(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


Yah lor.. its really a steal if its 50% but i reckon they will mark down 50% for Buzz... Somemore "up to" I believe it could be the Quinny accessories that may be 50% off.. Don't know if Maxi-Cosi will have a booth over there. Thinking to get a new Maxi-Cosi infant Car Seat.

I nv go KKH tour leh but I know if you take A1 ward.. when you deliver liao.. got free cake. Muahahhaah...


Yah.. haha.. They says its quite nice leh.

It's a congratulation cake lor. Heard its very creamy and nice. I'm going to book my ward tomorrow when I go for my appointment.

Woofy, Orangey,

Ya ya I just recv my cake. Very very tiny only. But very nice :p I past 36 hours no eat, anything taste nice to me.. :p

just ate the cake.. taste like heaven. Haha


Muahahahha.. I think why all those who received the cake says nice is because they are starving and you know lah.. Hospital food where got nice leh..

orangey...yeah lor..gotta bk liao ..mai tu liao ...dh scared i go into labour early :p ..anyway book early now then its one thing less off the checklist .


Congratulations! your baby is of very good size [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Rest well and take care!


yeah am glad that the whole birthing procedure is smooth and fast. prolly coz 2nd time, so pretty much prepared with what to expect. *lol*

Wish all mummies a fast and smooth delivery too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

And do not stress yourself over your milk supply, the key to breastfeeding is to stay positive and happy, then your milk will come naturally. Do not be bothered by what pple say or comment, just do what you deem fit [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Most important, a strong support from the husband to keep you going.

hey all, just got my strep b medicine. got vaginal suppository somemore.

RE TBF, i got at least 3 frens who BF till 1 year plus. and they have offered their numbers to call if i need help. my sis TBF also. my SIL partial BF. so i got quite a bit of support when it comes to TBF. i must ganbatte!!! =)

cake? wat cake? i want to eat cake too.... so tempted to weigh myself when i was at the gynae's just now.

we were talking abt pain yesterday and somehow on route back home yesterday my backache turned into backpain, and i had to endure the pitiful looks from commuters on the mrt coz nobody gave up seat to me until several stops later when the priority seat guy got off for his stop. then this stupid bitch talked loudly abt how she was so sleepy yesterday but this pregnant lady was in front of her and she didnt notice her - i dunno wat tat was for.

later in the night, i had sharp pains in my inner thigh. couldnt quite walk. heng today ok already.


nobody gives you seat? nowadays people will give to me, because I alwasy stand very close to the priority seat. so they pei seh lah...

janet, usu have la, but sometimes u get those tat ignore u lo. wat to do. i just dun like the stares i get. and unnecessary remarks abt pregnant women not welcome.


Ya lo :p

I eat the cake 1/2 way my MIL came :p

Say how can eat cake.. haha kena caught!

Lucky I order chinese lunch.. Else kena say again :p

Hope you get the new ward. Very nice!

ZZ, Wah.. big baby. I tried very hard to beef up baby. End up come out only 3.59kg. haha

i thought my boss not around i will have a easy day today, but i'm wrong.. realised that my CEO is worst.. the PA keep calling me to check with my boss on somethings, but my boss not around today, he's on course.. now expects him to come back from his course.. i'm struck in between.. no wonder i saw more senior management people quitting now.. hahaha..

ok, back to baby's stuff.. later lunch time i will go taka baby fair see see look look.. will update all later..


I nvr beefed up my bb lah.

so long more than 3kg ok liao mah

Juz ate as per norm but my dinner appetite reli poor for last 2 weeks

what's the idea weight for baby for delivery?? tomorrow is my checkup, hopefully baby gains some weight too even though i didn't eat well recently..

is it normal that now we don't really have appetite?? my hubby always tells me to eat but seriously i really don't have the appetite to eat at all..

HI mummies to be. Just to share: Takashimaya having baby sale this month from 11 - 28 March. Go grab your baby needs. In addition, Big Belly Mama is having a free gift with every purchase of Nursing Covers . http://www.bigbellymama.com/nursing.html but you need to quote Singapore Motherhood to get the free gift. And finally if you sign up for to be on the mailing list of Hann & Thann at www.harnnthann-sg.com you will receive 2 free bottles of Sea Foam Milk 30 mls.

the only time i have appetite is breakfast.. so most of the time i ate alot for breakfast, little for lunch n nothing for dinner.. hahhaa..

alot of people asked me why i don't have special cravings or why i didn't eat alot.. i also dunno why.. maybe i'm used to not to eat alot even before getting pregnant..


Wow ur baby is very big wor!!! What did u eat?


glad to hear that all is well for you now. Remember to put up more pics of ur baby for us to see huh!!! Congrats Congrats once again!!


Wow nvr touch ice-cream and durianz and ur BB size is so good liao. Thk BB must have absorbed the nutrients very very well. So now u have to do is to rest well this few days and wait for D-Day!!!!! Jia You Jia You!!!

