(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

lovinglife, perhaps you can PM me to tell me in more details how is the d/c procedure like. I'm quite scared though since it's also surgery...


lovinglife, I stopped carrying him when I started to spot on Saturday. It's been okay so far, cos he can walk, so I just walk around with him instead, holding his hand. He is very sticky towards me since the weekend too... my heart just melts. This morning, he looked at me with this angelic dreamy smile, then "kissed" the air in front of him.... it's the first time he's done it! All along, we had to tell him to "kiss mummy" or "kiss daddy" before he will look at someone and "kiss"....

Fairie & Catus

Did your gynae do any blood tests to determine the HCG level? During my second scan, gynae shared that he is less optismistic, and gave us a 50% success rate chance. Since then, I worried myself sick by reading up on blighted ovum, chromosome disorder and miscarriages. The only rainbow we see so far was my HCG level continued to increase, though at a slower pace.

I read somewhere on the forum on TCM, we went for consultation and he gave us a DIY Chicken Essence recipe, which seems to be effective in increasing the HCG level, thereby stabilising the pregnancy. The doctor says he can feel a baby pulse, but that I am too weak so need to "pu" by drinking DIY chicken Essence. Seems to be effective as my bleeding went down to spotting. Now praying that we will hear good news at my next scan.

Jonjosh, my gynae said my spotting was staining initially, thereafter I had two jabs and am also on Duphaston. I've been taking Duphaston, DIY Chicken Essence and Milk Powder (Think its Enfa mama or something)...not sure which one was the cure, but my bleeding usually subside after the chicken essence.

Betw, what is staining? Is it different from spotting?

hi all....

did my v-scan last sat.. foetus is 0.78cm... bt din see the heartbeat tho'.. will be doing another scan next mth-end for DS..

miserable day today and perhaps for the next 4 days.. this morning, keep planning for an escape route in my head.. whenever the mrt pull up at the station, the first tot is "where's the nearest toilet.. need to lausai yayayaya"...

any of you mtbs been invited to join in the "gasto" (tink so) study? or isit held in NUH only??? its a study to monitor our child's development while still in the tummy right till he's 3 yrs old... but provided the mummy must fall in the "risk" category..

the only task we need to do is to record all our meals... they will reimbursed our transport and we receive free scan every month.. there are more benefits la, i'm still reading into it...

thanks for the link lovinglife.

steph, nope no blood tests was done..only scan...i am actually contemplating on whether to go KK for 2nd opinion, but then i know the result will be the same...

cactus, this is your 2nd pregnancy? then you should all the more have confidence in your body...don't read the link lah..you tend to worry yourself more...this is my "1st" and i'm 31, worrying about trying again...

tsk, thanks for the encouragement...

jes read earlier postings...

fairie & cactus, ya stay positive and strong always... will pray for you and your child... miracles do happen...

hi ladies,

went for my v-scan last sat and saw the beautiful blinking light pumping hard at 137 bpm, measures 6.4mm at 6 weeks 4 days. it made me burst into tears as i have never experienced it before. i actually pinched myself to see if i was dreaming or not.

previously had 2 miscarriages before, am hoping real hard this time is a '3rd time's a charm' and pray hard that the rest of the pregnancy will be a smooth one. this one was a real worrier too cuz i was measuring at least a week late. at 6 weeks plus, only saw a sac measuring to be 5 weeks 3 days. my O was apparently a whoping 11 days late which made sense, cuz i tested a negative on the day period was due, perhaps its because it was the cheap internet test kit. tested again 7 days later with clearblue and then it was BFP.

lovinglife, please add me to the list, thanks.

age: 31

edd: 16th march

baby #1

gynae: Dr LC Cheng

hosp: TMC

location: east

steph, my internet research says that that spotting/ staining basically mean the same la though spotting somehow feel like less serious than staining.

btw can anyone tell me how much staining r u experiencing (if u have such an experience?) mine is light brown, usually concentrate in the middle of the panty liner. (the entire day) is that consider a lot or mild?

fairie- u mean your gynae gave u a choice of doing d/c and let it come out naturally?

