(2010/05) May 2010 mtb


it all depends on how comfortable u r with the arrangements... for me, i stay with my ILs so i take care of my bb at nite myself... n if u r thinking of leaving ur bb with ur ILs/parents weekdays, then probably u can drop by in the evenings to play with bb b4 heading hm... that way, can still bond well...


JSP: i may consider doing that. Im rather concern since i will be having classes and assisgnments from Sept to Nov, guess got to juggle it for the time being. Thanks for the advice.

Wow happy new year to all mummies! It's been a while after my last post. Hope all had an enjoyable cny.

Think I had mentioned that I can't make it for the gathering on 6 march, bbf and rantingbaby can pls take note? Thanks and cheers...

Hi ladies, i am a mother from the Jan MTB thread. i just gave birth to my boy on 3rd jan and wanting to clear my excess stocks of Neurogain. I have 3 bottles of Neurogain PB fish oil (expiring in May 2012-Usual price at pharmacy: $34.70-NOW selling at $28)

You can check out this website for more information: http://www.mederis.com.my/NeuroGain_S.html.

Interested pls PM me.

hmmm... i have a question. Any mummies know if there's any restriction if we were to travel to m'sia via the causeway during the 3rd trimester? need any documentation?

Hello Mummies

I am a Dec 09 mum and currently helping my friend (Feb 10 mum) to sell her Philips Avent Single Electronic Breast Pump - Model SCF292/13 in excellent condition. So far have used only once as she has gave up BF. Usual retail price at S$339, willing to let go at S$150. Collection at Buangkok/Sengkang. Please PM if you are interested.


chillimum> It happened to me once also. Her kicks/punches getting so strong lor! Sometimes I even thought she is jumping inside me. There was once I ask hb to touch my tummy when she was kicking. Now he know what kind of "feel" I go thru. LOL!

blue_turtle7> I get kicked/punched on my right side too. Only felt light punches on my lower tummy part. Can only know if my bb has turn down tomorrow at the gyne.

JSP> I see..... I scare by too late, when she is quite big and tight inside, there is not much room for her to flip or turn around. Everyday I would tell her to be guai guai to turn down then mummy wouldnt need to go thru extreme pain [c-section] just to see her. LOL!

Hi A R, okey dokey. Count me in. Cant wait. Very eager.. khehehehe.. so, its a baby shower? Or a meet up? Is there a gift exchange of some sorts? Any set price range if theres an exchange?

Blue_turtle7. Yahhh theres a very good point. The long wait... Hahahahaa.. you just gave my conscience the green light to shop. ,>

Hey mummies..

Whao! am super full. Had chicken Briyani from Sakuntala's and nice hot indian tea. My tummy feels like a balloon inflated at its max, if anymore input, cannot tahan! hahaha!

My baby is also kicking and punching alot. The most is during night time, the baby enjoys shaking my entire tummy and making wave like effects. Heheh! Just sad that each time my hb will be at work when all this happens. i think the baby feels calm when my hb talks to my tummy.. hehhehe..

Alina, your hubby coming also? And yes yes, a gift exchange was part of the plan also..

Hey ladies, regarding bb shower:

I think we better get deeper into planning

Lets split the tasks.. here is a list to get the ball rolling...

1) Location host: Rantingbaby

2) Catering i/c: AR

3) Gift exchange i/c: ???

4) Name tags i/c: ???

5) Games i/c: ???

6) Deco i/c: ???

7) Attendance co ordinator: bff ?

Anything else to add?


i think usually they will turn by the 30 weeks or gynae can help to turn bb if necessary but tt can oni be done later coz can induce labour one... so dun worry too much... just relax n talk to ur bb... they will all be guai guai one... for #1, i dun bother to ask gynae also... just take it as it comes... heehee...

blue turtle

not too sure abt the causeway rulings on pregnant woman... but gynae advise not to travel by air after mar 15 for my case...

AR: I can volunteer to do the name tags. But before that I need to buy sticker paper. Any idea whr to get?

And as for catering, can try Rasel, I saw min pax is for $20/pax if it includes GST will be more than that.


If not will be Maria Le Caterer's ala carte menu. Looks very yummy, she's a very good cook. I ordered desserts from her for my wedding. But I don't know the price though, I can call and check.


Both are Halal!

maggie mee, I only bought the baby seat. The stroller than I want no stock so I have to wait till end Mar.

I found it's quite worth it because I also want to get other combi product. I can buy big item there and get the small item as "free gift".

alina aj, Thanks for the infor. I will go look out.

