(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

I dont think I can find a good confinement lady now.

This "Ya Mei" was strongly recommand by 2009 mummy.

Luckly she haven't collect deposit from me.

Later if she said although she can't make it but have arranged replcement for me if I don't want, she can't return my deposit, I really can't do anything over the phone.

I think I rather stay 1 more day in hospital, look for daycare nurse from TMC and order confinement food from internet.

At least I won't have to worried no body turn up and cook for my confinement.


i am also ordering confinement delivery since i am not sure if any recommended CL is good or bed.. it all depends.

planning to order from Natal Essential - haven sign.. all such services offer similar dishes.. but chilipadi is different... got use shrimp or somthing which my mum say shdnt take.

NE - they have packages depends on how many days u want.

28days (lunch and dinner) or only one meal

20days (weekends settle on ur own)

u have to look out.. some caterers will charge u per trip ERP if any.. for NE, they will charge me $2 per delivery for the area I am staying.. gotta read those clause lor.

I think its abt $1500+

oh.. they have 7 days or 14 days also..

usually pple eat confinement food for 1mth la i think.

my mum says actually to cook confinment food is not that expensive - only those dishes nia. but paying for convenience lor.

the one think confinement lady does is that do ur laundry lor and some housework i think.

but then if get those lousy ones.. mite end up feeling damn frustrated

Mrs Teo, I'm also interested to know which confinement caterer you are engaging? So no CL to help you with stuff but just catered food? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Luckyone> I'm trying.... Super tl lor!!!! And doing payroll today. Very busy day for me... Sian....

Sweaty Palms: Slight. My mouse always feel sticky if I hold onto it for too long. Then at the end of the day, I am quite disgusted by the stickiness. Not very sticky lah just that, not as dry as the past.

tinospora> I wanted to get those toyogo drawers too but hb dun want. He say not match our room thyme. *faint* But kinda ugly looking also... And can collect dust easily [at the sides] and after a couple of years of usage, there might be some difficulty of opening and closing it.

nanabear> I better stop all my pineapple tarts! LOL! Starting to get a slight sore throat too...

maggie mee> My friend told me not to get a changing table too. Come to think of it, quite dangerous to use it when bb start to learn to flip. Quite high so afraid bb will fall down from it.

Hello mummies! Most of u must be on your way home already... I am on MC again! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Some kind soul at work passed me her flu (still figuring out whose the culprit).. the flu became so bad i lost my slp last ngt and kena headache and then fever this mng.. sigh... I was dragging myself like a sick chicken to see my gynae who was at Mt A today.. (she has 2 clinics!!) My hb also cudnt take urgent leave to mummy-sit me so dragged my sister with me... hahah!!

Luckyone i dun think I'll come for yoga tmr... maybe nez week.. but i think u'll be busy prep-ing for CNY rgt?

I cant make it for any of the suggested dates for the East side gathering.. so u ladies go ahead...

And whats the update for bb shower? i am ok for lunchtime.... i got gynae appt tt day, so if can fix the time then i can plan my day... and whats the alternative caterign if we cant hit the 30 pax mark ah? - we only have about 12 pax.. Who else joining? New mommies on the thread wanna join in?

ok ladies.. gona make an attempt to slp.. i feel so tired... i want to sleep but the block nose is so bad... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Mrs Teo, I'm staying with in law and brother in law, they have a maid. So house work I'm not worried. The most my husband can help too.

Last night dicuss with my husband, he said he will try to find a good confinement lady 1st, if really can't find then I order confinement food from internet.

Chloie, yeap toyogo drawers looks a bit ugly. Why not consider cupboard from Ikea? The price not very expensive.

Sore Throat, can try drink some hot honey. Will comfort you throat.

Changing Table, If you're getting baby cot, can but that kind removeable one that can place on top of the cot.

AR, you take care hor. Sleep more and drink more water.

Yeah, see you after CNY.

Hi mummies,

its been sometime since i posted here. I was on two days mc cos of very bad backpain. Seen gyne, but he says its common and gave me 3 alternatives, pandol, massage and ko-yo plaster...but later two are not helping and i dont want to take pandol. All i need is to rest and have a good psoture and the pain disappers...

Yesday when for pre natal class, and the pysho advised me to get Dr to refer for pysho so that they can do a detailed assessment.

Hi Anne Raj, you wan to try yoga?

