thru after 8pm. so my guess is maybe give more frequent feeds in the day.

i have started giving my boy Heinz teething husk to gnaw and to keep him busy while we eat.

wonder when can we start giving him baby biscuit like Gerber puffs or baby bites.

anyway, i regretted buying Baby Bites.. during #1 time it was quite popular as it was cheap. buy oredi then i recall its from China. should have bought Pigeon biscuit or Gerber ones

my bb's tooth has cut through! No wonder he has been so cranky lately.

Elise, ya I think I will stick with physiogel since it works on zz. Now my hubby n I gotta help him use his previous sebamed bubble bath n lotion etc etc which he now can't use. Anyway, the 10% discount doesn't apply to physiogel products becos they r already on "super saver price". U got try physiogel ai? For my zz, only his face can make it, bcos I used steriods. His whole body front n back r cover with red dots. They turn angry red after bath, I see already also very sian. At least those on his hands n legs r getting better. I hope it's the extra layer of olive oil that's helping. When rashes r everywhere, I really dun wanna use steriods. Imagine applying steriods on the entire body.

Sparkle, your helper so inobedient ah. Tell her cannot ebb open the door. Construction dust is no joke leh. My ex neighbour's dog suffer from skin problems when another neighbour was renovating their house.

Gitz, I got the pigeon fish crackers but i see salt as one of its ingredients leh. So I seldom give. Gerber puffs can be given when bb starts to crawl off tummy. My zz can do the silkworm dance, I assume that is consider off tummy la. But very hard to find time to give him snacks. I put the puffs on his high chair tray n let him practise his pincer grip.

Gitz - i gave my boy baby bites leh..I thought they are safe for bb's consumption?

Talking abt baby tidbits..I need to stock up more..I think my boy is not taking up enough milk..other than the cereal feeding (2 times per day approx abt 200ml)..I m latching him abt 3-5 times per day (incl the night)..not sure if he is getting enough nutrient or not..sometimes I hv to use those baby snack to distract him so that I can spoonfeed him with FM.. yesterday he refused to eat porridge..I was so fed up I just add 1 scoop of FM into his porridge..and he only takes a few more spoonful before he started to wave his arms to push away the spoon..

the only thing he cannot get enough is fresh apple puree and apple juice..

wow i realised all of your babies can drinks alot leh..

i totally sian of feeding my baby milk.. she happy drinks 160ml for 3 feeds.. then next 2 feeds 100ml.. then most of the time only drinking 100ml per feed for 6 feeds in a day.. cereal also take a few mouth not interested liao.. because of not drinking enough.. she tends to wakes up 2-3 times in the nite.. i probably only get to enjoy her sleeping through 1-2 days per week.. i really very tired abt all these.. especially she is in the smaller size range..

Xiao xiin,

The aqueous cream is recommended by the derm leh. We got this referral thru dr Ivan but this way we r charged as private patient - so I guess if go thru polyclinic maybe cheaper rates at the derm? Basically we juz want to nail the prob as eczema cos initially we thot it's ringworm n all those medi din seem to work well. The derm will assess the skin n provide detailed consultation as to how u shld monitor n minimize the triggers so that eczema is under control. U r rite that prevention is the best in our case but he also says that need to use the steroid to clear the red spots so as to prevent it fr spreading further. Stop once it's gone but intensive moisturizing will hv to continue meanwhile.

My mil will wash the ikan bilis then dry them and grind them into powder previously but think I am more laid back this time


Wow > 300ml! That is a lot indeed.. My boy is on 5 feeds x 200ml n dun finish all so daily intake abt 900ml. He tried pumpkin yest but after a few mouthfuls dun wan liao.. sigh. Is he ok after 7pm feed cos I thot might feel too bloated


My bb only latch abt 5 times. He only take a few mouthful of cereal. So ur bb intake is okay leh.. Don't worry so much. Different baby have different pattern.

Milk Intake

BbO only take 4 feeds of 150ml of mill, sometimes 3 feeds only. So around 450-600ml a day only. He now refuses to take cereal cos it's tasteless, but keen on apple juice/puree cos it's sweet! Thou his intake is low, his weight gain is good, last weight was 9.07kg on 28th December.

Xiao Xiin,

I am refering to this aqueous cream, i rem Jenn did mention there are a few types. This one shld be juz purely moisturizer. Only $3.50 if buy off shelf fr CGH if not $3 if i get fr derm. (juz stock up 10 tubs! LOL)



yr baobei also not taking solid well ah.. how ah? I think can add in puree into rice cereal then next mth or so can start porridge liao..