Hi Mummies

I have been pretty tied up with things at home. Sorry for not coming in earlier. My MIL even turned up unannounced this morning, and she is still here.

RE: Baby Shower

Alternative caterer is Orange Clove (halal). I usually order from the non-halal main - Neo's Garden. But recently tried out Orange Clove due to another event and the same consistent standard is there.

I was supposed to do gift exchange, unless someone will like to take over. Given the buffet and the money that we will like to save for our babies and labour, think a budget of $20 for the should suffice. Please get generic gifts (try to avoid gender specific gifts) and please wrap up your gifts!

Games-wise, just a personal input, given our physical state, a little hard to play games. So if really go ahead with games, then game master must tink very hard leh.

Deco I/c can come by my house earlier. I have additional 2 helpers for you. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

1) Location host: Rantingbaby

2) Catering i/c: AR

3) Gift exchange i/c: Rantingbaby

4) Name tags i/c: ???

5) Games i/c: ???

6) Deco i/c: ???

7) Attendance co ordinator: bbf

Hi ladies! Went to my gyne this morning to visit bb. She is doing very fine and weighs about 700gm now. Very active today! So happy to see her every 3 weeks.

Bbf, could you please help me update my edd date. It is now 27 May instead of 19 May. Thanks!

Im from June 09 mummy forum and am letting go Avent Electric Bottle and Baby Food Warmer @ S$90. It is still very good condition and comes with the box.

-Warms quickly and evenly

-Fast and easy to use

- The fast, safe way to warm expressed milk and baby food, the Philips AVENT Electric Bottle and Baby Food Warmer warms 125ml/4oz milk at room temperature in around 4 minutes.


Please email me at [email protected] if you are keen coz i might not come back to view this post. Thanks!

Hello, this morning went to see my gynae.

He said my baby is "big" and his weight is 1.2kg, is it "big".

He said it ok to drink Raseberry leaf tea from 32 weeks but overdose, 2 cups per day.

He also said coconut also helps for naturnal birth.

I advice you check with your hospital whether you can start doing the pre-registration for you delivery day? So when you big day come, you can relax a bit (^^)

blue turtle,

I am currently in my 3rd trimester and have just went to visit my relatives during CNY, no restrictions. You will need ur gynae's letter if you are however going overseas via plane.

hi mummies sorry to interrupt. i have delivered in dec n is staying in woodlands. i have intend to sell away some of my maternity clothes at a cheap price... interested pls pm me. thank u

bbdust: thanks!

so excited today! bb cot, mattress, stroller, car seat and bb bath tub delivered today! gonna start doing up the nursery soon. think will get some stickers to do up the walls. then buy a wardrobe, night light and some other toys or deco! can't wait to see the room done up!

Baby Shower Details:

May 2010 Baby Shower

6 March 10 (Sat)

Venue: Jurong West

Time: 12pm -3pm

Caterer: Orange Clove

Menu: http://www.orangeclove.com.sg/order.aspx?id=MN0185&type=

MTBs, FTBs who would like to join us

One last call- Guest list closing at 23 Feb 2010, 2359hours - this is for catering sake.

Baby shower Attendees

AR- 2

KTSC - 1 ??

bb-bao - 1 ??

chillimum - 1

rantingbaby - 2

Anlin - 1

Chloie - 2

SK - 1

edie- 1

Piggy - 1

Pinnky - 1

BBF - 1

gladseow - 1

moondust07 - 1

Confirmed total as of 21 Feb 2010: 17

1) Location host: Rantingbaby

2) Catering i/c: AR

3) Gift exchange i/c: Rantingbaby

4) Name tags i/c: Edie

5) Games i/c: ???

6) Deco i/c: ???

7) Attendance co ordinator: bbf

Baby Shower Details:

May 2010 Baby Shower

6 March 10 (Sat)

Venue: Jurong West

Time: 12pm -3pm

Caterer: Orange Clove

Menu: http://www.orangeclove.com.sg/order.aspx?id=MN0185&type=

MTBs, FTBs who would like to join us

One last call- Guest list closing at 23 Feb 2010, 2359hours - this is for catering sake.

Baby shower Attendees

AR- 2

KTSC - 1

bb-bao - 1 ??

chillimum - 1

rantingbaby - 3

Anlin - 1

Chloie - 2

SK - 1

edie- 1

Piggy - 1

Pinnky - 1

BBF - 1

gladseow - 1

moondust07 - 1

Confirmed total as of 21 Feb 2010: 18

1) Location host: Rantingbaby

2) Catering i/c: AR

3) Gift exchange i/c: Rantingbaby

4) Name tags i/c: Edie

5) Games i/c: ???

