(2010/02) February 2010 mtb

Serene/Garfield : hey u all took photos at Studioloft for your #1, good anot? I oso thot of going there bcos my pregnancy photos oso from there.


hi gyan,

my hb and i were very happy with the photos, so i intend to go back to studio loft for my #1 as well. i think she gives discount for return customers too

Hi Mummies,

I have a 2-day-old Pigeon Steam Sterilizer to let go at $85. Now kept back to the box in very new condition.

Selling as Mother-in-law who is looking after my baby prefers conventional boiling method.

Please email me if interested thanks!

[email protected]



Your pregnancy photos is nice.. can consider engage the same photographer.

oh ya... Vit D might help in teeth and bone growing... Shall we let our little one try ??? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

vinwee.....my boy dont eat alot of food....he is very fussy one.....too sweet, too watery, too rough all dont like....till now he yet to eat biscuits as he dont like to try new food....

Dont worry abt the teeth....they will grow out soon.....

I think babies will eat when they r ready but mummies also must b patient when intro food. They just won't like solids overnight. It needs some getting use to.

Vinwee: I'm lucky. My girl is rather adventurous whn it comes to food. She eats what we feed her readily. Only initial stages Of intro solids that is a little difficult. Afterwhich, she is ok with her solids now. She now can even eat rice mix with soup.

So mummies dun give up just make feeding time interesting.

Yes, i agree that in terms of food, cannot give up.

I have a problem trying to get my baby to eat porridge initially, he doesn't even want to open his mouth until i get quite sian to cook porridge and end up eating myself, which i stop cooking until one of the weekend i decide to try again and surprisingly, he eat the entire bowl.

So mummies, keep trying!

Mng mummies,

I have one free gym trial Tmw mng 930am JWT gym east gate near parkway parade. My #1 attended the same gym for a year previously and happy with the place.

Its meant for 11mths to 18mths babies but the instructor said our babes who can crawl a bit can also attend.

Anyone interested pls PM me so that I can pass your name to the centre. I'll be attending too.

Happiness......ya.... i will keep trying....

Lilac......mine does....i latch him b4 he sleep...then he will wake up ard 1 to 3 plus for milk........ at times, he wake up a few times for milk....often....i fed till i fall back to sleep but i will make sure that he is in safe position....... :p me too tired liao.....did not sleep thro' the night for a long long time liao .... when can my JY stop having night feed???


I don't intend to let SJ try as well. But do put 1ml of omega 3 in his morning oats since he still on total breasfeeding.

Sun is good in Vit D, just hv to bring them out during the morning sun.

Happiness & Bliss,

Thanks fr yr encouragement. Ya.. my bb also eat more now, just hv to keep trying, i cook everyday even he took a tiny mouth initially.

But now also hv to keep changing menu, else he will feel bored with the food. must try too keep the food interested to them.


Mine consider sleep thru, it started since almost 8 weeks old. mine is 10 hours baby. He Has to sleep fr 10 hours but by 8 hours, he will make a bit of noise. So if he sleep at 10pm, no night feed, but if he sleep at 9pm or b4, he will awake ard 5.30am. but training him to sleep from today onwards, see how it goes.


How to train yr baby to sleep thro the night??? Me also wan to train my JY but not sure how...as he dont eat pacificer & & drink water at night...


I think is Sean Lau. My friend recommended him to me too but find his rate expensive.


Some of my friends used Foto U too but the plots seem same....but that is few yrs ago, maybe can check out.


The photos are nice but thought of a change...

Kath, Vinwee,

Mine used to zz through the night but wake up early for milk, say like 5am or 6am. But these two weeks, he wake up like 3 plus or 4pm.

I wonder why :S

Don't want to let him have the habit of waking up for milk, but he keep crying so bo pian!


Mine also didn't take pacifier at all. Emm... i put the EBM in bottle and feed him for his last feed before sleep (and increase the quanityt if he can finish. Once he can sleep thru, can latch directly or bottle feed with EBM. It takes abt 10 days for him. I read that most of the baby can sleep thru by 2 weeks training? And also, dun latch immediately once s/he cry. Initially i try to delay a bit as well.

Try it and good luck.


Ya... it's Sean Lau.. :p

Will try to check with my friend he is photographer if he can recommend any good one in studio photo taking with reasonable price.


Carry him then pat him to sleep???

Or let him drink water instead of milk?? (I never try this before but my friend's mum who help her taking care of her bb try this.)

Kath: cherish dun wake up in the night for nte feed. What I did last time was I stop latching her in the middle of the nite. Some bbs like to wakeup to latch for comfort sake. She dun wakeup soon after 1 mth old. But will wake occasionally just to latch. So I bottle fed her when she wakes up at nite. Then by 7 weeks old, I think somehow she knows no more latching at nite she stop waking up le.

Mine was ok for previously, only wake up early say like 5 plus 6plus. Only recently then start waking up in the middle of the nite... then early morning again... think i am becoming zombie soon..


A lot of times some more for your case? You feed here then?

Mine will have nightmare sometimes, wake up keep crying fr few minutes (out loud)..

Mine these few days also the same, will fuss a bit..If going to be like this, I'm going to be zombie like Lilac...:p Some more hubby not in, and i dun want to let helper handle... gosh... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] cross my fingers.


your gal "bad habit" = blink eyes.She do it unconciously or she wanted to get attn or when she smile cheekily at you??

