(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Hi Mummies

Sorry to interupt. Inrested to do a 3D hand & footprints sculpture for your babies as a keepsake? Pls PM me for more informations.

Thanks you!


hi mummies,

I got a brand new set of Avent DUO ISIS IQ breast pump to let go.. US set, BPA free, never used before de. DO PM me if you interested ya.. Thanks

morning ladies.. can't sleep as i was woken up by bad braxton hicks.. last abt 2hrs on n off again.. initially it lasted quite long n the frequency every 5mins.. than it became shorter n frequency not as much. nw almost totally stopped liao. my hubby almost dun want to go to work coz he tot i was in labour. am crossing my fingers dat bb will tahan another 5 days inside (though i really want to see her) coz gynea oni back fm leave on 17jun. still hoping to go sentosa later today n visit my fren at her place coz last sun didn't see her bb coz was in NICU.

Morning mummies!

Will b discharged today. Juz waitin for bb's doc to give clearance to go bk with me.

Breast engorgement

im havin one right now. Made a mistake. I wanted more milk so i kept massagin my breasts whenever i can. Then both breasts became hard as a rock. Its very painful. Latch on bb but bb sucklings were not strong and he loves to sleep on my breasts. I noticed he missed the warmth. He loves warmth very diff from my gal who loves aircon. Anyway i woke up in the middle of the night asked the nurse to help me wit my breast engorgement. She told me to pump each breast for five mins gradually from slow to fast speed. Then she gaf me cold cabbage and told me to put on my breasts until the cabbages are no longer cold and advised me cold cabbages shldnt b used always cos it will down the milk supply. Felt much better now. Now not so hard.

Bebe, i think ur pinkish bm got blood leh. Dun think u shld feed bb wit tt. Ur nipples crackin or bleeding?

Raffles hospital case

yup, tts the one. I think this case created such an impact. Quite a number of gynaes are afraid to b more pro natural after c sect already

re: EBM

mummyow, oic. mil also told me to use that "chicken essence" method.

my bm is also slightly yellowish.

mummyow, how was ur bb's hearing test?

re: confinement meal

thks mummies for ur ideas. running out of ideas liao, eat biscuits also sian.

am actually missing my coffee. hehe.

last night, bb was quite fussy last night. alrdy had milk & changed his smelly diaper, but he still cried. zzz. no choice gif him pacifier, @ last he slp. so my sleep was disturbed frm 2-4am though i hv maid's help.


i can't shower only can sneak one when mil isn't around. i ever tried to use hot towel before, not very useful for me. @ least last night after massage lady's breast massage, i could lie on my sides to sleep.

sian, now @ polyclinc waiting for bb's jaundice results. this is the 3rd day i have went back to check his level. 1st day 87, 2nd day (after a "rest day") 157, hope today results will be gd. sick & tired of running to & fro from hmo to polyclinic. my #1 also same case, 3 consective days of doing jaundice test until hubby buey tahan, called & complained.

Tatty: lolx.. Shiok rite? My last session wif mdm zaliah.. She is reali I swear!! But aft her svc best is still continue to bind tummy.. Her advise n my tummy went dwn a little le!! Too bad, can't continue massage due to restricted $$. Bm colour: I think it's norm if it's yellow colour, at least it dun taste sour den ok! Arbo beta dun feed bb.. Cracked/sore/bleeding nip: pls relax urself when latching or expressing... Mummies whu r bf.. Dun ovestress urself while bf.. I knw sme mummies very depress over low milk supply, I was 1 of them in fact my frenz got so worried I mite end up in depression.. Dun force ur nips too wrk, u mite end up injuring them n can't even express in short term.. Every breast takes diff time to churn milk.. Main thing is to relax!! Sito: good luck to ur epi c sect!! Everything will be fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Bluey: in having rice every 3 meals I lagi sian.. Carbo so much.. Haix. Mee sua can eat ar.. Dong fen also.. Zinc: ok.. Aft my expressing n bkfast I 4ward u


i took w kelly soon.. she's a freelance.. u can google her name.. u can search my email on fb.. [email protected]

my boy was surprisingly cooperative.. i was quite afraid that he would b cranky.. so the session wasnt too long..

BM colour:

the egg tofu colour is colostrum i think.. coz that time i went parent craft and express also the same colour.. and e LC told me that's colostrum.. it took me a few days to clear all then e milk became white

Missbluey I saw ur baby pics on fb, they place baby sitting on ur chest b4 clean up.. Was tat part of ur birth plan instructions? First time I see tat lei, tink it's a very special moment..

