(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

ya, y not juz ask the TPS to confirm.

but to my knowledge, my frenz also visited the TPS and she's using her hubby's card as well leh...so she do not need to pay any upfront cash.


Cactus, i have same situation as yours now. I just see gynae today for the first visit, and i am about 8 weeks now, but after scanning it shows only 5 weeks, cant detect heart beat also...My gynae said there are may be it is late ovulation (but i did use ovulation test kit and its shown it's ovulated at Day 14). If not it could be,abnormal pregnant.... My husband and me are very worry now..sigh! Will go back to scan again on next Sat, to confirm if the BB is growing...


Thank you for the inspiring and meaningful statements! (Btw, I have sent you a PM.)

"I feel that even an abnormal child deserves to live... I can't abort, or risk losing a baby through a medical procedure like amnio(whether healthy or not)."

"I feel that all babies are capable of feeling loved, whether or not they are normal or abnormal. Even the sickest baby in hospital ICU will stop crying for a while when his mother carries him lovingly in his arms... "

Hi, congrats to mum-to-be!i'm frm June mother. Anyone taking utrogestan (progestron to support pregnancy)? Have overstock 52 pills when i was pregnant. Letting go for $0.40 per pill or ntuc voucher. Willing to neg if you buying all. Pls PM to buy only if you are already currently tking it by oral or insert by doc prescription. Pls PM me.thank you.



Also selling at good prices for Pregnancy book, BN bb gift set,air purifier, osim belt etc as well, wil upload all by end july.

pls view at :


Btw, if anyone need a listening ear for going thru hard pregnancy can PM me too. I have gone thru it all.. 2 miscarriages, quit my job wn i last preg, 28hr hard labour w emerg c sect, cant latch on baby... BUT i'm still a proud mother who happily pump exclusively for my boy. Hang on there... it's all worth it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi all, had my scan yesterday. can hear heart beat ler. ***PHEW*** now waiting for next month to check for DS.

my EDD is 5th March, im 8 weeks now. My gynae is Dr Lawrance Ang (sembawang) 1st baby. I'm 32. Hospital is MT A. Location: Woodlands. can someone add me to the list. thks

Hello everyone,

Chanced upon this thread to find so much support from so many pple. It is indeed heartwarming.

I found myself preg when I thot I was sick. Was so bloated and nauseaus. Even standing up will cause me a lil blackout. after 1.5wks, told my HB to buy a test kit for me and viola.. it's positive.

I visited my gynae to find my foetus to be only 2mm. haha... after much magnification, we could see the heartbeat. Gynae estimates 6 weeks but told me to return 2 weeks later to confirm. Hence he said EDD may be early Mar. That was 2 weeks ago alr.

Then just last tue, I developed fever and cough. Fever went on for 3 days and GP told me to take Tamiflu as he suspected it could be H1N1. However, he couldn't prescribe to me as he doesn't know if it is safe for pregnant ladies. went to NUH and of cos, tested positive. Now, at home away from the public and work.

M alr nauseaus. With Tamiflu, it's worse. I was to segregate from my other 2 kids. I cannot even really play with my no 2 who is only 9 mths old [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I am actually still breastfeeding her. However, looking at the way I'm eating, i Doubt I'm having enuf nutrients for the 3 of us. So m deciding to wean her but at the same time, I am so unwilling. haha... mothers are always in conflicting situations.

Does anyone of you know of anyone else who continued bf though preg?

hi jules,

just visited a doctor becos i'm having slight flu . though no fever, doctor ask me to be more careful (H1N1), there i was worried over this.. I read your post.

hi everyone, chance upon this site as i was researching about staining in early pregnancy. I already had 2 successful pregnancies in 01 n 03. however i do not know why that in 05 and 07 i had 2 miscarriages, the earlier one has no heartbeat even at 9 wks and the size of the foetus doesn't correspond to the actual gestation size. for the latter, experience staining and cramp right after i learnt that i was pregnant and then finally heavy bleeding at about 7 wks. Now i am pregnant again and i am very worried about the pregnancy esp after my previous 2 failed ones. i am not young anymore (36)and all the more worried. i am again experiencing brown discharge and my gyn has given me duphaston. has been taking since last thur 3 x /dy but i don't see any improvement. want to know if any one out there experience staining and if so how long does it take to go away.....really want to have this baby.

Hi gals.

Im new here, need some advice here....

I m normally on 28 to 29 cycle period. And is those type which is very accurate one.