My son likes to 咪咪眼 (one side) and smile when he try to woo people play with him.

morning mummies!


no i didn feed.. only stuff pacifier (if drop) and pat her back to zz...

her blinking of eyes is doing it conciously and cheekily... i'm hoping it'll not turn into a habit and become unconciously doing it... that'll be really bad

Have a beautil Monday Mommies.


I saw recently that female blink twice than male.

Maybe ZX just smile cheekily with full of expression. If it happen only when she smile, think shld be expression. But if she do it often when she is not smiling, shld be unconciously and have to be corrected.

Hi Vinwee,

My Biggest challenge is my JY dont wan to be bottle feed when he is with me as he know that he can latch directly at night b4 he sleep...... Last wed, he woke up & cry So i latch him but my breast was emptied by him b4 he sleep & I dont have milk for him., so i carry him to make FM but refused to bottle feed from me... & he cry & cry ....die die also dont wan bottle feed.... so i got no choice drink more water....lucky after 20mins...my milk came in & he latch & suck..... still can help to settle his hunger abit...then he fall to sleep.... Like that how to bottle feed???? My JY is smart as he know that at night, he will sure to look for me after 9pm by making alot of noise(engine start).....& refused to let my maid to carry him to her room....

BTW, how to train our LOs to drink water??? I have been trying very hard to give him water, juice, gripe water & glouse...but all he also dont want...... any idea?????

Kath: i dun usually feed cherish sweet drinks. Only sweet drinks I feed her is fresh juice. I fed her water - plain. No mixing now. When she was younger I let her drink frm bottle. Nw if she having her solids I'll hv a small cup nearby where I will spoon feed her some water in between. If normal times she'll drink from her drinking bottle (straw type).

I started her on water when she was abt a month old. Although total bf that time I still bottle fed her water to let her b use to water as well as bottle.

For now at JY age, maybe just spoon feed some water as n when u hv the chance till he is use to water.

Hi Mummies,

I am from the Jul thread.

I have 3 boxes of Nestle cereal to give away.

My cousin buy for me and my son who is 5.5mths old is not in time to eat it cos the cereals are for after 6mths and 8mths.

the only catch is that must finish within these 2 weeks loh cos expiry is on 12 dec and 13 dec.

i am not collecting any money, to give free if you can collect from my flat lift lobby (bukit merah)

1. Nestle Cerelac -- RIce and Mixed Vegateables ( from 6mths)12 dec expiry

2. Nestle Cerelac -- Rice and Mixed Fruits ( from 6 mths)12 dec expiry

3. Nestle Cerelac -- Rice and Chicken (from 8 mths)13 dec expiry

I just dont want it to go to waste.....

PM me if you interested. First come first serve!



Yes, i latch him at nite when he wake up. I know i shouldn't but he will whine and whine.. so this is the only way to let him go back to sleep. Pacifier doesn't work as he refuse to eat. :S


i used to have problem feeding water.

So now, i spoon feed, a few spoon also better then nothing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I only latch my bbb at in the morning before his breakfast. For night feed that latch directly only when we travel or i don't have enough time to express out before he wants to sleep. Else, the night feed, I will express out before his feeding time and let hubby feed him. I have had heard a lot about baby has difficulty to wean off the night latch, so aft 6 weeks old, i bottle feed him EBM. So even now i latch him directly at night sometimes, he will not wake up for milk.

Maybe you can ask yr hubby bottle feed him ebm, then you dun stay in the room with them. Maybe it works.

Vinwee, me has already introduce bottle,to my jy in the early days but still he has problem. He just refused bottle when he is with me.....

Hi Mummies, I have some baby weaning food to let go at low price!

1) Nestle Cerelac (Rice & Mixed Vegetables)

Expiry: May'11

Each: $4.00

Buy two at: $6

2) Nestle Cerelac (Brown Rice)

Expiry: Jul'11

Each: $5.00

Buy two at: $8

Further offer: Buy all 4 items above at just $10!!

Interested Please email me at [email protected]



Kath..! hi! Haha I dun mind JY ah.. But tiz mummy personally prefer ur #1.. cos he more handsome n tan like 阳光男孩.. :p

Hey..! Tink we sama sama leh.. I've been on n off walking zombie in the dae lor...

I odo latch her at nite

At time it realli depends on diff situations n diff bb react diff oso.. At time my gal teething or nitemare wan latch for comfort

At times ok drink water at times no.. Den worse effect drink water n cry kore till wide awake till later part dun wan zzz wan play.. Sigh

So 随机硬便 n 应人baby而亿...?! U understand wet I mean hor? My Chinese sucks :D

But tink try to unlatch humid u wan try n be hard hearted

Apply bittergourd or sone bite edible powder from Malay stall apply on nipple n latch him den he knows no more latching at nite liao

But I yet to try la.. Waiting

L for after Xmas n trying some other



Even i would say that i m goin out of the house....he still refused to drink from bottle as he is smart that he know that i m still at home.... I think i need to wear mask or put a paper bag over my head when i am at home liao.... hahhahahah....


Thanks for your advise..... I will try to put some bittergourd juice at my breast.... dont know whether when i pump my milk...will have the bitter taste a not???

U like my #1???? i think better take #2 ...as my #1 is a special need kid.... not so nice la.... My #2 will be tan in future too as we will bring them for swim.....


Hi Mummies,

I am new to this discussion forum...nice to meet you all here.. :D Hope i can join in some of your discussion as well.. i m a mummy of a 9 mths old son..


