(2010/03) March 2010 mtb


Lil tasha n I enjoyed ourselves very much at the playdate yest! Thanks!! Btw, if the tiramisu cannot finish by today, pls throw ok, in case spoiled.


my husb say thks for the compliment. Orders?? No lah, he makes for fun only.


kaitlyn so sweet in the babyU photos!! But really, think most of our babies will be in the same concepts... in the end all look sama sama



cold storage price better? its a 100g box for $4.95. or maybe got bigger packing that the BP sell?

Elise, i dunno one, i just pop by cold storage just now, then as usual, sure look for baby things so i saw so many cereal and then get tempted to buy lor. in the end, forget wat i wan to buy originally.. sigh...

Taka baby fair 4 aug until when? maybe the national day holiday can go shopping.. hehehee

elise, i can wait, unless we are meeting earlier for playdate, gathering or when i pass by BB. actually i have another 2 books already. keke! the caterpillar and monkey see. bb not really interested in reading the books but more interested to put them in his mouth!

queque, next time gathering bring your home made tiramisu hor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ... so many praises on it! can't wait to taste! can i have the receipe too?

winnie, yah, dragging to go to work now and can't wait to knock off and go back home asap! it is just the 1st week man ....


you are right, 4 panels not enough. 6 should be ok for m mat. yours need 8? can give me the link also? how many pple selling? you getting them now?

elise, haha its ok lah. But so funny wor! the way you put it. "Yours in the box! Box leh!" I nearly break out in cold sweat. Hahaha...


haha, saw ur pics! Did u enjoy the photoshoot? Hope u had a good time at the studio. Kaitlyn looks pretty! hehe, eh, babyu reused their concepts. I was curious to see what other concepts they might have, but seems like they re-used, chey... must squeeze them for more creativity! I wanna see what other concepts they can come up with.

winnie, don't think got other packing liao.

Taka baby fair? Maybe I buy cot then. Hope they have bundle deal with mattress...Ikea cots like cannot make it like that.


think that buyer is too much liao... what does she expect from a mummy who doesn't earn any from the spree, somemore need to spend time & trouble to co-ordinate..


nice meeting you today!initially wanted to let my bb say hi to ur bb... but b4 i reach ur hse my gal just made a big fuss on the bus... then saw that ur hb was feeding ur bb.. so just collect & go liao. paisey [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: organix cereal

SK mummies, i went compass pt cold storage yesterday but didn't see any of the cereal.. (didn't ask them, but think should be OSS, used to see the whole range of organix brand there previously 1 leh...) maybe alot of babies in SK area, that's why OSS.. haha..

lady k, winnie,

i think i will be joining u all @ 5am soon liao..though cannot post in forum (cos no i-phone) me starting work on 2nd aug liao.. sianzzz...


i wanna see kaitlyn's pics leh.. can add me at fb? [email protected]

Mar mommies,

can i add u all as well? though i have not attended any getherings b4.. but i really hope i can join in very soon.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


welcome to the 5am gang.. ahhahaa.... i believe even though some mummies start work later, they still need to wake up early or sleep late. Even SAHM is not easy too. Just hang on there ya


ok, causeway pt cold storage only stock one variety of the organix cereal but have quite a few variety of balmany cereal for different age group, the Heniz series also quite complete. of cos there are the usual like Nestle and others. Havent really been exploring them yet, but i can checked out wats available and post the price. Just let me know ya. good to keep each other updated on wats available on the market [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi pumping mummies, i do my pump at 3am usually,and catch another 3hrs of sleep before waking up and go to work. do my pump in car at 7ish am...

i am so season to pump in car liao. going and back from work also pump there to save time...and can play w baby once home. after 6 mths i plan to drop the night pump.

those pumping mums, how long u intend to bf?

Jon, ur BabyU photos are very nice! Cute lil Kaitlyn! Ur family photo is great too! I cant wait for Lac's shoot on 8th Aug!

Elise, hahahaha! Its ok...we still have post natal symptoms...sotong! Yeah, cant wait for the Taka Baby Fair! The sales assistant told me when i was browsing for high chairs. She said there will be more choices during the fair, i hope so!

Winnie, think its till 22 Aug.

Just done with feeding n night pump.

I was looking at Selene sleeping soundly.... I was overcome by the thought of separation in less than 12 hrs. I won't be able to fetch Selene home after national day due to 7th month. Mum is particular n pantang abt exposing Selene on streets during that month.

I'm v happy this weekend up to now, she almost finished all her feeds. Some feeds were more difficult but still manage to get her to drink after dentinox, brush her gums with baby toothpaste or cooling teether. Hope this continues! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning mummies

babyl, thanks for the info. The sale assistance is nice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] think I shall hold on to the high chair purchase n wait for awhile more. Anyway, mal not using it yet...

