(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

Hey gals [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Elise... Looking forward to ur turn soon. Time will fly by n before u know it, u'll be reliving the amazing process again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dear mummies, thank you all for the encouragement, TMC finally called this afternoon, my princess is fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] she went to say this is according to the rapid test result but she very rarely come across differing rapid n full test reports, so all should be well. Thank god! I can finally sleep well tonight.

CC, let me ask my husband if he's in town, i think The Monster Bash sounds fun! Jude will never let us dress him up but he can always hv fun with the rest of the activities!

Elise, hope you'll have a fast n smooth delivery!


Just pop in to speed read, glad to know all is well for you and PRINCESS!! Take care ya[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Congrats to u too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

CC, so sorry cant make it...husband going on a 6 month course from Oct till Mar, sigh. I definitely cant make my way there on my own with that little monster. You have fun there with Ayden!

Wish, JJ, thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] no longer on meds now, tried begging my gynae but he wants me to try n go without them first. Today vomitted 5 times but not after every meal. The phobia of food is back again. Feeling terrible now. Is this going to last until i deliver? I really hope not. Husband gets really annoyed everytime i puke but im really not faking this, the food n drinks will go dwn and after like 30-45mins my stomach will start to churn then everything will pour out of my throat. I didnt have to force or actually DO anything, the vomit just pour out of my throat. Twice i couldnt make it to the basin and the vomit was swirling in my mouth threatening to burst out. Sorry for the disgusting description.


gong xi gong xi!!! one boy one girl! so happie for you!!! now that the results are out, it's like a big heavy stone being unloaded from your heart and mind.... look forward and think of happie things![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


No worries ;), you take rest when possible k. Btw, think your gyne is good to advise stopping the meds. My SIL was on the same meds for her 1st pregnancy. The medication is the same prescription for patient with cancer, she actually slept for 2days and didn't have any energy except sleep. Hope you are not on the sane type of meds to manage MS... The way my SIL describe to me then... Sounds scary [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

xihui, thanks babe, im more than relieved to know the baby is fine, if boy again also ok, so scary n stressful not knowing if the baby is ok or not. Feels that being preg with a girl is tougher this time. Or maybe it just gets tougher with subsequent pregnancies. Im puking again n really sian, i thought im done with that...

CC, looks like your SIL was on zofran as well. Dats for cancer patients undergg chemo, to help them cope with nausea n vomitting. Im taking the same...i was on the lowest dosage combined with another more common anti vomitting med as zofran alone does not work on me n gynae was reluctant to up the dosage. Cost around $300+ per week depending on where i buy them from. Its effective but my energy level becomes v low and i get bad constipation. I've puked twice today already. Really tempted to beg for a prescription.....

BW, so happy to hear tt ur bb is fine & it is a gal! Hang in there, with my TCM last time, the uncontrollable puking stops at the 5th mth. Afterwards the puking were more manageable(those u can like drink sips of hot water to push it down kind).

I've planned to ttc this mth onwards & i'm terrified now cos u mention this condition will get worse with each pregnancy. sigh. what will be will be.

CC, just curious was ur SIL expecting a daughter tt time? Cos so far pple i see with this condition happens to be expecting bbs gals like my mum, me, xihui & BW.


Think if you can lay off meds will be best... If can, I truly understand the feeling of nausea. I refused to take any meds, only source of my diet was from amway's protien mix. All else is sit at dining table and I'm crying just trying to get spoonfull down. Then it was my constant cough, I'd cough till my entire meal vomitted out. I was on codien for somewhile till I realized how much drugs I was indigesting...think I freaked and managed my cough with Chinese herbs. Everything going well then was hit by GD!! Lol...really...


SIL had a boy, 2nd also boy but she coped well with her 2nd pregnancy I think. Hope if you have no2 it will be a better experience for you and xihui too ;)

CC, i rem that well...were you or JJ the one who first 'confess' about being a 'sweet mummy'? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I found that really cute, the phase. I totally can relate to the part about forcing spoonfuls of food down. I'm now down to 1 dose per day. My gynae had again given me 7 tabs but only half a tab per time. At the rate im taking, it can last me 2 weeks but i sure hope i don't have to keep taking it everyday. I find it hard to cope with the nausea when i'm taking the mrt. Always puke after i reach my destination and have to spend some time getting my act together so that i can take a bus to fetch my boy home. Feel really bad towards my boy, hope to feel normal soon. Talking abt GD, i had a scare too for my boy that time. After the poor oscars results and all, i feel that age is not THAT a major factor. I'm 28 and that's considered NOT 'old' right? But problems after problems....zzzz. Not easy going through pregnancy and all...

queque, kudos to you, for your courage...Jiayou [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hope you have it all planned out, alternatives and all should you become too sick to care for your gal. Eventually, i do think i might for for #2, so its a sooner or later thing, i just feel for people like us who most likely will suffer quite abit, need to plan further. As we could very well puke until the day of delivery, it is hard to say. I think i might still be lying in bed without the meds. You are one courageous mummy!

