(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Huggy> I wont need her for my confinement liao cos most probably no bb to take care of so no point to have her ard. I will get my parent's maid to come to stay with me [while I chase that maid in my house away for that 1 month].

Forgot to tell you, the CL know me by my chinese name, Jia Yan. Tell her you are recommended by me, whom booked her for May one. If she seems lost, you let me know then I call her to explain to her.


Chloie, finally you chase that crazy maid away (^^).

Be positve lah. Don't think so much 1st. Now is get yur body ready for delivery ok dear.

Anne... so fast u starting ML?

Yup.. im intending to use nappy. Just got 20pcs with a box of liners.. and standby pampers in case can't tahan the washing.. haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anne Raj, I will only use cloth nappies if my bb got sentitive skin.

But Is it better to use? Save more money and also better for baby skin?

If really want to use, only for 1st 3, 4 weeks ok?

Since I have CL, let her wash loh.

Then after she left or few days before she leave, I use diaper?


me also gonna use cloth nappies with liners. stocked up on both... 2 boxes of nappy liners and 2 pkts of cloth diapers.. forgot to update my bb shopping list then buy twice! :p

Luckyone> I can only temporary chase that maid away for a month. I told hb that if I got to face her for a month, I will get post natal depression. And I would starve to death cos I dont like to eat the food she cook. My parent's maid cooks much better.

Ya, LucasMummy. that is the quest I have been pondering too cos intending to go Hong Kong within the 3 mths maternity leave. Not bring baby along. Previously BBF has post her experience while on Biz trip to Hong Kong. but I was thinking if go for holiday lei, then only place to express milk every 3 to 4 hours would be the ladies. And have to bring the cooler bag whenever go out during the 4 or 5 days vacation. End of the trip have to buy dry ice to export the EBM back to SIN

Hi Anne,

I intend to use cloth nappies as well.. I bought 2 packets of cloth diapers and a box of nappy liners.. but I'll prob only start the kiddo off with the cloth nappies after the 2nd week as she will be passing out meconium during the first week and I read that it is extremely difficult to wash.

So tentative plan is first week.. use disposable diapers all the way.. and from 2nd week onwards, use cloth nappies during the day and disposable at night...

So 1st week use disposable and 2nd week use cloth one then 5th week use back disposable one ok?

How many pcs of cloth one we need to standby?

20pcs enough?


so fast u starting ML liao... i planning to start only 26 Apr... heehee... so looking forward to it lor...

maggie mee/luckyone/JThan

i also using cloth nappies for the 1st mth... n probably the 2nd mth... this was wat i did for #1 so just recycle the ones bought during #1's time lor... heehee... anyway, i alrdy stocked up on huggies S size diapers liao so will switch to disposables if i can tahan the washing lor... heehee...


newborns usually uses 8-10 diapers per day... excluding nite... i have abt 36pcs of cloth nappies... which was quite adequate during my #1 time... so if wash everyday should be sufficient liao...

Hi Luckyone,

Just start off with 20 pcs first.. since you are only planning to use it for about 1 month or so.. Can always fall back on disposables in the event if the cloth diapers doesn't dry in time..

For myself, I think 20 pcs should be more than enough cos' I plan to throw them in the washing machine and dryer.. so not a big issue for me.. haha.. Also, I've got 52 pcs of NB MammyPoko on standby in the event I get sick of washing cloth nappies..

luckyone.. i've no CL.. so only mum helping me... i also dun wat her to trouble her too much hsewk.. mainly wat her to cook for me...

So far hvn't tot of who will be the one doing hsewk...

Anyone know of part time helper who can come in to do hsewk in punngol?

JSP Thanks! Oh! another thing add in my "thing to buy list".

In that case I buy 30 pcs ba.

Since my gynae said my boy boy will be big size baby, I don think I need to stock up new born diapers liao hor.

i bought 2 packets of NB pampers standby.. my pref use disposables... but HB tiks nappy better loh... maybe i will ask him to wash..den he will know how troublesome.. hahha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jthan, huh! even stick with shit also thrown in washing machine?

maggie mee, can find part time helper from internet.

I think the charges is min. 4 hours per trip.