I had 2 miscarriages and and I remembered when i asked mine whether i can let it come out naturally, he said it is not advisable, scared not thoroughly clean and can get infection.

Heyz, I've got a question. I ovalated late, but what impact or effect does it have on the pregnancy? Is it with late ovalation, means we do not count from LMP?

Erhm...I progressed from panty liner to pad, then I had blood clots like 1st day of menses so I guessed that was bleeding already. Before that, spotting was just some spots here and there on the pantyliner. Colour went from light brown to dark brown, slightly red, now back to brown.

steph u are right, when u ovulate late means the egg get fertilise late lor so cannot count from lmp. The first scan will be done in reference to lmp, subsequently the following scan, gynae will give a new edd if bb growth follow the previous scan growth rate....hope u understand what i mean.

Hi Fairie, to take good care and rest well k. I read before that women are usually more fertile after a m/c. Do keep on trying k *hugs*

Gulps...me and hubby been trying for one year for this baby...and after doctor say not doing well, both hubby and mil been cooking all the nutritous staff for me, and I got exempted from house work. I'm praying hard that mine is not an empty sac, that baby is developing well with heartbeat and normal...dun think I can handle their disappointment

steph, when is your next checkup? mine this thurs. totally freaking out....esp when i should be anticipating heartbeat this time round.

mine is Wed...also freaking out especially when I had nothing but bad news previously [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Which week are u at?


I am also having spottings on and off a few days, from my past experience of M/Cs. It doesnt look too good, but yet I don't feel like seeing my gynae cos I know hormone pills does nothing much. Your doc had just reconfirm my thoughts. Anyway can only hope for the best and prepare for the worse.


You should go for 2nd opinion if you feel like it, to make sure everything is right. I have gone through D&C and the pills previously on the 2 m/c before i had my boy. Somehow the pill didnt work for me then, I still have to go through D&C in the end.

To all the mummies,


this thurs will be 6 wks. based on lmp should be 6wk 3 dys, gynae say maybe ovulate late....anyway continue to press on, that's all we can do now. really pray we can all get past this initial stage. gynae say all should be stabalised at 14 wk.....sigh long way to go........

Dear mummies-to-be,

Ever wonder what it's REALLY like once your bundle of joy has arrived? :) What better way to learn about motherhood from recent new mums? :) We're a group of new mummies who have just walked this exciting path and would like to share our experiences with you! We'll share our different delivery processes, adapting life changes with our new baby, useful (and often useless!) baby products and most importantly, how to prepare for baby's arrival in the first 30 days to 3 months. To assist you with this major transition in life, we have put together our workshop which will cover all the crucial knowledge in basic babycare and more importantly, the art of caring for yourselves.

Name: Baby Basics Workshop by mums4mums

Time: 3.00pm-4.30pm (90mins)

Date: 22 August 2009 (Saturday)

Fee : $20 per participant

Key Topics covered: (3 speakers)

1) Our delivery experiences

2) Breastfeeding baby (breastpumps recommendations, essential nursing accessories, etc.)

3) Formula feeding (types, bottles, sterilisers, other baby products & brands we like, etc)

4) Baby time (transporting baby, baby activities, games to play and "trial-and-tested" baby necessities)

5) Mummy's time (care for self and family bonds)

6) Q&A

Workshop registration is based on a first come first, capped at the first 20 couples.

We'll provide afternoon tea, snacks and lotsa fun!

Takeaways will also include our workshop summary handouts and useful motherhood information sheets.

Please feel free to contact us at [email protected] for any enquiries & we hope to see you then, thank you!

morning mummies-to-be!

Steph, my doctor didn't talk about measuring HCG. He thinks I ovulated late, cos I tested negative twice, before positive on day 38.. and the calculations from the time I tested positive make sense. but we can only tell if he is correct next Friday during my next scan. I had light pink/brown spotting twice on Sat and Sunday. Yesterday evening, very light pink. Just once. I realise the spotting comes soon after I carried my #1.. so now I don't carry him at all...

miracle tiga, congrats! I hope I can be like you... I'm hoping that I truly ovulated late. I tested negative on day 34, 36, but positive on day 38. I'm normally a 30 day cycle...

