(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


You going ESH also? I heard not good leh. I not too sure. then my sis ask me change to KKH pte suite. Her gynae last time. i still tinking.. but i tink i gonna make decision fast.


hey pinky.. my aunt delivered at ESH and i must at first i was shocked tht they don give BB clothes.. but apparently from some comments on forum, they said its a std but now they changed the practise..

Generally my aunt said its good and the nurses are nice and warm.. I prefer to go by nearest location as i stay in East Coast.. my hubby drives like F1 driver and i don wish to take long distance rides when nearing delivery also.. heehee

Chuckles.. maybe hor.. Pinky is 2 yrs my junior judging frm 84 she puts in her nick..? im quite sure my junior is 1 yr my junior. So cant be la!

I chose my gynae ONLY mainly cuz of one big factor other than the fact she is recommended.... SHE was old girl from my sec. sch... HEEHEE

fried stuff?? seriously? actually i was eyeing the chicken wings on my next table during lunch...i managed to down half a bowl of rice with sze chuan pork rib soup. quite a feat compared to the past few days but i realise i have to eat more else i'll keep feeling weak.

i already told my boss but we're on friendly terms so ok. the rest of my colleague dun know yet. with my ms, i oso dun have much tummy to show as opposed to the bloating in earlier weeks. maybe when i appetite improves....i'm still wearing looser stuff where possible so that i feel more comfy.

dr heng is from cedar, correct? i read about her before.

btw pinkie, i heard KKH TPS is more expensive than private hospitals although it's service is one of the best.

I dun tink i am lil_one Junior. keke..

Okie.. i going to discuss with my hubby again. Cos from what i know this gynae that i see now does not offer any package.Per visit the bill will be abt S$100++.

My friend was telling me not worth it.

Cedar?! I am a ex- Cedarian. Borne 1977. Very old liao. Years in Cedar is always my best, happy years. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_clap.gif]

If I am not wrong, package is only offer by most gynae after u reach 24wks, more stable. Seldom hear its from start.

lil_one...oh so yr corset is tie at the back kind so not so bad...

i wana get a long evening dress for myself cos impt dinner coming up..hehe bro getting married.

COOL Bananas! Ex cedarian! Hello tinkle sunbae (korean for senior)! Agreed on years in cedar always the best...! and ure nt old at all.. at ur PRIME mummy!

yup woofy hopefully don put on too much weight.. pple don know will just think why this bride so no love herself.. put on weight when shes gettin married. woofy i seriously don think u need to make.. just go shop ard.. look in centrept in those small shops..

yiwen - yes i am also from jan09 thread [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pinky - my chinese customary also on 24th oct 09 but i postponed from last year to this year becos i found out that i was pregnant then now... well... will continue with it...


Maybe you can temporary put this

LMP: 16 Jun 2009


Nick: Pinky_gal84

BB No.: #01

Gynae Name: Tan Yin Yin

Hospital: ESH

wow....this thread is moving really fast!

Did someone mention Cedarian? Hey...ME TOO! Ex-Cedarian. Graduation class of '92!

Gynae package:

I've never heard abt a package right from the beginning too. Usually from 20+ weeks onwards. I'm also paying ~$120+ per visit, more if I need to take jab each time (hope not!).

But come to think of it, as long as everything's well, bb's healthy and we are under good care, price is secondary. My one-cent thoughts...


I got my package at 1st visit, $550 only. I think depends on doctor 1. I didnt ask for package but the clinic asist ask me

wana take up anot. Quite worth it if you paying $100+ for per visit.

Hi givebbdust

;( i hv no choice to lie as during my 2ww( same as u-plan for pregnancy)) , i didnt know whether i will get pregnant and yet my job requires me take heavy thing so at that time, this is the best white lie to say so that no need carry heavy thing..and wun take the risk too since the 2ww is also critical period..


understand....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] jia you jia you all is well now...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hello!!! would like to join.. Can?? =P

LMP: 06 Jul 2009

EDD: 18th Apr 2010

Nick: Hippo

BB No.: #02

Gynae Name: Joycelyn Wong

Hospital: TMC

just went for my check up yday.. saw a 4mm 'blob' with heartbeat!

and i read "CEDARIANS"??? i m one too!! woah.. such a coincidence.. born in 1979..

Hi hippo

so coincidence.. Yesterday i go for checkup and my bb size is at 4mm too.. Is the edd date give to u by ur gynea? If yes, probably my edd date will be same as u since our bb is same size as of yesterday.. When r u going for ur next checkup again?

Hi ladies

yesterday my gynea asks me to take an injection named Fraxiparine daily.. He says usually prescribe to someone who ever hv mc.. This is to help thin my blood so that the blood will flow more easily to the baby.. Anyone ever take or heard of this injection? Abit worry is it ok to take for anybody? Hope to hear ur advise.. Thk u..

bbdust to all, is tis a hormone injection to stabilise the foetus? and is tis the oil-based injection. heard itz very painful but does help. do check with ur doc his reasons for wanting to give u this jab. normally, even with previous mc, as long as there are no spotting etc, they will just prescribe duphaston. hope this helps! and do update us on ur next check! =)


About the pregnancy with pounds website, on the right side it says to fill in your info and email address and they will give you all the info worth $89 for free. I didn't try it though.


