(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Hi chubby tiger

I bought a few brands previously for comparision like New Moon, Eu Yan Sen, Hock ...( cannot remember the name),and Horse Brand. Personally I feel that horse brand is most valued for money for the small bottles 6 in one pack. they have more bird nest per bottle.

But if u want to try my per mouthful method for daily consumption then the "hock ..." is quite cheap as compare to other brands


Oh ya, I have someone by the name of "Cherry Y@p" who recently added me in fb. May I know who is that huh? I'm totally clueless on who you are lei....

hi Gil> the japs here still eat raw stuff such as sashimi n sushi, but i am avoiding it cos my mum told me not to eat lor... i rather play safe ba haha...

yly> so sorry to hear abt ur loss.... pls take good care of urself n take things on a bright side okie... we will all be here for u ....*big hugz*....

Hi everyone,

just had my brunch. Was so tired last evening. Slept from 830 pm till 1230pm tis afternoon. Goodness knows why.

Last Fri nite, i went to my gynea to check on my little ones. they are 5.5cm at 12w5d. Hmm hope they are not too small. Gynea also drew two tubes of blood from me for testing. Ouch.. Tomorrow is e day. It is the test day. Hope everything will be fine...

Hi nanabear> i am oso a heavy smoker... had been smoking for more than 16 yrs more than 1 pack a day haha... but the moment i saw my bb during scaning... my fresh pack of cig went straight into the bin haha... hubby was so happy ...

in the past kept saying wan to give up but in the end still end up smoking ... but surpisingly, when the tot of bb, all the craving for smoke is gone tot... i should have stopped much earlier not when baby is already 8 wks old when i frist know that i am pregy ... sian...

Thought of start to take birdnest too. I'm lazy to cook. Can eat the bottle kind? Anyone taking bottle kind? I heard birdnest is good but don't over take or take everyday because it may caused baby asmah..

Hi all,

Just got my situation confirmed so will be going in for termination on Wed. Thanks for all the well wishes and it was really nice to have the support and comfort of all of you here.

Hi Audrey,

I also have the same dilemma - whether to eat bird's nest frequently or not? Bottled or cook? My FIL bought like 3 or 4 dozen bottles and one concentrated bottle for me. I kept telling him it's too early to eat now..

Anyway, my friend who had given birth two months ago said better eat moderately. Not everyday. Her sister-in-law ate bird's nest everyday during her pregnancy and now her baby is full of allergies... she didnt mention what kind but the baby cannot take a lot of food.. everytime try new food she will have allergy reaction like rashes and stuff..

Hi bb-bao.

Talking about allergy. As for me, I will try to avoid taking peanut and kidney bean. Esp if there's any member from your family who suffer from asthma or any other allergies.

Your FIL is so good. As for mine, he's only looking forward to play with him/her in his condo pool when he/she is born.

I heard that taking chicken n prawns are not very gd during pregy cos may cause allergy ...

n fried stuff may cause mtbs to have high blood pressure which will not be gd esp during delivery...

found comfort in chicken in a biskit...

ylyn: take care please.

to all: so fast its monday!!! cant wait for the long weekend next week... ;(

anyone starting swimming or yoga already?

Hi Mrs Teo, I check with my Gynae, he said can start swimming now (after 12 weeks) I wanted to go swimming last weekend but too bad the weather not very good and I'm having flu also.

aiyo astroboy.. poor thing. Last time my hubby always disturb and say "dont eat so expensive food, you know it's going to come out anyway.." Hope your MS gets better soon!!

Mrs Teo: Do you have any good lobang for yoga or pilates? I used to go Whatever yoga regularly last time, but now their pre-natal yoga is only on Sat.. and the studio is at Club Street. Abit out of the way for me leh..


i think hor, we need to eat in moderation..

my mil say beef, lamb cannot - old wives tale

now we cannot eat chicken..


i think just haf a balanced diet..my gynae told me to eat anything i want...just avoid foodstuff that can cause stomachache or diarrhea, cos any stomach contractions will cause disturbance to the foetus and induce uterine contractions and MC

i oso like fried stuff... but from wat i understand is that if our blood pressure get too high esp during delivery when it will be much higher than normal for all the strength n stuff, it will be of risk to the mother n baby ....

i now avoid all fried stuff even fries... tempura n stuff... just to play safe... n some mtbs may get diabetic during pregy so try to avoid too sweet stuff too... cos this may pass on to baby ... will not affect the baby now but in the future the baby will have higher risk expose to diabetic...

Hi Kurisu,

I think chicken and prawns is ok as long as they're cooked.

But I've stopped taking them due to my bad rashes.

