(2010/03) March 2010 mtb


wong bb says no ikan bilis cos nowadays they prepare the ikan bilis v unhygenically. and also not as good quality as before. she said it during the avent weaning talk right? hehe..



I think fingers easier to wean off. Can always do what Carol does when the kids get bigger... Bitter nail polish [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ladyk, my gal also just discover tat she can suck her thumb...she can hide her thumb under her hanky & put it into her mouth...

I was told that pacifier is easier to wean off... just throw away can already...but thumb is hers and she can suck anytime! Hard to kick the habit... so now i'll give her pacifier if i saw her sucking her thumb.

joyful, i was sleeping in the class. she talked too fast. hee...

xiaoh, dats wat i did also. den i realise he has been sucking pacifier the whole day, which i dun really like also. i wanna give pacifier only when he goes to bed.

anyone knows where to get nice haversack to go with office wear?

Chloe, you so funny (da bian)!! some mommies give suggestions like smoking break! I dont see why bosses should be so anal about us taking breaks to pump unless of cos if we mis-use the rights lah.

I didnt attend the weaning talk so miss the part on ikan bilis..

crumpler... hmmm.. cant go with office wear right? i wanna be handsfree like winnie, so can fetch z straight after work.


u want nice haversack like branded haversack?!!? aiyoo..not value for money la.. i had on LV one, totally regretted buying. I bot it for 1300, sold for 300. siao or not.

scallops sounds better, ladyk! but i think e old folks wanna put in ikan bilis for the calcium.. hmm,.. so any nice alternatives for calcium? healtier choices?


eh how come your babysitter is cleaning the tongue with salt water?? U mean, she really added salt?

I'm using baby toothpaste and the baby toothbrush to clean Selene's gums....


sometimes I really feel like telling them I wanna go pump lor.

As for haversack, cos I can wear smart causal to work so I just use a laptop haversack which still look ok. I dun wear skirt to work one... Haha

joyful, u received my pm? Dunno why I can't open my email using iPhone.

Re: ikan Billis

my mum soak them many times then fry them dry without oil like wat Jules said. Then grind into powder lor.

But my mum agree wif us that no need to start solids so early cos she say " u scared next time they dun eat meh, once start solid will eat for whole life one leh,so now drink milk first la." I m indeed thankful for my mum words, but dat means I gotta be more dilligent in pumping...

Now trying to pump... No letdown, so stressed.


how much water to give and need to be boiled water ?

pacifier & sucking thumb

gave bb A pacifier since 2 mths, now she take out her pacifier and suck her thumb.....put back pacifier and she will take out again and suck her thumb, the cycles repeats & repeats.....

i prefer her to take pacifer than thumb but seems that she prefers her thumb.....


though our water is portable but still advisable to boil coz of the water pipes and tanks that the water go through to get to our hs.

I use my water straight from tap coz of my diamond water system so water already, gone through 6 filters [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Now I begin to feed her water from the spoon. She is still screaming away when I feed her so at most 5 ml goes in and the rest all onto bib!

But from bottle, I'll normally put in 20ml, she would prob take 10ml. I don do this everyday...she is on total fm so sometimes I just make my fm slightly diluted so same as drinking water liao haha, like tat also can :p


I bough mine at isetan scotts for $44.90 during their sale a few mths back. I see them pile up the boxes near the customer service so I grabbed from there. I'm not sure whether it's a regular item which they carry or just consignment basis tat they happen to carry during the sale.


bag again huh? ;p


heehee! yr MIL so insistence to get you bring back home the clothes! If I am you, I will just leave it outside her house ;p

oh yah! I am amazed by Scout and Rei too! :-D



oh i forgot abt the spoon, i got the pigeon weaning bottle with spoon....

wah so many things to introduce.....feeling overwhelmed.....

i guess can only do on weekends as weekdays by time she is back hm fr ifc, only left 1hr must bath, drink milk then bedtime le......


i replied ur PM already!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hehe, no worries k?

ya, scallops is shellfish, so cannot introduce so early anyway.. tofu, that's a gd suggestion.. but too much estrogen? my gynae said cannot eat so much during preg, now can?


haha.. just intro to pple here. if they wanna buy.. my wallet is safe! cos i dun need haversack though look nice! great that rei enjoys his time with scout!


i just saw your post on LV haversack.