Lynn, I start work very early plus I m the one driving mal to my mum place so not possible to pump in the car. I also need to ve sufficient rest so dat I can concentrate driving. Anyway, I have given up night pump quite long ago.

As for how long to bf, I dunno how long I can sustain but min target is at 6mth. Anything longer is bonus.

Elise wonder u receive my transfer of money, I am ok to wait for the stock so no worry to transfer back. Is really nice of u to help us buy, thank u so much. Really hope to meet u and all other mummies soon, u take gd care of yr knee must be painful *pat pat* :)

let baby swim this morning...5th time...so tiring...after her swim, dun want to waste water, scoop into pail n i shower, make hubby shower and maid too...hee hee...then still can wash a machine load of clothings....after shower so shiok....sleeping soon.

Hi sorry to interrupt.


2 vouchers of total value $200.

For first time customers above 21 years old.

Expiry: 31 Dec 2010

Letting go at $20.


Free water bottle to give away.


Item will be mailed to your house.

Interested pls contact [email protected]

Good afternoon mommies! Hope everyone have a great day ahead. So fast weekend over liao...sad...

Just now I was playing with the Elephantunes from Lamaze and Heidi really enjoys it! She was cooing and giggling~ So happy with my purchase and really thank you Elise for going through the trouble to organise this spree. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Elise thank u once again not yet I hvnt got mine, think I told Chloe I will collect Fr her at sembawang will contact her :)

Hi Chloe, sorry didn't catch up with forum recently is it ok I make arrangement with u to collect the item? We can contact thru phone via email [email protected] ? Thanks thanks

hi mummies,

can i join in the discussion ? this thread is so happening & informative ! wished i had joined earlier......

my bb gal turns 4 mths today.

going back to work on 2 august, need some advice, how often do u all pump at work and will supply drop ? i m currently pumping 7-8x a day and dunno y since last week my supply drops, thinking of taking frenugreek. hope to bfeed my bb til 1 yrs but dunno is it possible a not ??

looking forward to taka bb fair too !! going to charge there during lunch time, hehe!!

hey mommies,

I had lots on fun on Fri, thanks for visiting me an rei at my humble place! :-D Though rei was sleeping most of the time, the babes r indeed so gracious and entertained themselves! heehee!


Hey! thks for helping me to clean up that day! Emma has a strong character! ;) dun worry! the "old" will say that such bb will turn out to be very guai when they r older and they will b tired of fussing too much too! :-D I must say that she has an angelic face! :) actually bb can "sense" us, so b more confident and bring her out often, and she will sense your confidence n b one too! :)


thks for yr Polar! your ah gal is as demure as ever! :) your hubby was also friendly n chatty :)


Yummy Tiramisu! me n hubby finished it up for supper yesterday! so sinful! ;p little tash so lucky to have dad who bakes! btw, you should learn n start an online tiramisu biz leh! am serious! :) I will b yr first customer!


heehee! did u see the group pic we took! Vera is baring her "tum tum", so sexy! haha! U sure she doesn't like exersaucer? ;-)


thks for yr Polar too! That's my breakfast yesterday! see! you all r feeding me n hubby for the weekend! ;-) Do catch up soon again yah! I am sure ah boy will luv his exersaucer which mommy is buying for him!

giveme some time to load the pics to FB yah...am slow in this men ;p


nice meeting u n hubby! do join us next time k?:)


welcome :) woh! 7 or 8x pumping? that's a lot! u should ask ladyk and miracle how they managed to keep their supply up while bk at work. :)

btw mommies,

isetan still having sale... avent still at 20% off and munchkin also 20% off.I bought a set of 3 feeding bowls w suction (UP$20plus, after 20% is $16plus) nice colours n can use for travel...

I saw Lucky baby Hoover Highchair which I like at Isetan! It has the reclining function and when our LO is 2 years old n no need a high chair, it can convert to mini table and chair! Big feeding tray too! Sale at $199... i like it!

hi tash,

thanks for the welcome~! me still on leave, not working at the moment so can afford to pump so often but when back to work i doubt can continue, fatigue is creeping in already, been 4mths since i had a good sleep.....wonder when can sleep throughout the night ??

robinson also has 20% off last wkend dunno til when......

high chair, tot of skipping this, just use bumbo seat, can a not ? the infant care my girl is in uses bumbo seat to feed so wondering if can use since got a bumbo seat already.....

Halo mummies,

dropping in to say hi, hope everyone is doing good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning everyone,

me again, doing the usual.


if u intend to continue bf n pump at work, think it's a good time to start to stretch yr pump interval unless u still can find time to pump so many times at work. Initially supply will drop when the interval increase but it will soon stabilized.