Can those who hAd birth plans share the contents? I duno what to include lei..


genice - today is my hubby's first contact with Simon Ng, his comment was that he was quite detailed, but lacked the extra personal touch, maybe he does not have much eyes contacts. Charges wise, his is indeed very reasonable, will not prescribe unnecessary medication. And he is quite supportive of bfdg.

Pinkish EBM

mummy2nia - I am having cracked nipples now. Been applying breast cream to heal the crack..but recovery is slow as I cannot air my boobs freely with mil ard. I just bought avent breast shields and see if they will help.

I read that it is okay to feed the pinkish EBM, unless mummy is suffering from thrush. I will keep the milk, cos so sayang to pour away 70ml.

Confinement Meal

I suggest to mil that she needs not cook rice dishes daily..I feel bad that my other kids are also being confined at home, esp during sch holi. I told her she can cook one dish meal like fried rice, mee tai bak soup or porridge, while hubby can bring her and kids to makan outside.

been MIA for sometimes..

Tiger baby, pls help me update my data ADD 8 June via c-sect with epi.. lil girl weigh 3440g and 50 cm tall.. thanks..

Bliss, salute to u able to manage w/o painkiller.. the wound is like tearing to me if the painkiller effect wean off for me..

ok.. was lazy to read thru post since 5june.. just update my birth story.. was admitted to Mt A since 4 june.. though false alarm.. must be due to the hectic day on 4june, sending my mum to hospital and running here and there till 2 plus in the middle of the night.. went shower and there's like gush of water leaking out.. not sure if it's waterbag bust and I'm overdue for a day.. den baby was moving so much in the tummy which is kind of unusal.. so went to Mt A at ard 4am.. gynae requested me to be warded thought my cervix was still close..

5 June, early morning send back to labour ward, 11am pill was insert to dilute cervix.. but it's only open 0.5cm on 6 June.. 6 June another pill was inserted in the nite and cervix open to 1 cm on 7 June.. actually by then my gynae was asking me if i want to opt for c-sect as my cervix really wun open.. but i told her i was not keen on c-sect.. 7 June nite another pill was inserted in but till 8 June still remain 1cm.. so gynae told me in the morning that if by evening still remain 1cm.. then we just proceed to c-sect as baby overdue 5 days already.. so was feeling sad and fear for operation for the whole morning till after 8 June as i expect most probably will hab to c-sect..

initially opt for GA, but after a talk with the Anesthetists, i went for epidural but did not ask for hubby to be in as he was out of hospital for meal.. everything was smooth.. and baby was born with umbilical cord 2 times around the necks.. so my gynae was saying maybe that's the reason why my cervix could not dilute as baby did not go down at all.. so she was a smart girl knowing not to move down, as it will be more dangerous if she was to engage.. to me, if my gynae did notice about the cord around her neck, i wun need the 4 extra stay in hospital.. anyway, it's over..

was shivering all the way back to ward.. hubby blame me for not informing him i did not go for GA as he could had acc me in the OT.. but i say it's the fine cos i was feeling cold and numb during my time in OT it wun be much different having him there other than he get to witness the baby soon after she borned.. =X baby was send to me after i slept for 1/2 hour.. bf for 1/2 hours.. and request for FM for 1st nite feeding as i was feeling discomfort.. finally i was discharged ytd..

baby refused to latched on properly on 3rd day dunno wat happen to her as she was doing fine on the 2nd day.. lactation consultant could not help despite trying many times.. and she mention if she could not latch well, i might have to EBM for her.. as she insisted her way of sucking with her gum.. which cause my nipple to be sore and cracked.. her feeding hours was a ciaos since day 3.. can slp all the way from last feed at 4.55pm and refused to wake up for latching/feeding since then.. lucky she did wake up for milk in the afternoon.. but i think i latched her for like 1 hour plus and she keep demand for feed.. =.=

Re: BF

ytd she did latch properly but my nipples already sore.. so it's hurt a lot when she latched.. so mummies i wanna ask.. wat to do if one of my nipple bleed? started to have milk flow now.. and my breast are getting hard.. but can i only latched one side this morning as the right side was bleed profusely.. can feed "strawberry milk" to my girl or pump and throw the milk away?? how to heal cracked nipple fast??


