(2010/03) March 2010 mtb


Me too. I never used to bat an eyelid at long work hours before. Over here the last minute culture is not good and ppl just put up with it. Last min and late meetings, expecting 24hr turnaround time blah blah blah. And its not always you can bring work home to do. Maybe its the characteristic of the industry. I dunno.

Can you imagine - my boss give me one kind face when I reiterated to him when I joined I had to leave on the dot every Thu cos hubby had class? I stated even during interview and they knew abt it. But when I join, gimme that look. Mind you... I only successfully left ONCE on the dot and that was my first week.

With my colleague leaving, I started to feel that boss attitude towards me is changing. But the way he behaved towards me in the initial weeks indicates to me that this person cannot be trusted. He creates the impression in front of others that he is very nice towards his staff but behind that...

Anyway...3mths coming to an end. Tmrw I'll hv performance review. Regardless the outcome I know this job and industry is not for me. The $$$ cannot buy back lost time with my family.


Btw, Infantino having whse this Thu-Sat. It's the one at Bendemeer Road. Saw on Today Motherhood.

Hi5 is in town too. There's free performance at Milenia Walk. Dunno the timings but we shd be going there this Sat.

Hugs to mummies...

I been through that difficult times too when I face problems on how my mum took care of Lucas and given me the problems every morning when i need to report for work since after the ML. I started the new job for half a year and decided to leave for the sake of my son and oso the environment didnt quite suit me.

Went on another job for only 1 month and find that it dun suit me too. Left 2nd job, went w/o job for a month plus and at that time, financial was also an issue. But true enough, another door does open for us, i found my new job in march, near my mum place, staffs and bosses r gd. Am happily working here since then.

So mummies, jia you! Follow your heart and move on. I believe u can find a place that belongs to you.

Hi mummies, long time no see..

I envy the courage of mummies who made the decision of leaving their longtime comfort zones. I'm also now out of job, had to tender my resignation the day my maternity leave ended cos my new boss wouldn't agree to a 2mth no pay leave while I waited for my new maid to come in n be trained. I had no other childcare options, while she and the HR manager took pains to hint maybe it's better for me to stay home n look after them myself. Have been bracing myself to leave this job before I gave birth to Janice as I could sense I was seen as a liability due to my 2 closely spaced pregnancies. But I never thought they will be that direct.

Initially thought I could start my jobhunt by dec and start on the new job in Jan. But end up have to get a replacement maid, so plans have to be pushed back. Am feeling the financial pressure too, n it doesn't help that frens are telling me the economy is gonna b really bad next yr so I better start looking for a job soon.

Poohgirl, go with your heart. I feel u know whats best for u n your family, n u definitely have their support.

Elise, u r looking great in owen's full mth pics! Envy envy.. Am so dam fat now I dunno how to lose the enormous excess weight n fats.

I don't foresee 2012 to be good too. Can already start to see fewer executive openings in the market.

I just tendered my resignation. Still hoping for some good luck next year.

Now just live day by day till month end.

BabeE, serendipity, cloudys, jiayou!!! Compared to you mummies, i'm extremely lucky. I work part time hours ever since my boy entered infantcare last year and am still on part time hours. I work 36 hours per week instead of the usual stipulated 44 hours. I can leave on the dot 99% of the time. My immediate boss is a female but she is extremely understanding and independant, so much so that i feel she doesn't need me actually ^^ Ever since i was pregnant and not feeling well, she left me alone. If she needs something to be done, she actually walks to me to pass me the stuff & refused to let me carry her files. I feel very bad, i wished i can show more committment to my work!

I understand the problems u all are facing. I envy my husband who never have to choose between our boy and his job. His job will forever come first. He doesn't need to think or worry because i will make sure my boy comes first. But as mummies, we are just different. Do your other halves have to fret about working late, not being able to fetch the LOs in time, have to worry about caregiving when recalled to work, about losing your jobs, about not spending enough time with the kids, about having to take time off because the kids are sick? Sometimes i wonder if we mummies are just wired differently or we are being treated unfairly, being expected to balance work & family life.

BabeE, thanks for the link! Is it really worth it?! So tempting....Hope everything goes well for you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


What toothpaste are your toddlers using now ? I use First Teeth Baby Toothpaste. Need another new tube and can't seem to find in stores, wondering if there is a recall or ??


