(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Cath, Gitz,

my #1 is also more bb like but partly cos she has a bb cousin so she will imitate her bb moves. But it's the carrying n whining part that annoys me more cos it is to the extent that she demands carrying even when she wakes up! It seems to get worse now cos I really can't carry her anymore and not as energetic as before to play wif her. But I notice if we spend some good quality wif her at home doing things she like, her behaviour is much better..


Koaru, can understand... At least ur girl going cc so no nee to worry about so many meals.. I ta pao for my son lunch cuz no time to cook. Next week he will be taking sch bus so I have to start cooking lunch liao..

At least your girl take porridge. My son totally refused! He only eat rice with veg meat etc so everytime I cook is a 2-3 dish meal..

Re names: is prounce as JO. Cause my son name is biblicial name so if I name second one very modern name like don't match leh. My hb likes Josiah. I like the meaning of Josiah too. But I'm wondering if is it difficult to pronouce.. My boy keep saying didi is Josiah.. Ask him about other names he say don't want :p

sberry, i vote for the below name

1) Megan Lim

Bluberi: your bag is really nice!

rainelle: i always keep on putting sweets, chocolates, desserts, esp mango desserts into my mouth! gosh, really true that having gals = to eating more sweet stuff?

koaru, the bag is actually bought fm SMH spree also, still got price tag attached. tink if we buy fm the forum, must base on trust also ba. but my hubby always dun like me to buy fm forum, coz he tinks sure kenna cheated one.

FRIENDS, ok.. shall look for alternative.

Thanks Elise!

btw, my sis bought the Combi Urban Walker for bb today.

Hi Ladies

Just saw that Metro Woodlands is still selling the Ergo carrier. However, only 1 black colour left, selling at $199 & I think there's 10 or 20% discount. After discount, i guess it only a few dollars more ex than those sold in BP. For those who are interested:)

Bluberi, the bag is super nice and great price! worth the buy!

Glitz and Kaoru, ya my #1 also doing the same. In fact, he realised that relatives are paying more attention to the young baby cousin who is about 8 months old and start to crawl around with her. He also wanted us to carry him since start of the day. Glitz, your #1 behaves in the same way as mine throughout the 3 tri.

bluberi, this is the same bag (only different color and pattern) i almost got! managed to convince hubby to get for me as last yr's xmas present but too bad kate spade rejected my order due to non-US credit card used. just to preempt u, the bag is rather heavy on its own without putting anything in yet. but for the price u pay, it's worth it. saw the actual bag at local boutique selling at 500-600 if i did not remember wrongly.

Just finished cleaning up my built in wardrobe.. can’t imagine I threw 3 big bags of clothes.. Now its really well packed and can still stuff some more..haahaaa..and I cleared my dressing table drawers to store bb clothes and stuff.. also threw tons of old VCDs.. quite proud of myself.. I actually found a corner to put my bb cot/playpen in my room.. No choice.. I’m staying with in-laws and maid is occupying next room.. BUT I nearly broke my back due to the packing lor… shack siah!!

Now.. next thing to do is to stock up the bb clothes I bought online… this month very broke liao.. so addicted with bb clothes online.. spent $300++ and there’s more to come.. :)

Sore feeling>> me too!.. it’s so sore I had to go without undies whole day.. tomorrow I wonder how I would survive @ work..

Bluberi, you got a great deal for the KS bag.. the last i saw their diaper bags @ the KS boutique also cost at 600+ and above.. still thinking wat to get even though my sis already got me a LV tote to act as a diaper bag.. but very heartpain to carry so expensive bag as diaper bag leh.. some more we have to store soiled bb clothes when we go out.. lagi heart pain..

sberry, both is nice.. choose Chloe Lim. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BluBeri, nice bag and great bargain! HB wun nag?? lols..

Elise, not too sure how true.. but i myself like sweet stuff all this while.. so dunno how true larhs.. maybe only mummies that dun like sweet stuff craving for sweet stuff can verify.. hehe..

Morning Mummies!!

Haa.. Think I'm super early in this forum nw. It's 540am now. Been awake since 4plus. Hving very pain nose block n making lots of trips to the toilet.

I'm so tired, but can't seem to enter my lala land. Haiz..

Morning mummies

Anyone suffering fm heartburn? im having v bad heartburn these few days. Cant eat much also. This morning puke also. hope the mroning sickness fm 1st trimester is not coming back.

