(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Haha Summer,

Your hubby is like my hubby. Just now, he packed lunch back for me and was super kanchiong cos i have show again. Somemore today one is more severe than 2 days ago.

He kept asking how far apart is contractions..., what did the nurses said? Must count the timings and frequency... He sounded like a Virgin Dad! Afterall he is already father of one, experience liao ma. OMG. haha.

Then i just make fun of him and say that i am working from home so didn't focus on contractions. He almost gave me the killer look. So now have to diligently to count the contractions.



that's real funny. My hubby still say he can't be midwife one. He doesn't know what to do. So i told him i will ask neighbour's maid for help if that is the case.

My hubby just called again. My contractions is like half an hour apart but getting more painful.


Monitor closely!! added u on fb le..

and YESH.. she does haf alot of hair..

hahaaha~ same like daddy~

and very black tooo.. =D


Last time i wanted to tie the bengkong after post natal massages sessions are over, but hor, you see the way that tie, super super challenging. I don't think i can do it so i bought a velcro tummy binder from the BP last time. There are also the tummy trim sort of undergarment that i tried wearing but uncomfortable.

Does anyone get a changing station? Saw this at Ikea online and very tempted to get it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/4085917.jpg]

Elise> MIL confirm will side her daughter coz i also never really talk to MIL since i marry to her son... i always have such thinking like coz i bring my elder daughter & remarry to her son so she dont like me.

Cath> i think dont buy the changing station... baby outgrow it very fast like u know those changing room in shopping ctr hehe.

When is my turn to due... i cannot sleep at night keep imaging my contraction is here wah piang really hate such feeling as my #1 & #2 give me bad contraction lastime too zzzzzzzzz

Sheryl/Cath, thanks. btw, do u know after giving birth, must rest how many days then can do malay massage? 1 week, do how many times huh? got package right?

Elaine, oh gosh, your MIL sounds terrible to you leh. then can talk to your hubby rgd this matter? i understand, because staying under the same roof is never easy, esp with MIL + Sis-In-Law! because last time i ever stayed with MIL before, while i am waiting for my house, then everytime my MIL makes me so angry for small small thing, she will nag nonstop at me, while she herself can do things and get away with it, i cannot lor.

Summer> the contraction is damn unbearable type more pain than menses cramp... every 5-10min...

Elise> what to do like u say staying under the same roof... haiz my hubby will sayang me everytime & he will say we will move to our own house soon zzzzzz... ard 2yrs to go.

Summer> u will know when the contraction come... getting more painful within every 5-10mins

Hi Mummies,

I am new to this forum. My EDD was 17 June, however my dd decided to come out earlier (26 May).

I have a query, my dd is 2weeks old now and taking 70ml of FM every 2.5-3hrly. Is it normal feeding quantity?

Sometimes, she will fall asleep when feeding, so how to calculate the amount of milk to give her at the next feed?

I prefer to feed her on demand, however, I was told that it's better to feed according to schedule. Please advise on this too.



Elise> Im fine now... im just telling Summer what is the contractions like [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I have twice experience giving birth but now still feel scare esp the pain hahaha...


Can understand how the elders will think. To them, it is still like some taboo on remarriages and stuff. Der, don't be too bothered. If i didn't remember wrongly, you are coming to stay at Champion way is it? Woodlands area. Just put up with it for these 2 years. You are afterall giving his son kids too ah...

Re:changing station

Without changing station, i always change diaper / wipe baby in the cot or on the mattress and it is hurting my back... But true- baby out grow the changing station like within 3 - 4 months.


last time i was informed that must rest about 5 days after delivery. And, must try to do 5 - 7 days straight in a week. Mdm Zaliah and Suria does not go by packages. You just pay them $50 after every session. But if you go to spa and massage centre, they will need a deposit from you, typically $200. But you need not go there and pay, they will come to your house to collect.

Every session is typically 1hr and 15 mins. If you don't feel good about it, you can ask massage lady not to come after that. No obligations kind.

Wow Elise, your MIL also scary - can nag non-stop. I tink i will go bonkers if i get all these naggings.

Cath> Yeah yeah im giving her 2 grandson somemore & when im expecting my #2 that time he bring them luck strike 4D & after birth they also strike 4D for few times lor.

U have good memory hahaha... yeah Champions Way at woodlands [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Y dont change on the bed at least can put pillow behind your back.

sheryl.. wow u started ur massage already?? that's fast!! i thot 2 days ago u all were still discussing?? Yar.. very painful initially.. but after 2-3 times i think the muscles/flesh relax.. will be easier to massage. OOps... i din even noe that wrap called bengkong.. they tie super tight dun think i can do as tight as them.. think after today's last session , i will use my own binder and apply some slimming cream too. Veyr gd lor.. the massage lady say ur tummy small... mine wonders why my tummy never go down after 7 days!! She says i dun have much water retention so all fats lor!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Cath, urs same massage lady as sheryl?