I also used to have very serious backache, after learning yoga, it helps.

There a lot a free trial yoga class, you may want want to try 1st.

Morning everyone, yesterday cannot see all the posts again until kind mummy Chloie send me the link.

Maggiemee, have just emailed u to inform that the SMH is undergoing maintenance, so cannot upload pic of the ad. Dear all if keen on the baby products warehouse sale, you may want to visit the website www.babystudio.com.sg for details

Lucyone:I was considering it...tote of going for Mother & Child ts sat and try it.U think it will help?

Lucyone: thanks gal, i was call them... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi all,

Im surprised nanabear can actually control to 500g. I have gained 7kg so far and I'm having decent 3 meals a day. Although I do indulge once in a while, but not like more than 3 days in a week. I try and control and already been gaining weight. Tsk.

Btw, anyone went to the hospital tours? Any news to share after the tours?

hi all,

just back from scan. bb is weighing 766grams at 24 weeks + 2 days today..medium size. Blood pressure starting to show signs of escalating liao. 139 today. Dr say if consecutively hits 140 n above, i may nid to start the medication. So now hv to monitor the pressure daily. Dr Wong was very kind to lend mi her spare machine to monitor for this 1 mth. If cont to go up to 160-170 , then have to C sec n tk out bb at 36 weeks.

First pregnancy I shot up to 180+ and nid to c sect the very next day...hope everything b alright.

Agginess, Ive also gained abt 7+ kg so far at 24 weeks. Dr say my weight gain is ok. tis mth put on 1.5kg. I tink for my 1st pregnancy i put on 11-12 kg already at this stage.

agginess : kekekeke.. if u see me.. u will know why.. becos i cannot afford too.. my 1st pregnancy i gained 17 kg .. and have yet to lose it yet.. so cannot afford anymore.. hahaha

Yesterday, I had very frequent contractions.. scared the daylights out of me man!

Dont know if I'm overly stressed out at work or what, my tummy was very hard almost the whole day..

So scared that I thought I'm going into pre-term labour.. I went home and cried and kept telling baby it's not time yet.. =(

I think my baby on the smaller side leh.. at 24 weeks, he's abt 572g only. So far I gained about 5kg.. now i'm worried again =\

Glad to know that I have neighbourhood friends in Punggol!! I'll be moving into Punggol Sapphire in late 2011 or 2012...

hi bb-bao, dun worry, ur bb will be fine..

I just went for free 3D scanning at Siemens Centre, and saw AR there as well..nice meeting u, AR..do tk good care of urself..I saw u r hv running nose..ur tummy is not big, ur bb is boy or girl?

I think dun need to buy the changing table also, as nanabear as mentioned..we can change everywhere..just save ur money for smtg else..

duno why, this thread seem always got prob to log in..I cant log in this thread yesterday afternoon..so weird..

destiny, jia you. Control on what you eat and do some light excrise.

nanabear, ah yoh don't control too much also must eat hor.

bb-bao, sometimes I feel tummy hard too (is it bloated?). Just rest on the bed if you feel uncomfortable. Don't too stress yourself.

I'm alos moving to Punggol 2012 very lo~~ng.

Can't wait decorate my baby's room hehe

yes..I can see his face but not so clear cox my bb turned his face around..hehe..quite naughty..

Siemens gives me one CD & DVD, actually they hv done the 3D and 4D scan for mummy who attended. Since is free, no more complaint..hehe..U can check with your gynae, I believe sure hv..but is not cheap. Last time i asked abt 300 plus for 3D if not wrong..

Wow! so expensive. Um.. then better save the money buy nice clothing and toys for my boy boy.

Anyway another 3 months + 1 week, I will see my boy boy liao.

Expereinced mummies, i have a question:

Usually for 1st born, will he/she arrive earlier than the EDD?pls share your expereince. I asked my Dr, he said 80% would be earlier...

Lucyone: im at the end of May, long wait la... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Anyone know where we can do 4d scan?

Hey all!

Just got up from a very unsuccessful late mng nap.. Cudnt sleep bec now got cough with bad phelgm.

Pinnky, nice bumming into u just now. Am actually on MC. not well.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Mine is a boy. I wear loose clothes due to modest dressing thats why u cant see my tummy. Hehehe!