Weekday cheaper 10 to 12 per hour.


heehee... i also didn't stock-up on NB diapers leh... coz my #1 finishes up the pack frm hospital then upgrade to S size liao... anyway, better to buy larger size coz if buy smaller size cannot wear then wasted liao... so i rather buy the NB size if necessary n stock up more of the larger size...

maggie mee

my preference is use disposables also... coz bb can slp better... budden very siong for 1st few mths to use fully disposables... imagine bb poo for 8-10 times a day leh... so 1 pack is gone within week or so lor... so i oni use disposables at nite for the 1st 2-3mths... then start on disposables when they dun poo so often... save alot of $$ leh... heehee...


i also wash all bb clothes n cloth nappies using washing machine leh... the trick is to rinse n soak all stained cloth nappies with abit of bb laundry detergent and wash the next day with the rest of the bb clothes... budden my CL prefers to wash it by hand on a daily basis... HTHs...

Hi Luckyone,

Of course not!! Haha... The nappy liner should 'catch' most of the kiddo's poo... You'll have to soak the cloth diapers first (to get rid of any stains) before putting them into the washing machine...

hihis blue turtle, huggies

thanks for the link about perineal massage..yeaps, i know about it and plan to start this week.. but still worried that cannot stretch then tear terribly..

i will also monitor the baby weight to make my final decision..

so does it mean that >3kg = large?


even if we can throw poopoo nappy in washing machine, i will really hesistate lor..

wun nappie turn evenly brownish eventually?


Hey guys, Im not going not on ML so soon. i will be working at the D.

I would be using nappies too.maybe at night use diapers when sleeping.My mum was saying its best that you can aviod rashes and etc.

i think i will buy disposables for a start. Excuse being: 1st week the black meconium very hard to wash... and subsequently, if no rashes, then yeahhhhh... no need to buy diapers! haha...

a lot ezier i feel.

i'm coming up with a lot of excuses not to use cloth diapers which my MIL is nagging me to get.

blue turtle: i neo the washing bit is not somthg i look forward too....but i think its best for the baby.

Btwn, I didnt neo we indians, are not allowed to shower everyday during the first 16 days. My mum was sharing, we can only shower on some days of the first 16 days, and the rest of the days, use hot towel to wipe ourself...I wonder how im gng to handle tt. i didnt neo abt tt.

I think it's just a matter of personal preference as to use cloth diapers or disposables. Cloth diapers might sound more environmental friendly and cheaper but the effort it needs to soak and wash plus the increase in utilities might just offset the slightly more expensive disposables..

Hello... i think there is a confusion here.. its me who is going on early maternity. starting on April 9. Not Anne.. heheheh!

Anne, indians also cant shower ah?!!! OMG!!!!! Arghhh!! How am i going tahan? One day already i need to shower twice bec too hot. how not to shower for 16 days?!

Last time I bought a few cloth nappy and I had quite a number of hand me down from my sister. But they ended up being used as blanket, pillow, burp cloth and etc, just not as diaper, hehehee...

Because very lazy to use, need to change a lot and no place to hang dry so many of them also (although my CL was willing to hand wash everyday.)

I have dryer too, but didn't use it but luckily never use because my electricity bill for that confinement month without using the dryer already above $300! (Before having a bb, our monthly bill normally around 80 - 90 only). So, you can imagine how surprise we are to see the bill.

AR: i dont if everyone practice that.When i checked with my friends, they claimed that they showered. So im, not sure. My mum mention that we show on odd days, like 3rd day, 5thday and etc...16th day we have a prayer done at home for the baby and go temple on the 30th day and afterwhich we have the baby shower...

oh ya, another tg, we cannot drink water...can sip water to make the mouth wet... dont neo if ts will affect BM? any idea?

what?!! OMG!! for us indian muslims, they carry alot from the indian traditions.. so dunno if ours is the same. Its should be almost the same.. my hb's cousin who is in Canada, got to shower immediately after she gave birth..

Anne Raj,

Chinese are not allowed to drink water too, and we drink red dates longan water.

If not drinking water sure will affect breast milk supply, but last time other mummies in smh said can drink milo. So I also drink enfamama and also milo everyday.

AR, my mum and in law was syaing its bad for the body to shower immed after giving birth....the effects wont be shown now, it will surface when we are older.


