(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

chubby tiger. yes yes... the green husk kind. think some super markets also selling the green husk kind without the husk. haha...

i'm in my 32nd weeks, also trying to take 1 coconut once a week, but i lazy go fruit stall buy those cupped ones so no need to battle with the flesh and all. =P

not too sure about bird's nest. i don't like bird's nest. but heard that it's supposed to be good, give bb good complexion.


Hi All,

For what I heard.. Chinese customs dun allow us to drink plain water becos of "cooling", so can only drink red date longan & milo (cos they are heaty stuff).

But reading from books, and in western medical terms.. seem like we also need to drink plenty of fluid (should be inclusive of warm water) to replenish for milk supply and dehydration.

Blue-Turtle: Coconut must drink the green husk kind?? Hubby and I tot we can jus drink from those canned coconut drinks or purchase from NTUC (NTUC selling two types- one is cut like round-shaped, the another one is cut with a bit of squarish/rectangular shaped).

chubby tiger: think bird nest still can take.. but stuff like dong cong cao and bao sheng should stop already.. if not the bb get too nutrious and get too big.. (that what the staff @ Eu Ren Sheng advised).

Oh.. I wanna ask something..

I'm hoping to go thru the labour with epidural.. but heard that if there's a tear, or the gynae need to do cut, later on there'll be a need to stitch the wound back rite??

Any mommy with previous labour experience actually went through that stage without epidural.. dunno if the pain (from the cut by gynae or the stitches) bearable with epidural??

Chubby tiger,

Last time I drink the ntuc one, this time going to get from ntuc too. I think ntuc one is also the green color type, just that they peel off the skin already to save space.

Bird's nest - be careful not to get the House Bird's nest, too cooling. My uncle last time drank everyday until got asthma (because he has house for breeding the bird's nest himself).

Only the pure cave bird's nest is like tonic, but the price are much more expensive and you will never know whether the seller got cheat you with house nest or not.

I heard that white fungus are as good as bird;s nest, much more cheaper and not too cooling but can give bb fair skin also, and it is also good for the lung. I took quite a lot last time, and you shd see how fair my daughter is (not like me at all).

Yupz yupz.. agreed with Huggy..

White fungus or the "xue ge" are as good and nutrious as bird nest. Not so cooling and cheaper. Would be better for those mommy/parents with asthma background.


From ntuc, can buy those cut with a bit of squarish/rectangular shaped.

Water - western ppl after discharge can go shopping directly, drink cold fresh milk and cold water too. I think maybe their body already used to the cold environment and different from us.

Episiotomy - after cutting the doctor will stitch it back for you.

Although I myself also took the epidural but I heard that after all the labour pain, you will be too numb to feel the cut or the stitches, so I guess don't have to worry about that at all.(experienced mummy pls correct me if I am wrong).

bb-bao,the photos very well taken.I can't take, I got alot of stretch marks in my tummy.

Bird nest-I take it once every 2 weeks(those need to cook de), for my #1 oso same, should not be any problem.

jojo, I took epidural previously and oso cut by gynae.But he stitch it back on the spot, and the thread ll dissolve on its own after a few days.

Jo, I think u are trying to ask those mommies with previous labour experience is the pain of being cut and stitch by gynae bearable without epidural. Correct me if I'm wrong

Just sharing my labour experience with epidural. For #1, I had epidural and feel relieved of the labour pain while trying for natural delivery. Then I also had epidural (think the dosage was increased) when I need to go for emergency C-sect. When the gynae bring BB out of my tummy, I don't feel pain but I feel a pull strain.

bb-bao: very memorable photos... well done.

Coconut: Thank you for sharing. Will start taking 1 every week. I am having 3 big ulcers on the inside of my lower lip now... hopefully coconut drink will help.


Don't throw very wasteful, pump and drink it ourself or offer it to hubby to make coffee or milo, hehehe....

