(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Lucasmummy, haha, so funny that you all scolded him when he gets cranky after 2 hours. Yup, after I read baby whisperer and experiment with Thea then I realised a lot of time when babies behaves strangely is actually not their fault/problem at all, it's actually us. So I felt really guilty that there were one period when I was really frustrated and angry with her... Sigh, so poor thing.

Mush, yup, totally understand that. I think 8pm is good enough already, maybe she naps well in afternoon over at your MIL's place, if she is then 10hours sleep should be ok.

Chubby tiger, I agree with Pinnky, check in a new tin and just pack like 4 or 5 small feeds for aircraft. If not, maybe can get those disposable bags for formula? http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/4672118.html?1288846503

If you want to save space.

Oh, and I bought 400g Friso from M'sia super market before, if you don't want to lug around the 900g one maybe can buy the small one over there?

Loh, you very on for number 2! For me is a no no to try one now, earliest maybe after Thea is 18mo but rabbit is a good year. But pantang side of me scared the older will bully younger one cos tiger and rabbit leh... My friend who is a tiger has a sister one year younger and they totally buay gam since young.

edie, ya I understand ur concern but rabbit gam me n wify wor n esp wify thats y she very keen, haha. Btw try does not mean will sure hit rabbit, scurry hit dragon then wify will get upset but not me, hee. nother pov is that dun wan to suffer again aft a long break n oso can shut down factory for wify. :p

Edie, can imagine those babies playing on the aircraft floor.. so cute right..i told my hubby and he said yeah no problem..just leave baby there to stretch abit heee..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks for the advice on travelling. Can I bring an opened 400g tin onboard?

I remembered years ago there were so many restrictions on liquids n food for infants. it seems like the rules are relaxed once again? yeah!!

Pinnky, wow.. u were very well prepared for your trip. So u brought all your 100ml water and thermos on flight as well?I thought of bringing empty bottles and ask for filling up from the staff.

Loh, so fast planning for the next one?>[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Totally understand about the factory opening hrs..heee..

I read somewhere that its best to let the body rejuvenate a year after birth. Something about levels of iron to be back to normal again, not too sure,u may want to check on that.

But my gynae’s advice is to wait minimum 3mths for natural and 6mth for c-section to try again.

Or u may wanna let nature takes it course[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Edie, i didn’t know about the tiger and rabbit chiong! Thanks for the warning, if wait another yr will be tiger and dragon! fierce!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sherry, yes..brought everything..cox I dun think they hv room temperature water (I dun wan to feed my bb mineral water :p) so wat i need to do is just request d hot water. yeah, u can just bring empty bottles also if u dun mind wat kind of water they providing..hehe..me a very particular mum :p

oh..remember to prepare some warm water or milk during the waiting hrs.

Mummies who goin on trips..do hv fun ya..hv a great weekend! yeah..me goin off soon..bye..

Pinnky,Thanks for the advice.I'm also particular one ah, but didnt think about the mineral water bit.oops...best to bring a bottle of chilled boiled water[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

All mummies/daddies...Have a great long weekend!!

Serene thanks for offer. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] You not using? Does yours come with removable panels & what model & dimensions? I bought a big 9L LOCK LOCK and now headaching how to find big enough cooler.

BBF: *sorry to ask you so many qns*. For the Carrefour cooler bag, what size lock lock did you use? They did not have a sample so I couldn't measure internal dimentions of the bag. Wondering if i need to get another locklock or tupperware. UGH the 20% discount just ended.... if any mummies happen to see any discount on lock lock, please let me know. Thanks in advance.

wow.. so many post..

mrs n - thanks for lugging sophie! ,)

ar - my bb used to be like that too. whining and wanting to be entertained all the time. read abt 'circus-effect', he tones down a lot. basically, to be next to him physically or within vision. but, not interacting/amusing him all the time.

mummies on holz - enjoy!!

anne raj - happy diwali!!!

Happy Diwali to all my Indian friends!


NP, for the lock and lock I used the largest freezer size. Think they come in 2s. I think they have a gripz in tanjong pagar mrt and fareast plaza too

hey heys mummies...


happy happy holiday!

and anne! happy diwali!

sorry i've been outta action lately.. having trouble coping with work, lack of sleeps and more work.. :/

edie: like ur website! looks real nice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ylc: oh dear.. so many pokes.. no wonder cole wants to speak faster..so that he can ask those pds to buck up on their diagnosis.. :p hope his tsh goes away...

mrs N:

welcome back to sgp!

Happi Holiday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have a question...I'm able to view the registration details in the spreadsheet. However, theres a lock icon for dat sheet. I wonder if its open up for my viewing or everyone can view too?