I tried called but nobody answer the phone. Let me call and talk to her 1st then I let you know my decision ok? Thanks!

Anne Raj,

30 days, the whole confinement period. But I am a water person and cannot survive with red dates water (felt too heaty and thirsty), so I drank A LOT of water b4 discharge (as TMC provide whole jar of warm water right in front of my bed, so can't resist drinking it). Then at home, I also drank when nobody noticing.

For breastfeeding mom, you must drink at least 3L of water (or whatever you are asked to drink) everyday, if not will either not enough bm or some will get urine track infection.

I just did a outdoor maternity shoot at over the weekend!!

We decided to go outdoors instead of the studio shoot - 'cos everyone's studio shoot looked the same...

Just a few shots here =D




Re: Ab Cramps

I am monitoring the situation cos I am actually expecting bb to arrive in 3 weeks. My #1 was early by 10 days, so #2 should be arriving at about the same period. They may even share the same birthday...

RE: Episodomy

I did not give instructions to my gynae and has a slight tear during the birth of #1. Since it was just a small tear, I was quite alright with it. No pain or discomfort, so either I have high tolerence for pain or I am super insensitive to pain. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Edie / bb-bao

Enjoy your trips! So long as you feel competemt about caring for your kid while travelling, you should be fine! Just check if your hotel can provide you with fresh boiled water for consumption if your baby needs to take FM.

Lucas Mummy

No worries about travelling with baby if you are BFg. You just nurse as per usual. Usually just plop bb onto your breast during take-off and landing to help them with the popping of ears. Same for babies who feed on FM. If not, stand-by pacifiers. (I would suggest not to, if possible, cos you would have to wean them off pacifiers before 6 months).

But if not bringing baby along, then you will just have to pump and throw. Cos most times EBM cannot last too long and hotel fridges are not strong enough to keep the EBM fresh until your day of return.

So prior to the trip, you have to start building your EBM supply for the days that you will be away.


RE: Maternity PS

You can check out Friend Studio (link through my FB). You tell him (Beng Chye Koh) that I recommended you to him for Maternity PS. I got him to do my #1's 13 month PS.

I originally wanted to get him to do a meternity PS for #2 and includes Family PS. He quoted me $150. So you check if he can give you a good rate too. He is a friend of my SIL.


RE: Nappies

I am using nappies with liners in the day. We bought about 3 dozens for #1 and we will be using them again.

Night time will be just diapers, to minimise the need for frequent diaper changes in the wee hours.

Cos usually after feeding, parents are encouraged to change the nappies/diapers.


RE: Washing of nappies

Always soak the soiled with s*** nappies in hot water first before putting into wash. Hot water helps 'soften' dried up s*** and also prevents the s*** from staining the nappy cloths. Oh, it also helps to 消毒.

Anne Raj

RE: Water consumption during confinement

We drink red date longan tea for the whole 28 days. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bb-bao: very nice photoshoot. can let me know who u engaged and some package details?

Huggy: i'm seriously having a 2nd and 3rd and 4th thoughts on using cloth diapers after you shared the utilities cost. my bill now with nightly 1 A/C on, and once a week laundry and drying, and 1 or 2 weekends of living room aircon is already like close to $100/mth. think i will be paying a lot a lot more during confinement. i doubt the amount of water and environment saved using cloth diapers is not going to be worth it after all. =(

Chloie: u might want to chk with ur company's HR on ur ML entitlement. I remember seeing in my HR policy that termination cases are not entitled to ML.

Hi mummies,

Can anyone advise which type of coconut should we buy cos saw ntuc selling thai young coconut are we suppose to drink that?


very nice pictures. so tempted. but i'll be too lazy to take. weather so hot.. who did you sign the photography package with? I am thinking of doing for newborn bb.

hi chubby tiger, heard that shd get the green color coconut. don't get the wrong one yah. =D

start with 1 coconut per week. about 1 month before EDD can increase to about 2 a week. don't drink too much cos very cooling.


blueturtle, ohh not the young coconut huh so I must buy the type with green husk on it. If that the case I need to go hawker centre and buy. I am in 34weeks and already fixed a date to go csect on 29 apr. By the way can we still take birdnest?

