(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


keke but ur boy is born later than mine leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so actually i shld worry more


hmm i won't worry cause PD told me their weight will slow down once they hit 4 mths and for babies who are born heavier, they will regulate themselves so that they won't be so overweight so I guess urs is the case bah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: Sophie Giraffe

Ming, Sometime back there was a BP by a mummy from Jan thread and I managed to join them to get one too at only $27.93 meet up collection. Maybe can check with the supplier if we can start a mini bp among ourselves?

My girl is chuckling by herself in the cot now, listening to Baby Einstein Mozart music. Think she thought the musical mobile above her is singing to her. haha!


His nose seems better cause the "guim guim" sound seems lighter but still got mucus leh. His dad very clever, don't want his son to think he's the bad guy so everytime ask me to suck mucus. Hmpf but okay lah, when I see the mucus coming out, I also very happy. Thanks for the recommendation of Sterimar, its really good! After I spray inside, sucking of mucus is almost simple as ABC though not a lot lah but at least I can see it flowing out lor.


yeah its good right the sterimar, u can use it everyday before feeding... no side effects one cause its seawater nia...~ hhe everytime i spray it into my boy's nose, he sneezed then i can dig out the mucus so much easier haha


Like I always say, let's our boy jiebai lah! I remember your EDD was 2 days after mine! Your boy wanna be kor kor.. Hehe!

My mum actually asked me to add rice cereals to his milk when he reach 4 months. I was skeptical about it and ask PD cause I told him I only want to start solid at 6 months so he tell me adding rice cereal to milk not really equivalent to introducing solid so its okay. He said actually if we are worried bout baby not drinking more or not gaining weight, this is a good solution cause the rice cereals will add calories to the milk so even if they drink less, the calories is much more than the usual BM thus will help to increase wt.

3/4 milk : 1/4 rice cereal if Im not wrong. Think I ask my mum tonight!


hahaha onx leh i think can jie bai really.. headache hor our boys ai ai ai ~

my friend told me her daughter also like that, ended up she gave her solids at 4.5 mths also rice cereal loh, if he continues like that n not gaining weight, i m gg to ask his PD when he is having his nxt injection whether can give him rice cereal or not

Cellow how long u latch b4 bb full? for my bb to be really full he need to latch one side 30 min and the other maybe 15... dun think can afford the time.

Option 1:

play cheat, latch 15 min only so he maybe 1/3 full and quickly br him out and travel abt 20 to 30 mins b4 reaching grandma's place.

Option 2:

heat up EBM for him. But both me and hubby cannot afford the time to feed leh...going to relook at my planned routine again later after bathing bb.

Downside of this is this will use up my stash of ebm faster...I am someone who cannot/dare not pump too much cos everytime if pump more times per day will get lumps

celyn, u very good can wake up at 6am to pump and prepare c1. i can't wake up at 6am, the earliest is 6:45 or 7am.. teach me teach me how to wake up at 6am.. i was scolded by my hubby to make him late every morning.

Ruru: Glad to hear it is working for you. After you keep up this feeding schedule for a week or so, you can try shifting the timing - say to half an hour later so as to extend baby's sleeping time. Or you can try giving her slightly more at the 10.30 p.m. feed to see if it will last her longer.

Baby's weight: My daughter is consistently at the 50th percentile. My PD told me not to be concerned because she said it's actually not good for babies to be too heavy. Oh and she said it's not true that babies should double their birth weight by 3 months. She said on average, babies should gain 1kg or so in the first 2 months of life. This then tails off to about 800g to 1 kg in the 3rd month which is normal.

Taro: Sophie would have been cheaper ($29) if I self-collected but I was lazy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Anyway, I think quite a few mummies here have already bought Sophie so I went ahead to get it.

Going back to work: Am planning to wake at 6 am to pump. Next pump will be in office at 9 a.m. (the office is usually pretty quiet at this time as most of my colleagues saunter in only after 9.30. I am usually one of the earliest besides the tea lady and receptionists. Haha.) Will then drag the next pump to 1 p.m. when I will hopefully be at home.


