(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

Aiyoh, my whole family is sick too! Hope my LO is resistant due to my intake of antibotics. Hope all LOs are ok and healthyin this new year!

I do give angbaos to my sb colleagues. Also want to symbolize Kai Gong Dai Ji! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

chloe, so fast got plague??

Wahha i dun have subordinates so i no need to give. But my idiot boss dun give me too.. only the company gives...

Hope everyone recover fast!!! Bugs pls stay away!!

Looking forward to the gathering next sun!!

And back to work soon - sianz...

strawberryz paiseh me dun have cos mine is lousy like dunno what..

I am feeling damn tl... Sometimes my parents really make me feel damn worthless


I've got a tin of Similac Stage 2 (900g) expiring by 23 June 2011, willing to sell at $25. Self pick up at Tampines.

Do pm me if you are keen.

BabeE- my boss lets me work from home every fri. Although at home, sometimes very difficult to respond to mail and office may think I am not working.. But I already told them upfront so that expectations can be set right...

These days I don't bring laptop home to work over weekends already.. Juz leave on d dot, cannot finish come back to clear next day.. Lucky to have understanding big boss n teammates to help..

I feel the need to spend all my time with kid at this stage of her development.. Of course the practical aspect of $$$ and not being able to join back n workforce at current remuneration is a concern.. No more restaurants n holidays.


Yes... They brot up 2 kids. But kids these days are not like before. So many things I already close 1 eye, and yet they still think they are perpetually correct.

If you want to do something behind my back, then make sure you do a proper job of covering it up. The "stories" they come up with never match up. Can't even coordinate the story with each other, how to believe?

What we ask of at this stage is for some perserverance to make her at least eat or drink something. Everything use "Oh... She no appetite" as an excuse. Mind you I clearly remember as a child she never let me use that as an excuse ok.

So lee hai ask my brother to support them lah.

Whatever I do for this household is unrecognised. The other person who doesn't contribute, doesn't help around the house... We all must accommodate for.

This is how I hv always been treated and now with the lil one I get treated even worse.

Cool down-- sibling rivalry ah..

I recall my parents mentioned the same to me before - we think our (ie parents) way are d best for our child, sometimes not receptive to their comments. They were like us once [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Maybe Yr parents also need some encouragement- try soft way - may appeal to them for d best of Eva.

U know how far u have contributed to d family - we can't help if d parents practise double standards.

that's one of the reason why im resisting to have a 2nd one.

I don't know how to love 2 children, it's sounds impossible for a "calculative" person like me. (occupational hazard la...)

my mom also come up with weird logics and stories to buy herself out at times, i know she's bullshitting me but aiyah bochup at times. As a working cum weekend mommy, a trusted caregiver is more than what i can ask for.... just like they say... beggars no chooser lo.


your contributions will not go in vain.

you're accumulating good karma and setting a good example for Eva. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Will send contact to you later ;) for CL


Just make the best out of things, if you have options then choose... parents can be unfair but not intentionally, I notice that long long ago.

Now all's fair with my MIL - her only attention given is to ayden, her other grandson/granddaughter have been shelved.... and my SIL is due in sept - bahh baahhh... Ayden drop value soon too ;p

Good morning mommies,

to all who are sick, get well soon... i kena viral infection... having 2 days mc... doc said must ve got the virus during house visiting.. sian to the max ahh...


hahaha.... think in another aspect by making full use of your occupational hazard on 2 children la- you need to balance your account so you need to balance 2 children too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


can understand how you feel.... seen the same situation in the older generation in my family who went thru the same thing too... i know it's hard to stay oblivious but divert your attention to eva and she will make you feel happier, much much happier...

Thanks everyone for ur encouragement. Make me teary-eye...

Another year to go thru... sigh... I dun even know why I bother


That's also why I'm having 2nd thots abt 2nd child. Barely have time for the 1st one. If 2nd one comes along, then 1st one how to balance...

Not exactly my version of a good start to the new year

Good morning mummies

Happy New Year !!

Bb caught cough and running nose on after 1 day of visiting on first day of cny [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Just recovered recently and again... haiz...battle with syringes again.


cheer up !! lets learn fr their mistakes and not practice in future..


maybe can try for 2nd when u feel more managable...its still early to decide...hee


get well soon ! the clinic downstairs v gd business lately, esp during cny period, so crowded :p


oh no, baby a also sick ahh... *muaks*

yes yes, business very good ahh... i dragged myself down yesterday and reach the clinic at 3mins before 8am and i'm the 7th patient liao... when i came out, the whole clinic was more crowded than NTUC ah.

apparently, pple (like me) are sick not due to over-feasting during CNY period... but due to coming into contact with sick pple during house visiting ba.... sian..

mummies, need help and advise...if introduce FM, should start with step 2 or 3 ?? how to prepare FM, with regards to temp of water and transitioning fr BM to FM, which is better, vol or feed titration ?


mine isnt that good to start either.

v short in manpower and dont know when the 2replacement headcount are gonna to be approved man.

