(2010/02) February 2010 mtb

Good afternoon fellow moms,

Been busy all these while. But before I get lost in time again,

Merry Christmas to all!!!

Blue, Freesia, Happi & Lovie: I fed Jared the stars and he's fine with it. The pasta gets cooked very quickly. I dump into hot water, stir a couple of times and it's soft and 'sticky'.


Jmi: try the baby macaroni. I'm sure Jared will love it. Hee now I sound like bellamy promoter.

Erm any idea if can give beetroot anot? I wanted very much to feed cos it's high nutrients but the color part ... Hmmmmm

Happi / Whoofy: No, i am not from logistics line. But i use your services! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lovie.....my JY is not daring to try new food one leh...so i did not ask my maid to try new food....execpt....my maid steam the rice to soft then feed him...at least he try & like it....the rest...not so interested leh....

Oh yes, mummies with boy...will you be interested to take over my "Fun to be One" Candle as I bought it for my boy's birthday party last week but forgot to use it? I even forgot to use all the Pooh cups and plates and only use the decorations only!

Please call/sms me or pm me if you are keen, k?


Merry Xmas to all Feb 2010 Mummies and babies..This is the 1st official Xmas with our babies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Have a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



Kath: like freesia says, u can cook till soft bt it wun be as mAshy as porridge. Baby macaroni is the smaller version of adult macaroni except it's organic.


U can try letting him have it and observe his reaction! Ha! Better than not letting him try..


I've been in logistics for ard 4 yrs but all along am dealing wif import. Am nuts abt export! Hahaha.. U can ask me HS code as i still rem some! I even got a num for custom to check for the correct HS code!

Hello, everybody! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm back to work today, sianz...

Lovie: My boy is drinking from the straw already. He started off drinking from the step 2 mag mag (spout) but after a while, he refused to drink from it. Then i realise that he didn't really know how to suck up the water. I helped him by squirting the water into his mouth for him (tilt the bottle, then keep pressing and releasing the spout while it is in his mouth.. water will be squeezed out). After that, i introduced the step 3 (straw). Same thing, he didn't know how to drink from it at the start. Kept biting the straw. You just have to be patient and try. Introduce for a while, then stop if he doesn't get it. Then reintroduce again...somehow or other, they will learn.

Lovie: my girl dun like training cups. So she started drinking from straws since abt 7 months old.... ??!! She drinks more water frm straws. She refuses plain water from training cup n bottle .


Aiyo.. Tat's what am thinking too!

Muz keep on letting him try so that he will "master" it!

No choice, gotta be patient and keep on "teaching" him..

For me, i just let him bite the straw and i keep using the straw to scoop the water.


Cherish's such a clever girl! Hahahahaah

Wat did u use to feed her wif if u want her to drink water?

Freesia: sour ar??? Hmmm ya lor I tried thr other weekend. If u find the tomato purée abit sour, try adding in mash pumpkin if u r particular abt sugar. It will sweeten the tomato sauce.

Lovie: thks for yr compliment. What we did is to tap on her preferences. She rejected water frm training cup n bottles. So I tried feeding frm spoon initially. Then she showed interest in straws when we drink outside. So I bought a water bottle with straw n she started drinking frm it. I think she is imitating us? Perhaps....

Lovie ; oh I did not try to feed anything special just to make her drink water. Her water bottle is always left within her reach . Like when having her meals, she hv her water bottle with her. When snacking the bottle is also with her. Playtime thr bottle is also on the table. So anytime she wants to drink she will just walk to the table lor.



Thanks for the advice.

Will see what i can do abt his drinking habits.

But in the meantime gotta spoon feed him if he refuse to drink from the bottle.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Lovie :

Wahhahaa... U r the import expert !!!

Me the opposite leh.. know nutz abt import.. but ask me export can!! Ask me any incoterms.. I can explain..tis is my 6th yrs in logistics liaoz !!! hahahahahaha

Re : Drinkin frm magic cup...

Jolie dunno how to use the cup and suck.. gave her straw she will jus bite until flat..

So for plain water, we either spoon feed or drink direct frm cup..

