(2010/05) May 2010 mtb


buy those sweet ikan bilis instead of the salted ones. so it will not be salty for them. the sweet ones are not really sweet so no worries. i suppose one table/ tea spoon enough.


xiaocai mummy,

the sweet one is it the white one? those sml sml ones? cos i know the big flat one is salty.:p

i think the mummies here really inspire me to cook for bb. if not i also wont know we can make puree ourself... porridge i only know to cook w carrot or potato...:p

our babies r so fortunate!

Skmama, i think thats the kind.. i will double check w my mum tonight... cause she help me buy ingredients de...

i am also inspired~ i wanna try making puree for my xiao cai!

Genice, Skmama, white one ikan bilis is good..or buy those small one, not big one..heads need to remove..

Genice, u can add abt 1 table spoon like Krystal said..if no enough taste, u can add on..but dun let ur bb eat too salty stuffs at the begining..anyway, with carrot, potato all d stuffs add into the porridge, it should taste sweet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

skmama, stil got lot of porridge can cook..pumpkin,sweet potato porridge is good for bb too..next time, when Sarah big enough, u can cook pumpkin rice for her..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

o..I did add in the egg yolk into d porridge for my boy (u can boil d egg first and then take out the yolk), is good for brain development according from my pd. But must observe any allergy occur.

Thanks.. Tot of buying those plastic bibs so that I can jus rinise off.. It's more for use at IFC ..

Guess what.. IFC advised me to feed bb girl cereal with milk bottle cos my girl tend to cry when she see the spoon most of the time.. But I rather reluctant wo.. Wanna train her to eat with spoon Ma.. And I realized I bought the wrong cereal.. Instead of buying rice cereal.. I bought oat cereal.. Is there any difference ar??

Mummies, I haven't really start feeding my girl porridge mixed with other stuff yet.. Cos she haven't get used to eating cereal, secondly.. I dunno how to prepare the porridge with other stuff wo..


i don encourage to bottle feed cereal... cause it doesnt teach ur gal to eat from spoon. (i think the ifc lazy to feed lo... cause needed alot of patient and trying for starters)

i was asked by my pd to feed plain rice cereal. but after 1 month of eating plain cereal... my boy don wan le... than i miz some puree in to feed him. and he doesnt crank le...

how old ur gal gal?

Jojo, i only gave my girl brown rice cereal for 4 days.. then now she is on sweet potato puree..will be giving her avocado next then prob carrot... scared she turn orange from too much orange food hahaha....

The whole point of feeding with spoon is to get the baby used to eating from spoon..tell your IFC that will not happen... suggest maybe u try feeding ur baby other stuff.. u dun need to feed cereal everyday the babe will also get bored..

Hey mummies,

all these while i just read.. havent been posting.. just want to ask.. u mummies also just only started the soilds right? Like so fast go onto adding ikan billis and etc.. my PD told me its a 1 week rule actually so now only reached 3 foods with my bb.

Rice cereal.. apple puree and just started vanilla custard. hahahah!

Can someone open a bullentin on our FB page for bb receipes.. bec our thread like train.. so difficult to catch the receipes.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks mummies!!

My girl is 6mths old alr wo.. I also dun really wanna feed cereal with bottles too.

I tried feeding her with frisocream cereal and healthy times brown rice cereal, plain porridge, avocado, apple, pear and sweet potato puree.

She really dun like plain porridge, friscocream cos she totally refused to open her mouth.. For the rest she's still willing to take a few mouth.. I know she likes to eat healthy time brown rice cereal but yet I bought the oats one.. Blur me!


i used the dettol hand soap (in liquid form) to remove stain. Found it very effective. it can even remove ink mark. just apply on the area and soak it for a while, then it will be removed.

Jo, u might want to consider getting disposable bibs for use at IFC. I think the stains set in cos the IFC staff don't wash them immediately. Cos I managed to wash off all the puree stains on the bibs if i rinse them in water immediately after meal. no prob. I saw the disposable bibs selling @ Toy R Us (Forum).

Regarding feeding. Why not don't let IFC feed first until you can get your girl to open her mouth to eat from the spoon? So meanwhile you feed her yourself at home?