I also want to work shorter hours but not sure if will be approved. Sigh, I guess our priorities really changes after we were 'promoted'. I also find it unfair that we woman are expected to balance work and family life. But really no choice. Esp when only myself and hb are the only care givers. My career has gone downhill after maternity leave. Sacrifices of a mother in Sg


You hv a very good boss and I think she is worthwhile working for.

The Carters whse sale was the one that a number of us went when we were still preggy. There was loads of girls stuff then, more than boys. Not sure abt this time. I wun be going cos e already has a lot of clothes.


Sorry can't help you out. Am still using wet cloth to clean her teeth.

I think my tot picked up my runny nose. Both of us only managed barely 2hr of zzz

hi mummies

long time never login....

hi jmmabb, my boys are using first teeth. u may get from online bulk purchase or ntuc fairprice xtra or pharmacy. i seen it at watsons too

hi mummies

for those whose little one are using pigeon wide neck bottles or teats, please note that they are changing the design of the teats. They are gradually phasing out the older design teats. The stores are slowly stocking up new designs. i check with them and was told they not bringing in the old type now. So far i have try to fit the new design on the old design bottle collar and it seems to fit well but not sure if it will leak or not as i merely try it in store.

New type feels thicker than the old one.

Me not promoting anything, just that my little one use pigeon and now is afraid that he might not be able to accept new design teats so thought might be good to share this as well.. now me going around stores looking for old design teats to stock up.

Refer to the webpage for more details.



At this stage it's only the flow of milk will make difference - my personal observation. But I'm sure pigeon is very consumer orientated and surely wont cause hassle for us to just change teats without getting new bottles or vice versa. ;)


Mine quite particular abt it. So will try get back old design whenever possible. Anyway doing cup training so cutting down the use of bottle

From the look n try of it, dun think we need change the entire bottle cos they fit quite well. But then again, the price of new teats are not too friendly to my pocket. $2 increase per pack!


Thanks. I will try going to Nex tomorrow. I went Compasspoint and cant find at Cold Storage, Guardian or Watson.

Update: Carter's - thanks for info MT!

Not alot of stuff for bigger girls. Got a couple here and there. Mostly under 2 yrs. But got alot for boys under 3.

My friend just spent 500 bucks at carters!!! She says good deals... Not sure Wat she gets thou

CC, thanks for the update! My husband is dropping by during his lunch hour to take a look at the sales, see if there is anything to buy. As we've not bought a single thing for the baby yet. Really can't think of anything to buy except milk bottles. It seems like she can wear all of her korkor's clothes.

Lynn, $500!!!! My husband last night asked me if he brings along $100 enough or not ^^

re: toothpaste

I use Earth's Best as First Teeth can only use until 2 years old i think. Can't really rem also.

BabeE, yes i'm very lucky. In fact, she is ok if i want to continue my part time hours long term. Any updates? So you've tendered?


Yes I've tendered and serving my notice now. Some of our March mums hv been extremely nice to help me keep a lookout for opportunities. I really appreciate it.

Not really actively looking for work yet cos I thot it wld be better to wait till I finish work. Easier to go for interviews and can then start anytime.

On a happier note, I've been shortlisted for 2nd interview with a company. It's happening next week so hopefully will get the job.

Still a bit concerned with the financials but I try not to think too deep abt it. Start with small steps like no more fine dining, putting monthly investments and those health products on hold for the moment.


I have Quinny Senzz to let go at $450(negotiable).

It is brand new and frame is only used since Sept to put infant car seat.

Bought the set in June 2011.

Interested pm me.


Hi Mummies,

Thread's been pretty quiet. Guess everyone busy with Christmas prep. Just wanted to share the joy that I received a call just now informing me that I got the job! Thanks to everyone for your faith and encouraging words. I dun need no Christmas gifts now.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wishing everyone a Wonderful Christmas!

Hello mummies!

Long time no "chat"! Hope all are well and good!

Merry Christmas in advance and happy holidays!

BabeE, congratulations and all the best in your new job!