Abt logging in.. ya, the thread always has problem.. what you can do is customise your profile (the link 'profile' rgt on top of the window) and select the option whereby the updates of the >Year 2010 MTBs> (u need to 'choose' the May 2010 MTBs thread) to be sent to your email. Then you can seen the latest updates and each email will have the link directly back to this thread...

bb-bao, my hb and I actually booked Punggol Sapphire too. But we decided to forfeit it bec the property market was very gd during early last yr. I got my 4A tampines flat which is 5-10 mins away from the MRT at valuation. We valued the pros/cons of forgoing the 2k against renting flat.. We made an excellent choice though bec all his relatives are nearby.

Hey Anne, welcome back.. didnt see u for long time.

80% chance you'll most prob deliver by early May or mid May... u will follow alot from ur mother's maternaity experience. So check with her whether she gave birth to u and ur siblings at 40 weeks or earlier.. My mom gave birth to all 4 of us from as earlier at 35 weeks to 38 weeks..

AR: oh does it work in that manner...I will ask my mum again. Based on the conversation many years back, she expressed that me being 1st born was overdue, after 40weeks and she was in 15 hours labour...then turn out i was a forcep baby.

Luckyone> I got a so call wardrobe from Ikea liao. Think you mistaken. Heehee.....

Anne Raj> Hope you are feeling better. I'm also starting to feel backach. Think it's my sitting posture. I had a friend who also went to see a pysho when she was preggy.

KTSC> You are most welcome!

Destiny> Dont worry! Everything would be fine!!!!

I'm starting to feel that my bb is small lor! At week 24, she was 516gm only! The rest of you are about the 700gm range.... I hope my bb is all ok despite her feather light weight.....


yest also cant see the threads..soo frustrating its been happening quite often now.

AR: hope you have a speedy recovery from flu. drink more water... if can take chicken soup. its helps when having flu n colds.


did your gynae say anything abt yr bb's weight? cos i also gained abt 5kg so far.. n a lot of ppl say my tummy looks small.. hav to check w my gynae during next appt her weight now. u dun stress yrself at work try to relax think of bb n take deep breaths.


can get those changing mats? im getting one for my bb. portable n washable as well!

has everyone started buying bb stuff already?? i havnt bought anything yet leh.. just collected some hand downs fr frens (like bb cot, mattress, pillows, some clothes, toys..) m i too relax abt it?? thinking of waiting for bb fair n bb festival then get some items n the rest maybe start buying in Mar/Apr..

yeah..I m counting down also..heard most of ppl said, bb will be born earlier, abt 2 weeks earlier from edd..

Luckyone, yeah..i think u can save d money since u will see ur bb in 3 months time..

Thanks AR..wil try do it..hv a good rest today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chloie: its on and off, it started abt 15 days ago, i dont know what happen, i didnt do anytg out of the ordinary, but kena the pain.esp sitting, tell you its like slicing pain. my bro is a pysho, he cant find anytg wrong of the bone or muscle, so i wander what it is...so sian!!!

Dont worry abt ur baby being laight weight. when i went for my detailed scan, the radiographer said that my baby was not big or small, of the normal size. sometimes, smaller babies are easier to deliver.cheer up[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

AR: i think u need to rest, trust me, i was dont with flu and sore throat quite often during my 1st tri, all i did was rest as much as possible and even took 1 week HL to rest and not to do anytg at home, and i recovered faster.Take care and eat well.

chilimum, I also thinking to buy the changing mat, but not table type..maybe wil ask my sis, think can use her one..so dun need to buy..

Luckyone..my edd is 13/05, quite close to u but I told my boss I will work until I deliver..so no plan to tk any ML yet..cox bb might out anytime..

Anne: My back had been aching since week 5 then subsided when I went into 2nd trimester and came back again 2 to 3 weeks ago. Yoga helps a lot. It hurts especially bad when I wake up in the morning, but sometimes if I do some light stretches before sleeping it will be okay in the morning.

The weather is so hot today and so sleepy now. Nothing to do and playing children songs, my baby is kicking away. And when I play Mozart, she don't respond at all. -.-

chillimum: i ahve done any shopping either, looking around for things and checking prices. taking it one at a time.


Chloe, dun worry..usually bb girl is lighter than bb boy, from wat i heard..somemore we stil hv 3 months to go..as Anne said, is easy to deliver if bb is small..I hope my bb is not so big also, normal size will do cox i wish can hv natural birth..