I m now doing 4 pumps a day at abt 5 hourly interval which still yield decent ss. It's more of letting body get used to it.

Can take supplements like nursing tea, fenugreek. Drinking more water helps too.

As for sleep, I believe many mums are quite deprived also. In fact I need to wake up by 5am to pump n then prepare n send baby to parent place then to work.

yo winnie,

gd morning! hehehehe today me wake up 5.30am coz no need deliver EBM :p


ahhhh, woah! u still pump 7-8x? kudos!!

i do 4-5x a day, with 2-3 pumps at work depending on my workload... yield more than 1litre a day.

winnie is right, yr body will soon adjust to the longer intervals and stabilise soon.... supplements do help.

Supply tends to drop at work because NO TIME to pump! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


long time no see!!! u so busy ah... seldom see u on forums liao...

Hi ladies, me juz finished pumping. Gotta set body to routine since gg to return to work in a wk's time. Ahh.. Dreading it but Still gotta do it. Only consolation I can go sleep now. Hee..


wah... v fast hor.. I could still remember how i struggled to work after ML, just a month ago... jia you! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good morning mommies.


yeah yeah... hopefully can join in the next time.. i wonder how life will be after next week.. sigh...


me starting work next week too... damn sianzz.. time flew just so quickly these 2 weeks..


welcome! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

winnie, ladyk,

thanks for sharing, making use of this last week of leave to adjust to working life. although i pump so often, my yield just only 0.9-1L but still ok as sufficient for my bb intake of milk. she has a small appetite and not really demanding for milk.

tried to skip the night pump but cannot, maybe too used to it, auto will wake up. planning to reduce to 6 pumps/day. if supply drop, i have some reserves in the freezer to standby. my workplace has a room for nursing, shdnt be a problem as my workload not very heavy.

also need to wake up 5.30am to pump and send her to infant care, started latch on from today instead so can sleep 1/2hr later and also let hubby sleep later as he is the one bottle feeding....


i m also starting work next week, trying to practice routine this week too....hope everything goes well ! rest more too as be busy next week onwards juggling bb and work !!


thats good for you! hehehehe

i can't rely on frozen BM even though i used to freeze alot... i even threw away 70 milkbags sometime back. Selene refuses to take frozen BM! hehehehe.

As for skipping night pumps.... my body got so tired out that i just slept through!!! hahahaa, i even need an alarm clock to wake up at 5am to do morning pump!... So far, 5x is the maximum for weekdays...

i saw that you started to latch her on? Was she on latching all along or what? Need to warn you about latching.... a few of our babies were facing bottle rejections because we were latching them for somewhile - they just prefers nipples than bottles teats.. so just beware there... in terms of the timing to latch them.


We suspected some weeks back that Selene started to recognise places and had problems sleeping, so she fusses alot during sleeptime.

It got more apparent as she grew older, even when we introduced her toys.

My biggest worry is that she will not be able to adapt, once she grows older [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


not to worry abt selene not adapting to the environment. babies are funny ''creatures'', the younger they are, the more adaptive they are... our babies are going through a transition period now that's why they fuss ard... but once they settled down liao, they will know whose hse this is & who they will see at what time...


seems like next mon is a good day to start work huh... hehe... wanted to delay starting work further, at least a week or so but 7th mth starting liao... parents bantang... can only start b4 or after that particular mth... so ''forced'' me to go back to work..sigh!

Hi Elise,

Aiyo! That mummy jia lat, if she dun self-collect keep those toys she order for yourself or give away or you can sell them as you already stated is self-collect.

Hi Winnie, joelle,lady, Jules n those mummies pump at 5am,

Jia you! I have stop pump offically last Friday lecause supply too low, only 10ml after 12hr

Hi Jules,

thanks for your advice, now I latch her to sleep to clear off that 10ml. See you wed. Today, me bodyache mcsigh!

topic: High chair

hi all, actually I wanted to buy Zuma high chair that Elise house have but happen to see what tash say. Was thinking which is better? Any suggestion. Aiyo! I am So confuse now also though of ikea high chair. Help~ aiyo! Who started the buying again. Wahaha.

Hi tash,

Kiddy palace sell cheaper about 179. With memeber got further 15%. but I am still thinking.

Morning mummies.... baah, such lovely sleeping weather. and yet, I'm back at work. Facing my pile. hurhur, and not doing anything but surfing internet.

My resignation has been gracefully accepted by my bigbig boss. so, i'm happy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But still must slowly count down and clear my work in the midst. argh....


u'll get used to the pump at work after a while. Give it 2 weeks to sink in. I hated it, but now, can drag for 6hrs already. 6am pump, 11am pump, 530pm, 9pm pump then Zzzz.... The body also got adjusted. First few weeks at work, I had clogs here and there becoz of delayed pumping. But now, it seems to have acclimatized, our boobs are quite magic! haha...

