(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

cactus, how to use this product huh? soak the padding into hot then keep in the pouch?? pls share how you use it thanks! i already ordered 1 batch from diapers.com. last week. i am a regular online shopper.. hehe


cactus and me think girl girl girl.......[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/3136390.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/3136391.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/3136392.gif]

lovinglife, when you first receive it, it can be used immediately. there is a little metal disc which you need to invert in one direction and then the liquid will warm up and harden as it starts to cool. when it starts to warm up, quickly wrap it around the milk bottle, then place it in the holder and zip it shut. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] when the milk is sufficiently warm (must trial and error cos it depends on qty of milk and how cold milk is to start with), take out and feed baby. to re-use, you need to boil the hardened pack in water for a couple of minutes (can't recall how long but not more than 15 minutes).. until the crystals liquify again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

understand, thanks! which means if intend to stay longer outside must bring more than 1 on-the-go? each warmer only allow to use once right? once it is harden, got to reboil, right?

our v got 2 "lips", so there are 2 lines + 1 line in between the lips. from scan machine, it will look like 2 puffy bumps together with 3 lines... no mistake.

icy, i'm also a Thalassemia minor. Luckily, we went for pre-nup checkup and hubby doesnt have.

But i'm pretty anaemic lor.

lovinglife, that's right. if you intend to stay longer outside, need to bring more than 1 on-the-go. cos cannot just soak the pad in hot water. must boil. cos the crystals must turn from solid to liquid.

Thanks for explaining the 3 lines!


Have all of you been eating as much or eating lesser than in 1st trimester? I seem to be eating lesser....strange though!

Wow, many girls appearing and best is those who are having 1stborn as boys are having girls as their 2nd child...congrats!

Cactus - I heard 3 lines signify it's girl as they will soon grow to be our V area...i just heard it from someone only

Regarding thalaessamia, my colleague's son was diagnosed with it only recently as he was having high fever for weeks and then they did a blood test on the boy. Prior to tat, they didn't know their son has that. But what I heard was something like 50% thalessamia people can't marry another person who have the same thing as their offspring will be 100% thalaessamia - not sure about it. Need to read up on it!

oh forgot to mention, the detailed scan i had was done with orangey colour monitor screen. thus can see quite clearly even her face feature. see her eyes socket too! skeleton look.

lovinglife, 3 lines new to me la, always been seeing one long line keke..., wonder when I do amnio, will gynae tell me gender too. My gynae machine cannot do detailed scan, must go somewhere else to do, haven't even got my appmt for that. sigh....one step at the time la. Everyday drooling here coz everyday got mommy report clear everything here. Happy for u all also [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Think I'm the last one doing amnio here, wishuponstar did hers on Monday.

Mic, I've been eating less now. perhaps cos MS not affecting me that much.. not hungry that often too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lovinglife, I think our bbs will start putting on weight after 28 weeks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] then they will start looking cuter.

1727, yah yah the hamburger! hehe.. not little tea pot!

cactus, got it!

micsarsam, i am eating lesser too. just normal 3 meals. no additional snacks. but hor, still gaining weight leh. faint lor!

Cactus, RE the bumper mat, one side are the colorful pictures and the reverse are the alphabets & numbers?

1727, not really. depends on the design that you get. there are several designs. SSM sells LG and Parklon. I prefer LG due to the designs and the quality seems better.

jon, how long do you need to wait for amnio result? gender will be revealed from the test and it's 100% accurate.

cactus, after this 20weeks scan, we hv another detailed scan ard 30-33wks right? another hurdle to cross.


Me too, always giddy spells. I been wondering if I need to check my kids if they are thalassmia carrier . Think have to remind them to check when they are older.

My gynae only guarantee 90% girl, think should be quite high chance. I keep staring between the legs on the screen when she keep telling me abt the legs, bum, liver etc etc.

So far i put on ard 3kg+ weigh, also very little, but my appetite comes in ard this 2 weeks.. always hungry.. but I dun snack.

Me too eating lesser. No more snackings in between meals. So far, i've only put on 3 kg since pregnancy but baby weigh 300g as at 18 weeks. Is it normal?? Hb complaining that his little teapot is too tiny

lovinglife, u did 3d or 4d??


The first thing I got from KKH when I had #1 was a pamplet on thelessamia...the first thing I ever encounter in my pregnacy. For first pregnancy, both me and hb will have to do blood test. They say hb only need to do once but mom gotta to every pregnancy.

I think govt hospital more KS, lots of test to run.

lovinglife, that's a much smaller hurdle. It's just a growth scan. last time, don't even need this scan. it's only necessary in the recent years. It's just to ensure that the baby is growing well. checking on the development of the organs.. confirming position of the placenta and the amount of amniotic fluid.


300g is normal at 18 weeks, consider quite big bah.. Cos my gynae just told me today that my bb also ard 300g at 20 weeks.

Thanks Cactus.

