(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

BabeE, thanks!

headache headache headache!!! didnt know it is so hard to find a venue. worse than wedding hahaha...


Not that easy to find venue that's kids friendly and within budget I reckon... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Here's some other places to consider. Some Mums also mentioned them before:


Hellloooooo mommies,

How was X'mas celebration for all of u?

Isetan private sale finally here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Going to go get some stuffs.

Wa u gals really aiming big 1st birthday bash!! I still have no clues on what to do heehee...

Me no Isetan member so no sale to go to. Anyway also not free lah.

I merely suggested birthday party then hubs very on with the idea. But organiser? ME!!! Then I got bored and tried to pull out of the idea, but hubs don't want. Haiz... But birthday party will mainly be food, drinks and cake. Not like those McD-sorta parties. That we'll leave it till the lil one can really participate in those games then we'll hold it. Therefore...... the 1st birthday bash is still pretty manageable.

Goody bags can actually ask those wholesale shops near my office to prepare and pack. Just select the items you want and they do the rest. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


little z is so cutte! he's such a brave boy too! hehe.. i'm sure the heavy duty float that his father bought will serve him better hehe..

elise or any mums using ceremic knife,

how the ceramic knife u buy from isetan? is it really good?

hi toray!

tks for the xmas gift for belle!

will figure out the 1001 ways of wearing that head gear.. heehee.. IF she would allow of course. right now its sitting on her mashimaru :p

morning mummies,

my girl recovered fr fever but still have cough. she has been on milk strike since sunday refuses to drink milk from bottle,latching, straw cup. haiz..wonder if is due to her cough or pearlies sprouting..headache!!


i got your xmas present exchange, thanks so much !!


thanks, but the pearlies is giving us a very hard time..cant imagine molars in future. i wan to surrender..

u planning to have #2 next yr, rabbit or dragon ??

morning all!!

Keke.. me planning #2 but i dun get preggy easily so shall try n try n try..

I am soo tired now! Enzo learned the skill of clapping and he was almost up every hr last night to sit up, clap, sleep.. the cycle keep repeating!!


hope you manage a bunny gal ;)

Ayden did the same almost 2 weeks back - clapping - sleep clapping! Now the novelty has stop and he only claps when he feels happy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. He knows so many new things!! His brother showed him tongue and yesterday was practice tongue day ":p" all day!

It's so cute to see Ayden clap when I sing "if you are happy and you know it "clap" your hands... Heeheeee he claps ;), pats his head too - ;)

CC - so smart!! I sing but Enzo no reaction le.. maybe my singing is bad!! Hahahha.

Heeheee... Think I have the only baby that calls "jie jie" "kitty" "AYDEN" lol... He seriously calls himself ;p no calling mommy or daddy - not to forget his all time "nan-nan"

Agreed! I do that with Eva too. She loves the same song. Claps hands + wriggle butt! Very cute!

CC, Elise,

Ayden n Enzo have good development [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so smart of them

Jmmabb, glad u like the present. Mal was quite cranky when his tooth are cutting through, gum swollen too so wasn't too keen on food/milk as well. It was worst at night time... Hope his next teething will be better...

Priscilla, I think I got yr gift from the exchange. Mal was happily slamming on his toys (his fine motor skills have yet to be refined) but I think I have more fun playing it.... This mummy....

On leave trow to bring mal for check up... Is the ceramic knife useful? Tempted to get one cos finally have to cook now... Btw anyone know where to get glass cutting board?


Glass cutting board for cutting food - saw it before in one department store but I can't recall where. Thinking of getting it to cut meat as it's easier to clean and I feel it's cleaner as those plastic board do get "cut" and the meat juice then to get trapped in between and I find it hard to clean.


hmmm... The thought of cuttin on glass makes my teeth feel "sour" heeheee... I'd keep a look out if I make it to isetan tomorrow k.


hehe i use glass to cut food at home, MIL bought it for us.... its good for cutting only, easy to wash and clean like you said but not suitable for pounding or chopping... hee hee..

