(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Hi Mums,

How's everyone?

Back from my cruise trip. Very tiring cause my girl clinged onto my like a koala bear all the time.

Was quite suprise by the crowd cause i took a Wed cruise. Well, nothing much to do on board. Most of the time, walking around and eating.


Re: milk

haha, yup i realise when my baby drinks EBM, he can drink 150ml, if Similac, only 100ml. If i change milk powder, any brand recommendations? which is yummy and less fishy? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

littlejoy, aiya my baby stops at 100ml and we don't wait then feed him 5min later...we just throw away remaining milk. hmm, mabbe i should 'try again later'[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

*mush*, i still give baby EBM, sometimes i pump only once or twice (max) a day. can get 500-600ml min. my baby drinks less than 500ml, and i do give him Similac, so usually i either dump the excess EBM or use to poach my fish to rid of the fishy smell. or use in cooking :p like french toast...haha

Hi Lin,

Nope. Was a short trip. So, preferred to stay on board. Hmm. The activites seems like more for kids. Dun think my baby can participate.

Have a good impression that the ship was well maintained. Should be nicer and more relax if the crowd is less. keke..

Wow.. Thread moving fast..

Luckyone: ur food menu really look appetizing..

Jus realized today that enfalac milk really smell awful.. My girl drink milk in milk bottle still no issue.. But when I tried feeding her bread with milk.. She told 1 mouth and refused. Feed her milk with spoon also refused.. In the end, feed her the bread directly. Now she always want to see whats in the bowl I feed her, then she will decide to eat/drink anot.

Think it's bcos of the milk that why she's rejecting her cereal.

I'm thinking of giving her enfagrow when she reaches 1yo.. Can jus skip enfapro rite?

I'm wondering can I feed bb with bread and unsalted cheese in btw?? Or do I have to smash the cheese??

Next mon I'm taking up the promotion and reporting to a new office.. Wish me luck! Hope I still can knock off work on time to fetch bb..


Yes brought her to public swimming pool... Water is cool. But after a while she got okay n start enjoying, playing w the toy ducky n splashing etc. She might hav swallow a bit of the water but it's ok. Will definitely bring her again. I just dislike the bathing part. She is scared by the water pressure.

1st Birthday Bash Update

So far, we have 58 adults n 33 babies signed up, so I think we can finalize the budget.

I've currently set aside $120 for prizes for games and with that the amount payable is $18 per adult and $9 per kid (other than the babies).

So do you all want to have any games and prizes ??? If not would you all prefer to use the $120 for lucky draw ??

If we don't have the $120 for prizes or lucky draw then the amt payable will be $16 per adult and $8 per kid

Pls let me know so that we can finalize and start collecting money.

Also, even if no prizes, can we have some ppl think of some games or something to do during that 4 hours ?

Was thinking of having a simple interactive activity to group mummies by the area that they live so that they know who they can call for playdates in the future.

Then a game will be crawling competition ?? I need volunteers for this pls.

Really need suggestion for games and activities pls .... thanks !

Hi mummies,

May I know when is the date of the birthday bash?

Can still join?

Sorry, wasn't in this thread for some time so didn't know about this earlier...

teng, i tired letting her hold on to a loaded spoon. instead of pulling the spoon into her mouth, she go lean forward to eat from the spoon. she will put anything inedible into her mouth, but food she will wait for ppl to offer or hold for her. weird baby...

jasmini, u mean u just pump one or two times for the whole day without latch? each pump 500-600 alot leh. my pd recommend that bb at 10mth to have abt 500mL of milk a day. since u got enough bm why still give fm?

jo, there is no unsalted cheese, just got to choose one which is low is sodium. i suppose u can toast the bread with cheese on it. add some tomato sauce, mayb a bit of bell pepper, a slice of fish, volia mini pizza. good luck with ur new job.

Just checked back the thread... realised it's 15th May.. can't join le.. cos I have a charity prawning event that day..

But Michelle, some ideas for the games

1) Most babies are fascinated with balls/balloons". Can sit in one big round... parent behind baby and roll the balls to one another.... parents are to hold the child's hands to catch and roll.

