(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

maggie mee, just see your boy just now. Very boy boy already hor (^^)

BTW for Shichida, just my own opinion, if we still need spend time to practice at home with baby, why paying so much on the course and not teaching at home instead? I think Shichida selling the material. Can check out with them before consider to sign up the course.


SAHM, I will love to spend whole day at home with my boy!

My hubby also ask me to be a SAHM. But like lilstarz29, I also like to spend my own money. Even if my hubby say he will pay me salary, I don't feel comfortable to ask $$ from him. Esp if when he's stress on his job or when he's no in good mood bah.

GUG - growing up gifted

yah lor, i also do not plan to take my hubby's $. even so, i would save it into my son's acct. that's why the bonus came in handy! that's why, litstar, stay till u get your bonus!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mummies, have to be careful if your baby having "heat rash" problems. I just brought my boy to see doctor this morning. He had fever last nite due to the rashes.

Luckyone.. no lah i not so 'wei da' lah.. ask me stay at home with her 24/7 i think we (me and baby) will both drive each other crazy...even if i resign i also will still put her in school just that got more flexibility if she not feeling well or want to bring her out..

Jasmini... yeah of course only after bonus.. thats why still considering.. but can feel that i dun really want to.. i think work easier than look after baby :p

I'm quite envious of mummies who can stay at home and be stay home mum but i know that i can't do it. Financially is a problem. On top of that, i'm like u, lilstarz29, think baby and me will drive each other crazy unless got helper/maid to help out, then maybe possible.

lilstarz29, i also think work easier than looking after babies. Actually, i'm quite tore, half of me, wants to stay at home and be with him all the time. The other half, know that it's hell lot of work and very tiring. Cannot take leave, cannot MC and he demands a lot of attention. a bit scared.

Luckyone, fever due to rash, wow! didn't know that can happen. How is your son now? my baby also had rash but thinks his is due to cow's milk allergy during infant time, now don't have already, seems to outgrown it. During that time, try everything under the son, all the lotion, changing showder foam, change powder, but then think he outgrow it. Change all his showder foam, powder and everything doesn't really help.

Jasmini , end of the month works for me, just pick a day that works for you. I have baby float, we can just hang out at your place / pool . Think no need to go east coast cos I don't really like the sun and don't want to get baby dirty in the sand haha

impulse41, now ok liao. Thanks.

Regarding allery to foods hor, my boy also allery to blue berry. I feed him when he's 9 months old. Do you think I can try again now?

Luckyone, my first PD mentioned before that infant are allergic to a lot of food, wait a few months until they are older, the stomach more mature, expose to more things, try again. It's possible that they outgrown the allergy. You can try again. or wait a few more months, then try again.

Luckyone.. my boi fell n hit his nose.. bled. Doc actually says xray ok but tis mrng called n say got fracture!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Me so guilty for not looking aft him properly.. sigh...

Now waiting appt to bring him see plastic surgeon..

maggie mee, ah! but I saw him this afternoon he looks ok and eating his lunch happily leh.

Need to do surgery?

haiz..my boy also fell from our bed once. I don't dare to tell his Papa...

Babies at this age (month) are very active...

Hi everyone,

Yes, nanabear. Thea's on okto. My best friend works as a creative manager there so i was helping her.

Cry it Out:

Thea had been such a bad sleeper last week that we decided to let her cry. We didn't feel so bad as much as when she was a baby, cos she was able to stop crying an start again. Her cries are more like "aaaaah, aaaaah." so we believe it's more like crying for attention. Anyway, last few nights she woke up and we ignored and she managed to sleep by herself. Feel quite bad, so need some assurance from you guys that I'm not a bad mummy!!! Haha. But good thing is she had been waking up happy, more than the past. So should be okay right...

Pancake, m not aware of this but only free on weekend..dun think weekend got promo rite? Thx for ur info anyway..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Luckyone, i think u can let ur boy to try le..I just bought the bluberry and taste so nice..my boy love it..

maggie mee..oh..*hug hug*..hope ur boy ok..I know tat guilty feelin u hving now cox my boy fell down 2 times from bed too..is just an accident, no one wish to be happened..dun worry, he will fine de..

luckyone.... waiting for KKH to call me arrange appt... not sure how is it ... now can only not let him hit the nose again... ald told the teachers to take note....

Now he is a naughty n cheeky boi... sometime i see your boi like quieter..when he younger seems to cry more.. grow up different lah.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pinnky... thks.. from now on.. me got phobia he will fall anytime.. must follow him everywhere... haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Maggie mee, your boy still wearing long sleeve in IFC? I'm thinking now the weather so hot, let my boy wear T-shirt and half quarter pant instead.

maggie mee..me too..said good bye to my new bed n sleep on floor with him now..afraid he will fall down again..aih..

luckyone, I also think ur boy very kuai le..hehe..but I believe wat u said..our bbs tend to bully us all d time..

luckyone, why need to wear long sleeve? So hot now..my boy always wear short sleeve..even after 2nd bath..I only changed him b4 he goes to bed..if not, sure sweating..

