(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Finally MTBs... going to KO.... finally can go home to have a good rest.... so restless in ofc and no mood at all for work.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Going home to drink my chicken soup...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hi Ladies!

Can check with u.... me almost 11 weeks liao but the MS seem to get worst. Why har? My Gynae say 8-9 weeks is the worst it can get but hw come nw I feel so terrible? Everyday, every min wanna vomit. So tong ku. Please share if u have any expereince.

okie.. its one tube. thank GOD nurse was excellent. I did at NUH. I told the doc in charge I am very afraid.. he says he get a good nurse for me. its still pain.. but it was over in less than a minute.

i read the brochure before the test.. it says 5ml.. BLUFF lor.. its one tube.. definitely more than 5ml. am glad its over. now it only waiting for result tmr morning (but they will send to my gynae directly)


i have also been vomiting a lot esp in late aftrnoon and evening.

I heard from a fren that her gynea recommended eating vanilla ice-cream as it can reduce nauseaness yet it provides calcium. So i tried buying McDonald's vanilla cone, and so far it kinda help. So for those who are still tortured, you may wanna try.

Hi All,

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Hellos gals!

Haha i'm in melbourne now...hubby had a last min conference to attend so i decided to tag along since everyone says 2nd trimester is the best time to travel b4 i get too big n cannot fly ;p

weather is cooler than i thot, abt 12 degrees...guess cos it's still spring and not summer yet ;p

it's 3 hrs faster here than in SG so hope all of you and your beanies are sleeping well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just had a most hearty brekky (hahaha think large scrambled eggs, lean crispy bacon, toast, milk, juice, lots of fruits...so hearty that i tell my baby it's all good nutrition for him/her...but i'm preggy + it's cold + i'm on hol so i am hungry more lah ;p) and then sent hubby off in his cab to conference and here i am, back in the room surfing internet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My MS really has subsided so i think i will be eating a lot here.hahahaha...;p ;p but still a sleepyhead. yesterday had a 3 hr nap before heading out to dinner :p :p

Audrey: congrats on reaching 12 weeks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Tinospora, it's true must enjoy now. When bb comes, very hard to go travelling! Enjoy yr trip!

Anne, I have received yr parcel. Many thanks!

tinospora! shiok shiok leh u! ur description of the weather n food alone mks mi so relax liao! u must njoy urself ok? No mrg sickness huh? EAT MORE okok?? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tinospora ,

is your hotel near the casino .. keke .. can burn your time there .. and teach your kids some maths probabilty there .. Preg mummies usually have tons of luck .. I miss the casino there .. forget if it is called the Star casino ... or is it sydney .. keke ..enjoy your breakfast there ... i miss american breakfast..Urgh .. u are making me hungry in the morning

Morning all MTBS!!!!

Tinospora.... u remind me of my holz in Goldcoast leh.. really like Australia... slow pace of life n fresh air.... u better enjoy yr days there n absorb as much goodies as u can!! Enjoy enjoy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Im planning a short retreat to sentosa resort end of the mth.... still sourcing out... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My wed anniv n birthday month... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hihis mtbs!!!


y need to take calcium rich drinks only..my gynae told me calcium supplements work fine too..

just take note that our bodies can only absorb 500mg of calcium at one go (i googled it up)..so no point getting those 1000/1500mg pills..just take 2-3 pills at different intervals of the day...


wha..i bet u had nice breakfast buffet at the hotel rite...lucky lucky! now u make u feel like having bacon... hehe

btw, mtbs, anyone saw that advert in singaporemotherhood where MaternityExchange at marina sq is having a storewide sale?

anyone checked it out yet?

my credit card bill gets condsolidated on the 7th..so i can't spend yet..spent too much on Thyme maternite last mth liao.. haha!

btw, about the blood taking..NOT that pain la..just dun look..

maybe all that terrible back pain, body aches, progesterone injections, hcg blood tests during early 1st tri i had, had helped to build up some tolerance... ? heh...


lucky you... ur hearty breakfast is making me hungry and I still hv another 1.5 hrs b4 lunch time....


I don't really drink milk to take any calcuim rich drinks/food, does it mean I need to take the calcium pills 2-3 times a day. now I only take 500mg in the morning and that's all.

my ms is much better now and I can also eat better. but now I'm having this nasty headache, can feel the stiffness on my neck and shoulders... seems like the discomforts are never ending....

blood taking --> it all depends on the skill of the doc/nurse taking it.

hi ladies

thanks for "sharing" my zuo-boh holiday. haha ;-p

btw i wanted to say that i recently bought at watsons the Palmer's oil for stretchmarks...cos i cheapo lor, unwilling to splurge on clarins one :p

it's called Skin Therapy Oil, size is 60ml. got original and rosehip fragrance. i bought the latter. not bad leh, skin feels smoother. my stretched tummy skin was starting to peel/flake...now less dry. watsons selling for $13.90....i never used the palmer's cream before altho it's been around much longer than this oil; but heard oil is better absorbed by the skin compared to creams in general so decided to try.

so check it out if interested [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hey gals,

How everyone doing?