Awe.... i was wondering where were you all these while and so i assumed myself that you're in hosp alr given birth. CONGRATS ya! :D

u were saying abt umbilical cord round bb's neck n prolly that made ur bb moves so much..?

missbluey.. my girl same oso.. suck for comfort.. so when she fall slp.. i try not to have big movement for her.. if not she wake up and ask for nipple!! dunno shld go for pacifier not cos fear it's will decrease suction needs and milk flow will not be much..

yellowish milk, i think that's known as transition milk.. after that will be milk.. white color de..

btw, grats to all mummies that had popped during my MIA period be it earlier or later than me.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies giving birth in kkh, may I know which

gynae is good in kkh? My sis is pregnant n she

is going to kkh.. Thanks..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Irma.. yupps.. cos her heartbeat can be super fast during my stay in the hospital at a certain postion.. her sudden strong movements could be her discomfort since mummy was standing and busy for the whole afternoon till evening sending my mum to A&E at TTSH.. or she's in a wrong position..

Just week for my weekly checkup... Still no sign of delivery as gynae said head still high up. I also officially start my ML liao and also requested gynae to induce me next week... He warned me of high possibility of csect if cervix not dilated.. So we reached a compromise agreement to do VE and Ctg on next Friday. if cervix is soft then will proceed to induce[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] At least something to look forward too..

Hi mummies who gave birth in TMC, do you have to bring your own pajamas? Or do they provide gown?

I just changed my gynae from KKH to TMC at 34 weeks, and I am now in my week 37. I am now seeing Dr LC Cheng at TMC. Glad that I made this choice...:)

zinc.. is that ur boy on ur fb profile??? So much hair and so cute , i love the pose!! I couldnt get my boy to do that.. ur boy very strong leh can support himself so well.

BTW, i realise we have a common fren jasmine chiah.. how u noe her?b


Congrats!! It muz be an agonizing wait for u in the delivery ward ,waiting for yr cervix to open.

I was also in the Mt A delivery ward on 5th and 6th (think ward 3A)..we might have met each other cos I saw a couple walking outside the delivery ward several times..the wife was wearing the delivery robe like me..

It is a blessing that the baby is alright. I wonder how do we know if the bb is entangled by the cords? Apart from the heartbeat chart, there is no other u/scan m/c to check the fetus.

Cracked nipples + engorgement

I am having cracked nipples on both sides..and the nipples hurt like hell. I juz bought avent nipple shield to protect the nipples...juz used them a couple hour ago..and find them quite comfy. Initially I was using breast pad to cushion the blistered nipples, but it was a pain to remove them when the blisters dry up and stick to the pad. With the shield, I can apply nipple cream and air the wounded nipples.

Engorgement - I use hot compression mtd - using hot towel and massage the hard lumpy breast, before pumping out the milk. While pumping, I try to rotate the pump around the breast and also massage the breast to make sure I cover as much area as possible.

I am still expressing out the milk every 3-4 hrs interval despite the cracked nipples..Every let down is a pain..but later the nipples will get season and numb, and I just continue pumping.


whu nids nipple shield? i have a pair to sell.. brand new nv use before onli open to try cuppin over my nip but FAILED..

whu wans leave mi a msg..

Re Bb clay foot/hand prints.

anybody doing it? ware gt cheap lobang ar?


i think normal scan can detect if the bb is entangled by the cords. Thats what happen to my fren's bb and she went for emergency C-sect at 37 weeks even though she was not due yet.


it was actually gynae's idea to "push" bb to my chest & kept telling Hubby to take photo! haha. i apparently not in the mood cuz i just cried like a baby when i finally pushes bb out. hee.


i'd strongly recommend my gynae Tan Thiam Chye, if she dun mind having a male gynae. he is very friendly & approachable man. he was very encouraging during my both deliveries.

Hi Mummies,

I am discharged and back home liao. Slept 2 hrs straight.. ooh woo... baby slept and don't wanna wake up for feeding - sigh. No matter how i wake him, he is super sleepy.

Mummy2nia, we are discharged on the same day, how re you doing?

Sheryl, Mdm Zaliah says i can only start on Tues , so can only do 2 days then break 5 days...

bebe.. haha.. maybe we met maybe not.. cos i din really step out the labour ward a lot.. too lazy.. plus MAH nth to walk oso.. =X i at labour ward 7~

Sheryl : ya, indeed v shiok during the massage. I even ask Zaliah for an extension till Wed b4 she goes to KL. Haha..

Ladies, I also had engorgement past few days too. Use hot towel compression & massage method + regular pumping, it works to relief pain..