Hi Mummies,

I have some formula Step 2 for exchange(preferable) to Friso Gold Step 2 please. email me at [email protected] for queries. I live in sengkang and work around raffles place area, place of exchange is therefore flexible.

1) Mamil Gold 2 1.5kg expiry date 26/04/2012

2) Mamil Gold 2 400g expiry date 09/03/2012

3) Similac IQ Plus 2 400g expiry date 09/05/2012

4) Nan Pro 2 400g expiry date 30/06/2011

5) Enfapro A Plus 2 400g expiry date 19/09/2011

Hi mummies

got to knw there's sales for bb product.

Event : Baby Products Warehouse Sale 2010

Location: 514 Chai Chee Lan #06-06 Bedok Industrial Estate

Date : 5 – 6 Nov 2010

Time : 10.00AM – 8.00PM

Gd Aftn mummies!

The thread is soooooo quiet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My bb went over my mil house yday n i slept fr 2am til 2pm!! Gonna have my lunch now.

Enjoy ur weekend mummies!

Hi, mommies

I have desitin creamy 4oz for sale $9. Exp 2012. Self collection at Sengkang or local postage at $1

Hi mummies, anyone has any idea if I'm still bfing, can I take this cough syrup Dhasedyl?? I'm coughing so badly since yesterday and doc nv give me cough medicine.


i'm back and still alive from my trip with Bb Chloe! haha... not to forget all the fun we had at the beach and pool! can't wait for the next trip. need to start planning soon.

Belinda, can u still see the guest registration list? i've already removed it. hmmm... not sure what went wrong. =S

Hi mummies it certainly has been quiet around here in the last few days. Hope everyone has enjoyed their long weekend. Took my little ones to Fidgets on thurs where my 2 yo enjoyed running around and baby J had a great time in the ball pool. Needless to say they were both tired out and slept very well that night. If only everyday was like this. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wow so many mummies are travelling with their babies. I was also looking for info regarding the transportation of EBM on board. Wanted to find out if I could carry any and if I could how much. Found the FAQ about hand carried luggage on Changi Airport's website pretty helpful: http://www.changiairport.com/passenger-guide/departure/guidelines-on-hand-carried-luggage/faq#em

lucasmummy, edie the BLW cookbook has just come out earlier this month. Saw it on the bookdepository website. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jo went to see a GP for cough two weeks ago and forgot to tell him that I was BF so he initially prescribed me with Dhasedyl. At the dispensary I told the nurse I was still BF and if this med was ok. She went to check with him and he changed it to something else. Something beginning with P, 'Phenexpect' or something like that I think! Better check with your doc.

Thanks sue I've only got a week or so left!

Alina not a problem. Sophie isn't that heavy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/lol.gif]

Oh btw, Happy Deepavali to all who celebrate the festival.


sorry forget to text u . the play yard mounted on play mat is not so stable if bb hold herself against it to stand....

Mrs Teo: thks gal. for checking. i will get the smaller mat for her.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

so bored. back to work. sigh sigh super blue monday........ next week one more PH. come faster....

i made sweet potato + pear puree for lil gal over the weekend. it taste goooooood!!! get those big sweet pear. yummy! really glad i got the blender. got diff loh. i mash the potato or blend.... the blended one so smooth n no need to mix w milk... hee.........

Jo: tat time i got cough, doc also prescribe me Dhasedyl. i told her im bfing. she ask me to bf four hours after taken med.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning mummies...

tried giving her cereal over the weekend... she clamps her mouth over the spoon.... then u see the cereal dribbling down her chin... i ain't too sure how much actually ends up in her stomach!!

Anyway i prepared sweet potato puree last night.. will give the school tmrw see how she takes to it... now trying to decide wat to make for her next....

Mrs N... i order the BLW cookbook waiting for them to send to me... looks interesting... since my babe is always trying to grab the spoon, bowl cup anything i am holding to put in her mouth may suit her better.. gave her a few grains of white rice yesterday and she definitely wasn't pleased with it hahaha....but since i live with in laws its definitely harder but will try on simple stuff like carrots or sweet potato wedges soon.. how u deal with them gaggin.. i have this image of her gumming off a big piece and choking and turning blue in the face which makes me worried...

Hi mummies, i be getting blender this weekend. But cant make up my mind which brand blender to get...i'm considering btw Moulinex or U-like blender.

Any mummies can give me some advice? Other than buying d blender to blend food for my gal, i wanna use it for long term use too...Pls do give me some feedback if u happen to be using tat brand of blender. Thanks!!!

Thanks skmama and mrs n. I called the clinic, the nurse told me to take the cough syrup after I pump.. But nv tell me the interval.

