(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

KTSC, Sue, Mrs Teo, and May MTBs who are interested in doing YOGA with us

Here are the details:

8 session package $240 (if we have more than 5 i will nego price again)

Those going on One-time trial price is $45.

Those who sign up 8 sessions @$240 can use the trial as one of the 8 sessions.

Time: 7pm

Day : Tuesday

Start on: 19 Jan

location : http://www.wabisabi.com.sg/index.php/contact.htm

Those interested please list ur nick below and send me message with your name and number.

[email protected]

We'll confirm the numbers with Wasabi Yoga these 2 days





KTSC, Sue, Mrs Teo, and May MTBs who are interested in doing YOGA with us

Here are the details:

8 session package $240 (if we have more than 5 i will nego price again)

Those going on One-time trial price is $45.

Those who sign up 8 sessions @$240 can use the trial as one of the 8 sessions.

Time: 7pm

Day : Tuesday

Start on: 19 Jan

location : http://www.wabisabi.com.sg/index.php/contact.htm

Those interested please list ur nick below and send me message with your name and number.

[email protected]

We'll confirm the numbers with Wasabi Yoga these 2 days





Mrs teo

Blurangel, thanks for the clear description. I meet u all at Clark Quay MRT control station at 6.40pm. Maybe if u all not having dinner at home, after class we can makan @ the fish and chips cafe opposite Central, itz yummy :p

just a note, pls refrain from eating or reading frustrating work emails at least an hour before the lesson. :pP

The yoga place provides mats and lockers. Got changing room and a toilet. Just need to wear something loose and comfortable. Bring a small towel if you wish to.

After lesson, get to drink the caffeine-free tea.

We can go for dinner after that. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

A R,

hehe perhaps he is just teasing you. maybe u can tease him back (cheeky laugh..) my hb quite worried abt bumping on my belly so we hav to carefully carefully lol.. n no violent tv show or documentary featuring lizards..snakes..etc.


yr dog is very affectionate towards yr gal. seems like he is giving in to her alot haha end up kana bully instead.. i think u hav to look out for yr gal more then the dog! mine is super hyperactive esp w strangers in the hse he will be v excited. he will bark when he heard noises outside the door sometimes even in the middle of the night. i only scared when bb is sleeping n he bark bb will get a shock. cos i myself also got a shock when he bark in the middle of the night.(shock awake)

anyway yest went for scan, doc ask me whether i wan epi, then i told him i wan c-section. he advise me go natural, say if my bb position allows n not too big better if natural birth. epi wont feel any pain. haiz.. mtbs.. pls giv me strength.. how? i really scared abt the cutting vagina part. then yest after scan met one fren his wife also just gav birth naturally, he also advise me natural. argh.. how to get over my fear?? doc got say if i insist c-section he will but advise me consider natural.

hey mummies

do grab a copy of Young Parents (Jan 10 issue). I remember coming across one article in it that is really beneficial to 1st time mummies. Of course, Nth times mummies will still get to benefit from the read as well.


I get back to you on your call for help on c-sect vs natural birth later hor... now a tad busy...

hi smak, I am the MTB (whom BBF mentioned) that is currently taking the Maternity Yoga class from Wasabi.

I would say yoga is more focus on stretching, breathing and relaxing, unlike the aerobics. As for Maternity Yoga, its even gentler. So far attended 6 lessons, was so relaxed that I fell asleep in the last resting stage during one of the lessons. luckily din snore..haha.. :p

anyway i would say try it yourself. Esp good if you want to do natural delivery, as recommended by my frens who also attended the same class before. Some even managed to deliver without epidura! *Salute!!*

And its also good to have the company of MTBs, get to share some of the "unexpected" pregnancy experiences. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rantingbaby, my milkflow for #1 was also 90mls - 120mls each time. Ya, engorgment = very painful. I experience once when I fell asleep througout the night. Too tired to wake up for midnight pumps. This time round tell myself would not want to experience engorgement anymore

ya, how does engorgement felt huh?

I have been experiencing breast pain when I sleep. Sometimes when I wan to turn or switch position, I will feel my breast in pain lor! Very painful. Then I got to like carry my breast over to my desired position then try to sleep again. Super hate my breast now. Big and cause pain to me.

I feel so hungry now.... Wonder what to have for lunch.... I'm a fast food junkie. It's either KFC or McDonalds today. LOL!


There are a few pros for natural birth. One of which is that it kick starts your BM. During labour contractions of natural birth, a certain hormone is released to help kick start your breasts for BM. The other trigger is of course your baby's suckling.

I prefer natural cos I feel that it helps strengthen the bonds I have with the newborn. Of course, this is just my personal POV.


Yar, and I found out that cold compress works better that hot compress. Thank God for that discovery, and of course, thank God for my mum. She was the one who told me that.

