(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

morn ladies..

today super buay song & pukey kinda mood...duno why ..maybe work stress ..sian man

ZZ ..u goin for yr scan today?


Goldfish..where did u get yr duphaston from??? is the quantity a lot? i know one box = 20 tablets but if its $65 then might be v pricey leh..or yr gynae prescribed more for u?

thks bb dust (joanne?) for the advice... im worried and excited at seeing lil one for first time.. i asked hubby if he would cry he shrugged and smile a silly smile... haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

also i heard from my preggy gf that first kid will be like our mom's first pregnancy.. i was my mom's first and i was a BLINKING 4.6kg at birth! cuz mommy said i was too comfy in the womb and refused to come out even after 2 weeks past expected date. Does it mean i will follow my mommy's footsteps too?

wow 4.6kg is quite bad. avoid putting on too much weight and eating too much. i heard eating durians will really pack on the pounds for the baby.

i hope i dun follow my mom's footsteps coz she had ms till 5-6 months [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] she said she had to carry a plastic bag around.

elmoo, i heard the more ex bella band sold at mothercare (abt $50+) is more secure compared to the one sold at kiddy palace which is about half the price. can do some research i suppose.

yes 4.6kg! thats me! i was really tall at birth. Daddy said i looked more like a full mth baby than newborn! my mommy said she didnt have any MS but i had MS symptoms from 23rd day so i guess its really different.. but good thing is i dont really Puke (yet). I only belched like some rude uncle...

Lynny is it ur first appt this sat as well? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Our lil one,

I am not joanne [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] just happen that we got the same Nick..

can understand how u feel caus I am very kan cheong also before I see my little ones [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am not sure whether the pregnancy will be the same as our mum but just take it with a pinch of salt [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] the more u worry, the more it will become a self fulfilling prophecy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi zhuzhu

yap yup..;) today is a happy and relax day for me..;) as i want my bb happy too.. Now look forward to two wks later..Keke.. When is ur scan?

Hi janet

for my case, two wk checkup once is because last time i hv mc half yr ago so gynea want play safe..

Hi kovan

same like u.. Everyday woke up headache wht to eat today.. Sigh..especially lunch.. No apetite at all..dinner eat abit of rice only so dh eat the rest.. He say soon he will put on weight and not me.. Keke.. Now i eat tibits.. Ok or not? Hmm..

Hi anmaria

yup.. Protein is impt so i eat egg everyday but jus one egg.. Is it enough?

sorry bb dust! got it wrong! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but it must be more exciting for u as u have double the excitment!

yes yes i better nt worry... so far lil one still guai guai.. i now have better appetite but the backache kills... i think i have to swap out my heels very soon.. SOBS.

Our lil one,

keke no worries lah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I think its better to change ur heels now if u are having backache leh.. i already wear flats le..cause my muscle get cramps if i walk too long on my heels.

haha i oso very gassy and will belch too. sigh. yeah, appt this sat too. BB dust is right, dun overthink else it might become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

i also headache wat to eat. thinking of food is enough to make me nauseous. i know i can take soup so i'll stick to that for now. lucky my MIL always makes soup for dinner.

Goldfish, my #1 now is 7½ mths & i send her to IFC during her 3mths old. #2 will be the same day time taking care by IFC. Just copes =)

Hi give bb dust, lynn n elmoo

actually first trimester ends on 12th wk pregnancy.. So ur 2nd trimester will start fr 13thwk..;)

hi joanne,

dun eat eggs everyday!! just eat 3-4 times a week will do...(thats what i read..cannot eat everyday...).

by they way, I can't remember whats my bb's size at week 6. 1.83 cm at week 8 normal??

glad that so many new additions to the April 2010 MTB...I also can't wait for my first trimester to be over!! one more month!!

hopefully I dun lose weight somemore, already lost 4kg since I first went to see my gynae...

give bb dust, u mean cannot eat bak ku teh?? i was still tinking of eating tat day...


cause some ba kut teh they put those chinese herbs inside mah so better not to eat... i super gian ba kut teh mah so eat liao then realised got chinese herbs hahha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

vic ma,

breastline still the same leh, but feel my tummy and butt expanded very fast so scary leh, my #1 i can wear jeans til 5 mths. Now already feel fat all over my body. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

elmoo then u know la. #2 usually very fast visible one. & with the stresses of looking after #1 best to wear loose - less taxing on the body for now.