2) Another version is to use many balloons and toss them into the air. Don't have to catch. Parent to just help babies with tossing and hitting the balloons to one another... babies will have fun seeing colourful balloons being tossed around.

3) Bring a CD with songs talking about body parts and in the same circle, teach the babies to point to their body parts along with the song? Or simply sitting and watching a baby exercise video and doing it together is fun for a big group of babies.

4) Musical bump - playmats must be around.

Have children music playing and someone controlling. Parents to bring babies on their feet, dance to the music then when music stops, bring them to sit down quickly. First time, second time, they will think it's strange but subsequently, they get the hang of it...

Hope you can get some ideas from the above? There are many variations and allows for mass participation too :)


no i don't latch anymore. if i pump once a day, breast very engorged, so usually i pump once morn, once at night [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] if pump twice, >600. if pump once, at least 550.

why i give FM ah, cos my baby looks underweight (8kg), and my ILs and all keeps saying it's bcos he is on BM which is VERY WATERY. so now i give only hindmilk of the BM (which is creamier) and give him FM lor....


can share how many times you bathe your bb now? my helper bathes him in the morning and evening. full bath -washes hair and everything! is that necessary?

sometimes the weather so cold and he has flu, but my helper still bathes him twice a day, she says otherwise he will "itchy itchy" :p

and *sob* of the day:

my maid urgently needs to leave. she wanted to work till next month to get salary but i ask her to go back asap ie. this SUN (i will give her next mth's salary) cos her daughter needed operation on her kidney urgently.

Siao liao, and next week my hubby has 2 weeks reservist. Now i'm going to have the full blast of SAHM experience! And my next helper can come only 2 mths later.

the thing is, i'm quite useless mommy - usually i leave things to my maid who is very experienced. now i feel so crippled! *big sobs*

Mush : how about using her fingers to hold and eat fingerfood? is she ok with that? May still need some time to coordinate the spoon... My son too.. he's ok with handling big pieces of food and putting into his mouth. I tried with those yoghurt melts, he only succeeded after some time.... but comes another prob... now he thinks anything small can be put into his mouth....

Spoon-wise.. I didn't dare try with porridge cos scared of the mess.. just tried with dry fruits but not yet succeeded as well.... she's not wierd lah... just need time... I think baby needs "conditional learning"... after trying repeatedly or seeing you do it... he/she will want to try it too... be patient ya :)

Jasmini : It depends wor....

Morning around 10am - full bath with shampoo and shower foam.

Evening around 7pm - bath with this baby nightime bath -- few drops into the bath turb and just bathed him there (very fast/simple nightwash).

But if it's cold weather or no sweat/cool -- we will sometimes just towel-wipe him in the evening with warm water.

Next whole week, I'm gonna be a SAHM too cos my mum is travelling (holiday)... honestly, I'm quite blur one.. and the previous time my mum left me alone with baby, I have a number of friends/relatives calling to check how I was cos they know I sure can't handle...

But tell you something.. when you are left ALONE.. your maternal instincts comes in... you will just try your best to do everything in the best way cos that's the BEST you want your child to have... don't worry too much k!!!!

Don't forget you still have all the mummies here to advise/share your concerns with ALL THE TIME!

skmama: did you bring your bb to anchorvale swimming complex there? I plan to bring my bb maple there this coming sun.

Is the environment good for baby? the bathing area ok?

jasmini, u thrown away ur milk?!?!? that's crazy! did you boy gain weight after a diet of pure hindmilk and fm?

i bath Sophie twice a day. morning is just with water w/o washing hair. night will be full bath. if worry abt cold weather then just close all windows during bath time lor. i find Sophie quite smelly even with 2 baths. She normally start smelling after her 2nd nap ard 3pm. i got a very smelly baby. lol...

teng, i do offer finger food but most of the time she will just stare at them. then i will try to get her to hold it, any luck, she will taste a bit. otherwise she will get angry and throw the food. if that happen, it will be my dog lucky day.