Any mums delivering at MtA? I understand there are renovations going on, and they are building another wing. Concerned that it will be noisy and disruptive when we deliver in Apr there.

Lynn, Juye,

Me also no appetite these days when comes to dinner but still gotta eat a bit. but the funny thing is a few hours later after dinner, i will be searching for food again lor like bisuits and bread just to satisfy my hunger.

gbh (gingerbreadhouse),

I paid 298 for 3 & 4 D scan at TMC.

I asked my gynae to write me a referal letter. else if you go on own to other hospital there is an additional consultation charge of at least 100+ on top of the scan fees.

My package include a CD comprises multiple 3D pics ( depends how coorperative your bb is ) & 4D pic ( movements ) + a hard copy in a card.

My bb open eye, have a peep and smile lei .. whhaaaa so amazing.

Actually no worry ur bb not cooperative, if unable to scan you wont have to pay that amt.. The fees are only pay upon your scan is complete.

alamak, how come you all no appetite.

My appetite real big during breakfast and lunch, as for dinner I have much little now as compare when I in 1st & 2nd trimester.Recently I experience heartburn and have difficulty in breathing probably due to final trimester liao no space in stomach hahaa...

This morning, I just went to buy Macdonald that new deluxe breakfast haha thinking I may deliver anytime I cant have such food.

thanks Celia for the info! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ya... i also hardly got any appetite... esp during my 1st 4 mths and now... 1st 4 mths was feeling nauseous n vomitting all the time irregard of whether got eat or not... now still vomitting but i think thats due to the heartburn n indigestion... nowadays i eat very little during the day but have a more proper meal for dinner... like just now for lunch i only ate 3 pcs of some mini buns HB bought from cakeshop..

its a good idea like lynn's to fill up with fruits.. nutritious and got fiber... somemore its one of the few things that wont cause much indigestion or stomach discomfort...

gbh (gingerbreadhouse),

too little already, although you dun feel the hunger, you probably can have some fruits, porridge and then drink milk.. you eat for your bb lei..

I got no symptoms all along, so my appetite have been quite 'scary' ever since when I knew my pregnancy which was at 14 wks..


lynn is correct...load up on fruits if u canot stomach yr meals..small meals always help but then if poor appetite somehow it makes eating difficult.

Rem we have our bb inside us so no appetite also gotta eat a bit ...i force myself to eat fruits too esp ard dinner time...past 2 wk or so no appetite for dinner..eat wat then puke wat ..waste time n $$ ..keke ..fruits work for me n of cos my savior honey lemon drink .

celia: how i envy u!!! i missed my 2nd tri when i was able to eat normally... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] ya... need to gei gei eat no matter what... for the sake of BB going to grab an apple now...

i think throughout this whole pregnancy, my appetite is no good. 1st tri is morning sickness. 2nd tri back to normal but cant eat much coz of heartburn esp at night. now no appetite again and also avoiding too much food at night coz of heartburn and general discomfort if i eat too much.

ya, i wun go without food. if no appetite, i still eat a sandwich or cereals + fruits.

Congrats Starlight! So poor thing... kena poked for 20 mins then tell you no go. Must have hurt lots. Glad you and baby are ok. Rest well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

u all got cravings ? i got a lot of cravings... when I was in 20th wk, stomach quite big, my colleagues asked, you havent cut your hair to prepare for confinement, some asked you still havent go on early maternity leave.

that sounds worrying, I tot I have diabetes, cos I heard to have diabetes, bb grow very fast. luckily I went for check and everything is fine.


Dear Mum-To-Bes, I like to share an upcoming event on Breastfeeding. It's free admission as it is organised on volunteery basis. You can PM me for more queries or arrange to meet this Sat.


Calling all expecting mothers and young parents!

The Parent-Support-Parent (PSP), a parenting network initiated by a few CHC mothers, is organizing a Breastfeeding Talk this weekend. This meeting is not limited to CHC members but open to all.

Details of this event are as follows:

Topic: Best Feed Forward

Speaker: Dr Lena Goh (Vice President, Breastfeeding Mothers' Support Group)

Date: March 13, 2010 (Saturday)

Time: 3 p.m.

Venue: Singapore Expo Hall 1, Conference Room 4

* What is most natural and perfect for both baby and mother?

* What is the most economical & environment-friendly milk for baby?

* What lays the foundation for deep and secure bonding between mother and child that will last a lifetime?

This session is conducted free-of-charge and serves to educate parents on how to achieve the best nutritional source and emotional bonding for their precious child that will give him/her a headstart in life. The whats, whys and hows of breastfeeding will be addressed and there will also be trained BMSG counselors available after the talk for consultation.

Kidz@Play will be opened for those who are bringing children aged 3 – 9 years old.

Please register via http://www.chc.org.sg/psp/

For more information, you may email your enquires to [email protected]

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Yours sincerely,

The Parent-Support-Parent (PSP) Network

Not much cravings... more of things I don't like and cannot stand the smell of e.g. garlic.

This morning came to office and craved for ribena with lemon... now going to hunt for it ;p