Have a small pail/bucket of ice cold water and soak your compress in it. Squeeze until slight dry and massage the blocked area. Nurse after that... Viola! no more blocked ducts! Of course, must massage a few times but usually by 3rd feed the blocked ducts are gone.

Mrs Teo

Engorgement is due to BM that is not completely cleared from your breasts and your breasts produce more milk. So after some time your breasts will feel like 2 heavy lead lumps hanging from your chest. With that, it also means that your milk ducts are blocked, so there would be pain a certain areas, and when you touch those areas, they feel somewhat like 50ct / 20ct coins but they go deep in.

The pain is minimal if you leave it alone, just heavy discomfort. But when you massage it to clear the blocked ducts, erm, I also dunno how to describe it leh... Worse than bruising since the blocked ducts go deep in.

KTSC, can help with description?


engorgement comes only if you did not let your baby finish all the BM in your breasts. Not during pregnancy. Now it's the hormones conditioning your breasts for breastmilk production.

breast engorgement

i had my first engorgement 1 week after delivery... wat i can say abt the pain is sit also cannot, stand also cannot kinda pain... n ur breast would be super hard like rock... n massaging would be super painful... but u definitely have to clear it b4 it leads to infections... latching is the best solution to engorgement thou... HTHs...

rantingbaby> I know I'm not having engorgement now. But the pain is super pain lor. It felt as if my whole breast is as hard as rock. Very sensitive to touch. Even brush against it, it would be super pain.

KTSC, Sue, Mrs Teo, and May MTBs who are interested in doing YOGA with us

Here are the details:

8 session package $240 (if we have more than 5 i will nego price again)

Those going on One-time trial price is $45.

Those who sign up 8 sessions @$240 can use the trial as one of the 8 sessions.

Time: 7pm

Day : Tuesday

Start on: 19 Jan

location : http://www.wabisabi.com.sg/index.php/contact.htm

Those interested please list ur nick below and send me message with your name and number.

[email protected]

We'll confirm the numbers with Wasabi Yoga these 2 days





Mrs teo


I'll go for the trial first! Most prob I'll sign up I've got nothing to do anyway, but still have to ask hubby first cos I'm not financially independent now. So irritating!

KTSC, Sue, Mrs Teo, and May MTBs who are interested in doing YOGA with us

Here are the details:

8 session package $240 (if we have more than 5 i will nego price again)

Those going on One-time trial price is $45.

Those who sign up 8 sessions @$240 can use the trial as one of the 8 sessions.

Time: 7pm

Day : Tuesday

Start on: 19 Jan

location : http://www.wabisabi.com.sg/index.php/contact.htm

Those interested please list ur nick below and send me message with your name and number.

[email protected]

We'll confirm the numbers with Wasabi Yoga these 2 days





Mrs teo



Rantingbaby, that time when I have engorgement, it was during my hospital stay. The lactation nurse help me to relieve the painfulness by putting cold compress too.

The massaging part of the block ducts is the worst. Imagine try to relieve the 2 super hard rocks back into soft tender condition again. Would take some time and endurance.

Like what JSP has mention, have to clear the block ducts or else will lead to infections and also high fever.

yup Mrs Teo, barefooted. In fact need to take off your shoes when you reach their level. Japanese style...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mrs Teo, tink your PM is also not available.

Will drop u a message on FB when i get back home tonite.

not quiet, juz sleepy...counting down to go home time....hee

Hello ,

Lets think about what to eat for Dinner.

Pizza Hut having promotion with citbank- $12.90 for a pan pizza and spaghetti.

Yummy Yummy

anlin - you quite lucky, get to choose. my mil makes the decision for dinner ... and normally its skewed towards her two precious grandsons...:p

OMG! I was doing GST update the whole day. Really gave me the backache. I have to seat and not able to move anywhere and my fingers were constantly moving. And I have 2 more months to go!!!!! Wish me good luck. At least another day or two to go. I hope my backache wont start from this stup!d thing. Just when I'm looking forward to go home for dinner, my hb is back! And he is going quotes now. My god! I think I would have to wait till he is done before we can go home. *sigh*

Homecook food is health. But eating too much of the same kind get tired sometime.

One of the days, can give a surprise to your MIL. Tell her to reward her by dining outside. "all parent will be happy to hear"

But eating outside food also headache and unhealth. Not Rice or noodle or western.So Sian.

Happen to see promotion of Pizza, so looking forward today.

Hi Chillimum,

Just to share with you one important point(to me) between c-section and natural birth. No doubt you need to cut the vagina area(they called this procedure as "episiotomy") to prevent uncontrolled tearing when you deliver your baby. But is only one layer of skin that they are cutting. The gynae will stitch back after we deliver the baby. See pic below.