6) Deco i/c: ???

7) Attendance co ordinator: bbf

Luckyone.. my bb at 28wks also 1.2kg... but gynae says its ok... nothing to worry..so shd be ok bah... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So if ordering raspberry tea.. can order for me too if not too troublesome? but not sure how much we need to order? maybe to last us for one mth+ since if we start drinking from 32 weeks?


Hello mummies!

I bought this manual breast pump last week at Isetan baby department at $110. As i got home, my sister passed me her old Medela electric pump instead which she did not mention she was gonna lend me :/ therefore I have no need for this anymore I guess..


So this is New, unopened, still in plastic wrapping..( Can send you pictures to see and testify)

Any mummies would like to purchase it off me, if you haven't had one? $ negotiable. PM me or email at [email protected]

can self collect or mail out.

Pretty thanks..

Posted on Sunday, February 21, 2010 - 11:53 am:       

Baby Shower Details:

May 2010 Baby Shower

6 March 10 (Sat)

Venue: Jurong West

Time: 12pm -3pm

Caterer: Orange Clove

Menu: http://www.orangeclove.com.sg/order.aspx?id=MN0185&type=

MTBs, FTBs who would like to join us

One last call- Guest list closing at 23 Feb 2010, 2359hours - this is for catering sake.

Baby shower Attendees

AR- 2

KTSC - 1

bb-bao - 1 ??

chillimum - 1

rantingbaby - 3

Anlin - 1

Chloie - 2

edie- 1

Piggy - 1

Pinnky - 1

BBF - 1

gladseow - 1

moondust07 - 1)

Confirmed total as of 21 Feb 2010: 18 1) Location host: Rantingbaby

2) Catering i/c: AR

3) Gift exchange i/c: Rantingbaby

4) Name tags i/c: Edie

5) Games i/c: ???

6) Deco i/c: ???

7) Attendance co ordinator: bbf

Sorry folks, can't make it for this session. Haf fun k.

Hi, hi.. wow this thread is really active. I loike. hehehehee.. count me in for the baby shower. 1 pax.

went to the see the gynae. as per usual, weight gain problem. gained 12kg so far! only 26 weeks. gynae says must control else high chance will have to go for c-section. me being small and the baby so big...

im always hungry. shivering, sweaty kinda hunger. haiz.. must cut on carbs and fried stuffs. no more old chang kee for breakkie and pastries for tea break. stocking up bananas and raisins.. ,<

gotta packages from baby sprees. so tiny the clothes! ,> husband finally cleared the xtra room. yay!

still have to buy thermometer, baby cot, stroller and car seat... still gotta paint the room. so many things to do.. so many things to buy..

alluz alluz.. about the decor ic.. just hang up some balloons and banners and buntings and coordinated the colours for napkins, table cloth and paper plates etc right? and maybe flowers right?

i know where to get cheap balloons. old shophouses in west coast. cheap flowers. upper thomson rd. but may need help with the blowing of balloons. ,8

juuuussssssssst a suggestion, wanna come up with a theme? like sayyyy orange? everybody comes in orange coloured top e.g. looks nice in photos.

just a suggestion... yah, i know pretty affordable maternity clothes are a scarce as it is. ,8


Hey Alina,

I like ur idea of the orange color theme. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Lets see what the rest say..

Do u wanna be the deco i/c then? Rantingbaby mentioned that she has 2 helpers for ya..

Anne, u are also joining us for the bb shower right?- I rmb someone was willing to offer u a ride from Sengkang to Jurong.. u still in?


Baby Shower Details:

May 2010 Baby Shower

6 March 10 (Sat)

Venue: Jurong West

Time: 12pm -3pm

Caterer: Orange Clove

Menu: http://www.orangeclove.com.sg/order.aspx?id=MN0185&type=

MTBs, FTBs who would like to join us

One last call- Guest list closing at 23 Feb 2010, 2359hours - this is for catering sake.

Baby shower Attendees

AR- 2

KTSC - 1

bb-bao - 1 ??

chillimum - 1

rantingbaby - 3

Anlin - 1

Chloie - 2

edie- 1

Piggy - 1

Pinnky - 1

BBF - 1

gladseow - 1

moondust07 - 1

Alina aj- 1

Confirmed total as of 21 Feb 2010: 19

1) Location host: Rantingbaby

2) Catering i/c: AR

3) Gift exchange i/c: Rantingbaby

4) Name tags i/c: Edie

5) Games i/c: ???