Pinnky, "kuai" ah..I agreed only when he having his meal hahaha..He never waste my foods so far.

Becasue air con IFC mah. So it is ok to wear t-shirt and short ah?

luckyone.. haha used to it ... let him wear long sleeve @ IFC since he started there...

But i scare he inside aircon will be cold... althought he sweat big time!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] me "kia si" mum

some mummies brot their babies to Universal Studio jalan jalan right..

i believe there is nothing for them to play at the moment, but visually, is there anything that our babies might be interested in?

i wanna go leh. I haven been there yet.

maggie mee, I scare the "heta rash" will come back again if I let him wear long sleeve in this hot weather leh....so headache....

Mrs Teo, haha just talked to my hubby this afternoon shall we bring our boy to Universal Studio end of Dec? But I don't think we can enjoy our ride with little one. Was thinking they selling the entrance ticket only?

oic..should be ok baa..just remember to wear sock when sleep..is it very cold? cox never been there..esp whole day le..

Mrs Teo, I brought my boy to USS after hour (after 7pm)..is $5 or $7 per entrance..I think is quite worth it cox the fireworks is so nice n my boy so happy watched it. If goin on day time, I think not suitable for them esp they r so young n most ride not suitable for them..might as well save d money for other stuffs or go zoo..hehe..

Mrs Teo: I went to Universal studios without the baby. Baby left at home. But, there's really nothing there for babies to play. And, you won't be able to play anything if you bring bb along. Even if you bring helper, the poor helper will have to stand around and wait while you enjoy your ride.

Not much sheltered areas, very hot leh.

Agree with Pinnky, money better spent going to zoo. I will bring Chloe to the zoo when she can walk a little. hehe. I love going to the zoo!

Pinnky, Luckyone: Yes yes! Let's have zoo outing! Let me see, 22 Oct! haha... I randomly choose the date one ok. haha. Somewhere that is not school holidays, or long weekends. And somewhere near the bbs turning 18 months. Hopefully can walk. Else she can sit in the Smart Trike and I push her along.

luckyone, sure..let's go!

haha..chloemum..u r so cute!! Any sat/sun will do, dun need PH or school holidays, I dun like the crowd too..I think by july/aug, should be able to walk baa..

Pinnky.. yeah this news v sad.... so i must make sure now i check n be careful wif my boi.... esp after so many incidents of him falling/knocking on head... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Pinnky, waa the news is very sad indeed..a gentle reminder to us on how vulnerable life is...

Maggiemee hope your boy's ok.

mine somehow twists his wrist in an awkward position and lands on his face or head with a loud thud!..haizzz..it happens so often and also under my watch..

The only thing we can do is try to make our homes safer for our little ones..

EdieSweet T is uber cute on screen!

Don't feel bad about letting her cry it out. they do have different tones for attention or for alarm.so every mummy knows best[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mine's abit weird as he is on almost full FM, but latches before naps and sleeps(can't break this habit yet)..strangely after a short latch,i'll put him down, make him grab hold of something(anything,toy,pillow security blanket etc.) and run out of the room before he can react, and he'll go to sleep.

This is the current night ritual...

Any Mummies would like to share your night sleep rituals?

Hmm... think i am the most hard hearted mummy here then... she eh eh eh i also ignore...

i feed her FM then put her in her cot... give her bunny.. and she rolls around in her cot.. i then just walk out of the room and close the door.. normally 10 mins later i walk in she sound asleep aldy.. cos if i stay in the room she will eh eh eh and walk around her cot non stop...but it was very very hard work to be able to reach this stage...

Sheryl, i usually prep him before i put him down to sleep. I will tell him "after this commercial advertisement you go to bed", then when i off the light, i will tell him good night and give him the pacifier. Will put in the middle of my bed, he will usually flip and i keep un-flipping him until he is tired and he go to la-la land. Thereafer, i will move him into his playpen.

Lilstarz, i tried your method before, walk out and let my boy do what he wants, but end up he just cry and scream non stop for a good half hr instead of falling asleep on his own. Sigh..

Luckyone, didn't know heat rash can cause fever!! If in the air-con room whole day, then better wear long sleeve top cos you don't want him to get a cold instead, maybe you can let him wear those very thin material long sleeve top with loose collar so the rash ard his neck will not build up.

jasmini, if my husband will to pay me my current salary to stay at hm, i will sure quit and take money from him. looking after his kid is also a job so deserve to be pay. i will too make his bonus month my bonus month as well. as his wife, i have every right to spend his money. lol...

lilstar, how u train your gal so sleep on her own? most of the time i will have to fight a war to get sophie to sleep. put her down in cot she will immediately climb up, put her down again then she start crying. i will then start patting her to sleep which can take up to 15min before she finally fall asleep. but once she fall asleep i still have to sit with her for another 5 to 10mins in case she start to stir. very tiring.

edie, saw thea to okto. next time ur friend need baby model tell me k. sophie willingly volunteer herself. keke...


yeah it was a very very painful process... she used to be on pacifier which was so easy just pop in her mouth she go and sleep..then last month i weaned her off the pacifier.. so thats where BUNNY came in...i tried the pat pat pat but i lost my patience.. took too darn long.. then i just give her bunny roll her to her side then ignore her.. but i found when i left the room it was easier to let her sleep.. when she realise nobody in the room with her (i secretly peep in) she will roll around in her cot, play with bunny and talk to herself.. and then sleep...

of course there are days when she takes her power naps.. wha.. then can be 1 hour eh eh eh scream throw bunny out of her cot repeatedly.. but most imptly i also see timing.. she goes to sleep easiest about 2.5 to 3 hours after she wakes up from her last nap... anyway i fix her bed time around 8 plus to 9 plus at night aldy...