Anyone tried feeding bb with brocolli/spinach/potato yet? I think bb going to turn yellow/orange after eating all the pumpkin, sweet potato and carrot. haha...

For potato, do you use the local potato or the US potato?

Hi chloemum, I did feed Brayden broccoli puree but he doesn't like it. I did try out myself n it taste awful..haha..u can always mix with yellow/orange colour vege/fruits, slowly introduce.

Potato, either one can baa..but yellow one should be more tender. Is it US potato is white flesh one?

Jo, dun feed rice cereal using bottle, otherwise ur gal duno how to use spoon in future..If she rejected, dun force her..give her some time to adapt. U can increase the amount from time to time.

U can mix apple, pear or all types of vege/fruits puree into d brown rice cereal. My boy also like to eat healthy times brown rice cereal..went to NTUC at Dawson Place & Tiong Bahru, all out of stock..sienzz..

I agree with wat chloemum suggested..don't let IFC to feed first and then u slowly introduce until ur gal ok with it. U can make puree n feed her once u reached home..is fast to prepare. I did it too!

jo, got to really be patient and keep trying.. ermm... when my boy reject the plain rice cereal... what i do is... mix a some banana and pear puree into his cereal... and pour some remainding puree on to the same bowl and feed him...

starting off w the puree... for the first few mouth... than rice cereal.

you might wanna try.

like for my boy... if the cereal is too watery... he also don wan... encourage her by telling her that she have already grown up.. its time to try the adult food!

Hi mummies, yesterday brought my bb for his 6mth jab, but he is having mild fever, so gotta postpone his jab.Fever is becoming his once a month thingy liao,so sad...By the way his height is only 64.5cm, really very short leh,leg so short.

hi mummies, regarding the spoon vs bottle discussion, just wanna say that Puku (the brand with the penguin picture) has a baby weaning tool that i found quite useful. it's a bottle that comes with a spoon instead of teat. so offers u the opportunity to feed baby with spoon and for baby to learn to eat from spoon, but less messy than to scoop fr bowl.

how it works is you squeeze the bottle then a bit come out onto the spoon. not bad for a $8.90 buy.

just if u are interested [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

there's a more "branded" one called Squirt which is $17.50. The Puku one i bought at Orchard OG, Squirt i saw at causeway pt metro. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks mummies! That means dun let IFC feed her in the day, then back home at nite feed her on my own either with cereal or puree?? Okie okie.. Will try that.. I only worried she not getting enuff nutrients that she is suppose to have, that why get IFC to start feeding her..

The weaning tool mentioned by tinospora seem good.. Dunno will it help her.. Hmmm... $8.90 still can buy..

So for mixing of puree to cereal.. I jus need to prepare 1 serving of puree and mixed into the cereal?? Won't bb get stomache when we mixed like that?? Hee.. Pardon me ya.. Cos it sound funny to me.. That why I didn't do any mixing before..

Jo, I don think will cause stomachache ba... Cause my boy eat that way... Maybe other mummies here can shAre their experience too?

Don have to worry too much about the nutrients intake... CAuse most still comes from milk that they are taking till they are 1 year old. Solid just help a little here n there n prepare the baby the swallowing skill. Take it slowly... Jia you! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hee.. Ya.. Dun think it'll cause any stomache la..

Bcos my girl growth progress is rather slow.. Only at 10 percentile. So I Tot solid food can help in her growth.

Chloemum: disposable bibs will be expensive for IFC use wo.. By the way.. My girl also named Chloe.. Hee

thanks jo! i called the hp... they got answer.

anyway... i'm down with chickenpox. that's why need to call them to ask them abt breastfeeding. zzz... now need to express milk and throw. faintz.

Chloemum, take care! Chicken pox on adults quite risky right... take care take care.

Genice, I drank with the fibre, cos add yakult so it felt more like smoothie, add ice while blended so it more smoothie and juice without pulp. I don't know how to use the soya bean strainer cos I asked for free extra blade instead cos I know I'll never make soya bean in my life. Haha..