MonsterBash Halloween Party, 28oct

More info: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/sebsbistro

Prices min for 10pax(toddler) :

Min. 10 paxs:

*1 Child + 1 Adult: $50 (U.P:$55)

*Additional Child : $30 (U.P:$35)

*Additional Adult : $20 (U.P:$25)


Baby+ one parent $50, additional parent/inlaw/relatives $20, additional sibling/cousin/nephew $30.

So 2adults1baby party = $70


1. CC 2A2C

2. Cherli (tentative) 2A1C

3. Serendipity 2A1C








for 15pax there's a further discount.


havent drop in for a week...been kind of sick....this sept holiday havent seems to do much....lots of plans postpone....look forward to attend more playdates soon...

Jenny, i'm actually looking forward to Xmas [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Missed celebrating NDP with my boy as i was still quite sick at that time. Didn't bring him to see the fireworks as promised.

I need help... Anyone letting go of their breastpump? SIL unit died and helpin her source one.

Pm or email or watssapp or SMS ... Thank you ;)!


It's great to see your mood uplifted. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I can lend freestyle pump motor.


Thank you for offer.. I called her and she said she'd be opting for tradein and she manage to get $150 rebate too - think it's a good deal for her ;).

Was looking at medela range of pumps and the price has gone up!! It's $899 for PIS on discount.

I wonder where the contribution of a strong currency has gone?! Sgd is now not even us1.5 but the price instead of going down has gone sky rocket up... Having kids really getting too expensive ;(

what to do... inflation at 5% but our wages barely increase annually to cover even for inflation.

Errr...my gross pay will increase but between $50-$70. It's pathetic, i don't even dare to mention it to my parents. But my parents always feel i earn alot, especially when the papers get splashed with news like how much civil servants are getting and all. They forget that only the high flyers get those amount. Small fry like me who sits at the desk and type get very much lesser.

serendipity, thank you, am certainly feeling better now thou still on the medication. My boy has been well behaved for the past few days, no need to drag him into the childcare centre, will guai guai remove shoes to put in his own pigeon hole and follow the assistant teacher to wash his hands. So glad to see him like this....how about Dyl? Confirmed a place at MFS already?? By the way, i thought all MFS offer childcare services, not playgroup, didn't know MFS offers playgroup as well. There are a total of 5 MFS centres within walking distance from my parents', to think till now, none has returned my call. I've actually put my boy on the waiting list since January! So lucky of you if Dyl can secure a spot there [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

CC, i agree...really very exp nowadays. My parents couldn't believe the amount of money we've spent so far on gynae visits, drips, medications, those scans & all. Lucky i didn't throw or give away my boy's stuff, all keep nicely or lent to friends, so his mei mei will be using all the same stuff. Only need new milk bottles ^^

Hi, I am selling away the Haenim play yard to clear space

1) 6 panels Haenim Normal Play Yards (Blue and Red design) to let go at $65*

Consist of the following :

• 1 Activity (Normal) panel

• 2 Doors

• 3 Plain panels

Condition is 6.5/10

* Buyer may want to buy replacement parts+:

• Suction pads (A few have dropped off due to wear and tear )

• Bear stickers (Decorative purposes only, buyer can leave out if there is a budget) Optional

• Mirror sticker (Not reflective, buyer can leave out if there is a budget) Optional

Self collect. Interested buyers may email to [email protected] for viewing.

+Replacement parts can be purchased from SMH Bulk purchase spree:


Dear mommies,

how is everyone??? flu bug going around. I barely recover and now haze... -_-

Good thing I just started Heidi on cod liver oil. She don't mind the orange favored one. We were busy attending baby 1st month celebrations this month too. Such a joyous month!

Hi Mummies,

I have a $5 discount voucher for Friso 2. If anyone wants, pls PM me. Sorry I don't have the expiry date right now with me.

Forums are banned in my new workplace so pls PM me if you want.

Heeloo mommies,

When for the language research at NUS. Ayden just loved the place ;p! Any mommies free you shud bring the little one, you'd be surprise how grown our young babies are.