I think massage gd to do after 5 days if for natural birth, actually may not have to lose weight but i feel more tones lah and psychological effect... lost abt 1 kg only for the past few days..but i feel tummy tighter.. sigh think better continue bf.. hopefully can lose more within 3 months.

Missybluey, gd that u got avent manual.. i like it a lot, agreed with gitz, it can clear my engorgement better than freestyle. I sterilize with sterilizer leh.. u using sterilizer? Just put everything inside and keep it inside till u need to use it.

Adeline.. u very farnee ask ur hubby to latch on and try?? I think if it my hubby, he will gladly offer to latch on.. haha but of coz i refused. Dun worry, just try to latch as and when possible, there are some mummies that are noe cpuldnt latch in 1st month but can latch after 2-3 months but then by that time have to go back to work. Actually expressing out is not a bad option too, i did for my #1 at least not so stress and tired. i see how long i can last with this.. if too tired i think i will got to express milk too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Any mummies offering ebm to ur #1?? I have been giving her abt 200 ml per day cause i dun want to freeze it, heng she is taking it quite well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cath.. how to cook dom with chicken??? My grandma cooked martell with chicken for me... wah.. i think i almost drunk lor.. 1 bottle split to 2 times and cook with the chicken.. super strong smell.. I got so many DOM at home.. dunno what to do with them.

Sheryl .. thanks for the caterers links... i heard chiliapi is gd.. by the way.. select catering haven GSS sale.. can go check out.. anyone tried the food at select?

Joelle.. i booked function rm at my sil condo, will order cuppies from yan's cuppies one of the bp threads... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cath.. i have that changing station from ikea... honestly speaking i think its a bit low leh.. my back still hurts.. i am ave ht 1.65m.. think 2x b4 buying..

Dear mummies,

Hope everyone is doing well. Today is my 9th day of confinement still feeling tiring and draining.

Grabbed sometime to share my birth story.:

01 Jun

12am: Admitted to Mt. A to induce. Went to delivery suite n put on CTG monitor.

Nurse check cevix closed, insert 1st pill after clearing my bowel.

0130-0730: All this while i started having mild contractions, it got stronger for sometime. But I could stand e contractions even which was at a peak of 126.

0800: Dr came n check cervix twisted n stretched his fingers in me. Was told only dilated 1cm

so he suggested to break my waters to hasten the contractions & nurse to insert me 2nd pill.

0900: Hubby went home rest n bring some stuff.

1000 -1130: Nurses kept coming in n out to check on dilation n also baby's heartbeat.

As I still wasn't dilating much so e nurses kept stretching my cervix.

VE was nightmare to me! "-_-

1200: My contractions were coming on stronger and faster and lasting longer, wondering about how I was going to deal with the pain. Then start screaming for epi.

After taking the epidural, I took a little nap, legs and arms were numbness.

1300: Dr came n checked cervix again I still maintained @ 1cm *disappointment*

He worried that bb will get distress inside, advise us to opt for C-sec if there still no progress by 3pm.

1500: Sigh.... Cervix still 1cm….for sake of bb we agreed for c-section...

1530: Nurse shaved off the top section of my pubic hair.

1600: Hubby reached back hosp.

1620: Anaethestician increased e epi dosage.

1630: Hubby accompany into the operating room. Shortly e epi take effect, hubby was so worried cos he could see I was shivering, my legs and arms were trembling uncontrollably.

1630: In OT, waiting for gynae... Shortly after he reached.

1645: Thru'out e whole process I could feel e cutting, sketching & kneading action. *pain*

1700: I tears out when e moment I hear my baby's first cry. e experience is just great.

Healthy baby Richelle finally arrived weighing 3.5kg, length 52cm, head circumference 34.5cm.

COngrats to all newly promoted mummies! All the best to those mummies ve yet pop and JIAYOU! JIAYOU!(^^)


Not worth investing in the changing station..

Now im thinkin to remove my bengkong anot or use cling wrap to wrap it up den i go bath =P

im soo comfy in it right nw =x but i cant bear to miss my bath ><"



Advisable to do straight in a row eg: 5days or 7days instead of skipping 1 or 2days apart..

Best is have jamu within 1wk aft birth.. but if its C-sec i think muz wait 1mth cos of healing of the wound.


i oso wanted my own place. In-laws are ok..its onli my hubby ahma.. young & old ppl owaz haf conflict de..


My bb now on ebm.. drinkin well frm fridge and frozen ones..

nw even my ebm goes inside FRIDGE oso become frozen ones.. damn sian..

the fridge temperature abit sot sot liao.. put to the COLD oso will turn to ICE.. WAHLAOZ.. Damn pissed with the fridge now..