The only thing that keeps me going, and keep myself sane during OT hours (when all other lights in other depts are switched off) is my wallpaper on my desktop, Iphone, MSN which got Selene with a big big smile.

FM... i still got one tin of Similac Stage 2 unopened and Selene is turning 1 yo...

Don't know when to wean off BM yet. Sometimes i feel that pumping time is ME time... can relac relac abit at work hehehehe


for ur case, i thought feed titration is much appropriate... dun think ifc is so hardworking to go and mix bm + fm...

as for water temp, if drink say 150ml (100to110ml boiled cool-down water + 40to50ml hot water)depending on ur princess' preference... as long as end product is lukewarm can liao..

Jmmabb, I give stage 2 without giving stage 1. When I intro FM I slowly replace one feed by one feed. I start by giving him at night cos easier to feed. Temp of water I just mixed hot water with cooled down boiled water till it's jus nice for feed.

U are good. Still on TBF [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] good job mummy

Ladyk, I can't sustain TBF already. Now starting to supplement with FM. Really no time to pump at home and can only pump once in office. Also feel like stopping pump but decided not to as during CNY period when we were out the whole day n didn't bring BM out, end up he get constipated... So still will pump and give him abt 1 to 2 feed a day.


get well soon! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


a few of us are going kindermusik at tanglin. wana join? we don't have a date yet cos kindermusik can't confirm early. prob 2+pm slot.


Jin Yin Hua is dried honeysuckle flowers. i used to dab on dyl's skin when he is younger but note that it can be very drying.


how is it possible to work from home? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i'm working 4 days so trying to complete some stuff on my off days but I find it so impossible to even switch on the computer when i m home.


i give the office cleaning lady an ang pao every year. she's so happy to receive it. really light up my day.


I read that Enzo's eating rejection is a phrase. Toddlers change all the time. One day like fish, next day don't like fish, eg.

Swollen Womb:

I've been having bad cramps and heavy period. Doc says my womb is swollen and is common after delivery. He asks me to take hormone pill for a couple of month to stabalise it. Any mums here have similar problem? My hormones is in a total wreck. I've been throwing up all morning. I'm thinking whether to seek second opinion.


nvm la, you've done well enough.

Selene isnt TBF anymore.. i mean she got solids as well but it can't totally replace her meals too. and her intake is still like 150ml BM every 2-3hrs. Tried to up her beyond 150ml and she refused to take too.


omg, how come this problem only surface now? i mean, it has been months after delivery.... You thinking of homeopathy again huh? Are you throwing up because of the hormone pills?

Now that you posted this, i have this weird problem too. I will have bad cramps one week before my menses and not during menses, and i thought i got gastric pain... my menses aint that heavy, just that it stretches 5-7 days (which is the same as before)


Better seek 2nd opinion. Why are you throwing up? Sorry... I read here speed there.. You expecting #2 ;)?

Have you taken any new supplements or food? Sleep ok? Stress?

Take care k ;)


i got my period when dyl is 3 months old remb? these few months my period choose to be like 5 to 6 weeks interval instead of 28 days. gynae says more time for lining to build up so heavier period. i stopped pills 1 month prior to getting preggy but i don't have cramps previously. u better go check out. it's almost time for pap smear anyway.


NEY. not possible. i think i'm seriously sick. stomach flu or something.


if possible, continue breastfeeding as long as u can and as long as Selene wants. Benefits her and also you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i planning to stop at 1 yr but then i dont know if i can do it, cos i m still latching her once a day on wkdays and over the wkends. pumping and latching integrated into my life already, not sure of how to stop.....how about u ??


thanks !! my hb prefers feed titration as volume quite troublesome. aiyah, stupid ifc, the teacher sure v happy if i give them fm instead.


shd i give 3 straight away so no need to transition 2x(bm to 2 and 2 to 3) ?? also thinking of intro FM at night easier but my fren advises me to intro AM in case any allergy reaction.

my girl drinks little thats y i call still tbf her, on average only drinks 100mL, 4 feeds a day...u tried your best already, great job mummy !! *pat on your back*


seek 2nd opinion asap...

Ladyk, haha... What I mean is still on BM but not FM. Our babies definitely need more than milk at this stage.

Same, max for mal is only 150ml anything more he reject. Still on 3 hrs feeding schedule for solids / milk. So he still take 5 feed milk plus 2 solids.

Tried lengthening the duration but end up feeding less so no choice. Well, used to his eating style so just stick to it.

Seren, swollen womb sound serious. Do get a 2nd opinion if things dun get better

Jmmabb, I jump to stage 2 immediately. Well not actually considered immediately cos he did take stage 1 when he was few weeks old but after dat was complete bm for 9 mths before I give stage 2.

When I intro fm, I gave at either the 9pm feed or the 5am feed when he is sleeping. So the rejection was lesser. If worry, then maybe give at the early morning feed when she have not wake up? It took me quite sometime to get him to drink.

Mal max only 150ml but on 5 feed which I can't meet the demand with a pump... Imagine one pump to get 750ml... Must be a cow to do that.... Haha.....