Seriously, when I have excess, I will pump out and drink it down, if drink it fresh on the spot, it actually taste a bit sweet and no smell at all. Once you let it cool down or chilled, the taste will turn quite bad. The worst is those thaw from frozen milk. I wonder how come bb don't mind the smell [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Huggy, when I EBM for #1, I have not tried drinking the EBM before. Mmmmmm.....think my hubby would feel uneasy drinking it. So it is quite difficult to really bring the EBM back after the vacation?? the problem lies with the freezing part of EBM during hotel stay cos room fridge only has chilling effect. If any mummy has experience or know of any good idea, would appreciate if can advise or share on how to go about it.

Blue turtle I think it depends. If you wash nappies everyday then probably you'll used up more water and electricity than washing it every other day along with the rest of your laundry. Utility bills will go up with a baby around irregardless of whether you use disposables or cloth. At one point of time I had loads of laundry as my son used to go thru' more bibs and tops than he did cloth diapers! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sue did the perineum massage from 34 weeks last time but never got round to doing it consistently as it was so uncomfortable to do. I didn't need an episiotomy though but had some minor secondary tearing which required a few stitches.

Jo I didn't have any epidural or pain relief during labour with my #1. But during the stitching of my secondary tearing I was injected with a local anaesthetic where the tear was and given gas/air. It wasn't particularly painful but although I was numb in that area I could feel the needle going in and out while the stitching took place. The pain kicked in when the anaesthetic wore off.


Not really thinking of going on one but would like to go home sometime in late Oct for a family wedding. But not sure if my hubby can get leave and he is not too keen on me taking two kids on my own. Thinks I should take either #1 or #2 or just go on my own. Ha! Ha! But life is not so simple as that. Oh well I still have a few months to decide what to do! But it would be so nice to go home and get away from the cold for a bit.

Huggy I've heard of cases where some frozen EBM smelled bad and taste horrid after thawing and babies ended up rejecting the milk. My friend told me the reason for this could be due to excessive lipase in the milk. To prevent the bad smell you need to inactivate the lipase by scalding the milk just prior to storing. But scalding may be difficult to do when you're travelling unless you have access to a kitchen.

edie/bbbao/ KTSC,

life and holidays can still go on...

just bundle bb along if you intend to breastfeed. expressing and packing ebm on holiday is not practical and there is seriously just too much logistics to allow for any fun. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


NICE shots!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

RE: drinking water during confinement and BF

Ladies, pls drink enough fluids to satisfy your thirst during bf, part of the water goes directly to our milk production. If you can't take plain water, take any flavored water, milo, red date longan, ginger tea etc. In fact, a warm glass of milo/water is always good for BF to facilitate let down. Beware of sugar for flavored water, that's what makes slimming so difficult.


unmanaged tear = haemorrhage + extra stiches?

My BB head circumference was quite large so the cut still had to go all the way to my anus. After the cut, stitch and recovery, everything is still good.

No worries. Everything remains intact down there.


Pain from the cut is quite insignificant once you get an epidural. Labour pain and letting it tear is much more agonizing.


The thing with nappies is that while it is environmental friendly. Good hygiene and handling is a must otherwise faeces can cause contamination and spread all kinds of disease.


Visit our BP THREAD for our Jamu Postnatal Massage Gift Voucher & Products Promotions. Wish all MTB could have an easy delivery and successfully BF their babies.

rantingbaby, Thanks for your infor (^^)

bb-bao, very nice photo shoot leh!

Maybe I consider to take outdoor too?

How much you spend ah?

BTW, you looks great too! I don take I will have that kind of effect hor..

Anne Raj, I asked KKH nurse she said it alright to drink water leh..

I don think I will only drink red date longan whole day. My SIL drank all the way...everyday 8, 9 cups..

I rather drink my raspberry leaf tea hehe

Luckyone: Think most nurses and gynae will tell u the same thing. Just like it's ok to bath and stuff. A lot of the things that we can't or not supposed to do are actually myths and traditions. Drinking water inclusive. So it's up to you what you want to follow. Personally I do agree with bbf that we will need to watch the intake of sugared drinks, since we will be "forced" to drink all the red date drinks. I will try to smuggle myself some plain water definitely cos for me, it's a habit that i have a big glass of water every morning.

