(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

actually, am very happy he's happy we're having a boy. I thought he'd be a bit disappointed. but i guess having a girl and a boy makes everything perfect like you mentioned. He got chinese name ready, in just 2 weeks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: carter rompers

i first time mummy so i dont know how to compare the quality leh. unless i show my mum, then she can gimme comments kekekekee.

cactus, i'm with KKH, lol. So i'm prepared if they don't allow my husband to be with me since heard they can be quite sticky about this. That time at TMC, after the op, i wasn't on drip. I remember the gynae did the termination for me as well as another patient at the same time! Both of us were like, side by side in the operating theatre. We ended up in the same ward but my husband said she was fine. Woke up, drank milo and ate cake then balek kampong. Whereas i took much longer to be fully awake. Lucky the TMC nurse was very nice, told my husband it's ok let me sleep a couple of hours more thou i'm not supposed to occupy the bed for more than 4hours or something. Only when she made sure i urinated already then she let me go. By then, my 'neighbour' long ago discharged liao. So i think it differs for everyone ya? But it scared me abit, the vomitting part. Can't imagine if wakeup with a fresh c-section wound yet vomit like siao. It'll really hurt...

Carol, that's nice. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I think most guys would like to have a boy.. a little image of the man. does wonders for his ego. sometimes, some guys don't know how to bring up/raise a girl. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just a suggestion, bw. If you feel like vommiting, tell the nurses in advance. they are supposed to give you something to ease it. I was given Maxilon before I felt the urge to vommit.

Noscon & Carol

Thanks for the encouragement. Lunch was nasi padang. Quite nice but still not quite sufficient to perk me up. Might be the hormones, but I thought these sorta moods were usually for 1st trimester.

We were thinking about 1 or 2-bedder at Mt A cos of the costs involved as well. In the end we would rather more privacy (furthermore 1st born), so gonna pay more for the 1-bedder.

Btw, FYI... Mt A has Deluxe and 1-bedder. The only differences between the two room types is Deluxe has MacRitchie Reservoir view, hifi, carpeted floor and silverware for cutlery. The other items are the same. Mt A has free wifi. I've used it before previously.

hope I don't offend anyone with my comments .. but we go hospital to deliver baby and recover ah.. why want nice reservoir view... hmm.. or even silverware..

poohgirl, wow that seems like luxury ya staying at Deluxe at Mt. A

hifi? carpeted - wall to wall? hee hee silverwear? after all the drugs, the pushing... ain't no silverwear gonna make your palette taste hospital food any better i think. But all said, it's a good pat on the back for being a mommy and enduring labor.

cactus... hee hee... how you know what some mothers prefer?

jonjosh lei?? what you opting to view outside your window??

as for me, outside my window at Mount E was the horrid traffic jam! ahahahahahhahah orchard, what to do! when discharged we took a good 45mins to reach home from china town from orchard!

cactus.. i agree with you.. i will choosing 4 bedder in mt A too.. rather save $$ and spend on somethings else.. heheehe

abt the bean spouts husk pillow.. who wan huh? can pm me ur email account cos girl only can be contactable via email nia..

By the email:

Brand New HandMade BeanSprout Husks Pillows for babies (Travel Size)

Measurement of pillow cover is 35cm X 15cm. 100% cotton.

Sewn by Professional Tailor.

Selling with Cover. You hardly see this fabric pattern selling in the market. I will package neatly before collection.

Weight is 250 gm.

wait... and almost forgot,

cactus, whats the view outside SGH?? lol... i think if i'm lucky i might have a glimpse of my housing blk but if not already blocked by Cantonment Narcotics HQ!

hee heee...it's so near i could practically stroll to hospital while i endure labor - just to keep my mind off the pain :p


Their Family suite is even better! It's literally like staying in a hotel suite!!! You can probably park your entire family (+parents, in-laws) inside. Maybe if you're super rich or have VIP pple visiting you... then maybe want to get Deluxe/Family Suite lor. The 1-bedder looks like enuf for us [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


unless your baby is in distress and you cannot have a natural vagina delivery, your doctor will immediately suggest you consider an emergency c-sect. also, if mommies life is in danger - potential rupture womb..due to distress baby.


i think i can understand the ultra fittings at Mount. A - for expat, also foreigners coming to sg to deliver, especially Indonesians. Mount E has many foreign patients, rich rich rich!

you actually see 90% of maids accompanying are dressed in uniforms - not casual cloths like our normal domestic maids.

carol, baby in distress meaning baby in wrong position cannot have vagina delivery? or baby refuses to come out after mommies much pushing?

im just curious y there is emergency c-section? i always tot emergency c-section means mommies or baby is in danger??