Do you still have ANY branded bags that you wanna sell for such a loss huh?? :p

Prada? Chanel?

timy, thks... u are a shopping queen. which colour is nice? yesterday was talking to my husband.

Me: "u know timy? she is a SAHM n yet can shop almost everyday. envy envy"

Hubby: "oh no... are u trying to hint me?"


no lah.. i never shop everyday. i havent seen the real thing yet. u can go down n check out the haversack. i thought it looks cool!

ok i must endure.

i still got 3 KS bag in the transit leh. havent pay shipping also.

Endure until next month.

Please dont tell me "while stock last"!

OK, as usual, i called my mum to check out the status of Selene.

She told me she bought CNY clothes for Selene already.

I took the opportunity to tell her nicely again "OK la, can buy clothes for her la.. just dont anyhow feed her things... You know ah, these days those eggs cannot be trusted, you dont know what chemicals they fed the chicken... we better hold and see how.."

Mum went "ok ok la.... wait until 6-7 months then drink porridge la."

Hope the "problem" is under control until few months later! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i replied liao leh, u got it? anyway, i will keep it and use it w new cap [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]at leeast we noe "yi4 fen1 qian2, yi4 fen1 huo4" meaning liao :)


cool bag :) i haven go collect my $ yet from milan...prob go down tom n c c look look too, haha!

yah! scout so cute! i haven download stuff yet, going do it soon!


hehe, looking at ur video clip already. give up, better to surf internet than do real work at work. Do work, means - get angry.


management are cows. They always have cow brains, why is it like this??? For this reason, i seriously think my nxt job, I'm gonna look for something more fulfilling and completely within my control!!!


yes, I agree with chloe, u are the rich SAHM. Was telling hubby, once I quit, I must avoid this forum.... otherwise, tempted to keep buying things!


ur CC got 7 cases of HFMD!!! Oh dear, better keep ur darling at home!!!

Tash, teach me after you download. I havent bring Scout home to analyse how it work yet.

Really wonder why did the panel of judges chose her to be Ms S'pore in the first place. Such an embarassement.

saw the clip, it's funny! haha, but i really do wonder if this is the real her. Maybe it's just a front, she could be media hungry. I dunno... haiz, poor gal. Hope she find happiness.


yes got your sms u, tks! So paisay leh....gal if I were u I'll sure call them up to complain. Sale doesn't mean can sell defective goods! I'll threaten to bring it up to CASE!!

I feel like calling for u and joyce, what abt the other who got the cup?? same problem?

Is there a rubber rim? with that shouldn't leak leh...


nono, still on cereal. I'm only gonna intro new menu when I'm fully SAHM. By then Emma will just turn 6mths. But I have a few ideas already:

1)broccoli with BM blend

2)Pumpkin with BM

3)Mash potato

4)Carrots with cereal

5) Pear pudding

5)Apple custard

6) Banana sauce

7) Sweet potato

rotate around, then when she goes into her 8mth, I will intro abit of cheese into her broccoli blends, abit of pasta and very finely grind steamed meat bits. Yum, I like the idea of melted cheese with broccoli. Only in the 9th mnth then I will intro porridge with real meats/fish.

actually, this ris low thingy set me thinking if we should like her, not to take things so serious and just have fun if it doesn't hurt anyone rite? haha! me n my "harry potter's thinking hat"...;p oh yah! to side-track, I LOVE harry potter! the child in me really mesmerised with the whole movie setting. heard they have this harry potter theme park in US! i think i should go! LOL


no worries. actually dun think will leak, just the cap can't close tight :) just change the the top will do the trick ;-)


counting down! oh yes! :)



i also love harry potter! butttt.... i was disappointed with the last book. How can dumbledore die??? The last few books got me abit put off, coz the magic seemed like it was dying off. I also found the movie no good leh, somehow my imagination when I read the books were better than how the movie depicted it. Ehhh..but I'm not an easy critic lah. I didn't like inception too much either. Leonardo acts well, that much credit i give, he always acts well, but the story idea is not new, and the movie had too many flashback slowmo scenes, puts me off. Vanilla sky and surrogate pretty much had the same concept and they were much fresher ideas then. okok, no movie reviews here. :p