Morning Mummies...

I have leg cramps since Sunday morning, and yet recovered fully since then. Even having to limp slightly as I walk this morning...

Have any mummies starting the prep (e.g. washing of new/passdown for bb's clothes, stock up of diapers, packg of hospi bag, etc.?)


same. my bb is about 2.1kg during my 31weeks checkup. but seems like most bb here are about 1.7-1.9kg. am already thinking my bb is big leh.


glad to know everything is better now.


i like chloe lim.


if you like your sons' names to have some linke, then it will be josiah. jovian tan sounds nice too.


wah, you spent $300+ on bb clothes alone????


i don't have much heartburn, just feel gassy in my chest. but i feel breathless, sometimes have to breathe very hard.


my maid had washed all my bb clothes & stacked them inside a box. my mil said still too early, later all the clothes very smelly. is it?

re: sibling jealousy

im not sure whether its terrible twos for my son, he has become a whinny/crying toddler now. but he rarely ask me to carry him. when he cry or going to cry, he will ask his gong to carry & his head lay on ah gong's shoulder. so "teh" lor. i always tease him crybaby. but when i ask son to kiss my tummy aka didi, he kissed leh most of the time. not sure he knows he is going to be a kor kor in about 2mths' time.

Gd morning mummies.. mezzo: i hv heartburn... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] then im having constipation too.. Sigh..

Missbluey: have been cracking my brain the whole day yesterday. I like Jovian. But no meaning to the name. I love the meaning of Josiah alot but afraid very difficult to pronounce. I find names should have meaning as we will call it every single day. So I'm telling my hb yesterday is the meaning of the name is rubbish will u want to

name ur son that? Is like calling him rubbish everyday.

I'm looking at Joel or zacchary now.. Like Joel but not sure if it sounds very girlish...

I pop by May MTB yesterday and realise some mummies already pop! Meaning once hit May, mummiess here will start popping... Which is very soon!!! 2 more weeks to May!


hmmm, for my case, i most probably will name my #2 Elvan. no meaning, couldn't even find in on internet. -.-" but as long as i like can liao lah. & most importantly easy to pronounce too. i don't want people making fun of my sons' names. i have been through that & it really sucks. find that laughing @ people's names is an insult to the parents.

jovian sounds like very jovial ah..


i just dig out my no 1 NB clothes to wash over the weekend. Just sitting on the floor sorting those clothes out was killing. Pelvic bone ache big time.


i hv pm u liao...oh ya, me vote for Megan aso..i am hearing Chloe fm alot alot of ppl though...

Cath and Gitz,

whn i am in 2nd trim..same my #1 aso super sticky and few times, he was like hitting my tummy and said dun wan didi...so one of my colleague actually ask me to buy the pomelo leaves and ask smone to clean him w it...dun knw coincidence or wat bt apparantly....he didnt hit my tummy anymore...and neber said he dun wan didi aso...


Josiah Tan sounds pleasing...bt i prefer Jerome..hehehe...Jovett - Does it pronouce as "Joe-vet"??


That's what I am worrying about whether is it too early now. Furthermore I should be planning for June 20+ for the c-sect, almost 2 more months to go. But I keep worrying that there is no time to wash the clothes. Perhaps I will start my list of things to do 1st before knowing what to do 1st and next.


Considering about it coz I know it's tough to sort #1 clothes as I gets BIGGER. But maybe washing them now maybe kinda early since I am almost towards end June.

U sat on the floor? Oh dear! Should sit @ the sofa and laze as you sort... I cun sit on floor for long and also have difficulty getting up. Felt so like a big fat duckie. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Ya i sat on the floor cos thought was easier but i was wrong. Nearly cant get up. In the end i throw out those likely clothes that no 2 can wear fm no 1 as diff sex tis round and pile it up and ask hubby to put on sofa for sorting.

I think i feel more like penguin tryng to balance myself. Tummy is so big wonder how to endure another 7 weeks.

Thanks Tiger Baby! It's abit heavy ar? nvm la, mi used to carry shoulder bags, can take the weight. If cannot tahan, ask my hubby to carry the bag. he always refused to carry my bag when we go out, but he said if bb bag he will carry. :p i find buying fm US direct is always like almost 50% cheaper than SG price.