As for the links, no worries.. =D

Cater i think will leave to my MIL to decide..

Massage: yup started wif Mdm Zaliah today (1st Session) muz chop chop fast fast! i wan my figure back =x

i reali wonder hw to tie as tight as them.. tml muz as Mdm Zaliah hw to do it..

Lets do some updating:

Mine bb girl weigh @ 2.78kg, length 48cm head circumference 34cm


how how how.. my bengkong.. LOL..

bu se de remove to bath sia.. =\

Oh ya.. more abt Mdm Zaliah;

the oil she use is not smell.. infact gt minty smell.. burning sensation when applied and she does the massage.

The aft effect of the oil on body is not sticky, non oily, u wun feel any discomfort even w/o bathing!


compare to the other 2 massage ladies i try before..

Mdm Zaliah is the best liaox.. other den her strongs strokes and some painful moments.

BB massage i think can request her to do it. For today she nv massage my bb. Maybe she was sleeping sooo soundly.


did you go to see Dr Lee on yest (8 Jun) morning? i was there for 9 30 am appt with Dr Lee and around 10 30 with Dr Rhonda... tot that i may have actually seen you without knowing it. My baby is currently admitted for 2 days due to jaundice. hopefully tmr he can be discharged.

sheryl.. i agree.. the gss menu is gd!! evn the $10 one.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

u giving ur #1 ebm? or u mean #2? i thot u latch on?



Your baby is so so so pretty! I like her little pouting mouth... So sweet and darling.


Ya me and Sheryl having the same massage lady. Donno whether Elise will join us in getting the same massage lady or not.

DOM chicken: Double boil chicken with DOM placed in the same bowl for 2 hours. You can cut part of chicken , like breast meat or drumstick to double boil, no need the whole chicken. The DOM, being so so sweet will go into the chicken making the chicken tender and sweet. And since the wine (DOM) has been boiled, you can drink it without worrying that u will get drunk with baby.

THANK GOODNESS YOU TOLD ME that still need to bend. I definitely won't buy liao.

And thanks Everyone for persuading me out of buying that "not-so-cheap" yet still backache changing station.

wow Sheryl,

You are really selling Mdm Zaliah's service wor... Made me so relieve that I have booked her. I love minty smell.


Your labour process also very drama. Such long labour. You are very brave... hip hip hurray... I can feel your pain when you said you can feel the cutting and stretching during the Epi C sect. Oh my.. Mummies are really Wei Da...

hope someone can help. just given birth, how long do i have to wait for the breastmilk to come? has been massaging but like nothing. veri depress [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

shen.. ur ger is pretty, i luv the hair and the lips!!

i hate ve check too.. so painful!! and they dig and dig further.. when my gynae broke my waterbag also very painful..

cath.. yar.. dun buy.. not worth, i think put baby on bed and get a stool sit down and change better..

Monster, don't be depress. Just relax your mind. first day or two, you should get some thick transparent liquid that only comes up to less than a teaspoon. for my #1, milk only kick in after 4 /5 days. Still remember my mum kept telling me why no milk no milk. Don't stress ya.

Summer> Wait till the 'feeling' come u will know dont worry... im having BH too & pelvis pain sob sob.

Sheryl> Old people are like that, when they talk u just listen... one ear in one ear out hahaha... so did u apply your own flat?

Genice: #2 she takes ebm cos she refuse to latch in the initial stage.. Nw onli when she fuss at nite den latch.. CATH: lolx no joke she is gd.. Maybe gettin few more sessions aft my current 5.. Juz remove my bengkong for bath.. E tying reali is tight can c the marks on tummy..

Sheryl,Cath, Genice,

Thanks for your sweet compliment. =))

Mummy ow,

Oh yes yes,i was there ard tt timing. mm, i tink we ve bumped each other. I was chattting wif 1 middle age lady.She told me her grandson needed to admit for jaundice,is she yr mom?

My bb jaundice level also went up from 9.2 to 12.8 is at middle range. Dr Watt ask me to under sun my bb for another 3days. This sat still ve to go back for blood test to ensure her jaundice level will drop.

Don't worry abt Javier. I'm sure he'll will be ok very soon.*hugs*

Cath, my MIL is scary, wait till u see my own mother then u say. she's even worse! but then she always say: i nag for your own good. during confinement, u better listen to me, okie! no cold drinks, no aircon, no fan. how to survive??? Also thanks for your advise on the massage lady. will be giving her a call later.

Shen, your labour process sounds very very scary leh! your gal is so cute! how old is she now? why the face so pinky pinky?

Elise> no aircon no fan? Omg u tell your mum might as well put u in oven... nowadays even raining days also can sweat like hell.

dear mummies,

sorry for the late update. I have given birth on 3rd June 2010 to a healthy baby boy.