When the baby is not getting enough oxygen or is experiencing some other complication. Immediate delivery may be required.

Diagnosis given to a woman who does labor does not follow a normal pattern and is severely prolonged.

if prolonged labor, both mommy and baby will be in danger. I have known a gf whom endured a prolonged labor and unfortunately her womb ruptured. Altogether she when into emergency c-sect surgery and had a hysterectomy, it was a very unfortunate even but the child survived.

Carol, I don't know the view outside SGH leh! My blinds were kept down most of the time... keep out the glare from the sun.. interfere with tv watching!

Felicia, I had emergency c-section cos my baby was stuck in my pelvic brim. his shoulder got stuck.. cannot push out. the medical term is deep tranverse arrest. in my case, my baby was in danger.. his heartbeat was dropping with every contraction and there was no way he could have come out the normal way despite me pushing. I had been pushing for 4 hours already. if I continued pushing, he would have died.. cos shoulder and neck, dislocate.


just checking keekekekkeke... maybe will have a nice view of CTE?? muahahahhaha

where is jonjosh?? off loading on seafood croissant after yesterdays failed choice of wrap...heee heee

Sorry ah.. me doing back-tracking.

RE: Touching of water

how to totally not touch water? i've to wash down there before i put on the lotion. also need to wash face and brush teeth.

i remembered reading an article tt mothers during confinement period are like a walking germs carrier cos we don't bath when we are supposed to stay clean for our newborns whose immune system still not strong.

RE: rooms

I was like begging my husband to let me enjoy a 1-bedder in TMC but he's just too practical for me. have been lucky to auto-upgrade to 2-bedder for both my deliveries.

RE: Gathering on 5 Dec

Probably we can meet around 11.30-12noon. somewhere near the bird's nest shop bebe will be leading us to so that we don't have to travel too much.

Carol, ahhhh... talking abe delifrance, m cracking my head where to find one now. craving for chic mayo in croissant but then now holland v doesn't have one anymore [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

haha... will tell matt. wonder if the arrangement of yr furniture is the same as when i was there 2 or 3 yrs ago...

Talking abt the after effects of GA, i remembered mine tho mine was epi. with #1, i shivered non-stop and had to beg the nurses to increase the temp of the labour room. with #2, no shivering but was terribly nausea when i returned to my ward to rest. supposed to try to feed baby within an hour after she is born but my #2 refused to. only interested to look around tho vision is still weak.

jon and bebe, is sugar bubble really that good? cos pricing seems pretty ex to me. deciding btw continuing with my SureClean and changing to this sugar bubble.


sounds like a good idea, ahaha i can practically walk to chinatown and meet you gals. Btw, i have a recommended restaurant at People's Park Centre - Canto restaurant, 5th floor. The Cod Fish Head is excellent! also with everything else and no MSG [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

all the furniture are practically where Matt left them.. moved around once once but the shoe cabinet is actually a toy cabinet now - just the right height on small fries! the whole house has been taken over by my daughter!!

about GA, normally when you wake up you need to be very slow on consuming food stuff or liquid. To drink means by sips, eating i think you need to wait a few hours. Not too sure on the practice here but that's what i was advised.

wow cactus, u had a hard labour ya..u must be in much pain. despite d 1st hard labour, u are still willing to try for #2...very brave..


weblink: http://www.hungrygowhere.com/singapore/canto_kitchen/

after that we can go have dessert the famous mango pamelo [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cod fish head can eat right?? well most of the fish head has fatty fish oil, alot of that so i would guess it's a good dish [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Went to check my little one again at 23 weeks 6 days lol. Baby weigh 647g now, confirm gender to be girl again. phew.. I always scare that 1 day the penis just grew out hahaha. Baby still under 50 percentile. in 3 weeks time, I had to go through the glucose test. Praying hard I won't get GD this time, I hate plucking fingers and controling diet. *praying hard*


If you have bulk purchase for the socks, let me know. I want to get 2 boxes. :D

Naming Baby

I asked my Hb abt Xaria, but he dun the name cos it is too close to Xavier. Suddenly the name Crystal pop in. Do u find it every common.. the name just come and I just can't let go. heehee


My hb also start crying when I push and push and still can't deliver my boy.. i kind of went giddy and dizzy that they had to give me oxygen.. end up gynae have to busy comfort my hb, telling him I am fine. My hb also quite emotional kind.