Any babies keen to take up kindermusik trial with Dyl? $30/baby on 16 Jan, 2pm. Venue is tanglin mall.

Need 10 babies to confirm private class. If Feb is better I could call to check again.


Any idea where yr mil get it? I seldom pound n chop so I guess it's good enuf just for cutting slices of meat or trimming away fats.

Good afternoon mommmies,

december just isn't a good month this year... so many incidents that happen at work.... then at home, bb sick, then followed by me...hopefully it all will end..

will want #02. but #01 must be independent enough and able to co-operate before embarking on when #02 will come.. it also allows more bonding time with #01 if there's a 2-3 years age gap... seeing her grow everyday and surprising everybody with her new stunts and actions just fill our days with happiness now...

mommies, it's hi-time to start spring cleaning, getting new clothes for yourself and the little ones liao... i was flipping through 2011 calendar and it came knocking that we are about 1 month away from chinese new year only leh...

No CNY shopping for me. But still placed reservation for pineapple tarts. Hehehe... Golf ball pineapple tarts from Le Cafe. Yumzzzz... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


It was a good lunch! And first time I buy clothes with friends around. Lucky you tell me GG5 got sale... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BabeE, no CNY for me too but wont keep me away from shopping and buying CNY goodies. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


CNY I'm only into pineapple tarts, sugee, kueh lapis and melon seeds. *Drool*...


Just a few more days to 2011 and you can Auld Lang Syne away all those bad vibes in 2010!

Wow, 2 more le cafe fans [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] made my reservation already. Talk about being kiasu!

Happy holidays ahead, count your blessings n look forward to the new year.

Hi mummies

These few days been very busy with shopping n packing..

Tmr will be going to genting! Talk to u guys again when i am back. Take care n enjoy the holidays!

Morning mommies,

Haven't done this for Yrs!! Now go cheong sale, next station Orchard!!!! Anyone there too?? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] haven't even had my breakfast !!

JJ u soo early!!!!!!!!!! I hitting orchard after lunch... nothing much to buy...

magdelinh enjoy!! me going KL tml!!

the $1 golf balls?? keke.. nice i like my stupid hubby says why so ex??

I am a great fan of love letters.. Can anyone tell me if you got contacts for the homemake in milo tin ones??


WHAT??!!! So now where is the queue? Wah lau... This is hardcore shopping man. Update us on your loots k!


Aiyo... When I went to book 2 weeks back already a number of collection dates booked out liao. Le Cafe is that popular lor. Then cannot book with the Middle Road branch cos I don't have that many bottles.


Tell your hubby $1 per golf ball is not expensive. They don't stinge on the pineapple in their tarts. My mum bakes her own each year and even she agrees that it's not ex. If ex she wldn't let me order liao. Hahahaha...


I'm out of there , go in grab, pay, arrange for home delivery and out I go. I'm feeling weak, going to get my breakfast wahahaha, heng I don do this often!! :p

Haha Elise,

Wat to do, K wakes me up at 7 am every morning.

Tot u will cheong for it.


yes 8.30am and I was like where does the Q start? The staff says just turn to ur left. Then I basically kept walking and walking and walking....

Hey winnie glad that little Mal like it I bought 2 and I also enjoying it this can helps bb to improve motor skills 

Hi Elise so blur of me hvnt even say thank u Fr the gift Charlotte like the penguin till she kiss it so many times, u going KL ? Enjoy yrself 

Hello mummies

MIA for few days sorry didn't wish all of u happy holiday stil not to late to wish everyone Happy New Year 


I ordered 5bots from the other branch too. The lady there is nicer as compared to Middle Rd. You placed order with the Veerasamy Road or Cambridge Road one?

JJ no le.. i nothing to buy.. so go later... just go join in the fun and i hope i dun spend too much...

priscilla, welcome!!

I dunno i received whose present le.. Can someone tell me who? And i mix all of Enzo's present together and i dunno which one is it too! Keke.. blur mommy.