I wanted to get those waist expander from motehrcare $29.90 3 sets in one - but i tot I think very lechey lor rather get maternity pants & long blouses. Those waist expension gagets also need long blouses to cover the front as well cos it looks about funny lor in front.


I ordered 3 pcs of Plus sized clothes from this organiser. hpoe that the material is good & that it can bring me to full term as well.

I previously bot some from JaneK & Lobang baby as well - those oragnisers same supplier they buy from but abit expensive lor $25-35+/item (mostly HK designs) while the BP above is orange bear Taiwanese (got some korean stuff too in the taiwanese websites) maybe the largest of the normal wear - non plus size can already fit some smaller sized ladies.

I am already US 14-16 - i have no faith SG shops carry much choices for me & even if they do - usually not cheap or very ugly.

I really dont understand why maternity waer not lucritive in SG maybe pple just buy larger sizes here. - the designs are usually so ugly & already so tired looking -wearing them can make one look even more tired.

PLease share if u find large & affordable maternity wear in SG. I need US16-18 for pregnancy.

I need to go Marks & Spenser again to get UK 18-20 underwear again. those from my 1st pregnancy i wear until so worn!

Hi zbabe

oh.. Why cant eat everyday? Actually for my first pregnancy, i eat one egg alternate day, not everyday for my whole nine mths.. No yolk.. Jus the white.. For my current pregnancy, i only eat on wkday everyday and rest on weekend as i thot bb need alot of protein for first three mths..;) but if cant then will change to alt day mon, wed, fri every wk.. Like that shd be ok ba..;) thks for advicing me..

What i read why we must REST.

The body's metablism is increasing in the preparation of the pregnancy. Stress is out on vital organs when this happens Thus REST is Paramount.

i have started my dandruff again! flakey flakey same symptom as #1 - increase in general body tempreture so scalps dries up & sheds skin at accelerated rate. (i get dandruff too when i am down with fever)

Hi all....

Havent login for quite some time.. this coming fri i am going for my scan again.. Hope everything turns out well.

Tinking of changing Gynae to KKH private suite. But wonder when is the best time to change.

Moreover.. my current gynae ask me go back for injection every week. But i heard too much of it no good. so i skip last week. I shd be in my 6 weeks now going to 7 weeks.


My dd also 4.6kg at birth and again no I din snack nor eat durian nor had GD.

My edd now changed to 4th April

Baby is almost 2cm and can see legs, hands and head.

Hi mummies,

My EDD is 18th April 2010. Gynae is at TMC, LC Cheng. This is my 2nd baby after 6 months delivered my son who born on 3 Jan 2009.

via ma, i dont know how to check size if order from online, i brought clothes from taiwan online before but size really small. My #1 i wore normal panties but XL, hehe think this time sure cannot wear XL liao. Ya loh, sg dont have nice maternity wear somemore so expensive. Now headache dont know where to buy clothes.


anyone of you have giddy spell.? I always have lei...in the afternoon...hoping that iron tablet and beef can help...am trying to arrange an earlier appt with the gynae

i have giddy spells too, like now. comes and goes. i should prepare a list of questions for gynae on sat...

see this article on giddiness from babycentre: http://www.babycenter.com/0_dizziness-and-fainting-during-pregnancy_228.bc


I used to hve it once in a while but cause I am taking iron tabs so its pretty managable [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks vic ma,

ya, i lost so much weight, mainly cos never eat much, then vomiting also...

really hope to get better in 2 weeks' time! I heard usually ms gets better from week 10 onwards....