Raspberry Tea: I saw the instructions on my pack of raspberry tea, and guess what, it says that raspberry tea is believed to aid BM production! hohoho... So mummies who are going to opt for c-section can buy and stock up too! I was so worried that the money will go to waste in the event that i need to go for c-section. =)

Raspberry Tea: I have been reading about the sharing.... Never thought of buying until I saw "aid BM production"... My eyes immediately *_*

So... we can still drink after birth? Even on normal days when we do not BF?

I remembered someone bought it from Paragon... hopefully, I will go and take a look before I deliver...

I bought it last week from Forum - Vita Kids aft hearing from this forum, but i don't think mine says aids in BM leh.

It's Traditional Medicinals - Organic Raspberry Leaf and it's actually quite nice!

Must go buy more this weekend!

LucasMummy, actually if you're lazy, can order from web-site.

But it from Japan. They deliver to S'pore.

I ordered for myself and other mummies 1 month + ago.

It's 100g about 26 - 29 (+ postage) per packet depends how many packet you order.

Organic of course and 100g is about 33/ 34 cups.

slightly expensive.

Thanks Blue_Turtle, Will go down and check this Saturday! But both also raspberry tea?

So we drink the raspberry leaf now, then later change to organic mother's milk?

Luckyone, I just use 1 tea bag per day, will make it after lunch and refill once.

Phy: Not sure what is in the Organic mother's milk. The website says "combination of anise, fennel and coriander". There's also another "Organic Pregnancy Tea" which is supposed to be good for childbirth. You might want to check with the staff what's the difference between this and the raspberry tea leaf. In any case, there's like a whole rack of tea at Vita Kids. I got really confused as to what is for what. So I just grabbed the Raspberry Tea leaf and ran for yoga class.

Oh well, if there's left over of the raspberry tea after delivery, maybe can keep for future use (if not expired). Since it helps to relieve cramps and promote a healthy internal system for future babies? hahahaha...

I shall start on my tea after this weekend!

Luckyone> Remember ytd I say I felt abit of period feeling after drinking the tea? I drank a cup ytd.

This morning, I made a cup but added more water. Did feel some sensation too but not as bad as ytd's. Not sure isit cos I not in week 32 yet. Will continue to monitor.

Blue_Turtle: I bought Organic Pregnancy Tea cos I started before week 32. Hmm... not very tasty, so I had 2 bags and stopped drinkng already. I bought the Mother's milk too, but that can only start after birth right?

Chloie, oh is it because we're in 32 33weeks liao?

From yesterday, I also having cramps but I think it not due to the tea cause I started drinking 1 week + liao.

Hmm.. so far ive been drinking raspberry tea for few days.. not much symptoms.. i tot my cramps is due to we are in 3rd tri.... not sure if its the tea ....maybe not.. i drink 1 cup / day..

Edie: the only reason i can think of not starting the mother's milk tea now is that... i doubt i can drink so much tea in a day. will be very bloated leh.

Chloie: if the crampy feeling is bad, then better dun continue lar. dun hurt urself or the little one. if in doubt, check with ur gynae. what's good for others might not work for everyone since all of us have different physiques.

blue_turtle7> Actually I'm hoping that my water bag would just burst naturally by drinking the tea then like this I can go Mt A to deliver liao. LOL!

Luckyone (luckyone)> It taste like the detox tea I drank to flush my "system" b4 I got pregnant.

Luckyone: I'm looking through bulk purchase to get cheaper deal for RLT. I am damn cheapskate. I actually thought the raspberry tea you got from Japan was quite expensive. By the way, did you friend get it from an organic store or supermarket in Japan?

Chloie> -_-||| hmmm... if the tea is giving u tummy aches, and u want easier delivery, u might want to do lotsa squatting to help push the bb lower (if bb is already head down and engaged, AND you are not having piles or low placenta problem). Yoga instructor teach that.


edie, I din ask my friend to buy. I ordered from a Japan web-site.

I also feel expensive but I don't like tea bag one and loose tea leaf you can control how thick you wan mah.

So "heart pain" a bit..haha