CC, is it useful? was thinking of letting Mal go for the research but was thinking that he wasnt really that verbal so not sure if its helpful to both the researcher and Mal. Dun really want to waste everyone time too.

Oh ya, any mummies keen in the sample satchel of milk powder "Grow" from Abbotts? It for 3 to 6 years old kids. Got it from one of those promotional gift pack and Mal is not drinking or rather he is not that age yet.

Also have samples of Japanese milk powder "Wakodo" this is suitable from 9mth to 3 yrs but Mal not taking too.

Any mummies who wan can let me know and i just sent it over.


Oh forget to add,

Have 2 satchel for both mentioned FM and the expiry as follow

Grow - Jan 2013

Wakodo - Apr 2012 or its it Jul 2012 (pardon cos all japanese words and i m not sure if they go by DD/MM/YY or MM/DD/YY) to play safe, take it as Apr 2012


I think you shud give it a try, you can drive or claim for transport. I drove, parking was complementary and got a small token in kind for participation. Must say the research coordinators are very kind and understanding. My lil fellow didn't want to leave. These days it really gets difficult taking A out. He gets anxiety attacks!!! Madness!!!

The research requires almost minimal, sit and watch video, there's a short interaction session with toddler while mommy fills in a questionnaire.

Lots of fun!!

hey cc,

belle is scheduled to go for the research last week but she was ill, so was the person i/c. haha.. so its changed to 21 sept. i scheduled it months ago before she turned 18.. a friend told me abt this and ask me to try. my friend said that the video they played was very boring and her daughter had difficulty staying on her lap! is that true?? :p

Hi hi, does anyone have any good recommendations for nurseries near Novena/Balestier/Whampoa? Not too pricey ones I hope.

I have registered my daughter for nursery at St James, but we are still on waiting list.. =( I'm thinking that instead of waiting, maybe I should register her with another school, in case by then, still on waiting list and, no other places elsewhere!! =(

hello all

long time no post.. hope all mums n bbs are doing well..

Am going into wk 37 next week - gonna start d crazy cycle soon! wish me luck, endurance n patience [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


The video was truly challenging to manage ;p! ayden was about to burst out into tears! Ayden was still 17months doing the research but I dunno what few days makes the difference and they do note Gestation week at birth of child.


It's a research. Info is just few post above ;). I didn't remember to research data title I was filling in coz was caught by surprise what ayden was doing when the researcher was doing a Q&A with him - sorry.


Good luck! Wishing you a safe, smooth, fast delivery and speedy recovery!!! Woooohoooooo!!!!!

I can sense a certain ticking time  heeeheeee...

Waiting to hear good news, update when can 

I registered E for the study too. I think it'd be helpful for us as well. Our appt is on Children's Day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I went through their blog and some of the articles before signing up. Even though Mal may not be very verbal, but nonetheless shd try and get some free research opinion. Better than old wives' tales any day.


All the best! Jia you!

Hi mummies,

Just wanna share tt I brought Tasha to participate in the research on tue. It was an eye opener for me during the 1-1 session with the researcher. Our kiddos can do quite a bit of problem solving on their own. Wished I wasn't busy filling up the questionnaire thus only saw bits of what they were doing. The most difficult part is indeed the video session but at least there are 3 mini breaks in-between the 4 video clips. They allow snacks so Tasha was munching biscuits thruout. Our kiddos need not answer qns nor talk during the entire session.

It was really a rather fun & nice experience though I did get a lil panicky while filling up the questionnaire cos they ask us to shade the words tt our kiddos had uttered b4 & seriously Tasha doesn't say much words so my form is rather blank.

Wish, thanks... am ok, getting used to the 2-3 hrly cycle again =p

ok, back to the past for a moment... mommies who gave total ebm (didnt latch), how'd u go out? if it's a whole day affair, there'd be some serious engorgement?

am seeing the pros of giving ebm,nw with the confinemt nanny ard.

1- saves time. if i latch, it cld last between 45min to 1 hr 15 min. if i give ebm- 20 min

2- someone else can do the feeding, giving myself and my tired arms a break

but just wondering... if i give total ebm, going out with the kids n even travelling overseas wld mean bringing all the bottles, wash, steriliser. (how to pack steriliser into luggage??)

mommies who gave total ebm, pls share ur going out/ travelling experience.. thanks loads!