My PD actually suggested to just add a little to milk so its not starting solid. He says its fine to start solid at 4 months but then did tell me most babies once start solids will have lesser intake of milk. So is either we feed more solids, less milk or vice versa more milk less solids.

Gbh, congrats on your purchases! I will tong a couple of weeks with my current stash then see how. I very optimistic hor think that I can lose some more wt. But main problem is my nei much bigger now. Blouses all cannot close. And hips wider too. Which don't think it will be less wide lor. I guess shd tell myself can buy bigger clothes, when have c2 still can wear. But now I haven't grief properly for all my nice thin clothes yet. Sob sob.

Cellow, thanks for website on reverse feeding. In fact that has happened to me oredi. Bb very distractible also. Look here look there n anyhow pull nipple.

Jasmine, welcome. Did u deliver naturally? I had Induced baby followed by emergency c section the day before u. Was so scared I get April first bb cos hb don't want.

Feeling Accomplish

It only lasted 2 secs after posting cos I then realised it's parklon. Wanted to get Lg but the available stock is too expensive/ design not ideal.

Milk strike

Wonder if this is a sign that bb is ready to wean??

Weight gain

Sure or not, wt double @ 6 mths only? Mine already double liao lor..and I oso think he will triple soon.

I should be glad, I i secretly envy mommies with small bbs..I always feel that I missed a stage like that..so much that there was a few weeks I stop latching bb when 15 min is up. and I told myself if he dun cry means he is full liao.

But hor, one day it hit me that I could be starving him or impeding his growth...So I am trying to give him more now. But people, his ability to drink scares me. Like he can drink 180 ml and 2 hrs later drink another 100ml or more! (and doubly scared cos I get very stress when I see my stored bm flying out and new ebm crawl in)

Looks like my bfg will end soon...once I start work..


C2 is a quick feeder. he is done in 10mins at 630am. (bcz he still wakes me up for night feed at 4/5am)

for option 1: you try to latch him in the car?

for option 2: why not adjust bb's routine and bathe him later at grandma's place?

that's really strange that pumping more times would result in lumps. all the time?? your body shd be getting used to supply by now.... the lumps (even if you suddenly inc your ss) shd go away after a few pump sessions.

re: weight gain

My boi also double his weight at 3 mos leh.. in fact more than double. And last visit to poly, he oredi on the 90 percentile range. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

jasda, at least you din hear your alarm. For me, I heard and shut my alarm at 3am this morn but still dun want to crawl out of my bed to pump. In the end, concuss again til 7am..

crayon see, high five! i can't crawl out of my bed most of the time to pump too.. that's y i hv long time given up the mid nite pump.

i remember someone asking abt how to set alarm. i use my hp alarm but on vibration mode - leave phone right next to me near my pillow. i can wake up ley. try that? didnt turn sound on coz scared of waking bb up since bb cot right next to me.


milk strike = bb ready to wean. pls dun! what looks like milk strike might just be bb returning to 'normal' after a growth spurt. growth spurt is at 3mo... thereabouts... but bbs dun operate by calendars one de... so some of our babes might be just finishing theirs.

vicma shared before on allergies when wean too early lor... starting bb on solids early would just undo all our hard work on breastfeeding.

jasda, crayon,

haha. i gave up midnight pump long ago.

anyway my freezer has no space liao. and i have milk stash EVERYwhere in my relatives' homes liao. i m straining their (freezer) hospitality


C1 was almost at the 100th percentile when he was 3/4mo too. now just look at him! walking and running takes up a lot of energy so he is slimmer now. some form of it is genes la.

both Mr C and I are taller than avg, so of course our boys (being boys!) will be taller too. i would be v surprised if they turn out short.

Orangey (jimbok), wah, really sld have a milk strike club.. regarding the pantang. i really believe one lor.. coz has been so many time i notice whenever ppl say my bb drink alot, he will reject milk in the next feeding... and i cannot tell him good boy when he finished his milk coz later he will reject again... im going crazy soon lor, every time before milk i will pray to guan yin pu sha one.. keep mumbling guan shi yin pu sha bao you bb finish milk all the way...