My Hubby insist not to buy any blender still.. He bought the little grinder blade, and intend to grind the food for bb puree. But do we need to add any water to make the puree smooth?

jojo. i didn't add water to make the puree. i'm using the philips steamer/blender. no water from the food is lost using that. managed to get good consistency.

if u are intending to add milk/cereal to the puree, i'll say dun add water when make the puree. can add later before feeding. i'm intending to freeze the puree, so also not adding water. add only when required.

Mrs N, Thanks so much for the very useful weblink!! I don't feel so lost with baby travel for the first time!!

Happy lunchin mommies!!=)

Jo I went to see the GP juz now for my cough n flu. Told him im BFing n he gave me Dhasedyl. So I suppose is safe.

Hi morning mummies,

ChloeMum, you brought Chloe to Bintan? Great trip? Maybe I can bring my Castiel to Bintan....food for thought....

I tried Avacodo with infant milk formula with my little boy on Saturday and Sunday. He love it so much. My 1st experience with apple puree, he was clamping his mouth tight when I bring the spoon near his mouth. This time round, he open his mouth, and few occasion, even try to hold on to the spoon and feed himself with it. He finished half an avacodo and about 30ml of infant milk formula. So far, no problem. I think it's really make a difference when he wants to eat and when he doesn't want it.

Phoebe, For me, i really like my u-like blender. it's not cater for just baby food. I use it almost weekly for my fruits juice. Hahaha, tried avacodo milk shake, papaya milk shake....yummy. Suppose can use it to blend chilli also but currently using it for my infant food, so better stick to safe safe food for the time being.

Help, help!!! This stupid mummy need help here on weaning and solid food.

Ok, I have give him 2 teaspoon of rice cereal for lunch for 4 days now. He didn't like it but can finish more than 1/2. Then, after that what should I do? Tried other thing first or wait until he liked the rice cereal or wait until he can eat more rice cereal? When can I increase to 2 meals? Now can?

And, what should I tried next? Barley cereal first or Oats cereal first? Later when he can accept barley and oat, can I mix with the remaining rice cereal?

After oat and barley, then i know i should slowly try the vegies category then go to fruits. after that go to porridge. Am i right?

Chloemum, but if I steam thru traditional way then use a normal blender to blend, do I need to add any water/ebm?

Now my girl like to wake up at 4 plus, 5am.. Then only to go back sleep at 8/9am.. How am I going to survive and make it to work without being feeling zombie...

Jo, i guess there's no hard and fast rules whether to mix with milk/water or not. i'm totally fine just feeding Chloe with the whatever puree i made. some people will say mix with FM/BM, but i thought that would taste weird. i'm just feeding Chloe the pure puree, or mix in her rice cereal. Add water until the desired consistency. I'm using Frisocrem which already has milk inside, so no need add milk. I prefer the mixture to be a little thicker, not so runny so that baby can feel the texture of the food that she's eating.

Huggy, rule of thumb is test for 4 days 1 kind of food, if ok, then bb is likely not allergic. Then can move on to another kind of food. What I did was, rice cereal for 1 meal for 4 days, tested ok, then i just continue giving her that as her lunch everyday (until hopefully she finishes the entire can). In addition, i'll make some puree for her for dinner/snack. Same thing, test 4 days, if ok, then mix into her rice cereal for lunch and test something new for dinner. Just keep repeating. Eventually, will mix the food which are tested ok together. I'm going to start her on brown rice soon. So hopefully she can soon have 2 main meals (rice / brown rice cereal) and 1 snack (puree / biscuits / veggie sticks watever).

Impulse, yes. I brought Chloe to Bintan. She totally loves the beach and water. Took her swimming in the pool too. Don't dare to try sea swimming cos scared got jellyfish. haha... and waves too big. Now she's got a tan and looks even rosier than before. haha... Bring Castiel out for some swimming lar. I think he will like it. It's a lot of fun! Especially when u are swimming with the bb!

Kate, just got to trust the doc, since we are not experts in this area. I was also down with flu and doc gave me the yellow flu tab, some lozenges and paracetamol. So far no probs. haha... when i was down with cough, he gave me some orange cough tablets. he did mention that the pills are milder, so safe for BFing. on the down side, all of them made me drowsy, and cos they are milder, takes a little longer to get well. =S

very quiet here today. must be monday blue.

anyway i've tendered successfully today. The sad part is i do enjoy my job. anyways my last day is end of Dec... still a long way to go.

not going to be a SAHM though, time to look for another job.

my bb hates avocado. end up i make the avocado shakes for myself and hb.

surprisingly she likes the brown rice more than bellamy cereal.