I would like to join this posting as i have a girl born in March 2010 also.. Actually i have a concern and would like to seek advice. It's about speech progress.. my girl now 21 months doesn't speak alot of words.. her vocab at this point of time is about 15 words at most and all single words. some words she say only one time and dun used already. I am still trying to get her to say "YES" but she still not saying or refuse to say... Is this normal? Cos' my older boy can speak alot by this age. My colleagues daughter about same age now also speak in sentence already. I asked PD he say monitor till she's 2 years old then see if need to go to speech therapist... I'm not sure... should i wait or should i go to bring her see the therapist now? My in-laws thinks that some children are just slower....

Any comments or advise would be much appreciated.

BabeE- congrats!! Definitely motivate me to look for another job after hearing your success story- hope u will enjoy the new challenges.

Merry Xmas to all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Counting down to our LOs next bday party [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Lucida,

You shouldn't be alarmed if your daughter has eye contact with you when she is talking. is she sociable?

Is she being care for by your in-laws? Do they speak to her a lot? How about your older boy? Does he interact a lot with the sister?

She may already know how to talk but just doesn't bother to.

I want to wish all mommies here a Merry Christmas and a year of abundance ahead!

Haven't been coming in much due to yr-end crunch and also settling Heidi in Childcare. My SIL delivered her 2nd baby on 1st Dec so my household had been in quite a topsy turvy state. MIL zooming here and there between the 2 places. It is timely that Heidi started childcare on the day the baby was born too.

Congratulations to BabeE for finding a job so fast and soon!

Hihi everyone! Merry xmasss!

I havn't forgot this thread [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] If any march mummy wants anything from the UK, just ask ya. Been doing H&M UK spree recently, its up to 70% off here, and alot more styles. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]




If you have more than two spoken language for a child, chances are the child might take slightly longer to converse. It's natural in bi-lingual families.

But if you are worried, best seek professional advise. There are many centers you can call and schedule for an evaluation.

Some children have few words spoken - not slow learner but kind of reclusive personalities ;)! Shy ... Heeheeee


merry xmas mommies!

would like to take this opportunity to thank all the wonderful, stoic mothers here for the support and listening ear through difficult times with our babies, now tots! hopefully our network here will still go on strong when they struggle through puberty and more heartaches ahead! Of course, the abundance of sweet and fuzzy moments too!

Merry Xmas to all and have a wonderful 2012 ahead! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Merry xmas and happy boxing day mommies!! New year is coming, wishing everybody a good year 2012 with good returns and givings too!


Yeah they are turning 2 so sooon!!so fast!


Good to hear that that all turn out well! Jiayou!

Happy boxing day!

BabeE, glad to know that you hv gotten a new job. Hope all turn out well for you.

Jmmabb,, was looking for first teeth toothpaste for quite sometime too! Not sure hv you found it. I managed to get at NEX Watson today.

One more year is going to pass again! We hv all gone through another year of parenthood, little pat to all. so many of you having your number 2.... looking at the progress of your number 2 I couldn't help but find that your number 2 grow up very fast too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BabeE, so fast you found a job??! My friend has been looking for one for ages and there is no news at all....she majors in finance.

Any mummies here can share, how do you all cope expressing BM or latching if #1 clings or still do not sleep through the night? Was carrying my boy to sleep to last night and the thought of having to do night feeds for #2 and yet also soothe my #1 to sleep, i don't know how. #1 and #2 can sleep together? My boy is an extremely light sleeper. If #2 cries, confirm he will wake up....

Thanks everyone. Haven't decided whether to take on yet cos need to read the fine print. And my friend who's in the same field gave me her take on the job so I'll take it into consideration as well.

Hey Dawn,

How was Christmas over there? Was it a white Christmas?

E is going to school next week. But weather has been so good that she's been sleeping in! Aiyo... dunno whether she can wake up in time next week. Fingers crossed she can settle in well.

BTW... Vic Secret having sale. I need to get some intimates so if anyone wanna join in lemme know.

Hey, hope everyone had a great Christmas weekend with ur loved ones!

BW, re ur qn, my Hubby n I decided to hv a buddy system... Coz bb will be with me the bulk of the time as I'm nursing him, Hubby will hv to take charge of #1. so he was trained to be hands on in everything pertaining to #1. when I was in 3rd tri n wasn't that mobile, Hubby wld bond with son at playgrds etc... Bonding continued into my confinement.

