(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

Carol, I saw Dr Dev earlier. and I'm really really glad I went to him. He's incredibly nice. He spoke to me abt trying VBAC and we had a quick, albeit indepth discussion on my birth plan, etc. It's just amazing how understanding he is. and how much leeway he is prepared to give me.

anyway, I was told by a nurse to go get financial counselling for admission at my next visit. when are you next going to SGH? My next appointment is 17 Dec. morning.


cactus, will try to find the pic for the jumper i mention. it's hassle free and you can fix it safely and keep when not in use. - just for extra fun [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

noscon, yes. cot can be assembled at home, but most cots come with free delivery and assembly. actually, if you need to dismantle and assemble the cot each time you want to bring it to and fro a room, you may end up not doing it.. cos a bit laychay. you may end up just getting another mattress and laying th emattress at different parts of the house - on a sofa, on a queen sized bed, etc, and place your bb there during the day. going to the cot only for the naps/night time.

Carol, no need to trouble you lah! It's okay. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I don't think I will get it anyway. there really is very little space in my home already. I was just teling my colleague I can't wait to give away my stuff after #2 grows up.


this the pic.


doesn't take up space at all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] not too worry, at least you have options.


oh ok another thing to think about... making sure it can go through doorways at home... hmmm.. yeah i was planning to lay mattress or playmat in the living room and the cot for sleeping in the bedroom. Well i guess it can be more flexible for the caretaker if the baby can also sleep in the living room...


no not really. I'm only familiar with the usual brand like combi, lucky stroller, maclauren,


wanna see how it is like too...

yes noscon, I'm the one drooling over the pink playpen :p


Carol, that's interesting! Yes, can see it doesn't really take up space too! I must say I've never seen it before!

noscon, yup, most pple end up having several places to lay the baby down instead of having to move the cot around. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anyone planning to buy the baby cot from mothercare?

Thanks noscon

By the way do you guys think that it is too early to start buying ?


do u have to drill holes? how much u pay for it? would the baby feel bored with no toys ard?


so cute!!! Where to buy? looks like a cot


I am very touched you mentioned that Dr. Devan sat down and actually explained to you. You don't get that kind of doctors around - seriously!

Carol, yes.. precisely. He gave me an info leaflet on VBAC at the end of it. to be honest, another doctor could have just given me a VBAC leaflet at the start of it. And he was the one who initiated discussion of VBAC. I mean, during the consultation, he asked if I had any questions. I smiled and told him none, cos it wasn't too long ago that I had a baby! then he said, "you would be hoping for natural this time round?" and that just opened up our discussion on VBAC. we discussed what I did the last time, and whether he would be able to let me continue what I did the last time with this pregnancy/labour. I mean, it was informative. I know about VBAC from reading up, but I had to understand from him his concerns and his management of a VBAC labour.


no need to drill any holes unless you plan to reuse the loop for other stuff after baby is all done - over the weight limit. You can buy the loop at ikea, comes with bolts n screws - only need installation.

you can use the hanging handles we have at our kitchen or dryard to hang cloths pole indoors. the chains provided is long enuf and extends sufficient for babies legs to reach the ground after strapping in. toys - hehehe, daddy and mommy would have to take that role-play.


awesome doctor i truly must say. we shall not look further, will swap in time to private. i'm sure he'd be surprise as he's not seen us in some while. my next visit is 30th, wish us the best k... confirmation that i really am having a boy!


playpen can keep, folded and throw into the storeroom!

babycot cannot unless you have the older version but also still really huge


wah wah... so pink la the cot!!! such a princess!!


u got a point... the advantage of your jumper is that can keep very easily....


ok.... i guess its up to individual preference - some mummies prefer playpen, some cot.... but it definitely look cute...


got cot that can fold up and keep in the storeroom but that type not very popular. I read that sungei kadut sells those... doesnt look as nice though. of course cannot fold up often only when finished using it...

Hi Grace...

Not been to the 2 shops @ Kaki Bukit but should be going this weekend.

The weekend sale @ Chai Chee is very near my place. Perhaps I shd pop by.

Nice weather to sleep... but stuck here at work! Another 30min more...


got a playpen, never used it as a playpen - the whole house is a playpen!

She used to sleep in her playpen till she could climb out of it - also 11 months!


yup, individual preference. I happen to have tried both and I prefer the playpen [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Good luck in your search for an ideal cot!

carol u damn funny leh... ur whole house playpen my whole house is a pigsty


i intend to get my cot/playpen from babykingdom or the other shop at khaki bukit


im still open to playpen... maybe last min i see a very adorable playpen i may buy it too...

carol, how did your missy climb out of the playpen? it's so deep in, she also can't possibly unzip the side zip at the side??


ok, am pretty shy to post this picture but so you mommies know how to set up the jumperoo.


jonjosh.. do you see the princess?? that's 4 months for you.. she'd put one leg up, pull herself, cross over, step on my side table - ta da!!! Houdini!

even her dad didn't know till one day i got angry and asked her to "go to sleep" dad wanted to put her in her playpen and i said no, you wait and see what she does!

dad got a shock! she climb up the side table, cross over, ta da... innit - her playpen!

ya... it was best she had her own inflatable bed after her 1st b'day. Elmo bed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i didn't need to worry too much.

jonjosh, hahah.. u havent purchase the pink playpen huh? heheh.. me nw wondering when i shld get my hubby set up the playpen leh.. i buy included the foam mattress total $140.90 then free $20 worth of diapers..

i just bought a little tiger romper for my 'bump'....$18 at the pushcart outside carrefour [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] cant wait to put her in it

Hi Hi, Metro is having Ladies' night tomorrow from 6 pm to 11 pm. 20% storewide + 20% off at the ladies' dept. Think is open for metro card holders.


Metro having 20% storewide sales again? I just went last month when they are having 20% sales and no discounts on babystuff... cos their babystuff is sold by mothercare.(at least at paragon branch)

Hi all,

I would like to know if any mummies has a list of things to prepare for baby. Having my #1, quite lost at what to prepare or buy for my baby...

i think the metro sale is only at paragon based on my sms fr them.

joelle, u may wish to go to mothercare. they have a booklet at the counter (foc) that gives u info on preggy stages, strollers cot etc and a list of stuff to buy at the end of the book

thanks timtam and carol.

Been looking around for a stroller...now my sch holidays begins..can start shopping...

Any recommendation for stroller? Brand?


joelle, another teacher in this thread!

carol that chocolate just melts in your mouth, so smooth right, I'm not exactly a chocolate person also cannot resist.