Cath. Discharge le rest more.. To wake bb up u unwrap or open e diapers.. Cfm wake up.. As for massage next tues start? Den stop 5 days? Hmmm.. Den u get her to teach u hw to bind for tat 5 days.. TATTY: 7days ar.. Woah!! I wish I could oso.. Oh, u receive my pm?

Hi mummies

My baby is born on 8Jun, weight 2.92kg... just came back from hospital as need to stay another day since baby had jaundice.. need to put under photolight for 1 day...

Luckily i took the single room and husband can stay with me for all the 4D3N.... U will want your hubby support during this time which is very important with breastfeeding and not able to move around too much after the c-section... i am very very thankful that my hubby had been very supportive during this time....

Baby is lovely and cute ...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/4100682.jpg]


thanks. me also. v special to me esp when this pregnancy gave me alot of feelings, unlike #1. hehe.


congrats! rest well. your bb looks so cosy, hee.

re: jaundice

my bb too has jaundice. had to return to polyclinic on mon to chk his level again. that will be the 4th time lor. today just chk, his lvl was 141, hv decreased a little but doc still wanted us to go back again. zzz. must see bb go thru the pricking again, sibei sian.


Would like to ask hw issit possible to know if the bb is entangled with the umbilical cord?

My EDD is 28th June at Mt A! =)

i went to kiddy palace today, didnt see any good deals lei... but tot i rmb many mummies saying wana go to get stuff from kiddy palace.. wat do u all normally buy there?

went for gynae checkup today.. starting w39.. cervix 1cm dilated, did CTG and abit of contractions but its irregular.. tink now just waiting for baby to decide when he wans to come out.. i intend to work until go into labor.. haha dun wana waste ML lei..


i took Dr Chong for my #1 preg.. then i chose him again for my current delivry coz he was really fast in doing Epi..

however he was doing an operations when i requested for him.. hence they send his partner, a lady- Dr Phua over. but then she took quite sometime to inject Epi. duno issit her skill or my posture not good.

can ask yr gynae to recommend. coz Dr Chong was recommended by my gynae


for KP's sale.. its a good time to stock up bottles like Avent, bigger size ones and teats..

i also bot stuffs like bottle brush or you can get bigger size clothes/socks!

Hi mummies

My update...

Week 38 + 3 days. Gynae's back from her leave!! Weight gain till date 14kg. Baby's weight 2.7kg. No sign of birth for the coming week. Most probably will give birth after 20th June. Baby's head is still down and lower now compared 2 two weeks ago.

Was reducing walking and movement for the past 2 weeks as gynae on leave. Now she's back, I can start to walk more now... keke... Hope don't have to induce if overdue. Pray hard. :p

Baby whom are on BM or EBM..

can i check if their stools are mustard and seedy then follow by watery stool? normal anot?

Rainelle and babyrain, congrats!

Rainelle my bb had umbilical cord ard his neck twice also when he was delivered, luckily we made the decision to deliver him earlier since water level was low too.

Mezzo n bebe, dun think scan will show, my gynae din Noe that e cord was round his neck the night before I deliver. He was quite surprised too.

Gitz, my bb poo is very seedy, mustArd colour, watery Aldo. He farts a lot n sometimes got poo too, think this colour is normL for bf bb, actually when he pass out more yellow , I will be happier cause means jaundice Also gets better.

Missybluey, actually u shld go back on Alternate days, it takes a while yor jaundice to subside. Poor elvAn Jena poke so many times consect. My boy Also got high jaundice but I went back on alternate days n even then e jAundice din drop much, e last time j checked on we'd, he was 13.2 but pd says ok just monitor n continue sunbathe. Btw, how much they charge for blood test at poly?


ok.. at least i'm much assured now! hubby and MIL keep asking issit got diarrhea. but then at least the frequency of watery poo is not alot hence i can tell that its not diarrhea

coz last time they nvr see this in my #1 boy's poo as he was mostly on FM

hi all...

i've delivered my girl on 9 june.... natural with epi...

Name: jaelyn

weight/height: 2.89/ 48cm

tiger bb thanks for updating.. yet to read up the post... need to spend some times to update myself :p

now struggling to b/feeding, milk flow just kick in today, check with u ah...those hard numbs on the breast is milk dust? very pain when massage le... but cl say must massage if not it will be more painful.. -_-"


Peck> must massage & apply warm towel on your breasts if not i think like some of the mummies say cold cabbage...