Joelle, u have already cleared out ur wardrobe for bb liao ar. my bb room next to MBR nw still packed with lotsa of plastic bags containing bb items. very messy!! hubby oni getting the chest of drawers for bb in May. confirm May is gonna be a real busy mth.. buying chest of drawers, single bed frame, bb cot delivery, wash bb clothes, etc..

wah, LV tote as bb bag, wished i had one.. :p i wun even walk into KS boutique in SG. scared i see the price jaws drop. even Coach boutique so far oni walked in a few times nia. my fren also using her LV tote as diaper bag, her hubby dun let her buy new diaper bag, coz he said she got many big tote bags. so she oni got a bag organiser to put in her LV bag.

Thanks Rainelle!! Dun tell hubby the actual price lor.. maybe said less than $200 to shut his mouth. hahaha

Mezzo17, i was having bad heartburns 2wks ago.. but so far nw no more liao. *fingers crossed*

doobom, i basically done not much preparation.. oni settle big items like cot, playpen n stroller.. bottles, steriliser n clothes also settled.. still have many small items yet to buy.


I will try to draw the list this weekend and start the planning. As of now, the car seat, playpen, stroller, bottles, and breast pads are done. Will look into the nappy liners, clothes/cloth nappies prep., nappy rash cream, ruyee oil, etc. listing and do the stock up in May. Early June then do the washing of clothes. I guess June will be full of cleaning/washing, be it the big/small items. Have to clean once before bb's arrival.


So you have your breast pump spare parts gotten from Avents Showroom? I have yet gotten mine, tot of making a trip down in May (since I will be having HDB appt in May @ HDB hub then).

So u replace all the silicone parts? May I know how much does it cost?


hi-5, i also woke up like 3am+ but din log in, choose to catch some drama serials.. managed to drift back to sleep at abt 5am.

Mezzo, Bluberi, Irma,

my heartburn eases after 1 wk or so, but like Bluberi, i also feel breathless more easily - so gotta slower my pace. Irma, i drank prune juice n helps a little with my constipation, think i gonna buy another bottle again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Cos my piles were so bad after delivery, and its even more painful then the tear that i hv when i give birth - so better take care now!


i hv started to get all the hand me downs this 2 wks so by early May can start washing batch by batch - just nice the wardrobe/storage space will be delivered today. realised a lot of clothing including my #1 + new ones that i cant resist buying.. and 2 sets of cot bumper/bed sheets... better start early in case i may deliver earlier than my EDD which is 4 jun. So u still hv ample time lah..


the previous Coach baby bag - i bought it as a pressie myself, hubby din even know its Coach until someone pointed out, i also din bother to say the actual price just say below $500.. unless he wanna sponsor then i will pass him the receipt :p


Isaiah also not exactly an easy to pronounce name leh - anyway still got some more time to think think..

Missbluey, that's my concern.. Don't know if Josiah will get tease by people. Actually my hb quite set on Josiah and o manage to make him reconsider the name. I like Josiah but I don't have the 100% confirm feeling when we name my boy Isaiah.

Kelly: Jerome gives me a very roman feeling. Haha! I think I will skip Jovett cuz it sounds like Joette.

Found more names yesterday

Josiah 3 votes

Jovian 7 votes

Zachary 1 vote



I'm thinking of Zachary Tan or Jovian Noel Tan

so headache about the names.. Haiz

doobom: yes I change all the silicon parts and the valves. Actually the headquarter sells 10-20 for a set. Depends on what parts. I bought BN set from a

mummy at $15 for one whole set cuz I

lazy to go down to avent to get it.

Actually I yet prepare The things for baby. I just buy and buy and dump at one corner. Yet sort anything out too until last weekend my mom was nagging at me to start washing clothes. I'm still trying to enjoy my last few weeks before bb comes... End up my mom brings those bb clothes back to help me wash. Now just got to clear out the wardrobe meant for bb clothes. Set up bb cot, get the important stuff for diaper bag. Everything got to be done in may cuz bb will come on the 3rd. Should be super busy month!

doobom, for the avent breast pump spare parts, u may wan to go on a wkday or early on a wkend. i went to philips at 11am on a sat a few wks ago and waited for more than an hour. the queue was unexpectedly long and only one counter serving customers from end-to-end (i.e. gathering wat u wan, finding the items, checking on the items to collecting payment). i got 2 let-down massage cushion at $10 each and a diaphragm at $8.

koaru, normally i buy bags, i dun like my hubby knows.. haha.. but he very observant one. once he see, he will ask the price. he will nag la, but since i'm paying.. wat can he do, unless he want to reimburse me.. lolx.