I don;t think NT measurements work for you, it is only accurate when you are around 11-13 weeks.


I paid like less than $3K for my hospital bill in Mt E, assisted delivery with epi for 2 bedded. It is the doc FEE that is killing me.. $2.9K! Think she charge me OT for delivering on a sunday.

Anyway I always park in Paragon during my checkups, easier for find parking since I lways had my appt at 10am. Sunday, MT E parking is flat, $4 whole day. hb was so happy until he see the bills from the doc. hahaha


I had to see the timing and location cos my boy have some classes in the morning. Are all of you going alone or with ur hubby?


I confirm taking 1 bedded. My clinic already asked me to do pre-admission.. it is too early, so I am dragging it a bit. No more 2 bedded for me, i nag and nag to my hb, i want a GOOD rest. If he dun pay for me, I will pay the additional. :p

bean spouts husk pillow

I ordered from here - http://www.beansprout-pillow.com/ cos can customise name on it. Can email the person to get more photos.


we paid doctor's OT he came in at 3am.. we got 400/500 discount because i didn't get any stitches so that was +/-

lunch, bringing daughter - if lucky hubby will take her so i can enjoy a nice lunch..phew!


it's a really small bowl, i would understand if you said you'd give it up because it's with ice... I volunteer to take your share k [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


The mango pomelo nice? I am so disappointed that I din manage to taste a good one in HK. I love mango pomelo!

Carol, I am avoiding mango not the ice....sadly. Otherwise I will sure have the mango and offer the ice! Hehehe...kidding!


it's a small stall opposite Peaople's Park Centre. I think next to the dessert stall is a very famous chinese medical hall too. So far, i've eaten and the mango pamelo at this dessert place is pretty Delicious. Well they have hot desserts too in case mommies prefer something hot like sesame paste or almond paste, milk pudding..


muaahahhahahaha... you could opt for something hot [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] without ice and without mango.

I love milk but never try in pudding form though....maybe can try it out! Btw, I like the dessert shop at temple street, is it the same one u referring to?

you sure you can still walk t distance tho it's short. everything seems a lil impossible to me now. jia lat so unfit...

hopefully my hub will take both the kids too. my girl's super clingy and my boy is super shy. doubt my hub wanna join us gals. think he'll be bored to tears.

Thanks for the suggestion, Carol. sounds good. any other suggestions? will pull together and gather votes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jules, Re: not touching water, can touch water but must be boiled water (cooled down to normal temp).

Carol, yes, after GA cannot eat at all. I was kept without food for 1 day after the op. then, had clear soups the next day. then soft diet. on 3rd day then normal food.

Felicia, mine was difficult, I guess.. cos I was also without epidural or the jab.. only had laughing gas for pain relief. and I had fever after the operation... but I'm glad it's all over. husband and I started off wanting 2 children .. .and I'm just glad we have #2 coming along. Quite looking forward to labour again..hopefully can be successful with VBAC without epidural this time. I know.. I'm a bit crazy yah?

I'd probably be late as well on the 5th... Despite having a scheduled appt, always have to wait for at least an hour before it's actually my turn. I think better for me to sms someone before I leave the gynae's office to see where you all are...

hi carol, missing me again??

remember hubby not in town jonjosh go jalan haha. Went giant to get something else nothing to cook this evening.

I don't care what's the view outside my window la in pain all the time where got mood to enjoy view right.


I also emergency c-sect coz labour for abt 12 hrs, hardly dilated, bb in distress coz poo poo inside womb. I was suffering badly from the side effect of epi, shivering like crazy and running mild temp.


I chose to pay a slight premium because of product safety. Besides it cleans well, have u watch those attached youtube videos?

cactus, to me troublesome to take cooled boiled water just to wash face, brush teeth and wash down below. haha... but i try to use warm water from tap to wash hands, face and teeth. lazy lah...

i see jon. then i guess it works the same theory when i use SureClean.


Felicia, on the topic of emergency c-section, I suspect there are different types of emergency. the most critical type is immediately must get bb out or else mother or baby may die. an example may be when the mother's uterus ruptures following a failed VBAC attempt. I think for most of us on this thread, the "emergency" is not such a great "emergency", as in must get bb out in x number of minutes. I understand that KKH has the ability to set up an operating team, vacate an operating room, bring mother from labour ward to OT, then take bb out in 7 minutes. It was mentioned in the papers a couple of years ago.