Thank you, Giving BB dust to All. It's not easy for me to conceive so I get a bit kan cheong.

I have bad MS too, hope it will get better from week 10. Funny, I actually find fast food easier to stomach, MacDonald's fries and KFC. But I try to restrict these to once or twice a week, afterall these food are not so healthy.

My skin become very dry too. May I know what skincare mummies use. I am currently using Body Shop's Aloe Vera Face cream. Think it should be safe.

Ai Ling,

same for me cause I got thyroid disorder... so will take longer time to conceive...

hahaha exactly my sentiments leh.. i find that I can handle fried stuff better than normal food maybe cause they are not bland bah... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My skin is a bit dry now too but I just use my normal moisturer. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi aling and give bb dust

yup yup!! My two thighs very itchy too..like got mosquito bite.. So pregnany will result in dry skin too huh.. Ok ok.. Think will apply my stretch mark cream on my leg first since i know that is definitely safe.. Keke..

Hi gals

jus had yong tau foo for lunch.. So fullfilling as i crave for it and maybe after see bb yesterday, today hapier so can take in all and yet wun feel nauseous.. Lucky.. Ya, me too like fried stuff like kfc.. But recently find it too oily and heaty as yesterday lunch took kfc but want vomit as indigestion.. So think will stop eating that now.. Not healthy too..

Yesterday one collegues ask am i pregnant and i lie say is fats.. Then today another oso suddenly say i need exercise as i got tummy.. Sigh.. Guess cant wear too tight fr next wk onwards.. Else belly obvious..

Miyuki1, you are from jan09 thread rite? me2 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my #1 born in 14 Jan 2009 now #2 EDD 10 Apr 2010.


I already told my coll. not all lah only 1 or 2 cause here dangerous always got to carry heavy stuff haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] the rest I won't be telling..they will know when they see my tum tum [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

im still preparing for my chinese customary banquet this Oct 3rd..!! i hope my tummy don show too much by then!!!!

Alr its bloated and i have to change the gown from mermaid cut to princess cut...

hello xiao lao hu! im 5th going onto 6 weeks... but tummy super alot of air... my hubby said i fart alot at nite.. !! so ta glam!

hehe lil_one..really ah?? ....eheh...rem if yr gown got corset style like thing, gotta make allowances.

Does anyone have any tailor contacts that are affordable? i wana make a gown / evening dress.

pinky, ill one & woofy, mind to share you details & I will update accordingly [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi woofy! (my bro calls me that actually cuz m born in year of woofy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ) My gown is the corset kind.. where u can tie from the back so i guess there shud be room for allowance... Just hope i don get too tired on that day with all the running ard. Luckily alr ROM last yr so shud be able to rest in the afternoon.

woofy u gonna make a gown just for pregnancy? thats gonna cost i think...

Hello michelle..

Some details:

LMP: 20th Jul 2009


Gynae: Dr Heng TL

Hospital: East Shore

BB #1

Nick: Lil_One (short form will do) [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pinky... i just received a sms from a junior inviting me to a wedding on 24th oct! so QIAO! but congrats on the double happiness!

Yi wen... I cant update u now.. Cos currently i am seeing gynae at Bedok YY Tan Clinic.. this gynae delivers at ESH. i tinking of changing to KKH. So i can only update u later.

I heard ESH service not very good.

Hi shann

sorry i am lost, u mean why dun say i pregnant? As less than 3mths so pantang lor.. Better dun say lor until i wear maternity clothes then all will knoW together..;)

hi givebbdust

me oso need carry heavy thing sometime too but as last mth i bluff them say i strain my back so till now, no need take heavy thing so can continue hide fr them.. Keke..

Hi gals

help.. Zzzzzzzzzz... So tired, and sleepy.. Do u feel the same? How i wish a bed is beside me now.. Zzzzz



keke if i tell them i sprain my back then they will ask more questions, i am bad at bluffing haha... so just tell them the truth lah but good also now they know i preggie, they also keep a look out for me in case i dont feel well.