6) Deco i/c: ???

7) Attendance co ordinator: bbf

hello mummies...

just to hear u ladies that there will be a taka bb fair starting on the 12th march....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i have yet to get nay bb stuffs...can mummies tell me wat are the items that i need to get???[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


AR: I cant make it on that day, i have classes on that day. I rec my timetable last week. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi guys, if you getting the Japanese Rasberry leaves, pls assist to get for me too. 1 mth supply would do.


bbf, could you help to insert my edd and stuff?

edd: 24 may

bb no: 1

gynae: yvonne soong

hospital: TMC

gender: girl

address zone: sembawang

Rantingbaby, thanks for the suggestion of the caterer, Orange Clove

Can make a small request over the food choice in this buffet package http://www.orangeclove.com.sg/order.aspx?id=MN0185&type=

For dessert, can choose either Almond Jelly Longgan or Ice Jelly Cocktail cos the others I personally feel are too cooling

For delicacies, can choose Yam ring with prawn cos I can't take mutton and beef.

Sorrie for any inconveneniences caused

Posted on Sunday, February 21, 2010 - 11:53 am:

Baby Shower Details:

May 2010 Baby Shower

6 March 10 (Sat)

Venue: Jurong West

Time: 12pm -3pm

Caterer: Orange Clove

Menu: http://www.orangeclove.com.sg/order.aspx?id=MN0185&type=

MTBs, FTBs who would like to join us

One last call- Guest list closing at 23 Feb 2010, 2359hours - this is for catering sake.

Baby shower Attendees

AR- 2

KTSC - 2

bb-bao - 1 ??

chillimum - 1

rantingbaby - 3

Anlin - 1

Chloie - 2

edie- 1

Piggy - 1

Pinnky - 1

BBF - 1

gladseow - 1

moondust07 - 1)

Confirmed total as of 22 Feb 2010: 18

1) Location host: Rantingbaby

2) Catering i/c: AR

3) Gift exchange i/c: Rantingbaby

4) Name tags i/c: Edie

5) Games i/c: ???

6) Deco i/c: ???

7) Attendance co ordinator: bbf

It's funny that we are still in the mood for games!! We are kinda clumsy now isnt it??

Black Jack can or not?

May 2010 Baby Shower

6 March 10 (Sat)

Venue: Jurong West

Time: 12pm -3pm

Caterer: Orange Clove

Menu: http://www.orangeclove.com.sg/order.aspx?id=MN0185&type=

MTBs, FTBs who would like to join us

One last call- Guest list closing at 23 Feb 2010, 2359hours - this is for catering sake.

Baby shower Attendees

AR- 2

KTSC - 2

bb-bao - 1

chillimum - 1

rantingbaby - 3

Anlin - 1

Chloie - 2

edie- 1

Piggy - 1

Pinnky - 1

BBF - 1

gladseow - 1

moondust07 - 1

Confirmed total as of 22 Feb 2010: 18

1) Location host: Rantingbaby

2) Catering i/c: AR

3) Gift exchange i/c: Rantingbaby

4) Name tags i/c: Edie

5) Games i/c: ???

6) Deco i/c: ???

7) Attendance co ordinator: bbf

hi mummies!

how r all of u doing? me still so curious to meet up some of u!! hahahahaa..

I had spotting yesterday.. gynae ask me go hospital.. but baby was kikcing very well yesterday.. no contractions etc.. and den did a swap test.. so need to wait for lab result.. am at home resting now.. she gave me 5 days mc.. but i dun think i can afford to take 5 days at 1 shot..

but i feel so tired.. i need a good break soon.. hahahaha...

I can volunteer as i/c of games (which will be quiz n a mini-pageant), something we can all sit down n hav fun with. no major body twisting activites cos of our limited mobility!

anyone with games suggestions or willing to partner me on this are welcome!

May 2010 Baby Shower

6 March 10 (Sat)

Venue: Jurong West

Time: 12pm -3pm

Caterer: Orange Clove

Menu: http://www.orangeclove.com.sg/order.aspx?id=MN0185&type=

MTBs, FTBs who would like to join us

One last call- Guest list closing at 23 Feb 2010, 2359hours - this is for catering sake.