Hi Astroboy,

You are so poor thing. Don't worry. Your MS is coming to the end soon. Real soon. I was siting on my sofa last sunday, watching TV. Suddenly, I realised that my MS is gone(since Friday if I'm not wrong. I'm now in my 15wks). I don't feel nausea anymore. I was like smiling and giggling to myself. Lucky my hubby was taking his nap. If not, he will think I'm crazy. ha! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Kurisu,

Beside sweet stuff, I think have to control on the carb too. My sister had diabetic during her first pregnancy. I remember I went out lunch with her once. She ate a bento set and a big bowl of rice for lunch. Very scary.

And in KKH, we always have urine test(one of our routine check) to check our sugar level. I'm always very scare. I once had a sweet before going KKH due to my nausea. Immediately they put "sugar traced".

Hi Vivien, I also go KK for my scan too. last 2 week when I went, the nurse said I'm in abit high blood. I guess now on have to cut all fried food, beef, prawn and biscuit...started to feel hungry again...

BB: Yap loh... I better dun waste $$$. But today got craving mah so wanna eat loh.

Vivien: Tks!Glad u are better. I every morn wake up, 1st thing I wish is no longer feel nausea. Dunno y pregancy so xin ku but pple still k have 2nd, 3rd 4th... hahaa

hihis astroboy

i heard that every preggy is different..so there's still hope! for ur #2 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hope ur MS disappears real soon..

btw, i kena massive headache now...makes me feel so terrible.. sigh..

Astroboy, take comfort that I am like you too! I am in my 12th week, and every morning, I pray for my MS to stop completely. Right now, once the sun has set, I will be nauseous, and I can't eat anything at all!!!! Eating in itself is truly a torture for me too.

Hi Audrey,

Did you ask her what causes the high blood? Or did you check with your gynae. Please be extra careful since we are only in our early stage of 2nd trimester.

I understand from my sister(who had 3 kids, she just gave birth to her third one 3mths ago) is always good to do checkup in the morning. Cos our "system" suppose to be cleaner. So we won't have any "false alarm". ha!

Hi Astroboy,

You are absolutely right! After all my MS, rashes and fibroid scare, seriously I wonder why people (esp like my sister) can have 3 to 4 kids. It's just crazy. But they will always say, "Oh! you cannot remember the "pain" that you have went thru after birth" ha!


can get from cold storage

i am thinking of waddling in the pool on my own instead of classes. my hb swims on every wed and fri.. so i maybe will join him

yoga - i am interested but need to find a convenient location...

food - i think everything also can eat lar. but in moderation.

i only keep away from sashimi and alcohol.

Hi Vivien, my gynae said could be due to my age (34) and asked me to be careful of what I eat and if possible, test my own blood presure at home.

I, the most 2 kids, not because of "xin ku" in pregnacy is because fiancial can't support haha.

Anyway I think most lady after give birth, they really will forgot the pain.

I met 1 lady in KK hospoital when I'm was very sick during my 6 weeks, she give birth the 2nd day and walk around like nothing..

Hi Astroboy,

actually, i think pregnancy is not so xin ku....

its the very first mth during the confinement period is damn painful experience for a first time mother haha...

breast will engorge, then need to feed baby every 2 to 3 hrs, then still need to pump the milk, then no enough sleep....

the MIL wil nag saying this thing cannot do, that thing cannot do. then my mum will say another version.... 2 women staying in the house giving u diff opinions arghh....

then baby kept crying... husband not helping...haha

then still feeling fat and ugly haha...

mothers can easily get depression after pregnancy hence support from husband is very important!

after adapting for one mth, i finally learn to adapt and feel like its worth it to bring this little one to this world!

Hi tinospora, after you reach home, chop some ginger mixed with very hot honey, wear warm at home, don't wash your hair at night if you need to wash, brow dry using hair dryer. I was having flu over the weekend and this help me without any midecine (^^)

Hi Gil, yeap sometimes old folk can be quite nagging. My sister in law told me, the confinement lady that she hired for her confinement,1st baby last year (recommend by her friend), she was not happy with our mother in law because MIL prefer her way of doing and also always nag to the lady. No wonder that lady not doing well and unhappy.Fedback from my sisiter in law friend was quite good leh. After hearing that I start to worry cause I stay together with SIL & MIL (big family). This kind of enviroment good confinement lady also no use...

And my sister now pregnant again (about 7 weeks), she already started to worry about for the confinement lady. That the headache part that staying with MIL...


my friend told me she had 3 women in the house. confinement lady, mother and mil all 3 stayed in together for a period of time. she almost gone crazy. she said she always overheard mil complaining to confinement lady abt her haha...

i got no confinement lady. my mil insisted on helping but she didnt stay with me

she came and took out everything in the fridge and cabinet and rearranged the ways she wanted

and kept saying i was untidy this and that....

even till now when she came over to my place always like to do spot check

she opened my kitchen cabinet, fridge and even my worerobe and my girl worerobe argh.....

so the thought of her coming my place for that 1 month i can alredi feel the pain haha....