Icy, thanks for confirming that my doctor is right. I'm not really keen in intervention, that's why don't really want to take hormones. I believe nature has its own way of supporting a healthy pregnancy and it's no point taking pills to prolong an abnormal pregnancy.. my doctor said in small studies, hormones show some benefit but in much larger studies, no benefit. And in the USA, doctors no longer give hormones as a matter of routine... but in Singapore, some doctors still give, to reassure the mothers to be that things can be done.. and sometimes, the mental element is strong.

jonjosh, I had spotting over the weekend. It was twice on Sat, and twice on Sunday. Very light pink/brown in thick clear discharge.

Last evening, very light pink in thick clear discharge.

cactus, after reading what u have written got me worried.

my staining has been light but continuous since the day i missed my period. last thurs my gynae prescribed me hormones which i have been taking faithfully but the staining issue has still persisted, no improvement but not worsen.

i remembered my last m/c i was bleeding already and my gynae gave me jab at the thigh, bleeding didn't stop and HCG also not high enough so i went in the following morning for d/c. i read somewhere that if a m/c is happening, nothing can stop it.

however i really want to believe that in my case now, the staining may be caused by my weakened uterus (due to 2 m/c) and not an abnormal pregnancy. Anyway i have brought forward my appt to tomorrow....keeping my fingers crossed.

jonjosh, you may be right about the staining caused by a weakened uterus. The older generation say d/cs and abortions (anything that is not naturally) can cause balance to be tipped over, and make the uterus more prone to staining. This is just what I hear... Steph shared that a DIY chicken essence recipe is helpful.. do you want to try to drink chicken essence? Actually, thi smorning, I started drinking chicken essence also.. and I plan to continue to do so. I'm inspired by Step.. since my #1 was born about a year ago, I had been drinking chicken essence whenever I feel tired (sometimes for 6 days in a row, sometimes once every 3 or 4 days), but stopped drinking for about a month since I learnt I was preg cos not sure if chicken essence is safe during pregnancy, but guess will resume drinking now...

jonjosh, I think some doctors may prefer to adopt a wait and see approach... like my doctor. either for me to start to bleed, or for something to show up on a scan.


~2wk ago, I have posted a link for your on blighted ovum and misdiagnosed miscarriage. I'm posting it again here:


Some people only found a fetal pole + heartbeat at the 9th week. Some later. Before that, there was -nothing-.

jon01josh03 is right about the natural miscarriage being incomplete leading to possible infection. Read here on "septic abortion":


If your gynae thinks it's ok to wait it out, then I personally feel your decision to wait for a few more weeks is a good one, considering some people actually got misdiagnosed. Btw, did you experience any spotting/bleeding?

I know it's hard, but just try to take it easy for now.

i also started drinking chicken of essence this morning, hope it helps. the more i read abt it in the internet the more worried i get, guess i'll have to stop scaring myself. relax and find out tomorrow when i see the gynae.

jonjosh, When was your last scan and is your pregnancy dated correctly? Ie, your LMP coincidences with the length of pregnancy?

optimus prime, thanks for the link once again, in fact i'm reading it now (still hoping for some light or miracle)... i've got no spotting/staining but i do have white discharge...things are just the same... but my hubby says if the fetal pole shows up too late, it's also not normal since the bb grows later than other normal babies..

fairie, white discharge is very common during pregnancy. No spotting or staining is good news! Actually, I would not worry too much if no fetal pole yet. There's this article I read.. if the sac is more than 18mm, but no fetal pole, then should start to worry.

cactus my last scan was last thurs. based on lmp 5wks 3 dys but scan is 7mm, 5wks. 3 days behind, gynae say maybe ovulate late also.

Jonjosh, at least you are 3 days behind. I'm supposed to be 2.5weeks behind.. if not, abnormal preg leh!

At last scan, you saw a sac right? It is prob too early to see fetal pole. Alot of articles say fetal pole only seen from week 6 onwards.

haha conincidentally, found the same site [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I think we stumbled upon the same webby, jonjosh!