Baby shower Attendees

AR- 2

KTSC - 2

bb-bao - 1

chillimum - 1

rantingbaby - 3

Anlin - 1

Chloie - 2

edie- 1

Piggy - 1

Pinnky - 1

BBF - 1

gladseow - 1

moondust07 - 1

Alina aj- 1

Confirmed total as of 22 Feb 2010: 19

1) Location host: Rantingbaby

2) Catering i/c: AR

3) Gift exchange i/c: Rantingbaby

4) Name tags i/c: Edie

5) Games i/c: chillimum

6) Deco i/c: ???

7) Attendance co ordinator: bbf

maggie mee, Anne Raj & Hon

I have check with my gynae last Sat, he sais I'm ok to take RaseberryLeaf Tea but not more than 2 cups per day.

3g (1 teaspoon tea leave = 1 cup 200ml) x 2 cups = 6g.

So 1 packet 100g/6g = 16.5 days.

1 packet price - JPY1,625 + freight JPY285, after convert to SGD 0.0156 = 29.80

Please let me know how many packet you need and I will place order this weekend.

Payment you can pay me when collection but please, please don't cancel you order hor.

I only need 4 packets if you last min. cancel the ordre, I will have to go around asking for buyer (^^;)

All mummies,

Gong Xi Fatt Chai!!


Can count me in too?? I would like to get 1 packet too to try

btw, can we use 3g of tea leaves and reuse the leave twice? or we need to change the tea leaves each time we drink the 2nd cup?

Hey mummies!

So excellent! We have a list of the co ordinators. Alina can confirm u as deco i/c?

Luckyone are u joining us for the bb shower?

didnt see ur name there..

Nanabear, u tc ok? I know how it feels, 5 days definitely will make the big boss frown.. esp when maternity leave is nearby.. We'll def have more gatherings b4 the end of our maternity leaves. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anne, sorry if i sound rude... cant skip one day class ah?- We would really love to see u at the shower... if really cant then its ok...


May 2010 Baby Shower

6 March 10 (Sat)

Venue: Jurong West

Time: 12pm -3pm

Caterer: Orange Clove

Menu: http://www.orangeclove.com.sg/order.aspx?id=MN0185&type=

Dress code: Orange - Please comment if u are ok with the theme. it was suggested by Alina.

MTBs, FTBs who would like to join us

One last call- Guest list closing at 23 Feb 2010, 2359hours - this is for catering sake.

Baby shower Attendees

AR- 2

KTSC - 2

bb-bao - 1

chillimum - 1

rantingbaby - 3

Anlin - 1

Chloie - 2

edie- 1

Piggy - 1

Pinnky - 1

BBF - 1

gladseow - 1

moondust07 - 1

Alina aj- 1

Confirmed total as of 22 Feb 2010: 19

1) Location host: Rantingbaby

2) Catering i/c: AR

3) Gift exchange i/c: Rantingbaby

4) Name tags i/c: Edie

5) Games i/c: chillimum

6) Deco i/c: Alina???

7) Attendance co ordinator: bbf


Luckyone 1 packet for me too pls. Wanna give it a try. Can sms me ur a/c number then I t/t u the money. TQ! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

May 2010 Baby Shower

6 March 10 (Sat)

Venue: Jurong West

Time: 12pm -3pm

Caterer: Orange Clove

Menu: http://www.orangeclove.com.sg/order.aspx?id=MN0185&type=

Dress code: Orange - Please comment if u are ok with the theme. it was suggested by Alina.

MTBs, FTBs who would like to join us

One last call- Guest list closing at 23 Feb 2010, 2359hours - this is for catering sake.

Baby shower Attendees

AR- 2

KTSC - 2

bb-bao - 1

chillimum - 1

rantingbaby - 3

Anlin - 1

Chloie - 2

edie- 1

Piggy - 1

Pinnky - 1

BBF - 1

gladseow - 1

moondust07 - 1

Alina aj- 1

Confirmed total as of 22 Feb 2010: 19

1) Location host: Rantingbaby

2) Catering i/c: AR

3) Gift exchange i/c: Rantingbaby

4) Name tags i/c: Edie

5) Games i/c: chillimum

6) Deco i/c: Alina

7) Attendance co ordinator: bbf

Hey MTMs

Hope you all have enjoyed the New Year and are doing fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anybody using iPhone?? I have this website to recommend.. Selling iPhone accessories at reasonable prices.. Can visit http://theipaplace.blogspot.com for more info..

Here's wishing all of you good health & wealth in this TIGER year and most importantly give birth to a healthy & cheerful "baby tiger"!!! HUAT AH!!



