(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

I buy from Princebed. They can do full latex mattress too but I opt for high density foam 4" mattress instead. Reason being latex is not suitable if the kid keeps jumping on it. It will create some dent overtime thus not ideal for spinal development.


Hi Lynn,

I am keen in the Babysafe Single Size Mattress

1. cheapsale

2. jmmabb


Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

serendipity, has dylan started taking normal rice? Like rice with soup? Or things like chicken rice, charsiew rice? Sushi? PCF has finally called me. I've withdrawn my boy, he will start childcare at the new PCF on 1 Dec. So glad...but heartpain about him having to readjust again as he has settled down at Cambridge already.

Lynn, my boy sleeps on normal mattresses with me and my husband. But we sleep on the floor because he moves around too much at night, he confirm will roll off the mattress. We sleep on Seahorse, the hardest version. Diamond don't know what.


Taime sale is back. 04-05Nov. Saw the notice on Today Motherhood fb page.

Dear mummies, pls help to like this page if you wish to sell/buy 2nd hand baby items here. We need more likers in order for this platform to work. I believe most of you sell used items in forum before. This is just an another platform to serve buyers and sellers for this purpose. Please LIKE the page and read more http://www.facebook.com/2ndhandmarketplace


jmmabb, if there's no signs of allergy then 1 egg a day is ok bah. But if you are scared that bb puts on too much weight, then cut to 3 eggs a week.


I've been writing in vain to the moderators since God knows when for access to WTS thread, but nobody replies.

A lot of ppl are complaining too.

For now my WTS I post on MummySG forum instead.

Hi babeE

Thanks. I wrote to them too but so far no reply.


I think depends on the closeness of the relationship and it is really up to individual comfort level.

Same here. First 2 times I wrote, they say they will grant me when the time comes. Then 3rd time onwards, I was ignored by moderators.

Poohgirl, do you have success with selling things in mummysg?

Sky- better not. Some kids are more 'sensitive' if not close family member better not. The last time my grandma-in-law pass on my gal also never attend the wake.

Jamabb- egg. I scared cholesterol level too high, so give 3meals a week. But they so active should be able to take everyday Ba?

Hi reen,


Hi wish,

I also scared but my grandmother-in law quite like my gal was thinking if the day come. Can she go. I get what u mean. I will see how.

Thanks for all advice


thanks for the advice on egg, LO loves egg and i use egg to bluff her to eat.


write to the mod and wait patiently for them to give access.


i am quite pantang will not bring LO. However, need to also consider the relationship and other people 'expectations'

Reen, believe it or not, it took them 6 months to give me access to WTS section.

jmmabb, my boy had bronchitis before so i try to avoid giving him eggs actually, esp egg white. But egg yolk is fine :p But that's what the TCM doc says lar.

So far, i've not brought my boy along for funerals and Qing Ming festival...Next year Qing Ming don't know if will bring him or not. Hard to as my husband's family typicall move out at 4am that kind of timing. How to bring??!

Hi jmmabb n butterwaffles,

Thanks! End up I bought my gal there case as what Jmmabb say other people expectation. My father-in-law wente to bring my gal go n end up she throw tantrum but I have no choice. Thanks for all advice!


Yes I've sold a number of items on MummySG. Think a lot of pple sell stuff there cos cannot access WTS thread here

Just to share a really cool link I found.

You can print your own colouring pages for your kids!


Think I'm gonna print them at home and compile into a colouring book for the lil one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Babe E,

Thanks for the link, indeed very useful. Plus there are loads of cartoon characters pages!

Time to take get the printer up! Hope it's still working

Thanks alot, it's life saver for me esp when I m not artistically inclined to draw for the kid to colour

Hi mommies! I have made a booking with Peek-A-Boo playground at Kallang Leisure Mall for a kids party on 17th Dec, Saturday, 10am

to 12pm. However, due to unforseen circumstances, we may not be able to hold the party anymore. I was wondering if anyone may like to take

over our reservation should we not be able to hold the party? We have made a $250 deposit for this date. This is the Saturday before Christmas so it'll be a great day and time to have a kids christmas party! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hihi mummies,

can I check with you whether when is the right time to start toilet training?

my gal is 19 months already. and i'm tinkling whether should let her start on toilet training. but seems like she dunno when to say when wanna pass urine.

And whether do you use training pants when u started to use toilet training?

appreciate your advice thanks!

Hi Mummies,

New to this section though always browsing through the WTS section[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am also wondering how to be able to post on the WTS thread too. Have been a member for more than a year.


Hi Mommies!!!

From FB, I can see that quite a few babies are already in Childcare centre! What a exciting time! Heidi's turn on 1st December. She will be going for her Orientation this coming friday.

Praying that everything goes well.

Thanks CC for the update. Just felt very emo about it.


Yup. I like good and free stuff. Nowadays colouring book also not cheap.

Hey mommies, Paisay for not popping in regularly. Been busy with work. Amazed that some of the todds are making great milestones... Speech, able to eat by themselves etc. Mine can hardly utter despite he is growing healthily.

Just curious, is there a age whereby bottles Shd b wean off? Thanks!!

Sigh... I wanna rant...

New job is not working out. I'm seriously unhappy and genuinely worried that if this keeps up, I'm gonna sink into depression. Although the 3-mth probation is coming to an end soon, its just not soon enough. Cos the job was thru a headhunter, so I hv a 90day commitment.