Mrs N, finally gotten down to reading BLW, it's so interesting! I'm gonna try something on Thea soon, right now I just put chunks of bread on the tray of high chair and she knows how to pick it up and chew. But I'm still feeding puree but making sure she holds the spoon and spoon feed herself and won't force the next mouth into her till she asked for it. It's quite fun, hubby and I enjoying ourselves, she's like our little toy.

Chloemum, take care dear. Oh my god, chicken pox.

Mrs N, I'm having a little problem drying the rice after washing. I don't have an oven, thinking of using my toaster to dry it, don't know it will be sucessful. going to try this weekend. experiment time. if not, i will cook the brown rice into porridge and blend it to a smooth mixture. most likely feeding my baby brown rice this weekend.

thanks mummies. i'm trying not to scratch the pox now. it's extremely tempting i tell u. already accidentally popped a few already. super itchy.

my mother bought dettol spray. later need to spray the house before bringing chloe back from bbsitter. den i go hide in the room lor n web chat with her since i can't go near her. now keeping my fingers crossed she didn't already catch the virus. cos the virus prob already around before the pox came out.

hihi mummies, been crazy at work...

ChloeMum, take care!!! surely v.heart pain to express & throw! but on bright side, you take a gooood rest these 2 weeks & be rejuvenated when you see Chloe again ok?

You gals are really good with weaning! I only gave some mashed avocado last week and was tired at work so nothing all week. *Ooops* Pinnky your recipes are legendary leh... and very good. I love the instructions & pics. Hee heee. I blended some carrot puree just now and it's 10x easier than i thought. Appreciate the mummy who said no need to use detergent to wash, i just rinsed and *viola* all mush is gone. Now I love baby mush (haha the one i make and the one belonging to Mush Mummy too). Will try to be disciplined to make some rice porridge this weekend. My PD said they are old enough to try out. My intention is to skip the pre-packed foods & cook fresh instead until I need to be away or maybe use them only for weekday nights... is that OK?

Pinnky/Krystal dears... can intro fish already?

Fairprice mamy poko $20.65 for jumbopack till 17/11.

Any mommy tried the Pigeon self weaning fork n spoon for baby? Was thinkin of getting it (don't think babies use fork), but the box says for 12months+ ?

Oh dear, Chloemum: do take extra care!!

Is there ant good reference for us to read up on weaning bb?? Think I really gotta do some homework le.. Weekend is here.. So nervous.. Dunno how will my girl react to spoon feeding after a day rest..

Btw.. When do we start brushing teeth for bb?? My girl two little bottom teeth getting taller & taller.. Hee.

Sherry: pigeon h as another set of weaning spoon and bowl. the bowl is green in color. suitable for use from 6 months. i got that for chloe. i like the spoon cos it's built in such a way it won't touch the table even if u put it on the table.

seems like a lot of bbs are sprouting teeth. no signs from my girl yet. my hb is so crazy that he is checking her mouth everyday to see if there's any signs of teeth.

Krystal, Wanderleibe, Jo: Thanks! Hopefully bb still remembers me after the week. haha... need to webchat with her later just so that she can see me and i can see her. how i love technology! haha.

Krystal, ok thanks... i'll just poach the fish in porridge to get flavour then.

Sherry, wooohooo... someone's birthday coming up. Enjoy your first birthday as a Mummy!

ChloeMum, no sign of teeth on my babe either.... haha i am so low tech dunno how to use webchat. ugh.

Carrot - my baby doesn't seem to like carrot; gave me an annoyed look. i tried giving avocado again but also got a digusted face. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


sorry sorry! while i was looking for cleovii's msg, i did a find "sue" and saw that u were paging for me.. paiseh paiseh!!!

about additional attendees.. erm.. LUCASMUMMY!!! can?

if u gers need $ and need my response asap, pls drop me a sms oki.. then i will oso check the forum.. i've been swamped with work.. and

since wed, have been bedridden cos i woke up not being able to move my neck due to a pulling pain from my shoulder blade region.. visited 2 sinseh, 1 gp and finally got my confinement masseur to come to my hse to relief the pain..

now i can move.. but still feel the pulling pain.. :/

haven't been able to feed or carry my ger since.. feeling miserable lor..


final updates to attendee count and $ collected

We have 40 confirmed families with $1520 collected.


oso oso..