Icy, yes yes..better tell your kids when they are older. My mom told us she is a carrier when we were like 12. So whenever, we visit GP, we'll tell the doc.


I know amnio sure know gender but was wondering whether gynae can see from the scan when I doing amnio on 30th also. Maybe try to request for it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] If not gotta wait 2 wks.

Btw is it still compulsory to do blood test to test abt HIV?? coz I remember I need to do so last time. can't really remember very clearly. So far only did one blood test in the very beginning and that was to see whether I have problem since I had 2 m/c. Don't even know what they test haha, only know one is to test for tyroid.


I am quite anxious lol. While the doc already talk like 30 mins from head to toe.. I been wondering when she will come to the part between the legs. LOL

jonjosh, I'm sure you can request to see gender during the scan. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I don't think it is compulsory to test for HIV but rather, it is an opt-out procedure. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Icy, I think I will be anxious too! The other time I was really anxious to see bb on scan was to detect hb. I was peering at the scan.. looking for thatblinking dot. Hb and I saw it before doc told us it was there. haha!

icy, your detailed scan still can't 100% confirm baby's gender? that's strange. how does the report show then? i got my report stated "female", together with a CD back on all the readings.

1727, baby only start storing fats nearing to edd. that's the time you will see them chubby. 20 weeks is still very early to determine baby's weight.

jon, i don't know leh but according to his patients, this gynea's machine is 4D one. i suaku, don't know how to differentiate 3D and 4D.

cactus, whole 40weeks pregnancy is a worry in fact. 24wks worry for incompetent cervix, 28wks worry for premature.. all the way till inside the labour ward..

jon, that time i did my amnio test, after that there will be a detailed scan. and just nice my little one open his leg and saw the kuku bird..hehe

Good to hear that I am not the only one who is eating lesser but for the past 4 months, I've put on around 9kg already then everytime got to eat and eat until see food, I also very sian..

Actually, am wondering if I should ask gynae to let me do amnio test but my hubby say no need. When my gynae did the neck test for me, its like less than 1.5mm...not sure whether should i opt for it. am 33 this year. what do you all suggest? Am just afraid and maybe thinking too much. You know la, how mtb tend to over think and over react and over panic..

lovinglife, icy: some doctors prefer not to commit to a gender through scans.. cos scans are not 100% conclusive of gender. the only way to confirm gender is through amnio. cos they test the cells shedded by the baby. the genetic make up.

our mindset to do amnio test is to test wheather the baby have downs anot..but there are 22 pairs of chromosome altogether. And who knows there is other problems other than downs...just like my case...so discouraging [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


My gynae do the scan for me. No CD, only lots of scan pix, I not sure why she dun want to commit.. i ask her 100%? She told me 90%.


Yes, same same. I also look out for heartbeat first today. Now can feel some butterfly in tummy so feel better. My hb also say he already know what to look for when doc went on with a normal procedures in the detailed scan.

cactus, that's very chim. i thought it is a must to report gender. however, 18-20weeks should be able to see their genital quite clearly. shouldn't have any mistake liao.

1727, Icy- my bb is already 365g at 20 weeks lor, I've put on 4kg so far, not much MS during 1st tri, appetite normal and I seldom snack leh. I can't help wondering if i gained these 4 kg simply by breathing and sleeping... haiz...

Lovinglife- where did you do your detailed scan? got CD with all the readings? does it include all the images of bb taken during scan? I only have a printed copy of readings and 6 scan images of b


u r rite...now i worry whether bb still growing and hb still there...


i still eat as little as 1st tri, simply no appetite...


so how much u pay for the scan? That mean u actually opted for this"extra" la coz if patient don't request should be normal 2d right?


I was under the impression that the HIV test is complusory hmmm....


33 still ok la, I over 35 that's why plus got 2 back to back mc that's why so paranoid.

I also not eating exceptionally alot, very normal diet with seldom cravings unike during the 1st tri. So far only put on abt 3kg. but no idea how much weight goes to bb. This is the longest interval so far, 5 wks b4 see gynae again that's why thoughts running wild.

lovinglife, I'm not sure if it is a must to report gender. I remember for my #1, the gender was reported, but the doctor told me it is only 99%. I think no doctor will commit to 100% accurate gender unless it is amnio. Cos it is really the sensitivity of the machine, and position of the baby, and the skill of the sonographer/doctor doing the scan. alot of human factor and technology involved.

hmmm... that time when i did the blood test, together with the NT and OSCAR, my gynae told me i was HIV negative.... so i had the impression that the earlier blood tests are inclusive of HIV testing.

I didn't know there is a choice, anyway i feel more assured after knowing the results.


I suspect the HIV test is for the baby's benefit as well as the medical team. cos delivery is rather bloody and the medical team will need to exercise special precautions if it is a HIV mother - ie. double gloving, etc. maybe that's why it's always included as a package.. but it should be opt-out, meaning it is included UNLESS the mother opts out of it.