As for latching:

Emma can't latch for more than 10mins these days. She gets v impatient waiting for the nxt letdown. U know our boobs sorta letdown, then pause then letdown and so on rite? She cannot accept waiting for a 2nd or 3rd letdown anymore. Good also I guess, can aim to wean off BM slowly as we progress into 6-8th month. I'm planning to wean her gradually and intro more and more FM. Erm, the problem is, I'm still having quite alot of BM. so... argh, headache, another new phase again. But she really likes her solids! these days can down 20spoonfuls of cereal.


long time no see/talk! hehe...or is it me that has been mia-ing!


I can't bear to spend so much leh. I'm gonna just grab an ikea one or a hand me down from my sis. I think no need to spend so much right? The babe has been spilling her cereal all over the table grabbing with her fingers and so on. If the chair is gonna become food stained eventually, my take is, no point to spend too much right? I'm growing stingy, quitting soon, must start to count my pennies!

morning mummies,

my ss reduced by so much. Now after 7-8 hrs, yield only like 70-80ml. My FBM in the freezer is not going to last me for long liao!!! Stressed! I think is a few reasons for ss drop...back work, nt enough sleep, less water intake, less pumping, menses, etc...Headache!Think i need to join u mummies to wake up at 5am to do pumping.

Am facing problem with my parents with regards to picking me and Lucas up. Dad mum always late and in turn I'm late for work EVERDAY!!! I really feel like giving up work and be a F/T mum.


u take care ok. I still hanging there on pumping cos ss is good. In fact, it does went up if I can managed to pump 4 times, else 3 pump also can sort of maintain. So if I can't find a reason to convince myself to give up lor.


I agree wif ladyk, I m so tired that I dropped dead every night after I done everything so can't wake up for night pump. Wif 4 pumps a day I still can get more than 1litre.

Re: high chair

I also dunno which one to get yet. Still thinking if I should get the ikea one or the "attas" one.... Or jus settle on bumbo seat... Sigh,...

Managed to sneak out of office to pump. I feel like I m a rat, everytime need to sneak out one... Got alot of watchful eyes in office


My pump schedule some wat same as yrs just dat I start early cos I work early, which explain the 5am pump. But at times can only pump at lunch after the 5am pump so it's quite bad lor.

Congrats for being a sahm.

High Chair,

Personally I won't be getting a high chair for Eva. Instead we're gonna start her off with the booster-type seat. Am considering KidsKit Easy Seat/Hi Seat. Just strap onto normal chair then it becomes a high chair for baby. Easier to bring around outside as well in case eateries don't have child seat.

Yesterday Eva met new friends! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] 2 gor-gors and 1 mei-mei...


i really hope you're right!

Else, the older she grows, the more fussy she gets [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


you can start to drag pumps once you've decided to wean her off. And you're right about letdowns... once we start bottle feeding, babies are used to the constant and fast flow, so they might not like mommy's boobs anymore.


Of all the reasons you mentioned, menses is the biggest factor that cause your milk SS to drop la. Once your menses over, the milk supply will be back to normal. But i'm really surprised that your menses came back so fast, given that you latched on Lucas quite frequently!

As for parents picking up.... Maybe they're too tired to wake up and rush in the morning and face with traffic jams, etc? Rainy days are worse!!! Even my MRT got delayed and was moving like TORTOISE lor...!


hahaha u so cute. I think you just have to treat it normally la. Just tell yourself you're going for "smoke-break"!

high chair,

I lagi tempted to get a nice one... partly Selene's thighs gets kinda stuck in the bumbo seat... Ikea got cheap ones huh? hehehehe

Good morning mommies! My in-laws are back from Japan but I took today off just in case they need to unpack their stuffs and all. My gal is sleeping cos her daddy went to work. Otherwise she will still be cooing and smiling and trying to lure him to play with her. Real daddy's gal.

I've decided to go for a smaller cot...120x60. Cannot convert to toddler bed but bo bian cos no space in our room. A 144 x 70 will be too large...maybe the small cot can last till she's 3 - 4 yrs old bah.



menses nt full cycle leh. 1 day on 1 day off... I'm really so vexed!! Salute u mummies waking up to pump. Everyday after work, fetch Lucas, back home ard 8+, feed him and i go busy with my pumping and sterilising of bottles. No time for Lucas at all. Will busy till 12am then slp. Wake up at 7am, pump, prepare work and cycle repeats. The time spent with Lucas is so little. I really missed the time with him during ML. I really wish to resign and prob do tuition etc to support myself. But the fact now is hubby income nt stable and for sure he wont agree to it!!!