my hubby has just been informed of a biz trip, so i'll be there alone..grrr.. i've been so looking forward to his involvement in the party.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

talk about the irony of our pre-set rules on non-refundable deposit..

i'm gonna collect my $20 from him lor (paid for him previously)haha...

so so hor, we have 1 photographer short..


hang in there.. ur chix pox will disappear soon!

on the bright side, it's a good thing u didn't kena during pregnancy ...a friend was so stressed up worrying about possible bb fatality/deformity while another took gynae's advice to terminate the pregnancy...

and i was so kiasu that i took the vaccination and postponed my pregnancy plans and only managed to get my ger successfully after 2yrs..

Sue!!! I need $$!!! ( based on ur msg u say if need $ can look for you...) lol!!!!

Hey, take care and recover soon!!! I see if my bil wants to help take pic for free not... Will update[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cholemum, Thanks on the info on the green bowl and spoon. I think i remember seeing a green and an orange bowl thingy in the shops.I'll check it out..pigeon fan ah me..just bought their washing powder to try out[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Actually, I havent gotten chicken-pox yet. only measles..very dangerous rite...

My hubby also keep checking for teeth but no signs on ah boy! haaa!!

JO, I read somewhere that you don't have to brush the first 2 teeth, but if you want, you can use a damp washcloth to gently wipe them.

Pigeon has this teeth cleaning set of 3 for different teeth stages. babies dont really need it but you can try it to encourage the brushing habit in them? http://pigeon.com.sg/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=66

Wanderleibe, bday already 过去了..Thanks for your well-wishes! I'm sure every mom felt or will feel on top of the world celebrating their bdays as a mother[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sherry: me too pigeon fan. so far i only get avent and pigeon. haha. no other stuff. i find that if i use the powder pigeon detergent to wash clothes, and put in dryer, like got a lot of white white debris leh. not sure if it's cos the detergent cannot dissolve. so i dun really dare to use now.

Sue: i think lucasmummy is out of town. tts why not responding.

Chloemum..take care... try not to scratch!! scars!!! then skin not nice!!

Wanderliebe i gave my babe avocado this morning... try to be clever cut thin strips let her own self pick up and eat but too slippery...she smeared it EVERYWHERE instead.. then so i mashed it up.. all the little lumps she spit out.... basically it was a very very messy affair this morning...her whole face her whole bib her chair the floor..... wha....anyway i think some eventually did make the way into her stomach... cos she burped up some... next for me will be apple then carrot....she loved the japanese sweet potato though....

Sherry, Ooops me so backdated. Glad to hear it was good for you. We are so blessed with our families. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sue, sorry to hear about aches & pains. I get them constantly too! Think it's cos no time to exercise regularly now? I wanna be with bb so haven't done any exercise at all. Take care & rest up this weekend (ie let hb do everything else).

ChloeMum/Sherry re: Pigeon - Me also Pigeon fan like you both. Haha most of my stuff from Pigeon. Was looking for detergent at NTUC baby discount but couldn't find it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I prefer liquids cos they tend to clean better. Even for adult clothes, I use Tide - feels that it cleans better. I'm using Pigeon feeding spoon now. I got the self starter set but haven't let bb try yet.

Lilstarz! I also mashed it up... ummm the bib was half green after that! Haha... I don't think i can do BLW until i overcome my phobia of cleaning up. I feed using the Pigeon spoon now, it's pretty neat. *Keep fingers crossed* Jap sweet potato good? Okie okie i will try tomorrow. Thanks for the tip! Did you blend or mash? I intend to do vegies before fruit cos I read somewhere that babies may reject vegies if they taste fruit first. But applesauce is very high on my list. I have apple craving... last weekend i made an apple cake. Thinking of trying apple cheddar scone tomorrow. Hee hee. Let me know how your apple adventure goes!


Thanks Sherry, think I saw the toothbrush set too.

Jap sweet potato nice.. Yummy yummy.. My girl took a few mouth of it and I finished the rest.. I only steam and mashed it. As it is a little dry, I add ebm to it before feeding.

My girl so weird.. Feed her plain water with spoon, no rejection at all. But once I feed her with cereal.. She rejected it instantly..