But for this month, i had missed 4 days already, and keep having spotting every time i go toilet. Any advice on this?

hi mummyb, you can go buy the home kit and do a urine test and the answer will be revealed. spotting can mean implanting bleeding which means u r already pregnant. the pregnancy kit now claim to be quite accurate, can test on the day u miss your period, however, if test too early, the line will be quite faint. since u already missed 4 days, then result should be quite accurate la.....

hi mummyb

ya...i agree with mavis, u can juz go to watson or guardian to but the pregnacy home test kit to test le....the result are normal quite accurate by now le...gd luck [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dear Catus

Pls add me too! My EDD is 8 March, 1st pregnancy, Gynea is Prof PC Wong @ NUH. Location is Seng Kang. Thank u big big [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

CACTUS, when will you see your gynae again? How do you feel now? i am kind of worry...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

morning all..

welcome all new mums..

butterwaffles, ermmz.. thats good to hear!but do take good care of urself eh.. i also took so much mc in the past 3 weeks i feel so paiseh.. i took abt 8 days liao..

tsk.. i feel the same!

feel so monday blues today.. tired n sleepy..*yAwNz*

hey girls,

Normally when will MS start. Its been 2mths but i didnt have any MS. This morning feel a bit nauseous. Dunno if its MS. And im getting more n more tired. Yawning since i woke up. haiz...

hi chloe,

MS can start as early as 1 mth into pregnancy. Ur MS shld haf started since u said u started feeling nauseous & tired. For mi, i will vomit out my breakfast every morning, terrible feeling.. And i will oso feel super sleepy throughout the whole day, cant even concentrate on work.

serlina...thanks a lot for the info. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

butterwaffles...hey thanks. so do i tell my gp tt i want dr benjamin tham? then, how abt the subsequent visits? u will confirm the nxt visit on the day u visit the doc is it? what is tps?

thanks for yr help.

Hi All

I need lotsa support! We went to see our Gynae in 6th week, found sac was too small, took blood test every two days thereafter, and whilst the HCG level is increasing, but not as much as the Gynae would liked it to be. Plus, I was bleeding like mini menses last week, fortunately it came down to spotting over the weekend. Seeing our gynae again tmr for scanning. Praying hard that we can see bb has developed with heartbeat. Anyone went thru similar scenario and pregnancy was smooth?

hi chloe,

i think there's no hard and fast rule when MS will start or stop, it depends on your own body.. if u already are feeling nauseous..n tired..bloatedness..yes u r experiencing MS..=)


don't worry too much.. just pray and keep urself positive and also..take good care of ur own body!

hi steph, my 2nd miscarriage was like that. size of sac was 1 wk behind schedule and no heartbeat detacted at 7th wk. Do u have cramp? I do and one morning started to bleed like 2nd day of mens. went gynae immediately. he say found no tissue in blood means foetus still intact so gave me jab (super pain) took blood test, HCG level too low so ask me in for DnC following morning. Don mean to scare u but if u have bleeding or cramp, must minitor closely.

blueyrose, you just have to call KKH TPS (The Private Suite), tell them you wish to book an appointment with Dr Tham can already. If you have any gynae under TPS, it'll always be the same gynae who'll attend to you until delivery [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tiredkarin, if i can afford to take more mc, i will...but only 14 days per year so i have to keep count. Last week, got a day i felt so bad i took leave. Really dread mornings...

tsk, me too, feels very nauseous, really sian. I hope this will pass very soon.

Hi Josephyn, I also had spotting over the weekend! It didn't happen with my first pregnancy. Happened on and off, twice on Sat and twice on Sunday. I went to see doctor this morning. He told me to just hang in there.. wait it out. He didn't give me any pills though.. he left it to me to decide want to take or not.. he said pills will probably lengthen a pregnancy that would naturally self terminate, but if the pregnancy is abnormal, it may be some chromosome disorder which will still show up in mid-trimester scan. Pills will not stablise a healthy pregnancy in itself. A healthy pregnancy will still continue without the pills. So I opted not to take hormones...

Butterwaffles, yes, the stuff you were given is the hormone therapy that my doctor was tellin me about.

Miss Taurus, sorry for replying late to you post, I don't usually come online over the weekends. I only come o nline when I'm at work. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm due for another scan in 2 weeks' time. I told my doctor I don't want to have a half-answer. Rather just know good news, or know bad news. don't want to guess. So he said by week 7 should know already. I'm keeping my fingers tight. I didn't use ovulation kit. When did you test for pregnancy? if you tested late, maybe i tis truly late O? In my case, I tested negative on day 34, day 36 (different kits), but positive on day 38 (same kit as the one I used on day 34). All the kits used were high sensitivity, designed to pick up 1 day after HCG is found in increased levels in urine.

Hi Cactus

Please update my EDD as 10 March 2010. Just visited the gynae this morning.

Bad morning sickness from 5th week onwards. Cold sweats, burping, giddy spells, vomitting etc..

Hope it can get better.

See that there's many new mummies - congrats to all and lets all have a safe and smooth pregnancy and delivery process!

