(2010/03) March 2010 mtb


Woah u are fast!!! My hb just went over to Isetan with pil and sil. I had to stay home with the kids since it would be very crowded today.

Like I mentioned to JJ, I was at Isetan yesterday. A lot of Kiasu people like me already reserving clothes and items for the sale today.

istean sale,

I'm into the brand neoflam, korean cookware. bought 2 claypot (coupon) $56, usual price is $119

It's a good buy! bought a super small one to make K's porridge a few wks ago. Find it really good so buy the big one for soup and porridge for the whole family hahaha...Also bought their wok at 40%! panasonic hair dryer, Sanyo iron and kettle set and kitchen digital weighing scale.

Notice I didn't buy any clothes wahahaha, I'm getting too out of proportion so household depmt is where I'll go for now :p


ahhh but she will cry at 1am, 3am 5am!! arghhh I'm zombified [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


lots of gd buy for u.

Okie, Lucas is another cub that wakes up early between 7-8am even on weekends. He will not let me sleep a little longer once he's awake. *dah*


r u ordering the kueh lapis from BP? U tried it b4?


eeee i didn't place order for kueh lapis leh, i think i asked whether they put brandy in them. there are a few BP taking orders for kueh lapis, there is one with brandy added. Still thinking leh, i'm super out of shape waaa waaa....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


吃了再说, haha... I love to eat, so am looking forward to CNY goodies. Yum Yum...didnt get to eat them this year, CONFINEMENT then... so coming year going to eat double. Haha...

I asked for sample but she dun travel to west side, but did offer to send me through post but am thinking will it get smash.


I like kueh lapis by the traditional confectionery near my place but very ex leh... I like the Bengawan Solo ones too.

Mr back fm Isetan. Spent a couple of $100s n bot the ceramic knife set. Think they always replenish the set n is not limited.

Any cheap & good car seat @ Isetan sale? Am thinking to change the present car seat

Combi n the usual brands there. Nothing extra I think. Combi 15%. but I personally would recommend maxicosi xp. Light, good, sturdy not very ex.

$118, one big n small knifes, a peeler n a thin cutting board. But there is a black blade set at the same px n the small knife is a peeler knife. According to the sale person, black blade is sharper than white blade n cos more ex normally. But I take the white blade one.


Don't think I'll go to Isetan. Orchard is out of the way for me and weather a bit gloomy...

Cath Kidston is having sale! Someone wanted to get a bag the last time i was in UK, one of my friends in the UK is selling BN bunch flowers tote at SGD 85 with shipping and Briar rose shopper at SGD 65 with shipping. PM me so i can link u up if u're interested [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


thanks..yah 2 bottom pearlies in exchange for reject latching, so weird. feel so sad..lets hope for better teething next time..

u have my fb ? i upload photo of bb opening your present hee...


bring us good news of your selection of your unit


thanks so much, oh yes, she also now on her fours trying hard to crawl..xmas wishes came true [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i think u got my present in exchange, hb got Enzo name. robinson wrapper, hope is useful and he likes it...


Hehehe... POSITIVE VISUALIZATION!!! But this morning I woke up wondering whether I was visualising the correct unit anot... Hahahaha....

afternoon mommies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

happy shopping!...it's e "shopping season" before CNY arrives:D

time never stops ticking n it's coming to 2011!!


Last day of 2010. All of us have a great achievement this year for having our LO! Wishing all a happy n properous new year n may all wishes come true in 2011 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning mommie,

hope for a better year 2011 for all, good health and abundance of joy and laughter!

Seems like just yesterday babies were cuddling in our arms - now can't hold them still for 2mins!!!! Gotta wrestle my lil tiger for hugs!

Yoz Mommies.. i'm popping to wish everyone a "Prosperous 2011! May all mommies stay pretty and cheerful and our little ones be happy & healthy always and of cos our thread be invader-free"

morning all mommies![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

may you all have a wonderful 2011!

good health and lots of laughters n joy:D

Hi hi... posting from Resort World. Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year. All the best ahead for us!!!