Maggiemeewow gd sleeper!

lilstar my hubby also tell me to leave him to eheheh in his cot. I try but when it gets to loud, i'll still go into his rm.

I usually feed 180ml FM 30mins before his bedtime and wait for his putput, clean up then let him play in his cot, latch and sleep.

now just need to figure a way to minus the latch portion as he is already well-fed.perhaps just walk out of the room so that he knows that its time to sleep.

littlejoyhaa!!same here! I also tell him "ok time to sleep after this program"..

mushgd that sophie and sleep after patting. it doesnt work if i do t he patting, but it works when daddy pats. maybe cos he got no boobies. heee!!

Hi mummies,

i am from Sept thread. Due to budget constraint, I'm looking for 2nd hand Avent Steamer/Blender in good condition since my little girl just starting weaning.

If anyone keen to let go, please PM me.

I've started mass mailing companies for sponsorship for our party. shall update you guys the list i've approached later today. If you have some vendors in mind, feel free to pm me for the letter template to send.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hihi mummies... gatecrashing ur forum...

I'm a July mummy... gg back to work soon and sourcing for a good Infant care. Would really appreciate if any can recommend? PM me can?

Looking for one in the East / Thomson / Raffles Place... Tks vm in advance!

Sleeping ritual: i'm doing what Lilstar is doing. Have been doing that since Chloe was 2 months old.

around 830ish/9pm, will shower her, change, give her milk, she will hold and drink, if she's tired enuff, she will doze off while drinking, so just shake the bottle a bit, to make her finish her milk. i just need to remove bottle after that. On most good days, i will be free after 9pm.

On the not so good days, she will refuse to sleep, stand in cot, walk around, jump up and down, make lotsa noise. I will lie her down, give her blanket and other stuff, and walk out of room. If she starts making noise, i will ignore for a while, den go in and repeat the lying her down again. Sooner or later, she will get tired, and fall asleep.

i do realise that it's usually easier for me, if i let her crawl around, walk around, bounce a lot just before bedtime. Get her real tired, and there won't be much fight at bedtime.

Hi mummies,

How are all of ya?

Lucas was running a fever few days ago but phew... It subsided the next day.

His sleeping ritual is like littlejoy's. I'll stay by his side till he rolls and flips enough to bed. Then put him back into his cot.

Tried letting him cry in the bed before. Once, he was very quiet for a good half an hour. I thought I have succeeded. But he was just stoning in it! And when he saw me, he stood up immediately! Nowadays, I notice his attempts to climb over the cot. So I began to worry that he make it one day and falls over. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] thus, I sticked to letting him doze off on our bed.

Back from road trip to Cameron Highland for 1 week and finally have a chance to read my favourite forum! Hello mummies! It's been a crazy week for me... work, work and work!

Baby survived the road trip. She actually had urticarial rash all over her body the day before the trip but we still went ahead because all accommodations booked. Then she started coughing with phlegm the morning we started the trip. Luckily managed to find pharmacy at Cameron Highland to buy cough syrup for her. Overall, it was a "working" trip for me and hubby, tiring but worth the memories la. Hope for more family trip. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs Teo, I brought baby to Universal Studios too many months ago. Like Pinnky, I went for the $5 afterhour entrance (think after 6pm) which covered 2 themed area but no rides. Baby enjoyed the fireworks. I'm not into themed park so that was enough for me. Other than that, I don't think there's much for baby to do.

On the other hand, I think baby will enjoy the zoo more! May be we should have a May babies' outing to the zoo!

~Update on email blasting for sponsors for our party.

Received 3 companies willing to provide discount/cash vouchers to us.

I thought of updating the excel spreadsheet so that mummies can view who I've approached.

The main categories are as follows:

1)Online clothing stores

2) Photography

3) Formula milk companies

4) Toy rental/online toy co.s

5) Enrichment/learning tools

6) Online diapers

7) Party co.s

Any suggestions of co.s you have dealt with and are useful to our needs? travel co.s? something for mommies and daddies too?? I'll update the list now.

I don't think my baby sleeping pattern has changed since she was 3 to 4 months old. She is still sleeping on my bed. Still latch to sleep. Still wake up 1 to 2 times and I latch her back to sleep. Sigh... I have not tried to do any "sleep training" leh. Will it get harder to change her pattern the longer I let it be?