Thanks for ur advice...Isit easy to use?


anyone can offer me advice on the u-like blender or moulinex blender? Would like to hear from more mummies..thanks!

Hi Mummies, just back to home about 2 hrs ago from the short trip we had planned. Everything went well for lil gal no other hiccups..just that when abt to touch down the airport my gal cried awhile believed muz be due to the air/pain trapped in her ears..other than that she behaved really well no fuss at all..'keeping my finger crossed' hope the next trip she also can be 'guai guai'.


Thanks for sharing. But what is consider as snack? In between feeds? But how to do that? Now I feed him every 3-4 hourly, so do I feed snack 1.5hour after the 1st feed? But what if 1.5hour later he is still full from the snack? That means I have to extend the feeding hours of the next feed?

Aiya, so confusing myself. Sorry for so any stupid questions but I really not very good at this.

Thanks for bearing with me.

Huggy, bb's milk time will definitely be stretched if he/she takes enough solid. what my baby sitter teach me is to feed the meal/snack about 1hr before the scheduled milk time so that bb is not still full or too hungry. Still full bb won't want to eat. Too hungry is bad to start feeding cos bb still not used to eating and will get very frustrated.

Depending on how much the bb eats, the next milk timing will change. This is the part where we start from scratch to time bb's meals again.

What i do now is i note down how much of what bb eats, then do the timing. So far, about 60ml of solid can extend Chloe's time by about 30mins or so.

Try not to replace an entire feed with solids yet as milk should still be bb's main source of diet till about 1 year old.

My definition:

Meal = cereal / porridge (can mix with other puree or veggie or watever)

Snack = Fruit / veggie puree / bb biscuits


Thanks again, that is defintely very helpful information for me to note.

Ok, regardless it is meal or snack, it should be fed 1 hour before the scheduled milk time. Then the next feed will be extended according to how much bb eats. Ok, ok, noted.

I wanted to feed oat or barley but can't find any of that in the ntuc at my place. So I bought some Gerger's jar puree to let him try first. There are carrot, pear, applesaurce and squash. All lebaled as 1st food. Which should I feed him first?

Anyone has any idea how to prepare green leaf vegie puree like spinach?

I have Philip blender from 2 years ago but still brand new, never opened before because my #1 is not interested on puree and smashed food and I wanted to force feed but that turned out even worst, then being advised not to force feed bb. So, I gave up the effort to prepare food for her anymore. There were onece, when she saw me holding the the bb plastic spoon and mug she would make fuss and started crying, creaming and yelling.

Super long never logged in and really too much posts to catch up! Anyway, sue, I have transferred $40 to your account n ref no: 2063. Let me know if u have received k. II haven't update the spreadsheet yet though. Try to do it tmr in office

chloemum yeah that's what I did on the way back to Sg. I carried 200 ml EBM in 2x100ml bottles and put it in the plastic bag. I also had a half finished bottle of EBM ~150ml was trying to get my son to finish it before I went thru' security but he fell asleep. The security at London Heathrow let me thru'. Seems like the restrictions in Sg are similar. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I also carried a hand pump and 2 empty collection bottles the last time but didn't manage to express on board as my #1 was too distracting. Hopefully with us going on a night flight this time round he'll sleep most of the journey! Wonder for those who express on planes do they do it in their seats or in the toilet?

Sherry you're welcome. You're the one going to the UK in dec right? Very brave I must say as they're expecting winter to be quite severe this year.

lilstarz I'm sure you'll have lots of fun. Saw some excerpts of the cookbook and it looks very colourful. How to deal with gagging? My #1 never had much problems with gagging thankfully so I'm not sure how I'd react hmmm ... just be on the standby and try not to panic I guess! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] The original BLW book explains the difference between gagging and choking not sure if the cookbook will have such details. Useful to know 'cos most of the time what we think is choking is really them gagging. At the moment it's a bit too early to give them small things like rice grains, peas etc as they haven't develop their pincer grip yet. They might end up frustrated if they can't get the food into their mouth.

BLW cookbook. I just ordered mine from the bookrepository. shall wait patiently for it to arrive. meanwhile, just carry on testing with purees.

tried butternut pumpkin today. Chloe seems to like it. hopefully she will finish the rest in the next 3 days. Didn't resist it as much as the applesauce. maybe cos the apple was a little sour or the 2 days i tried she was sleepy.

oh well. no allergy reaction means move on to nx food, whether or not she likes it. babies can't be afford to be picky with food. must learn to eat everything. haha...

she seems to enjoy picking things up to eat. maybe after the pumpkin puree will give her sticks of bb carrots to munch on.