So now, #1 is very attached to daddy... Of coz, I try my best to spend alone quality time with #1 too, everytime I'm free, so that I'm building the mother-son relationship too.

But admittedly, it's not easy balancing between both kids... It's always great to hv family support.

Possible to try to train ur #1 to sleep on his own? Start by not carrying him to sleep?

mirthy, thanks for sharing your experience! My husband will not be able to stay home throughout my confinement, he is on standby and will need to return to work as and when required. And if he returns to work, it's usually 24-48 hours of absence. My #1 can fall asleep on his own but throughout the nights, he will wake up, wanting to be carried. Been trying to get my husband to share more of the responsbilities and he does try, just that it has not been working out well and it's been nearly 5 months. So am wondering how ^^

BabeE, so Eva starting toddler class next year? I've just changed childcare centre for my boy and it's working out really well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But the HFMD stats are stressing me out. Praying hard he won't kenna.

BW, perhaps my ger is not as clingy as ur boy, but she does wake up in e middle of e night quite frequently. Most of he time she will just come to our bed and will fall back asleep ina short while. My hb works the night shift so half the week I'm alone wif both girls. The younger one still does wake up to latch occasionally, which I use the sidelying position so I can go back to sleep as well. But I'll carry her back to cot as soon as I know she's asleep. The 2 gers sleep separately from day 2 as we quickly found that the night is endless with both waking each other up wit their own cries at night. So whenever #1 is already sleeping on our bed and #2 wakes up crying or "talking", I'll bring her to #1's room to latch. If suay suay both r awake at the same time, I'll be latching #2 while patting #1. It can be quite exhausting waking up for both kids at night, so I do end up latching #2 in sidelying position for a day nap sometimes when #1 is taking hers. May seem like a bad habit to cultivate but it's the only way I can get slightly more rest.

Mummies, here wishing all of u Happy New Year in a few hours time! Have a great family time!

Btw, i just bought Kodomo kids toothpaste, can we start using on our LOs? I know First Teeth toothpaste can be swallowed but not sure about this. Any advices? Thanks!

BabyL, kodomo toothpaste contains fluoride. If she can spit out when brushing then should be ok. Heard from dentist that toddler shouldn't take in too much fluoride but can't recall the reason why. And do not use too much toothpaste as well. Recommended is pea size amount.

Wishing all mummies and their families a very happy new year. All the best in the new year

Winnie, thanks for ur advice! Will check out more before using on Lac. She can spit out water but guess if sweet, she may swallow too...

Happy new year mommies!


Yes winnie is right, read before that flouride is accumulated in our body system if its swallowed, it doesnt get purged out with poo or pee.

recently i realised c also knows how to spit water out and knows how to gaggle...i hope to find a non flouride paste but not the same first teeth brand that she has been using and used to. Thought could let her practise before switching to flouride..becos if i use back the same taste as she is using now, everyday she sucks and tells me nice, suck and eat all the paste on the toothbrush then she starts to brush her teeth. Hopefully new taste can start a new set of training..

Xihui, i went to find but seems like all kids toothpaste except First Teeth contains floride. I bought 2 tubes of Kodomo strawberry flavours some more. So far Lac will let me brush her full set of teeth but halfway thru, she will swallow the paste. Only till i done then i will spray water into her mouth for her to spit out. Hmmm... Guess i have to buy 1 more First Teeth till she totally can spit without swallowing....

Happy new yr mommies!!!

Hmm regarding sleeping, same as mirthy I have a buddy system w hubby. Each one take cAre of one. We try to do rotation as Enzo has sleep thru but most of the time I am w Enzo as he only wants me to sleep w him. But if hubby is away for work, I sleep w both kIds.

Babyl I lazy mommy haven't start Enzo on brushing.

Elise, great that Enzo has sleep thru! For brushing, try start early to cultivate the habit in case he dislike brushing later. Hehe..

Happy new year!!! May all your wishes have come true!

Babyl, I brush Michelle without the toothpaste cause she dun like the first tooth paste.

Elise, I also just started.. No worry=p


BabeE: No white Christmas this year, but there was snow before Xmas. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