my baby bath morning (between 7.30am to 9am) depends on what time she wakes up

shes taking porridge so usually very messy after lunch (quick shower)

then bathe once more after dinner...

but if she plays and get smelly, i will shower her again before bedtime. just a very quick rinse

mush: ^5 on smelly baby. Chloe baths like 3 times a day, but still smelly lar. bbsitter will bath her twice. when i get home in the evening to fetch her, after a little play, she's smelly again! So i bath her again before changing her into pjs and get ready to sleep. stinky sweat smell!

jasmini: the maternal instincts! they will just come lar. no need to worry.

michelle: if too troublesome, no need to have lucky draw lar. just use the money for food, some deco, and maybe some simple games. Take it as a huge playdate lar. Think mummies are all bz with their bbs' bday bashes. No prizes also ok. or we can get simple gifts, then do lucky dip for door gift?

ChloeMum ok , I think we just do 1 game - crawling competition with 3 prizes and then the rest we do lucky draw

Jasmini , I bathe my boy 2 times a day , 9am and 6pm . But if it is raining or cold in the evening or if he is sick , then I will just wipe him

Jasmini , I also just sent my maid home on Monday lor , after She has worked for 9 mths. What happened was she came back late on Sunday her off day , nearly 9 plus , then never inform me or pick up my call , and my husband could tell she was drinking . Then we scolded her and she talked back at us . After that we check thru her phone , we found out that she has been having an affair with a 57 yr old Singaporean man who has 2 kids and my maid is only 24 lor , so gross man

So on Monday we sent her back and then emailed MOM to impose an employment ban on her so she can never work in Singapore

And after this we decide not to have a maid ever again , and in the meantime my MIL helping out and sleeps with the baby at night , so not so bad and we will get those part timers to come and clean the house


haha yes i throw away about half of my milk for the longest time ever. previously when i have lotsa milk bags, i will donate to moms, now baby too old liao, no one wants the milk :p

ever since he starts on FM and solids, he stopped gaining weight!! so weird, i dunno why. maybe he bounce too much...hee.


haha ya so gross!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so you decide not to have a helper after this? it's really "heng suay" one. there are good maids out there... My helper loves my boy very much and we all like her a lot too, so it is very saddening. Hey ask you something, can you baby sense that the maid is suddenly not ard anymore? i wonder if my baby will be very sad - cos he is very attached to her.....

Re: bathing

wow bathe 3 times ah....woah! very hardworking mommies!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] don't think i could ever achieve that! :p

Re: toothless babies

any mommies with toothless babies? do you feed your toothless ones with porridge unblended ( that means the grains are discrete and whole, not mashed together)?

my toothless one now refuses to gum whole grains, only willing to eat blended porridge [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

is that okay?

Jasmini : mine still has no teeth yet... but we have been feeding him with whole grain porridge (cooked till very soft with slow cooker).

Do you have chopped pieces of vege or meat together with your blended porridge normally? Slowly add in little by little so that he can learn how to chew with his gums at this point of time... instead of fully blending everything.

They need time to learn how to chew... can also try those baby melts (softer kinds)... mine was eager to chew those melts so in a way learnt how to chew bah...


my baby can gum baby puffs, biscuits, bread, and whatever "titbits" he likes. he would happily feed himself those, and demand for more!

but he doesn't like porridge with minced beef, chopped veg etc. think the meat he can't chew….

when I blend it, he can finish whole bowl….

ma chiam like baby…..:p

Jasmini , her departure has not affected my boy cos I make it a point to take care of him myself in the day, so my boy not attached to the maid . My maid duty was just to do housework , bathe him , walk the dog and take care of baby at night .

Lucky I never rely too much on her , so now still can cope

Jasmini, my bb only has 1.1 teeth, bottom. Stopped growing for a long time, since about a month back. I have also stopped giving her blended stuff for a long time. I have fed her rice, shredded chicken, minced meat, chopped veg, lots finger food (carrot sticks, bb biscuits, puffs, etc). No prob. Eat or not i think it depends on the bb's mood. I seriously do not think that her little teeth helps in eating. hahaha....