Went down to Theme sale and bote items too...may be going back again to get more later part of the month. The clothes are comrfortable...I feel good and took some effort to dress today...

Petals,My MS is better but still cant eat much...but i have ts headache, stiff neck and shoulders la...quite uncomfortable also...expereinced it last night....so anxious abt next weeks DS test...how all is ok....

I have a habit of praying before sleeping and nowadays only pray that the baby must be healthy and grow well...since i cant really eat well...one night, in my dream, my Doc tells me that everything is fine and baby is growing well...im lost for words, ummmm.....


ur appetite shd pick up soon after ur ms subside. I just reached my 12th wk so starting to feel much better until this headache/stiff neck comes. I also always hv dreams these days, I don't like it cos it makes me very tired the next day. I guess the dreams are partly due to the ranging hormones and also we tend to worry more when we are preggy.

Hi and goodday to MTBs and FTB.


My gynea has yet to recommend/give anything for my wify to consume save folic acid so i guess for now just eat healthy and beneficial foods.

My next Appt with gynea is this sat straight after the oscar test. I think by then he will give some supplements or tablet for her ba (If not i will asking myself why I pick him liao)

hi all,

just went for my oscar test at TMC last wed.. will be seeing my gynae later at 4pm to knw the results...abit worried...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

btw, sorry din managed to log in often as i was vvvv busy at work and by the time im home..i aledi so tired...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hihis Mrs lee

what's ur bb's neck thickness? i made the sonographer give me it's measurements .. think anything less than 2.5mm is in the safe range, but still need to combine wif the blood test results..

my gynae's clinic called me 1 working day after the oscars lei.. to let me know the results...

if u nervous, u can ask the nurse to show u the results first..


good luck! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Had my NT and Blood test in SGH. Nurse/doc says if i dont hear any calls from them, that is good news.

So I wont be seeing the doctor till 2nd dec. So long...

Calcium pills must take in 13th week onwards? They didnt give me any...

Hi tinospora, yesterday 12 weeks already (^ ^)v.

Wow how come you all can eat ice-cream and cold drink? I will feel stomache a bit not feeling weel after drink or eating cold food stuff. I guess maybe my baby doesn't like it?

Hi mummies..me in 13 weeks and body started to feel better than the 1st trimester. Yesterday went to travel agency to booked air tix to HK and travelling in Dec but the tix quite costly due to holiday seasons but then i don care cos If i don go this time don no hv wait to how long then i can travel.

hi mtb,

I have a medela PIS advanced to let go. Bought at tmc in aug n used for a mth only. Willing to let go $400. Neg.

Interested parties, pls pm me.


Hi mummies,

sorry to interrupt. Wanted to share with you the Baby heartbeat monitor I bought. It is the best selling baby heartbeat monitor in Europe.

Everytime when I wonder how's baby is, I will use the monitor to hear baby's heartbeat. It really gave me the assurance that baby is fine. This is especially helpful cos I get worried about baby due to my previous miscarriage in feb this year. You can pm me for more details or check out the website at: www.mybabyinspiration.com

Hi mummies,

I have a preloved medela pump in style advaned (PIS) to let go. It's a dual pump system, comes with a carrier bag, cooler bag and 4 bottles. It suitable for working mum who wants to continue expressing when back to work.

Letting go as i decided to stop expressing due to lack of time.

Purchased during late August from TMC, however started using only during October. Comes with local warranty. RP:$790

Willing to let go at $400 (nego).

Please PM to deal now.


morning mummies ,

am having my mee for breakfast ... and tasteless .. I am like a worm nw .. eat and sleep the whole day cos the weather is cold

Morning All MTBs!!! Finally TGIF!!!! Yeah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sue.... me also into my 14th wk... but appetite seems to decrease.... funny huh... like not so hungry anymore... juz worried.. but i still take 3 meals a day... try to eat lota fruits n veg loh...

Btw i didn't take the calcium pill doc gave me leh... i just tot if i drink 2 glass of enmum will give me 1000mg / day liao.... now got to pop fish oil n multivits... dun feel like popping so many pills... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Good morning ladies!!!!

Have been busy with work for the past few days... How is all feeling???

chewy_ring> I wish I can eat and sleep all day long like you.

Sue> Me too lei. I need to eat food with "taste" otherwise I find them too bland tasting. Either salty or spicy food will brighten up my eyes! LOL!

Did you order any ON clothes from ylc? I collected mine yesterday. Fit me perfectly. Know I know I cannot anyhow upgrade my size liao. Hahahaha!