Natural birth website:


As for c-section, they are cutting layer and layer of our skin(Abdomen including the top skin and fat layer, and then the Uterus layer). Even the gynae stitch back your abdomen, they're still layers of skins to heal below.

Cesarean Birth website:


This was told by my mum, sis and SIL when I told them that I was very keen to go for c-section when I just got pregnant. They discouraged me to do so by sharing with me this "skin theory"

Attached are some images to show you the procedure. Not trying to scare you. But just to give you a better idea(which I've learned from the internet) how it's been done.

Hi to all mtbs, please correct me if any part of my info is wrong. Thanks



chloie - how about getting a small pillow to put on the chair to support your back? I also been advised to get a small stool to let the blood in my legs to flow esp since most of us are sitting for long hours in office. Yet to get one.

blurangle> I have a pillow and a "dont know what its name" thing on my chair. It is to support the back on. With the material like netting one. I think without these two, my back would have ache long ago. Felt better after walking around.

vivi2010> Aiyo! Dont put the pic out so fast mah! Scaring alot of us lei! I have been avoiding thinking of the procedures of c-section & natural. I feel all the pain around my body aldy. LOL!

vivi - agree with chloie...the pics tho are of the reality & truth of delivery process... but i tink i just lost my appetite for dinner .... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Chloie,

So sorry...

I know is scary. I have been trying to avoid thinking about it too. Was talking to my husband yesterday night when we were sleeping. Told him how scary the whole procedure can be for me to imagine... He just made one comment "If other mums can do it, you can do it too." Ha! *Very helpful (roll my eyes).. hahaha!

Hi Blurangel,

Oops! Sorry again.

Is actually colour pics. I changed them all to grayscale and scale down to much small size inorder to reduce the "scariness"

But it don't seem to help.. sorry gals

Hi Anlin,

No problem [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Happy that you find it informative. Alot of people including me didn't know much about the episiotomy procedure. We only see/hear comments from other mums saying their gynae stitches is good and well done.. bla bla bla.. this and that. But where and how they stitch? I seriously don't know much. That why I did a research on this area to make sure I know what they are doing when I'm lying there, waiting for my baby to come out.. ha!

haha...no worries vivi....this is a very indiv's level of acceptance in facing the truth...mabe can show my hubby and see what's his reactions...."my form of entertainment for tonite"..hee :pP

KTSC, Sue, Mrs Teo, and May MTBs who are interested in doing YOGA with us

Here are the details:

8 session package $240 (if we have more than 5 i will nego price again)

Those going on One-time trial price is $45.

Those who sign up 8 sessions @$240 can use the trial as one of the 8 sessions.

Time: 7pm

Day : Tuesday

Start on: 19 Jan

location : http://www.wabisabi.com.sg/index.php/contact.htm

Those interested please list ur nick below and send me message with your name and number.

[email protected]

We'll confirm the numbers with Wasabi Yoga these 2 days




Sue & sue's colleague

Mrs teo





Don't worry u don't have to call gwen.

I'll confirm the lesson start with her tomorrow and update all of you.

Just turn up on Tuesday ok?

wah, today's topic all the painful stuff...

BUT don't worry gals...we'll survive it together somehow. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

HELP, I need some advise over Ameda and Medela dual electric pumps.

Has anyone tried both before? What is your take on it? Which one is lighter to lug around?

WAs thinking of whether I should buy 2 Ameda or try the Medela PISA/Freestyle this time...

Mush, no problem can u can just list yourself and PM me your nick, real name and number.

I'll confirm with you again tomorrow ok?

KTSC, Sue, Mrs Teo, and May MTBs who are interested in doing YOGA with us

Here are the details:

8 session package $240 (if we have more than 5 i will nego price again)

Those going on One-time trial price is $45.

Those who sign up 8 sessions @$240 can use the trial as one of the 8 sessions.

Time: 7pm

Day : Tuesday

Start on: 19 Jan

location : http://www.wabisabi.com.sg/index.php/contact.htm

Those interested please list ur nick below and send me message with your name and number.

[email protected]

We'll confirm the numbers with Wasabi Yoga these 2 days




Sue & sue's colleague

Mrs teo





thanks bbf

Hey ladies! nice to see that a yoga 'pact' is been form. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I was following the thread today.. so scary when u guys talk abt BF.. am scared... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Today I was feeling super tired. out of the ordinary tired... felt like taking 1/2 in the morning. But tmr also must take half day in the afternoon bec of some solar eclipse. My in laws put me under stirct orders that i am not suppose to move an inch during the eclipse. Dunno why. So gotta get home b4 3 and during 3 - 5 pm which is the time of the eclipse, just go and sleep. cannot do anything else! Waste my 1/2 day leave. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Anyone else kena this curfew?