If Kiefer reali dun wanna drink frm straw, den jus let him drink from cup lah... Cos not all babies will go thru the phase to drink frm straw..

lovie, freesia, happiness....thank you for the advise....i will buy the pasta & cook for him...hope that he will like it.... fussy eater.... hahhahahah....

I started to give my JY the magic cup.....he will drink only with my maid....with me....is a NO NO....got mummy's neh neh....the rest of the drinking is not necessary.... no water, no FM from bottle, sometime also no need other food...porridge or cereals....

sometime really.....headache abt my JY


Wuhoo~ Hahahahaha..

Next time if i need on export, will call u up and ask u!

I try to train him to drink coz i dun wish to keep feeding him wif either cup or worse, bottle feed him!!! Heiz


Wish u all the best!

Hope JY will learn to like macaroni!

U're planning for it or that still thinking where to have it?


1 thing i hate abt being in logistics is tat we are not being paid that well but yet gotta slog like mad! When we're celebrating festivals, shipment is still ongoing! It's a 24hr job and that anything can happen!

Lovie :

**both hands & legs up high high ***

totally agree wif u... Logistics industry is one of those whereby it seriously over work & under paid !

And tats why we always hate public holidays or worse if PH is on Friday ... long wkend for everyone but no wkends for us !!!

Lovie/ Whoofy : what i hate most is the phone ringing non-stop chasing for shipment... especially this period now when alot of places are snowing... arrrghhh... shipment delay, phone ringing non stop.... i sometimes even imagine my phone ringing even when the hook is off....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Meeting deadlines etc etc.... especially L/C ... arrggghhh... but then this troubles pays us... what to do... haizx...

WOW......now we have 3 expert on the imports & exportsssss

lovie...i will hold one at my place.... i dont intend to invite alot of ppl...... so i think it shld b ok to have it at home....

happiness....when come to work....this is always the case... we have to work no matter when/what is the time ..... to ensure that the shipments in/out are on the smooth track....

Hello mummies,

So fast hor, our baby is 10+ month old already.

Has any baby started to walk yet?

Mine is only crawling and Standing, but i think the fast one should have started walking [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lilac: mine's walking, all over the house. U will be super super busy once they start walking. I hv to keep an eye on my girl while she busy herself walking n exploring the house. She's opening up drawers, cupboards n pulling everything out n throw on the floor. My time st home is picking after her. Haiz.

Lilac, happiness: mine like to climb, hang from table tops, come down from height. Haiz... And she nows know what she wants and if you take it away from her or refuse her from going where she wanna go, she'll throw some tantrums. Her sleeping habit? Damn terok... She will wrestle her pillows for sometimes before finally becoming tired n sleep. And even so, she sleeps in the weirdest position ever.. Lol

10mths are fun bit really tiring and need utmost attention from us mommies.. Hehe

Happy New Year,mummies!

My gal is so slow.....her FIRST tooth just came out only. And it's still so tiny.....only can see a little bit of it as of now.

Time flies,huh? Our babies are turning ONE year old soon! Wow!

Hello mummies.

Happy new year!

Happiness & Blue_Y - Mine still crawling and standing, so far, I nver let him venture out too far from his playmat. So he haven started opening up the drawers or hang from table top yet but i think my turn will come soon :S

happy new year.....

Lilac....soon will be your turn to say ... "NO....No Baby...dont open"....

Mine can climb to any where ard the whole house from rooms to hall to kitchen... start to climb the lower drawer to open the higher one....take out all the things from 1 drawer then attack another drawer.... normal, i will say....JY....u think auntie(maid) is too free is it... find things for her to do ???? hahhahahhahhahah

Hello Mummies,

Anyone still need milkbags & Fernugreek? I've stop bf-ing.. Cherish is now drinking FM + reserve EBM in the freezer...

I still have 1 BN pack of Lasinoh Milkbags - 50 pcs to let go @ $17 and Blue Egg MIlkbags - 25 pcs pack to let go @ $10...

I also have 2 bots of GNC fenugreek selling at $20 per bot (100 capsules).

Do PM me if ineterested...

Hi Mummies

I have two singtel web mobile to let go...

pls email to [email protected] for more infor

preloved mobile web cameras only used for 4 months..

excellent condition!

can use it to monitor ur toddler or maid simply make a video call =)

thx you =)