But i did realise that she sorta refuse to let me spoon feed her, it gets really challenging beyond the 1st few mouthfuls. So I try to let her feed herself whenever possible. i will sprinkle rice, shredded chicken etc on the high chair table for her to take and eat. If not i will take and put into her mouth. Anything works, as long as there's no spoon involved.

If you are not afraid of the mess, maybe you want to try?

Hello mommies! LTNS. Sorry no time to read or post.


I pump 2X in office, 12 pm and 6pm, just nice to supplement the 2 feeds of 150-180ml.

T likes his cereal and snacks = not so stress for me coz his MOQ will be lower. If sophie is a milkaholic, then maybe pumping once is not enough and you will need to supplement or use your stash.

Latest major headache and worry, my sis is going for operation so my entire support system will have to go over to her place for 1.5 mths starting from mid april until she recovers...

I have to find temporary solution for both my kids, and all the logistics...Plus my office super peak period, so stressed but cannot fall apart now, don't know how to survive, don't dare to think.


It's the one near farmway LRT. it's like the mother of all swimming pool. V child/baby friendly. Big wading pool w a fountain in the centre. Got slides all for kids. They hav bathing rooms specially for children. U can try it there. It's a big pool. So weekends crowded also not so bad.

Hi all....

LTNS...As u guys know, baby Toshan (my lil prince) 1st Birthday bash is coming soon so been really busy preparing. Had absolutely no time to catch up. Finally found 10 mins to quickly browse thru. I have to check if my hubby is in town before i can confirm my attendance for the party.

Well, I guess everyone is busy with our almost 1 babies...its quite fun now, they imitate n do things we say. But bb has not started walking without support. Well, guess he will do so when he is ready. How r the other babies doing??

If I had the time I would really like to catch up with u all. I miss all the babies n the mummies!! Btw, Im still looking for a clown/entertainer for my bb birthday. If you guys know a good affordable, pls let me know k. Thanks!!!

thanks Teng & chloemom

that's one of my fave websites too! yea, tried to make eating fun for him, but now maid gone back liao- cannot be too fun! :p means i gotta clean up after him...LOL....

if i feed him puree, he can finish big bowl. just thinking that if i let him feed himself, it'll take a very long time to accomplish very little (hmm how much can your darling eat if she self-feed? my baby is low-birth weight so i worry more if he don't eat 'enough'...hee) so usually i just let him feed stuff like bread pieces, baby puffs - things that are no-mess :p


guess what? i thought my baby gonna wake up and cry for my helper but he didn't! she was gone for a day liao and it's still business as usual for my baby, like nothing happen. maybe their memory too short, cannot remember what is missing.

but i'm missing my helper real bad....haha....

jasmini, how long hav u been pumping just once a day? can maintain supply? since ur bb not gaining weight on FM, just get him on total bm then. throwing away milk very xin tong leh.

bbf, long time no see. how long more do u plan to bf? im thinking of stopping when sophie turn one but i will miss bf-ing her lor.

gassy baby, any bb here still having gas problem? other than gripe water and ru yi you, any other solution towards gas? sophie always wake up at nite crying due to gas but she hate gripe water and ru yi you dont seems to be very effective.

Hi Mummies,

Just wanna check, do you let your bb use blanket when sleeping in air-con at night? I realise my boy's hands are always cold ever since he grew out of mittens. Don't know what to do...

Also are your all your babies sleeping through the night? Mine isn't and is driving me nuts cos he wakes up at least 2 times per night. One time for milk and the sec one sometimes he seems to be fully awake and want to stand & have fun!!

1st Birthday Bash payment

Impulse41, I think let's start collecting $ for the birthday bash.

Can you provide us with your bank account details so that we can start transferring $.

Amount to pay will be $18 per adult and $9 per kid (other than babies) No payment required for babies

You can double check the spreadsheet for how much you need to pay and when you have transferred the $, pls update the spreadsheet with the date paid and txn ref #.



