(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

helo, back from lunch. So happy, boss on MC 2day, tats y got time come in chit-chat. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Jus had full full nasi bryani n rojak. Sure sleepy soon one.

Not to scare mommies with swollen feet - heard pple saying tat if feet swell 3 times means gonna pop v soon liaoz....coz last week my feet swell slightly then mama was saying all her pregs aft the 3rd swell she went into labour v soon. Soooo...another indication for us. Best is cut down on salt intake n prop feet up wen not walking.



I just read ur list..

Over comprehensive!


No need bring breastpump and milkbags lah...

btw colostrum wun leak, unless u csect stay extra 1 day.. 4th day milk come in will start leaking

zz, wah lunch buffet. u sure first one to fall asleep later! my company also having one end week, sianz like work OT like tat, aft work stil must go 'entertain'. rather they give us big Ang Pow n call it a day...hahaha

Pinkzee, haha get wat u mean coz the midwife or whoever sure anyhow shave, wont groom nice nice for us..but tink of the pain i cringe liaoz...yah, better ask ur gynae 1st since now we quite advanced stage liaoz..dun play play ;p


my feet slightly swollen nia.. no v yet at week 35..

choy choy choy... maybe another 1 week more cos I feel my knees v heavy under the wt..

Just last friday and today alot of diff in walking

This is for mums staying at TMC

What to Bring For Your Stay

For maternity patients, please bring along your:

• personal nightgowns (front-open types for easier breastfeeding)

• maternity brassieres

• cardigan or dressing gown

• bedroom slippers

• sanitary belt (optional)

• sanitary towels (optional)

• polythene bags (for your soiled linen)

Note: It is advisable to have a bag ready with these necessary items packed 2 to 4 weeks befoe estimated delivery date.

We will provide the following for your newborn baby:

• baby vests

• disposable diapers

• toiletries

• a baby bag

• wrapping blanket

• a pair of mittens

Basic toiletries throughout your stay with us will be provided. However, you may also like to bring along your personal clothing, cosmetics and toiletries for a more comfortable stay. You are advised against bringing large sums of cash or valuables.

yiwen (michellekoh)

Hi, can add me in too? Realised I am not in this.


EDD 2010 : 14Apr10

Nick BB No : xj

Gynae name : Dr Benjamin Tham

Hospital : KKH

Gender : Girl

Xiao Lao Hu ......!!! (woofmeow),

Hahaha... I think your chances is higher as nearer to Mar10. Mine is mid Apr.. so hard to say.

sgsc i heard abt the swell 3 times thingy but i've swelled and gone down more than 3 times liao la...unless they mean REALLY swell??!?

my swelling mainly left foot, then if bad both feet, then sometimes my right hand.

lynn-i also swell left side- do u lie on ur left alot??


tks for the update ;p

lynn-? i dunno if thats the reason..but u and me having left feet swollen more than right..maybe we put our body weight more on our left.. so try to balance on both..i try to sleep on right but i will feel breathless leh..so i sleep on left more..

my left feet start to swollen at night & at nite once i move left will clamp. During #1 gynea told me to sleep at left side cannot recall the purpose only remember have to sleep on left side.

hi mummies, hw's the monday so far..me on MC coz got a bit of diarrhea over the weekend. i woke up with a nightmare that i was bleeding on my bed and baby was about to come out. sigh think all the worrying make me have bad dreams...

juski, sorry 28 feb is not good for me. last day of CNY got family dinner...hope we can arrange another meetup before we all pop!

hiya ladies!


i am confirmed coming the date and timing is fine. have mobilised hubby to look after #1 so tea or dinner is ok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]and yes,anywhere central please.

i'm in the midst of planning my boy's 2nd bday. just ordered a barney chocolate sponge cake from prima this morning. that's gonna be for celebration at playgroup. the birthday party is gonna be a playhouse disney birthday with some of our frens whose kids he knows. gonna order a donald cake from bengawan solo


after a lot of trials for my #1, i'm sticking with the following brands for a start. but of cos i'll have to see if #2 takes to them as well.

diapers- pampers new born

rash cream-pureen

wet wipes-pigeon

bodylotion - johnson's (no powder till bb is older)

body soap - johnson's hypoallerginic soap(no need for shampoo. just one or two drops into the bathtub and can bath baby's body and hair. no rinsing needed as well)

Formula on standby - similac

Baby bottles- Avent

baby detergent (if needed) - pureen

i also have left more swollen than right! but usually sleep on right side so can't be bcos sleep on left. maybe has something to do with the baby pressing more on the left side.

asked the massage lady and she said can start 1 week after c section. i suppose after 1 week, then see how the wound healed then can call to make appt...

yasmin, i guess i cant skip the trial and error phase coz no way of telling wat my bb will like or dun like...sigh...v expensive wor...

lynn watever u buy to prepare for baby, get in small quantities so if u need to change brands wont be wasted...ive bought mostly johnson toileteries for my baby pray he will be suitable for this mainstream and affordable brand =)

Hey MTMs

Hope you all have enjoyed the New Year and are doing fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anybody using iPhone?? I have this website to recommend.. Selling iPhone accessories at reasonable prices.. Can visit http://theipaplace.blogspot.com for more info..

Here's wishing all of you good health & wealth in this TIGER year and most importantly give birth to a healthy & cheerful "baby tiger"!!! HUAT AH!!