Wish, I insisted on cup/ syringe feed initially. Then nanny kept complaining of spillage so used bottle. (she's one lor soh lady!) so far ok, I'm still able to latch him. Only thing is he keeps falling asleep when latching on. At least bottle I know the quantity of milk he has consumed

mirthy, good to hear you are adjusting and your 2nd boy is also very handsome! :D

For travelling, you can use sterilising tablets instead of bringing the whole steriliser. But if your boy can latch, just latch when you are outside.

Wish, wishing you a smooth deliver and recovery!

BabeE, thanks for the advise, was quite keen but was afraid that since he wasnt too verbal so i might be wasting the researcher time.. now that with the assurance i will sign him up.

mirthy, i gave total ebm for mal cos he refused to latch since day 1. was quite troublesome esp for long period outside as like wat u mentioned more stuff to carry.

like what torayme say, if u can latch him outside then just try latching him. if not this is wat i bring

For longer than 3 hrs trips

1) Icepack & cooler bag- for keeping EBM cold.

2) 2 bottles of frozen ebm (when he was on 3 hrs feeding)

3)pump & spare bottle (mine was medela swing so can be battery operated)

4)a thermos forgoo food flask - for keeping hot water and can double as container to warm up ebm cos its opening is wide and no need bring extra container.

5)a Lock lock air tight container - can used to keep pump parts and if need to can use to sterilise bottle by pouring hot water in it and soak the bottle for 10mins after wash

6) bottle wash liquid and sponge + disposable chopsticks (chopstick is to position the sponge so i can wash the bottom part clean... didnt want to bring bottle brush. just use and throw the chopsticks.)

Item 1 - 4 is for trips like shopping which is more than 3 hrs and i plan to pump outside, else will skip the pump.

For item 5 & 6. This is what i bring to office when i pump there. I use sterilising tablets too after washing then put all parts in the container and resterlising with hot water cos of the smell from tablets. when i run out of tablets. I just sterilize using hot water and omit using the tablets.

so far i find those ice pack with those blue liquid in it is the best to keep the ebm cold. U can get them at Daiso at $2 a piece. Works the same as the branded Coleman ice pack but is fraction of that price.

Come to think of it, this is how i get my arms muscles.... its from lugging all these barang barang out... hahahhaa


Mirthy, guess for total EBM- for me when i go out, I bring along my manual pump and a spare bottle of ebm. Will pump when he's napping (just find a nursing room) then for two bottles, it will last for 5 hours out. Usually, if i need to pump a 2nd time, I just rinse the pump with hot water. Like what winnie also said, using sterilization tablets helps too. I used it when am traveling overseas or hotel stay.. =)

CC, can't make it for the party too. You all have loads of fun!

BW, Glad to hear the things are turning out for the better! =) stay positive. You are a really strong girl. (I can't imagine myself going thru all that.. family, meds, etc.. ) it's really hard. But u have endured it all, u can do it for this one too!

Wish, All the best!!!! =) Update us ya? =) Have a smooth and safe delivery!

Joelle, Congrats! =) Wishing u a smooth pregnancy!

Thx Toray, Winnie, Wf for sharing... Winnie, *gulps* that's a lot of stuff u brought out!!! Ok, will try to still latch so that he will not forget how to latch. Can't imagine lugging everything out... Also I don't hv a small manual pump

Mirthy, that's where my muscles developed. Free weight training.

Joke aside, not all items unless it's going away from home. The plastic container n wash items are more for sterilizing bottle n pumps parts at office or traveling overseas where there is no sterilizer. Else will do it after reaching home.

Normally pump before go out n will not bring pump unless it's long hours outside.

Also I dun bring hot water, just bring the food flask n get hot water outside. Most places esp fast food restaurant do oblige to hot water request so save some weight.

As for ice pack, at times I replace it with ice in ziplock so after finish the bm can discard the melted ice n no need lug the icepack home.

But now diaper bag is so much simplified but total weight doesn't change cos instead of carrying a heavy bag now will be carrying heavier kid though.

Take care n recuperate well during yr confinement. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Mirthy, I did the same as Winnie [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I also pump exclusively initially as easier esp at night when hb helps out, also bb wasn't a gd in latching yet, every feed takes almost an hour..So every weekend go out lug so much until I got so fed up and got me thinking, why am I pumping beside my hb who is bottle feeding bb ? I decided to take the risk to latch her when we were out. Bb was ard 2.5mths then, surprisingly she was a gd latcher despite her having a latching history of only few days after her birth. Latch is really very convenient and slowly progress to feeding her in public as sometimes nursing rooms not available. Maybe u can try out too..hee. Oh yes, congratulations !!