Hi mummies,

So finally bgt my U like blender...happy to have purchased it...gng to try it tomm. So far, I have tried pumpkin mash, carrot puree, zuchinni puree and pear puree. Tomm mgt try apple puree.

Me being soo adventurous, I bgt organic brown rice, powdered it myself and cooked for baby. I must say slightly troublesome. Have to really powder it super finely, else the rice takes super long to cook, and brown rice always remain very coarse. Unlike the Nestle brown rice cereal. So easy, add hot water and its ready. This orginal DIY abit lecheh. No choice, so I grind alot and store in a container. Then one shot cook for 2 days and put in the fridge.

For now, Im doing only mid morning cereal and dinner porridge. No snacks in between yet. I tried giving him custard and stuff, but really can be tiring. 3 times a day , and somemore baby is always trying to grab spoon...fighting n feeding can be abit tiring. On busy, or tired days, I actually give bb brown rice porridge and fruit puree in a bottle. Coz on days we r outside or MIL house, not easy to feed wif spoon..too much mess.

My PD has advised me to try porridge...wif chicken and other stuff. He said try cooking the rice with the stock of the chicken and see how he reacts..if he is ok he said can start liao...so maybe tomm chicken stock wif brown rice in the afternoon. *if I go market*

Good morning mummies! Quite sometime ago I asked about Amber Teething Necklaces, well just found out from a friend who uses it on her boy that you can get it in Sg. She thinks it does help her boy with teething pain. She said that he showed less discomfort than before he used it. I got my #2 a necklace before I left the UK as I didn't want to be caught out while in Sg. Not sure if he's teething although he's been drooling and gawning on his hands he's pretty happy most of the time. Anyway was googling to see if the price here is cheaper than the UK ... found this website and they're not much different price wise. But thought I just mention it here in case some of you are thinking of alternative ways other than gels or medicines to get thru the teething phases. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi morning mummies,

Phoebe, I find U-like blender very easy to use and easy to wash. The only thing I don't like is the sound. The sound can be quite loud. Thinking of ways to muff it esp when my baby is sleeping. My maid mentioned to me a few times that the baby got a shock when i turn on the blender. But only when i blend ice, other things like apple puree or avacodo is okie. The sound is reasonable. Only when i blend ice, the sound is quite loud.

Agginess, I'm thinking of buying brown rice to powder it. can share how u do it? Do we need to wash it and sun dry? Then powder it and cook it till mash like condition?

Chloemum, I saw your pictures on FB, look so fun and Chloe look so good. So happy in the pictures. I think will plan a bintan trip for Castiel. =) My hubby mentioned he already ask his friends to make booking. Hopefully they can get it cas it's company booking and super good deal. Keep my fingers cross.

sighs, sorry just grousing. i really need more patience in feeding baby solids! sometimes feel very sianz when she "pui" stuff out and get the cereal/porridge/puree all over herself, me and the chair and floor.

but i must persevere!!!

sorry, as said, just venting. ;p praying that she gets the hang out it soon! :p :p

Hi Mummies,

It has been a long time since I had the time to log in.. Life is just revolving around work and the little one.. no more ME time!

I've recently got a helper and have withdrawn Lil' Megan from IFC. Now, my hubby will drop Megan and helper off at my godparents' place every morning and we'll all go home after dinner. So far, it's working out okay and hope that it continue that way.. cross fingers..


Don't despair.. Your girl is not the only one doing that ... My gal likes to play with her food and milk after satisfying her initial hunger.. She'll 'pui' her rice cereal and even milk, making a mess... I bought her a cotton plastic smock to wear over her clothes so that I can just rinse off the mess... I set her high chair on those dispoable trash bags (just have to cut a L shape at the side and spread it open).. then I just throw it away after feeding.. makes life a bit easier.. Maybe you want to try that? Alternatively, you can use a shower curtain to line the floor(just have to cut it in half)...

Mummnies, most of you would have started feeding rice cereal or puree to your little ones, right? Any of your little ones showed signs of allergies?(touch wood).. I'm suspecting my little one might be allergic to rice... So far, I've only started her on Nestle white rice cereal and she has red rashes at the side of her mouth.. and now it's spreading to her upper and bottom lips.. don't think the rash is painful or itchy as she does not scratch and show sign of discomfort.. It's not helping that she's always her hands into her mouth... Maybe I'm just paranoid... sigh..


jthan, dont want to alarm u but from what i observed children with food allergies will normally have rashes around their mouth (some immediately after they ate, others a few hours later).

Afterwhich, they have tiny bumps on lips and some may even have swollen eyes, and rashes behind their elbows.

best to bring this up with your pd..