Hi Cactus, so far i do not have any spotting along the way. I tested for pregancy 4 times on day 29th, 30th, 31th and 32th because test result on 30th and 31th not very clear.. I am taking utrogestan now..

Hi Jonjosh

I have cramps almost on a daily basis, but it wasn the severe type. May I ask what was your HCG level before you got called in?

Hi ladies

can i check do you feel hot like face flushing kind.. temp around 37.3 to 37.5? is it signs of rumming temperature or it's norm?

Miss Taurus, no spotting is good news! I had some spotting over the weekend - just hanging in there to see how it develops. I opted not to take utrogestan. I had my first positive faint line on day 38, so holding on to the hope that I ovulated late.. and the dates are wrong..

hi all =) i'm here to join u all =D Jus bk frm gynae. Only can see waterbag n yolk sac. 5 wks plus niah. Hope can hear heartbeat 3 wks later. Edd wil be 28mar. this is my no. 2. hopin for a gal! keke... i hv a 15mths old boy who is v v active!!!

Hi ladies, actually i do not wish to post my sad news here that might affect the mtbs..but i'm really at a lost what to do next and i can't see other threads that has topics on this...i'm supposedly to be in my 8 weeks 6 days and went for a scan today, doc is still unable to see a fetal pole and has confirmed mine to be a failed pregnancy. She has given me options either to wait for it to happen naturally or go through d/c surgery or to insert pill into the vagina to remove it..(don't know how this is done though). ive decided to consider and of coz prefers for it to come out naturally..but what if it doesn't, will leaving the empty sacs in my body be harmful?

I really hope someone can assist me in this.

Thanks and i wish all mtbs smooth pregnancy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Does anyone have any comment about Dr Kee from TMC?

Does he deliver in Mt.A?

I just tested positive and am so blur about what to do.


Hi fairie, I'm not hoping to jinx myself... but there is a chance my experience will mirror yours. My doctor told me his preference is for it to happen naturally.

Can I ask you something? What is the size of your sac now? Is it at about 9 weeks? That's why you say that you are at 8 weeks 6 days?

I don't mean to ride on your misfortune, but I hope to learn more about my situation. By dates, I am 8 weeks now, but my doctor takes me to be at 5.5 weeks because he takes the size of the sac. He says that he expects fetal pole to be present at week 6. I'm not sure if he is giving me hope...

cactus, honestly my gynae has never told me how big or how many weeks is my sac...8 weeks 6 days is counting my LMP which was 26 May 09. This is the 2nd time she has tried to find the fetal pole but to no avail and thus she confirmed failed. Do not worry so much, i'm sure your doctor knows what he is doing and by week 6, you will be able to see your bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] take care!

fairie, I don't think my doctor is lying to me, but I find him rather optimstic... and it unsettles me a little.

I hope things work out well for you.

he doesn't want you to worry, cactus...my gynae was more direct, from the first day when i went for my scan when i was 5 weeks then and had brown discharge, she already told me it could be ectopic pregnancy even before she scanned, upon scanning found the pregnancy sac. During my second scan, when she couldn't see a fetal pole, she already told me it could be a failed one..but wanted me to go back again after 10 days..and so i did and today i got my reply... i rather she was more optimistic like your doctor...

steph, that was 2 yrs ago, cannot remember the HCG level already. I am currently 6 wk pregnant and also experienceing cramping and daily staining. My gynae say cramping is quite normal, he is more concerned abt the staining, that's why i'm on duphaston.....still staining. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hi grace,

I'm too felt hot like face flushing kind with high temp but i have giddy and headache feeling. not sure is it running with fever or a sign of falling sick.

fairie, I suspect you are right. he may not want me to worry. what's the point in worrying at this stage yah? optimistic may give false hopes though.

hihi, finally seen gynea! seen baby and heartbeat too!! everything went smoothly.. edd remain as 18th [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cactus, dun give up hope. jia you ok. i will pray for u. when is your next visit?

I wish all of us will keep on writing till we deliver. I wish everyone well. Let's jia you ok?

fairie, sorry to hear abt your loss. i had d&c done immediately in the next day when we found out bb has no heartbeat... my case was more complicated because i was already 12 weeks along. there is risk for me to opt for natural. i hope you can find your solution soon and do some mini confinement after...

congrats lovinglife! I so wish I could have said the same for me...

thanks, chloe. I'm seeing doctor on 7 August. Really hoping all to be well. So far, things suggest that it is a late ovulation.. I hope I don't have anymore spotting.

cactus, yah most important now is for mummy to be happy and baby will be happy also... so doc doesn't want you to have unnecessary worry ..

hi lovinglife, thus i decide to wait for a few more weeks, if nothing happens then i will opt for d&c. thanks...

thanks so much for the encouragement, lovinglife. I really hope to stay on this thread. Everyone's been so nice and supportive.