I ok with using FM since he is already 10mth. Jus dat he get constipated so I still will try give him a feed or 2 of bm a day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just a day without bm I saw the effect already. But at least can save some FM $$$ and maximize my pump usage lor


will try intro FM at night, keep fingers cross..heard that bb might reject FM, so intro when they sleeping easier to bluff...heheee

went to chk out FM in supermarket, so ex leh !! hahaa..u r right save FM $$ and maximize pump usage.

1 pump 750mL really become cow liao, must change bottles haha, u pump once, how much u get ??

today thread so active, it's been a long while since I have to speed read the postings to catch up !


it's almost one yr now then womb swollen? U saw a GP or gynae, don play play go check it out soonest.


trust me it's totally possible to love 2 child equally, initially I tot it's impossible too but now I know I can haha, ask cc :p....saw Eva in her liverpool jersey, soooooo cute tat lil fellow. Both my boys are also into the BPL, aiyo, Jonathan wears nothing but his spurs jersey, pressurising my helper to wash daily heehee...

winnie, jmmabb, lady,

salute the 3 of u!! BF mommies champion!

winnie, jmmabb, ladyk,

I salute you ladies too!


Well... Let's see how things go first. This year definitely not a good time to get preggy.

Cute huh the Liverpool baby kit? She turned so many eyes that day.


JJ is right ;), you no need ask me... Heeheee... Ask hubs, he refuse to try or have even one. Now he has 2+2, :D! He's seems a happy camper with all the squeeze, screams, wailing, vomited.. poo!! Kids grow too fast ;(

JJ, babeE, thanks for compliments. U ladies make me blush

Jmmabb, ya ya I now then realized FM not cheap after I start buying them since last mth. Pocket big big hole... I intro at night cos mal is a real fuss ball... Took me almost a mth to get him to accept FM... He is already not feeding much to begin with but he rather starved then drink FM in the initial stage. Real fussy boy. Only at night time was easier but still take 1 mth

No la, how can I pump 750ml in one go!!!! If like dat I no need buy FM lor. Now one pump can give abt 1 to 2 feed. Will continue with pumping till it's less than a feed. Jus see how long my breast will auto wean itself, so I m still playing by ear [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

serendipity, ya sounds weird to be swollen after close to a yr? I remember at my June visit to gynae last yr, he said the womb went back to original size.. pls seek second opinion k?

And enzo food intake, thank god, it's back to 70-80% normal.... i think it is really a phase, cannot explain why...

breastfeed - i successfully stop!! keke.. havent pump for 4 days.. Only manual express at night to relieve the fullness.. And it's alot of time for me now... Of cos i do miss pumping n the free milk.

jmmabb, 1 pump 750ml???!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

im not greed,y jus wish i have half of urs. i fell sick last week, ss drop drastically. now 18hrs only get 150ml. me too hope to bf till 1. another 11days to go, but 150ml, not even enough for a feed. how?

elise, wish... yalor i think its plague, cant be wrong. dunno wat nanny feed him? candy everyday? hahahaha... blame it on nanny.

serene, yes yes i wanna to join. 2pm is ok. sms me ok? elise and winne might be interested too.

hi hi,

So many posts!! Cant catch up!


I gave stage 1 (for cereal only at first) then stage 2 in cup now. My girl no bottles, only spoon feed FM and then latch on BM.


Are u taking the hormone pills now? Might be the cause of vomiting. Better seek 2nd opinion. U prefer which gynae or which location?? I only heard abt inverted placenta after delivery of #1, whereby the mummy may need go thro surgery.

Take care!


ya, i think u should go have it checked out and seek a second opinion. sounds very scary to be vomitting every morning... actually, i also feel nauseous every time when i brush my teeth. my silly hubby says it's psychological.. but i really feel like puking le!

Joyful, me too feel nauseous when I brush teeth in the morning. It never goes away.

Seren/Chloe, I keen to join too. Can include me? SMS me? May miss the post.

Seren, I agree to seek 2nd opinion. My menses also now longer like 30 days instead of 26 days in the past. Flow still ok but could be heavier first 2 days.


my cycle is exactly 5 weeks (35 days). it always happen on a Friday!!!! no one day more or less, it's like this for 3 cycles already.

No wonder my first few days are REALLY HEAVY... i didnt feel like doing anything but just to be in the shower room...

I do recall that, before i was pregnant, mine was also ard 30 days only... tsk tsk.

LOL, who 1 pump 750ml? wow, power man.

I'm still on 4 pumps, around 1 litres a day. Tried to drag 3 pumps but the foremilk was too much, too diluted for Selene's tastebuds.

At first, i was pressured to wean off because DH wanna backpack but i think the backpacking plan is shelved because of some restructuring exercise in his company.



Mal's intake is abt the same as Sel.

2 meals solids and 4-5 times of milk.

Her diet is v old school... porridge, she loves pumpkin porridge with fish (cod/threadfin).

We give her soft bread, rice with egg yolk/ fish slices too. She eats almost anything that we are eating...

I'm just looking forward to the day that she can hold milk bottle and drink milk herself... LOL.