Maggie> Im also scare of taking so much pills every day. I got to take folic acid, calcium, iron & fish oil. Siong lor! This few days I kept forgetting to eat them. Looks like I'm getting sick of eating them aldy. LOL!

ylc> Thanks for shipping in for us the ON stuffs! Cant talk much to you yesterday cos it was drizzling slightly. Hope your daughter is feeling better.

Hi Mother to be, I'm 12 weeks 2 days now. Started eat every 2 hours, very scary! although appetite getting better, the funny taste in my mouth never change. any MTB feel the same?

Hi mother to be, I'm 12 weeks now. started to eat every 2 hours, very scary! although appetite getting better, the funny taste in my mouth never change. Any MTB feel the same?

Hi MTBs, hows everyone doing today...finally its the weekend again. Im dng very well either. Seem to alot hungrier and if i eat alittle later, i would be throwing up...Today no urge to throw up in the morning...im hoping tt the MS is going off. I would be 12 weeks next week. Still taking folic and seeing gyne next Tues. Cant wait actually. I feel so nervous to know if baby is growing well.

I often in a dilmmea on what to eat...help!!!

Yeap, yesterday evening when i travel MRT from City Hall to Pasir Ris, I saw a pregnant lady with very bid stomache. She standing beside the priority seat and there's 2 teenage (don't know whether they can't see or pretend they can't see the lady) didn't offer the seat! Thoes people standing near them just keep quiet! Can believe even the pregnant lady's friend also like that! I really can't stand it and go to one of the boy and asked him to offer the seat nicely.I think if you ask people nicely, most of them will willing to offer the seat.I'm thinking if one day, my stomache getting bigger, will I dare to ask people offer seat to me (^^;)I don't think I that "thick skin" so hope other people will help me hahah

Hi Anne Raj (a_r), don't worry, I think as long you still feel sick, the baby will be fine.

I bought some snack like: dried fruit (apricot and canberries is rice in Vitamin A and C) and honey walnut and biscuit with rising. At least it's healty (^^)


i think as i get older, i'm more daring to niao at irritating behaviour..

so same same Audrey

i'd have done the same, and if i need a seat, i'll approach those people and ask them to give up their seat for me

i've also envisioned a scene where i kena suan by a passenger like"u wanna get pregnant then take a taxi la, it's your choice."

then i'll tell off the person "ya but i need your seat now. ur loved ones will go through this next time too"



yeaps, me picked up my denimn skirt (only ordered 1 piece ON this time) last Fri... i love it! tog wif my new maternity collection from thyme maternity, i now have 3 maternity denimn skirts! yays...

BUT hor, i'm still thinking of checking out Maternity Exchange cos there's a SALE!


btw, i bought 5 nursing bras from Thyme for $19 each, but forgot to buy increased cup size..xiao liao..let's see whether i can still use them next time..

Hi Ladies!

It seems u all have been feeling better... but me still the same. Sometime get worst leh. Kind of tired everyday also. Why Why Why?


I think I have not been here catching with all the posts for a week.

My MS still going on... Maybe I still in my wk 10. My MS always more serious at night.

I always experienced headache and my right ear seems to have a block block feeling.

Currently beside pregnancy I also experiencing swollen lymph node. Went to see ENT a few around. They only can confirm with me this is an infected node and need to take antibiotic. But I also don't know when the node can get smaller and go off without any pain at my neck. Dr also have been telling me that due to I am still in my 1st tri, they also cant do much abt it. hai.....


Nice meeting you yesterday. Its okay, we can talk longer next time ;) [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My girl also refused to let me go actually. had to get my mum to take her while i pass you the clothings kekeke [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My girl ah...fever on and off... cough seems worse after 5 days. Yesterday brought her to seek 2nd opinion from another pd. She has got bronchitis and is on nebulizer now. She has been taking cough mixture and according to this pd, cough mixture has no effect on her. Last month till this month she has been taking cough mixture and no wonder it took so long to recover, cus it was not the right meds for her!!!!! me and hb were soooooo angry! Wrong diagnosis could have caused her to develop asthma and weakening of her lungs! luckily me and hb decided to seek a 2nd opinion and THANK GOD we did so early!

Been so tired lately cus looking after a sick child is so draining! Every night i will have to wake up several times to check her temp and to feed her meds. And when she coughs, i have to pat pat her back and cradle her to sleep. Think i become a panda already. Can't wait for weekend so my hb can take over! However, during this period, my girl is now super duper close to me and rejecting everyone else... sigh... dunno gd or bad!

Audrey: Thought they say 12 weeks onwards will be better? Do u tink our smell sense are stronger during preggy? Me like very sensitive to smell leh. Hee....


astroboy, yah usualli preggy sense of smell is more sensitive..e.g can smell perfume from far far....

For mi, i noticed my gums bleed more easily when i brush my teeth.