I could be bringing #1 to hosp that very nite I pop else i dont know how she is going to sleep.

all the talk about her own room my hb gave away the mattress meant or us to sleep with my #1 in her room - like that ask me sleep on what in there to accompany her?

i will die of backache!

sorri Orangey, missed ur earlier post. yah, heard u guys translating for her during the lesson. Ur HB is Taiwanese or MIL? I will also get the cloths. She say until like magic wonder cloth like tat, dun get also cannot! so issit gonna be our last lesson liaoz coz she pushed one lesson fw...

wilbb, hmm...coz i always come quite late for class, unless tat particular lesson b4 CNY started whereby she stretched her class for extra half hr n got all preggys lining up outside for sooo long. I was in the queue...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lynn, dunno lei. They see my feet swell abit too then they fuss abt it. Make mi scared also. haha..prob yah, like wat u said, must swell badly then reconsidered bah. Experienced mommies, is this true?

ZZ - issit coz ur bb engaged liao, then tummy lowered tats y feel esp heavier? i also feel clumsier n off-balance easily...then i can sense tat pple ard mi will maintain distance from mi. v paiseh.

yiwen - sleeping on right side will block oxygen supply to bb coz resting on vena cava (some big vein i heard), so left side best.

Judy- take care woh, hydrate hydrate hydrate. the weather is killing me slowly too....

RE: GATHERING (28th Feb - 5pm)




1. Juski

2. Cellow

3. Lynn

4. Ming8110

5. Innocent Devil

6. Jasda

7. Blushwax

8. Yasmin B

This is what i get so far: -

diapers - not yet

rash cream - drapolene cream

wet wipes - pigeon

bodylotion - Kodomo

baby powder - J&J (purple bottle)

body soap - not yet

Formula on standby - not yet (maybe that goat's brand??)

Baby bottles - I bought 1 glass bottle of pigeon, 1 NUK and 2 playtex (seriously I don't knwo which one to use)

Baby sterillier - pigeon

baby detergent softner - pigeon (but i realised the pigeon detergent is contcentrated type so need to buy for normal usage)


Hehee.. DH also Taiwanese but has been converted to Singapore Citizen for 3 years. He has been in Sg since 11 yrs old. MIL flew to Singapore to celebrate CNY with us cause I can't fly now due to pregnancy. Actually not good to go lesson with MIL, she kept "disturbing" us listening to Mrs Wong leh.. and DH was a little frustrated. I have to listen and translate and while Mrs Wong is explaining.. MIL add in her comments very hard to juggle between MIL and Mrs Wong.. Don't listen to her also cannot.. Listen to her means I can't hear fully what Mrs Wong says!

Actually I not very sure think it's the last lesson liao thats why she selling her stuffs. Don't really feel like going to the Dr's talk leh cause after office hrs very sleepy liao.. how to listen but DH sure says go one cause pay liao :p

btw check w u. where u all gg to place playpen/babycot? cos e other room occupied by my mum and girl. then another room by us. hmm need to find space.


fortunately or unfortunately, visitors brought various wet wipes and diapers when my #1 was born. so, easy for trial la. i've always been a supporter of johnson's so i didn't try any other brands for soap and lotion. the smell reminds me of my childhood [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


lukewarm? the water has to be a bit warm for the 1st few weeks if not, it will 'shock' ur bb. they dun really like cold after being in our warm tum tums. very little or no soap is fine. depends on how perspiry ur baby is.


my cot will be in my #1's room aka playroom. we recently made a door to connect our master bedroom to that room so that it'll be a kids room. hopefully, #1 gets motivated to sleep there as well seeing baby. for my #1 his cot was next to my bed when he was born.

i will also put the cot in baby room.

for the master bedroom, i plan to get a playpen for initial use, then later on, can move playpen out to living area when she's bigger. and she can (hopefully) sleep in her own room after that.

juski, if gathering at central area, then pls put me at tbc list.. i need to check with my hubby whether he can send me there or not.. lazy to take mrt..

zz - BIG bb again ah! Try to rest more if possible, dun walk abt too much liaoz.

Orangey - icic..haha...must be first grandchild tats y so excited. BUt i feel u n ur MIL can get along n click well, which is v v good! Dun worry, u din miss much, i tink i more blur than u. Always sit at back then cant see nor hear Mrs wong clearly. Same here, my fren also saying Dr's talk no need go, abit waste time, but since paid $ liaoz, might as well jus sit in n complete the full course.

Kite, im gonna use playpen as cot so am placing it next to my bed (easier for feeding n changing at nite). But MIL house got cot, which also be placed besdie mi during confinement. Ur room can put mah coz mine is really no legroom liao aft squeeze in the playpen. Open the door can jump onto bed directly.


I dun know.. maybe abt 4kg I presume..


u r lucky leh.. can click with ur mil

I nearly blow up on the 2nd day of CNY..

usually every year 2nd day my family side will have a huge family gathering for CNY lunch buffet at one of the uncle's or auntie's place one..

it's been a yearly affair since my gpa passed away liaoz..

This year just nice held at my parent's place

My mil knew abt this thing on CNY day 1..

scarly she tell my dh to go pray pray on day 2.. dh also told her tat my side got lunch buffet..

then on day 2 mrg, she still insist to go!

I din know until we rushing to go out.. have to go pick up my mil!

I told my dh is we reach the buffet at 2pm after praying at the temple might as well dun go lor..

2pm everyone go home liaoz..

I sibeh dulanz with my mil.. then I also tell my dh cannot like tat wat.

Buffet got timing one but pray is anytime..

lucky he pick mil up then drop her at temple and told her he will join her later after the lunch..

End up my dd and dh went but I stayed at my parents' place..