I think this website is informative for those who are uncertain as to dating.. cos I realise some people with positive experiences despite no fetal age is due to the fact that week 5/6 is too early to to pregnancy dating, and so their doctors go solely by EDD or HCG levels (which are all relative). It may be more helpful to consider the size of the sac to determine when the fetal pole and heartbeat should appear.

i really didn't know that m/c rate is 1 in 5 pregnancies! somehow i got sruck with this bad chances after 2 normal pregnancies.....how strange. last wk, gynae took lots of blood to run a battery of tests to investigate whether my previous 2 m/c will affect the current pregnancy. cost a bomb man.

jonjosh, I've always been a 30 day cycle. sometimes, as early as 28 days. I tested positive on 8 July, negative on 6 July. Minus 15 days from 8 July, it is 24 June. There is a possibility that I ovulated only on 24 June. I was told I was 5 weeks on 16 July. Work backwards, by the scan, I ovulated on 25 June.

That's the only reason my doctor is optimistic.. cos the numbers make sense. but honestly, only the next scan will tell.

jonjosh, I don't want to worry you, but it is routine to run more tests if a person m/c-ed more than 2 times before.. cos there may be some chromosome abnormality. Esp if there was no prior pregnancy before.

On hormone pills - To take or not to take. Is it absolutely necessary?

I think there are several factors that will determine if a preg will be successful. To name a few, like whether the "embryo" is "healthy", and whether uterus is "conducive", etc (sorry, can't think of a better word/s, that's why in " ").

Hormone pills are prescribed for the purpose of helping the uterus stay "conducive" (supports uterus lining which the embryo gets attached to). If the underlying problem is in the embryo itself (chromosomal disorders, etc etc), hormone pills will not help in this aspect. Nothing can prevent such disorders anyway.

Therefore why do gynae prescribe hormone pills when their patients experience bleeding? Well, I honestly think that's the only thing they can prescribe to you which they think is no harm and may still do some good for your uterus lining. Good to have, though not absolutely necessary. If it's safe to consume, then just to be on the kiasu side, why not?

If you don't experience bleeding, they will generally not need to give you hormone pills cos the uterus lining is assumed to be fine. However, if your previous pregnancy was a miscarriage, they may prescribe hormone pills as a just in case. I was given that in my previous pregnancy during the very first visit, after the earlier ended in a miscarriage though I have no bleeding.

I went to the gynae yes'day after experiencing spotting for the past 5 days as I hope to to be prescribed some hormone pills. While I believe it not will help to eliminate all possibilities of unsuccessful pregnancy (for reasons stated above), but if it helps support some part of the pregnancy to a certain extent, why not? I'll just exercise due diligence and do whatever I can. That's my personal opinion, lah.

hi ladies

I went to see my gynae today and can only see sac.

No yolk at the moment.

Prob only can see again next week.



I didn't read through all the articles in the misdiagnosed miscarriage link, but did anyone say if their babies are delivered ok and normal? Maybe can pose the question to your gynae when you do see him/her again.

understand so i think mine shouldn't be that bad coz i already had 2 normal pregnancies before that.

reading abt the" threatened abortion " in our common finding, as long as gestational sac fetal pole and heartbeat can be detacted in our subsequent scan, chances of m/c will be reduced from 50% (for those who are staining)to just 5%. That's pretty encouraging.

I have been talking to the little one in the tummy from time to time. asking him/her to be strong and grow well. I believe our acceptance to their existance can be felt by them and our positive mindset can cause miracle to happen in dire situation.

Optimus Prime, my doctor told me that any spotting/bleeding during early pregnancy is the mother's blood, and it doesn't not harm the baby and neither does it make the baby less normal, unless the spotting/bleeding was caused by unstable pregnancy due to chromosome issues.

jonjosh, yes. I was very encouraged by the 5% figure!

I'm not sure if there's anything we can do at this stage if the fetus is abnormal to begin with. but it if is a weakened uterus, or weak fetus, then I'm sure talking to our bbs will help.


cactus, the thing is i also don't know what is the size of my gestational and yolk sac...and looking at the scans, the last scan and yesterday's scan did not vary much...so mayb the sac stopped growing...not sure also..

hi optimus prime, i didn't get to read whether babies delivered is okie and normal or not..so much to read hehe...