RE bb weight

my bb only gain 200g this month lor

(2jul weighted 6.4kg and ytd 6.6 only). though it is yet to be a mth but i wonder how i could make him reaching 6.9kg (to make up 500g/mth) looking at his milk strike...

asked pd abt his weight gain. pd said it is ok coz he gaineda abt 1 kg in 2 mth.. was weighted 5.8kg on 2 june.

boy boy already double his birth weight. but pd said weight gain will be slowing down after 4mth. and ask me to follow the WHO chart in the bb's booklet, so long as don hit the yellow curve then can liao....

RE: flipping

my bb also forgot to exercise his flipping after the first try.. but i keep reminding him and now i headache coz he flip in the middle of night to look for my nen, keep pulling my top... i was shocked lor...then changing also keep flipping, i gotta use my lap to 'kiap' him lor.....


LOL LOL .i will also mumble guan yin pu sha let my son finish his milk hahahahhahah the things we do to let our sons finished their milk tsk tsk.

ur son is how many weeks now?

bbdust, now market revived a bit liao haha.. so when my ss revives ah?

lynn, haha r u a dr? occupation guessing game ah..

cellow, envy ur supply :> my stash in freezer very little nia..now my boy drinking 2 meals of fm ..

re double weight gain, my boy was 7kg in his 3rd month vaccination.. double his weight gain in 3rd month.. now i can't carry him with one hand liao, must two hand cradle


wah mine is one day earlier than urs leh, so ur son is heavy yo ~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] mine only 6kg leh


i also want my ss to increase again leh now that mkt is reviving haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but then again i got myself to blame lah, come weekends, i skipped midnite pump sessions cause too tired le

re milk strike, my pd said it's normal progress for 3rd month old baby.. my baby also like that sometimes, drink 60ml and going to rest a while before finishing another 60ml.. sometimes need to "guan(4)"

my son pui pui one... like to smile alot,.... nvr drink milk also play like mad... i was thinking coz he has lotsa fat to burn tat y no milk also can play...

Bbdust, we share same bb bday then. Mine is 7.5kg today, gained 500g in 2 weeks lor. And that is after fussy feeding for past 2 weeks liao.


wahhhhh heavy heavy wish mine is heavy too but sad sad he still not heavy and i wonder when his milk strike will end... me and orangey's boy can really jie bai [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Market revived? I very blur.. before pregnancy already blur sotong but xs sotong now I'm XL sotong so I don't get it. Do you guys literally mean the economic market or are you guys talking about bb's feed as market? *give blur look*

Re: Milk Supply

I also super scared my SS drop cause first 2 weeks in the job, I still managed to wake up 3-4hrs to pump in the night but gradually when works start piling, I'm so sleep deprived I can wake up 8hrs later to pump! In between I do latch my boy but I don't even know if he drinks enough cause sometimes I feel he is just sucking for comfort leh since after latching I can still pump like 100ml?


we are toking abt ss like stock market dropped and crashed, now that the economy is reviving, wonder when will ss be revived [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh, after latching can pump 100ml? then ur boy is sucking for comfort cause after latch normally can only pump 20-30ml

oo..the bibs look nice...


lach in car like compromising bb's safety..bb bath @ grandma's lar. unless i wake him up to feed @ 5 am lor

regarding the lumps

tried 2ce to do 3 hrly pump like celyn 2ce but each time ended up wif very bad engorgement/blocked ducts. both times pain till cannot sleep n took the painkillers fr gynae upon discharge. lumps took 2 days to go off the last time. after tt i kindof swear 2 myself no more 3 hrly pumps anymore. just latch n pump 2/3 times per day.

hope all bbs kuai gao zhang da [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just came back from polyclinic.

Today was my baby gal 1st dose of 5-in-1 vaccination. Nurse gave us the medicine for fever just in case. My baby gal cried until so loudly that scared a 18-month old boy waiting for his injection. I think he must be very scared lor. Ha ha ha

Hopefully that she will not have any fever after her injection. *Pray*

As for the cereal, I let my elder gal eat the cereal when she reached 4 mth old. The cereal mixes with milk. Always starts with 1 spoon and then increase the number of spoons each day until she can finish the whole bowl of cereal.