I'm not so worried about the giving birth pain, more concern with her coming over haha


The first month sounds very scary leh.. i'm totally not prepared for any of these!!

This is exactly why i wanna move home (to my mum's) during confinement. Firstly, at my in-law's place there is no one to look after me and baby. All my relatives stay near my mum and i'm sure my own family is more capable to look after me and baby. Secondly, i'm really a fussy eater and I probably only prefer my own family's cooking.. (sorry to say but i really dislike my in-law's cooking!)

But then my hubby will be like stuck in between 2 families.. I also dont wanna stress him out.. he damn poor thing also.

my mil is known to have double standard in the family

no matter wat u do, will sure kena from her

she will said baby cannot be carried so often

for mother during confinement, really do not have much time of her own.you are either breast feeding or pumping milk like a cow or sleeping

once i was surfing online and was in the room for an hour. my baby was in the living room with her

She said " Wow u poor baby, no one love you, one carry you. let grandma carry you"

I damn pissed off with her and stomp out the room to confront her. how can she said such thing to my baby!!!!!! arghhhh.....

then my hen peck fil said my mil was joking.....


that was how the mil and dil war started.... haha till date the relationship is just superficial only

Dear MTBs.... finally another ending soon.. time to go home... now raining outside... sigh... prob take a cab home liao ... have a good dinner.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bb bao

so good, u c an still go back ur mum place

my mum still working and at home got 2 dogs

so not convenient to stay there too

anyway my mil is currently working part time so at least she wont be around 24/hr

ai yah... my hubby gave them a pair of our keys

and my house got no door bell.

my mil and fil can simply can my place without calling me and can open the door on their own sigh.....

super no privacy....

Mummies who have been to thyme maternity, do u find those plus size maternity wear there? Or are those only small sizes available?Cos i dun wish to waste my hb's time going down to OG if there isn't any size for me.Scared later kena scold by him. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Ylyn and Eggone,

sorry to hear abt the news, take care and be strong!

Hi Gil,

Maybe you are right. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Esp if you choose to go for C-section. Your healing process will be much slower.

Talking about breastfeeding, I have something "funny" to share. It's always good to breadfeed your baby for at least 6mths(from book & magazine)to give your baby strong immunes system and prevent any allergy in the future. But my mother told me (she helped to do confinement for my sister-in-law and my sister, who both gave birth abt 3mths ago) you really have to "pump like a cow". The minute you are awake, you have to start pumping. Maybe you don't have to take care of your baby cos you have your Mother or MIL or CL, but you will be busy "pummping" the whole day. Ha! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] You also have to wake up in the middle of the night to bf your baby. If you baby is good, you just have to do it once or twice(like my lucky sister).

Pray hard for a hand-on husband. I got friend whose husband got scare by the baby in the first month. And try all ways to "escape" from home even he's on leave to help up. He will find excuses to get out from house like checking the mailbox or buying some groceries which can take him a few hours to do it.

Yes! My sister told me, mentally, she was actually stronger when she's pregnant than after birth. Esp it's really difficult to cope with a newborn and 2 more kids in her house. You still need to bring your newborn to go for vaccination during your confinement. Alot of thing going on in the first month.. Lack of sleep, baby crying etc.

Hi Bb-bao.

I'm thinking of moving back home too during my confinement since she did it for my SIL and sister. Super experience. And she's quite "qin-cai". Can shower with herb everyday. Can have air-con but no fan. And I want her to "train" my hubby on how to bath the baby while I'm busy "pumping". And most important, I like her cooking.

As for my MIL and FIL, so far "no news" from them. Accept a few phone calls to "check me up" from my husband. My MIL is heavily involve in her church activities, so won't have any time for me. Everytime when I complain like MS, she will just say, "Pray lah, must be faithful". As for my FIL, he is always busy at work. Maybe this is good. So I won't have both side "fighting".



I don't know you guys believe in "Tai-ciao". This is thru my experience with friends and family memeber. As a MTB, we really need to be very calm and happy thru out our pregnancy. Mood-swing is really bad for us. I happen to know three mums who are very panicky and high-strung. Their babies are always crying non-stop after birth. They call their baby as "High-needs baby". You simply can't put them down. bf non-stop. You can't even have a proper meal in a cafe with your husband. One always have to carry the baby out from cafe to calm him/her while one is eating. This 3 mums always tell me the same thing about their baby.

I don't know how true this can be. But seriously no harm to keep ourselves calm and happy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