I was reading the older posts and noticed you were thinking of going to HK? My hubby and I are going too - in mid Oct! We planned it before we found out I was pregnant. Check with your gynae. Mine said ok cos it will be just after my 12th week [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello everyone

Can i join i also new ...first timer

Some details:

LMP: 10th Jun 2009

EDD: 13th Apr 2010

Gynae: Dr Lui PS

Hospital: Mount Alvernia

BB #1

Nick: joellejo

My Msn is [email protected]

My mense are irregular so after see gynae...only find out it only 6 weeks the first time and got a injection and some medicine to eat..yesterday saw the gynae the second time now is 7 weeks ...saw the heart beat already...quite excited with it..my next visit to the gynae will be on 12th Sept

Late last night I found light brown discharge. This morning when I woke up there wasn't any. But after breakfast, it came again. There wasn't any while I was at work but when I came home today there was a bit. It is just a little bit each time and each time lesser then before. I'm already taking Utrogestan. Perhaps cos I walked too much and carried shopping bags yesterday after work? How heavy is heavy? It didn't feel heavy to me but while on the train home felt so tired, nauseous and giddy. Now trying to stay positive all the way till my checkup on 4 Sept.

Also my ms is back. Not much appetite and have to eat very small meals. That 1 extra bite will result in a trip to the toilet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi syzygy6

I am also taking utrogestan (white pill).It does help. But i think you really should not be carried heavy stuff anymore...


If u feel uncomfortable, just call gynae and seek advice. Best to play safe. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi yiwen

Can update for me.

LMP: 5 Jul 2009

EDD: 11th Apr 2010

Gynae: Dr Yvonne Chan

Hospital: TMC

BB #2

Nick: blueblue



went checkup today. Now 7 weeks and measure 9mm. Detected heartbeat. Though it's 2nd preg, I still feel so excited like the first time.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My MS is getting worse. Lost 1 Kg..Gynae said will be worse till 12 weeks..have to hang on.

Hi hippo

no leh.. The injection is to thin my blood so that smoother to flow to bb.. Bb hv enough blood will grow better.. It is not hormone medicine.. Everyday got to inject.. Abit stress..

Hi gals

if u will me, will u do the injection? Gynea say is not a must but if hv, will play safe..since i got mc before.. I need opinion pls...

Hi blue blue

9mm wah.. Did u manage see ur bb clearly with head, leg and hand already jus now? Is it ur first scan today? When is ur next checkup?

syz its only US$29.90 actualy if u go in nex page but they want your email & name lor. i wait & see if they email me a better deal or i wait next mth then buy.

bbdust to all, i tink i will go ahead with gynae's suggestion. we'll always want the best right esp a smooth and healthy pregnancy? so though it might be scary, but hopefully it helps! think the gynae shd know watz good for u ba.. hope everything's fine for u!

syzygy6, i just got back from BKK b4 visiting my gynae! shopped till my back and legs broke.. hahaha.. enjoy ur holiday! do take good care of urself though cos of the discharge. gynae normally says itz ok if itz just brown stains but do monitor and update ur gynae if any changes wor.. and pls pls.. walk lesser.. rest when u are tired ya?

sorry to disturb,

i am from jun 09 thread, have following Mustela stretch mark double action cream selling at $35 (retail price $59.90). Used only one time. Expiry oct 2010.

pm me if keen. Gd nite ladies.

syzygy6 & Joelle,

i also taking Utrogestan and Pramilets


I took that oil based injection too! and i am required to have it weekly. But last week i refuse to go. I heard too much of it is no good. Moreover, my gynae wan me to have this injection was because i got frequent brown discharge, But i am ok now, no more discharge. so i dun see the need. hehe... it is really painful! my whole thigh was numb and painful the whole nite...

Hi Pinky

I also took the oil based injection !!!!! Injection done at the hip right....it not that bad when injecting it...it the after which same as u...numb and painful like doing a lot of exercise ....

I got 2 injection weekly...one at 6 week and one at 7 weeks which is just tue 25/08...gynae say if i want to take 2nd injection or not ..if dun want it ok..but he will not give me 3rd one anymore...as he say as not able to see heart beat already...I took the injection was sick with flu, cough, fever when i found out i am pregnant...and when hospital to test for H1n1.... quite messy up..as first i went mount alvernia A&E did the Nasal test then tested postive influenza A then then ask me to go KK as they dun dare to give me Temiflu...then i when KK and spend another 80 buck to test again...and given Temiflu as they say pregnant still eat Temiflu..but lucky next day the KK called up say it negative...hmmm..i wonder who is right...but hmmm so i never eat Temiflu just eat normal medicine and rested for 3 days...and recovered...

Anyone interested to go buy maternity wear together...as i finding i cant wear my jeans already...

pinky & joelle, i didnt take the injection but heard from my fren who did. aiyo.. it sounds so painful! can ur gynae give u duphaston instead?

morning ladies, i'm so so so so tired today. and the permanent sensation of nausea is really getting to me. ugh! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi, yvonnne

My gynae is dr adrian, will be seeing him tonight! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

syzygy6: I bought my hk tix last week! haha...yea, i emailed my gynae, she say can go by then...so we r off to hkg in mid-oct!!! can't wait!


yeahhh ~ that is great [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] can go for a holiday and take a breather is always a good thing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] have a great holiday okay [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh, forgot to mention he got unlimited visit leh, if you not feeling well can go to him anytime it's include in the package.

hi hippo

what is duphaston? I dunno y he never give me this one...but i got 2 injection...but not going to have 3rd one...as gynae say no need already...



Duphaston is a type of progesterone acts as a form of "an tai" medicine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