Name: Lucas

Wt: 3.185kg

Length: 49.5cm

Cervix dilated 3cm when I admitted to hospital when the "show" came.

Was put on drip at 2pm. Delivered via Natural at 6pm the very same day.


But the sad thing is I'm now having a outbreak of itchy rash all over my body.

Doc say is pregnancy rash.. will go off by itself..so itchy.. there isn't a single spot on my body that does not have the rash..

Even when the PD saw me just now.. she was so shocked....

thanks cath for the reply. if after 5th day still no milk then how?does it means forever no milk. now the baby kept crying & i no milk. in the end have to go buy tin milk to make milk for baby. so terrible

Elaine: nv.. Cash not enuf plus hubby juz started wrk nt long cpf Nt stable.. Haix.. We wan near my in laws cos they can render more help compare to my mum.. My area de resale value damn scary sia.. MONSTER: dun be depress, nw juz latch ur bb whenever possible colostrum nw is gd for bb. The white transparent liquid is colostrum!! Milk flow kicks in aft abt 3days.. Sme ppl tks longer time.. Ur fm dun make too thick thin it abit. But still I'll advise u to latch n let ur bb simulate ur breast.. Cos if nw u bottle feed for a period if time, in future she mite refuse ur breast.. If flow reali low, take frenugreek to boost..

Monster, don't say that... must drink lots and lots of fluids. Like confinement soups, Black Bean soup work super well for me then. And, the most important thing is you must relax.

If don't have yet, then get a tin of FM. Is not anything bad. I have had FM then too... delivery is already tough, getting to take care of a new baby is a lot to bear, so don't get yourself too stress over milk supply. I remember i cried when i have like the first small cup of ebm (like 5 ml) after i discharged from hospital on 4th day... I treat that like gold to me... The small cup is from those medicine feeding cup. Real small. Everyone was telling me that i full express sure cannot make it one. But i don't care, i borrowed hospital pump from day one after i delivered. Pump diligently every 2 hours at the hospital. No Lactation nurses come to me cos they know my baby can't latch on. Nurses did not ask me whether i want to try to express and feed colostrum. They just ask me what brand of FM i want to give.

And, when i was at hospital, i was depressed that i have nothing when i pump diligently (even at midnight). I asked LC to come and advise me but they didn't. I guess they find it a waste of time since my baby couldnt latch on for sure.

I don't care what others say, i just went on to pump amd pump (but take care of your nipples - don't make it sore). And, before you know it, you get engorgement on like after the 1st week... and that's where milk flow starts to kick in...

Don't give up and don't get post natal blues becos of milk flow cos your body knows best. Just keep trying. Today don't have doesn't mean tomorrow don't have. Jia you...

Sheryl, i don't have nipple shield. it works ? my first bb doesn't like nipple shield leh.

now i just bite my lips through the latching period. giveing some bottle of EBM for my nipple to rest awhile.

Yea .. My boy going through growth spurt. Was drinking 60ml yesterday and today increase to 80ml.

Cath, good job! u are trying to give bb the best! baby cannot latch on is fine. some babies only learn to ltch in their 2-4 mths. Just keep their teat as newborn during the time when u are trying to latch.

But if u are going back to work, u don't have to stress on latching too much too.

Today i'm filling my 2nd box of tupperware of EBM. Till today day 7 i have hit over 3L of frozen EBM. Not forgetting those that i put in the fridge for night feeding.. Am so desperate to decrease my supply as i'm having engorgement every 3 hours.

Got milk also headache.. no milk also headache!!

Sheryl: your bb's hair is nice!!

Missbluey: for my case I c-sect so nv have any post natal massage. Tummy is of coz not as flat as before, but not flabby. Duno is it plain water that work wonder? I still keep 2kg fr my 1st preg though. All hidden on

my butt & thigh! Haha

Monsterlim: endure! That's all I can say. My theory is every

mother shld hav milk, is a matter of time! That time bb refuse to latch, so I pump till blueblack leh.. Hubby ask me to stop but I refuse. Coz pay so much for the pump & remind myself BM is gd for bb!




nice bb pic! her hair reali nice lor.

nowadays, i realised my memory is failing me. keep forgetting. zzz.

i just confirm my massage lady mdm zul frm origins jamu. gonna start on this fri! REALLY can't wait! im dying to c my not-so-flat tummy, @ least better than having beer belly. lol.

am still thinking a way how to keep my manual pump. i didn't buy sterilizer cuz take up space. maybe put it inside my rm after sterilize & cover with a towel, er ok right?


thks for ur concern. my elvan's jaundice lvl is 86, still normal range but hv to go back to polyclinic on fri to check again. we already discharged frm kkh on mon evening le.