I will evaluated the situation again in another 2 mths after T turns one. Perhaps just a little more to be fair to both my sons. I'm really looking to wear my non-nursing friendly clothes but this will be my last, so I may need more time. Haven't seen u for so long, I'm glad u are still nursing. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Can I know when is the birthday bash location, date and time? thanks.

hello luckyone and chloemum,

i bought the sweet potato, guess what she dun like....sobs...she throw it out...sobs**

nvm, i try again this weekend..keke....

mummies, weather seem bad manz!! been hving headache...arghh....

Hi mummies how r all of u??

No time to read thread.. very busy with work

I just saw Thea pic on the okto arts advert on channel u .. edie! ! Is it her???

Bbf it's on 15 May from 11-3pm at Yio Chu Kang Grassroots club . There is still space if you want to sign up , just register using the excel link in my previous post

Hi mummies,

My POSB saving acct no is 030-40226-0. Drop me an email, pm when u make the transfer, will appreciate if you can mentioned your online nick in the email so I can identify who to attach it to.

I will update the spreadsheet once I receive and identify your transfer.

Parent tip: dinner time tip

“My little one hates having his hands and face wiped. I pretend to wipe my face first saying ‘we wipe mummy’s face then we wipe Ethan's face’. He finds it funny and so laughs instead of crying and fussing.”

Luckyone, my boy often has heat rush around his neck.. too active already! As and when during the day, I wil use wet towel to clean his neck. At night when he is asleep i will apply some heat rush cream.


can maintain supply la, cos actually trying to reduce supply....you're right, no weight gain might as well give BM, but i'm thinking of planning for another baby so would like to wean completely by 1yo. how much weight gain / mth you have for your babies? mine is pathetic, like 100-150g...

for gassiness, try the Ruyi oil? i intro that to my baby on his 2nd month and colicky. works well with a baby massage after bath in the evenings, i usually dilute Ruyi oil with baby oil.


i don't put on mittens, cos he sucks his thumb sometimes to soothe himself back to sleep. what you can do is to increase the room temp to 25deg - that is ideal. if you still think too cold, then 26 lor :p


these few days very hot, so heat rash can be worse. bathe or clean him more often, then moisturise/put some baby powder! otherwise stay in air-con places / on the fan lor ;)


can check how much food do you feed your bb? now that my helper went back, my mom's helper looks shocked at the amt of food i give my bb, and she feeds him only about half the portion only.

the sad thing is my bb takes 3 meals a day and hardly gains any weight at all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] maybe i should put him on a 'more milk' diet? any advice? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

littlejpy & jasmini, yeah aply a lot of cream liao still on and off...Too bad my boy allergy to "powder"

jasmini, increase alittle more carbohydrate and beef?

My boy gain weight after taken flour (bread, cake, etc) and beef.

Hi Jasmini, the weight gain has slow down a lot for my baby as well. if he is healthy and happy, don't worry about the weight. How heavy is your baby now?

mine refuse to drink milk, i can totally forget about "more milk diet" haha. I'm trying to feed beef now, heard from mummies that it can help in weight gain. u can try?

my baby okie with beef, but think he prefer fish more. don't really like potatoes and beef. seems to prefer his fish porridge.

Jasmini, I feed my boy:

Breakfast - 1 1/2 pc of bread or 2 small pcs steam cake/ pan cake or pao.

Lunch (1 adult rice bowl full) - 4 table spoons of rice/ spaghetti or 6 table spoons of thin wheat noodle with 4 table spoons of meat/ fish vegetables soup + 2 table spoons of fruits.

Dinner (1/9 of adult rice bowl) - 3 table spoons of rice/ spaghetti or 5 table spoons of thin wheat noodle with 3 table spoons of meat/ fish vegetables soup + 2 table spoons of fruits.


Luckyone: i use california baby aloe vera cream on Chloe's neck. She used to get rashes too. But since I started on the aloe vera, I dun see it anymore.

Pinnky: I think the bb sunblock i use is from Baby Blanket. Pink Color tube cream. Stickiness is acceptable. But avoid the eyes. Cos will sting the eyes. Bought from mothercare.