Hubby advised for the sake of my sanity I shd tender once the 90days over. I want to do that but at the same time am worried - What if I take a long time to find another job?

I feel very cheated. They promised to look at work/life balance for me, but in less than 3mth I'm back to working till midnite again. What makes it worse is the ridiculously short timelines that ppl deem as acceptable. And more n more often I'm staying late in the office.

Boss says this is not even 50% of the work I'm doing now. Means what? If 100% I shd buy a foldable mattress and put in the office? And now my colleague is leaving, so means more work to come.

Is a request to having some balance that difficult?

Everyday I'm just sinking deeper and deeper... so sad n frustrated.

Babe E,

Hugs to you. I am not too good with words so couldnt really offer much solution or help.

If the job is really taking toll on you, perhaps you would need to reconsider it again? Agree on the part that finding a job again can be a true worry.

Its tough in this society seeking work life balance especially for females. Not that i am discounting males but bulk of family responsibilty still lies on females in our cultural context. But i believe alot of husbands chip in greatly in managing the family [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Take care ya.

Hi mommies! how is everyone getting?? I am so busy now with my 2 boys... It seems like a long time since i deliver Enzo but it has only been 1 year plus!

babeE, ya, when this door close, another will always be open! Hugs..

For me, i rather take a lesser income, fixed working hrs and be happy! What more now we have kids.. work/life balance is very impt.

Thanks everyone for your kind words. I really needed that. I hope that I can find my own good fit.


I recall myself being weaned off the bottle in kinder. E shows interest recently in drinking from a cup, so I just start with water. Milk-wise she's not ready yet.


Hey... confinement is finally over! Saw the pics. You are looking good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi babyE,

You remember me that time I also quit before getting a job, now I am in a new job for 1/2 year more. I believe you have saving to make you go through those days. For me, I must say I am very wealthy that time as compared to many mummies here. I can survied for 4month without a full-time job n learn my driving. I believe you can. Dun worry! =]


Wah... Didn't know you got your licence liao. Just remembered the last time we talked abt you wanting to learn driving. Good on you.

Last evening for no apparent reason ppl escalate the case I'm handling again. In the first plc if ppl bothered to give me proper info none of this would hv happened. And I sit in the same row as my boss. Why he cannot come over n ask me abt the case? Instead he asked my colleague who in turned asked me. Then after that he skyped me to ask more abt the case. But this is the best - he told the mgmt (without checking with me initially) that the case probably held up on my side. Wtf!

It's already not the first time this has happened in the short time I've been here. What irks me is the frequency that this is happening. Other ppl think it's not their tai chee push to me. Boss instead of supporting u to push back, the moment receive escalation n ask why I never work on assumption. To him, it is always me holding back. Of course lah! I'm a few mth into the job n my colleagues already 2yrs. How to compare!

And when I ask what i did wrong, he tells me - If u understood the case u will know. How can I know when I don't know in the first place?

I've done my fair bit of mentoring thruout school n work days. Never hv I encountered ppl who dun teach but yet question u. In all honesty, if u dun guide properly, how to get ur staff up to speed in the shortest time?

In part, I've never been a quitter and I do my very best in whatever I do. I guess psychologically its difficult for me to walk out after such a short time. It's like - quitter vs relief.

I'm sorry if I'm hogging air space here. Everyday I rush thru work, go home and morph into another character. I dun bring work emotions home so I hv nowhere to release. Hubby also vexed at work so I dun wanna add on to his frustrations by making him listen to mine everyday.

I'd just like to express my thanks to all the Mummies here for your comforting words. Each time it brings tears to my eyes.

I'm very grateful to hv a hubby who's always so supportive, a little girl who's such a cheerub, parents who so willingly help us to take care of the lil one and supportive friends like u ladies all around [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

babeE, hugs thats what we r here for!! support each other n lending a listening ear..

Go with your heart, whatever u need to do to make u happy.


like you, i've chosen to make a move for the sake of work-life balanced and i was also promised to be granted that. but looking at how enthusiastic the director is, i sort of regret too. discouraging. i'm moving on in jan, leaving my comfort zone of 7 years. *cross fingers*


You tendered also? I left my freaking comfort zone of 5yrs. Now my ex-colleague says, why don't I try coming back but different role.

This weekend I'm gonna go thru job ads again...

Hi mummies

Hugz hugz to mummies! I also left my comfort zone of many many years recently. It is really difficult to get accustom to new ways of doing n not on familiar ground. I guess it does help if you have the support of family and new colleagues. Also hv looked back whether I hv made the right choice. But I guess we wouldnt know the path ahead till we are in it. Just need to move on. I believe there is always a path for us. Dong jia bu da da xi jia!


BabeE, guess our priority changed after becoming a mommy. I dont think much about working late last time. Anyway hubby always not around and can only meet friends like late night for chilling out. Now, when meetings are scheduled at 530pm or 6pm, i couldnt help but say, "err..can it be held earlier?" or i'll just grumble about how buay zi dong these meeting organisers are.

I have to admit i've slacked in my work eversince Nic went back to childcare. I just want to fly home and spend some quality time with him before he hits the sack at 9pm.

How i envy those who can work from home and knocked off on the dot.

Wish you all the best in your job search. Rant here if you need to.

Reen, you changed job? or jobscope?