Great you've gotten your bag! Btw, since you've 2 2nd hand pump, y not get the spare parts to change will do. can save abit on getting a new one.

hi mummies.. thanks alot for ur votes..

up-to-date: Megan got 6 votes and Chloe got 5 votes.. :p my hb like Chloe better but i find Megan more elegant.. haha..

tummy gettin bigger n getting more uncomfortable as days passed by.. yet there seems to be endless stuff to do. last weekend, took out my gal baby clothes, there are so many tat i only pick n choose few pieces to wash n standby.

btw, i understand tat button-type clothes are easier to wear for newborn than those one-piece body suit right? mummies, where to get nice button-type clothes? intend to get one for the bb going home suit.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bliss & Tiger_Baby,

Thanks for the update on the parts for the breast pump.


Come to think of it... I find both Megan & Chloe both nice. Chloe sounds very girl where Megan sounds more sophisticated. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Maybe decide which is better when match with Chinese name?


Done with the milk bags stock up? I tot of getting the Avent VIA cups for milk storage and when supply stablise and ML ending, then I will go for the milk bags stock up.

Any recommendations for milk bags?

Previously, I merely used Avent VIA cups for the milk storage.


As almost counting down, I am starting to worry about jealousy from #1 upon #2's arrival.

Few of my friends encourage me to give more attention to #1 after #2's arrival as #2 is too young to feel jealous about and furthermore #2 needs time to adapt and establish his own 'timing/schedule'. Even getting #1 a gift upon #2's arrival, jealously from #1 still exists.

I even planned to get a bicycle w/ learning wheels for my #1 coz he simply loves rides. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But still wonder if I can cope and handle him coz he is really super clingy to me all these while. Simply dun want anyone else...

What's your plan?


Me also due end june. so planning to wash bb clothes only in mid next month and pack hospital bag in week 36. Was also feeling gan jiong like alot of things haven't do. But after doing up a list, feels much better. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yes, the button ones are better for newborns to minimise handling of bb's neck too much during change of clothes. Coz initially bb's neck require most care/attention. For me, also until the drop of the umbilical cord thingy, then will wear the norm slip down from neck kind top/romper. That should be after one mth.

U can get from bb's section @ any departmental store (e.g. Metro, John Little, etc.). There are nice ones. Most importantly is the mittens/booties and swaddling blanket for newborn.


how do you manage to and fro everyday with your piles? have you try fybogel before? its not bad. i also have piles for a long long time and i bet its gonna worsen after i deliver! =<

i saw this cold storage selling prune juice about $3.95 from sunraysia (can't remember the exact spelling), don't know good anot.


zachary tan like not bad leh. but of cuz i still prefer jovian than zachary cuz i don't know how to pronounce! =p


i plan to get something for #1, then claim its from #2, hopefully this will work. don't think will get big present eg. car as hubby already gotten him a big motorcycle (have to charge) few months back. and now, house is getting smaller.

yaozi, my sis's Avent manual pump was last used in 2003 leh.. my hubby wants me to get a brand new one coz of hygiene purpose. best of all, he tok oni, no action. i have to buy n pay myself lor. who knows the model too old cannot even replace the parts. :p

sberry122, button type of bb clothes can get fm kiddy palace.. but if dun mind plain colours one, can get fm the wholesale shop at Queen's St.

Hi June Mummies,

I have a reader to this thread for a while.

Decide to join in the fun as well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My info:

Name: sparkley

Age: 29

Edd: 28 Jun 2010

Gynae: Dr Chen

Hospital: Mt A

Baby Gender: Girl

Expecting No: 1

Working Status: FTWM

Location: North


The massage session that you just had, mind if you provide me with the contact?

Done @ home? Coz the aches on me are so killing... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Sparkley, Welcome to the club.

Hey gals, Kate Spade Warehouse Sale coming up on 24th April, 2010 at Safra Mt. Faber clubhouse..

Up to 70% off all items! One day only!

Don't know if they have any bb diaper bags.. but still worth to go and see la..


