(2010/02) February 2010 mtb

bbin.....i know abt the pumpkin....can turn baby's skin yellowish.... I did info to my maid abt that.....so i ask her to buy spinach yesterday....& ask her to feed my JY.... hope he will eat....i bought the corn yesterday but did not have the time to remove the husk....too lazy liao....any idea how to remove the husk of the corn faster????

Smiley.....ya....yesterday, my maid was cooking dinner & he keep saying "man man".... so i ask my maid to pass me the porridge & i fed him....



yes spinach is gd but its got 'acquired' taste so not all babies like it... my gal for one hates... but her mama intends to 'tekan' her by offering more!! lol!

I'm thinking to get a Convection (you know, oven + microwave), any recommendation? I reckon it might save lots of time preparing dinner.

I bought snow pea two days ago, but end up I don't know how to prepare it. It's skin is rough and hard, and inside nothing much. Well, I look at it and don't know what to do.

bbin....hahahahah.....so bad mummy.....


I intend to give brocolli to my JY but not sure when he want a not as the texture is abit rough....

Gyan....most of them are busy with the work....no time to post here......not like we are still preggy time....so free & can post alot.....hhahahahahahahah.........

Yvonne: Alfonse oso perspires a lot, that's y I will always prevent him from sweating like keep him in aircon places, turn on the fans and powder him many times.

kath, i just try brocolli over the weekend. i put the stem inside the slow cooker n then it melted into the porr...hahaha...the floret i just chop up but i think if no chop up maybe it will dissolve as well? haha...wed try again. put the whole thing in n see can or not.

i add in garlic too n it also melt into the porr.. haha.

smiley.....i will try.....heeee.....dont know my JY like a not.....i shld ask my maid to add in garlic in the porrige too this week.

Freesia : I bought those mince beef frm supermarket. 1 way to avoid lumpy meat is to add hot water into the mince beef n stir it out b4 u put into the pan to fry with tomato paste. This way the bolognese sauce will b smoother texture. I add sweet potato n carrots n broccoli (mash up) to the tomato paste for natural sweetness.

I dun purée cherish food anymore. I either mash or chop now. I'm getting her to eat more lumpy n coarse food nw.

Anewmummy: can add milk in between yr bb meals. Like if bb hv solid @ 11am can try feed 1 bottle of milk at 2 pm. She is rejecting milk bcos she dun like the taste after u add soy powder?

Bbin : I wash the mee sua with water 1st. Then put into boiling water to cook till soft. Then transfer to the soup base that was prepared b4 hand.

Thanks Happi! Btw, i think my mum has tried making tomato sauce for pasta from fresh tomatoes. I must go and ask her how she makes it! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Smiley: I've also started to add garlic clove into my boy's porridge. My mum also told me not to peel off the outer skin. Just cut off the brownish end, wash the garlic clove clean and throw into the broth.

Gyan> yo!! How r u n Alfonse..? Ya.. Bz bee as usual.. Now rushing off work on train later still need to go ntuc buy her meal ingredients.. Cos wk end either rain or too hot not convenient bring my gal to market in her 'lorry'.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

E eryday rush to work n rush back home.. But tml on lib n wed holiday! So happy  planning wat to do leh.. Lucky got seat on train..

Hey.. U using iPhone? Can c my icon? Testing testing.. Hee

Happi! How r u?

Happi> when wannaopen ur wine? Tink me either end of tiz yr? Now she has 6teeth.. Pain pain

Qs: how to travel with bb n bring their food?? Slow cooker bring along inside hotel cook?? Headache.. Stress Liao

Next mth going genting n kl.. Argh..! Tink I going to war leh.. Stress


Oh, I peel off the garlic outer skin le cos I scare came off and mixed into the porridge and choke rk. Cos slow cooker really cook and dissolve even broccoli. The garlic I add in also dissolve.

Aunty Gyan..! Can ask Alfon to accept Aunty Angel as fren? :D

Soo many videos..! Keep in touch via FB leh.. Got updates there n can comment easier ;) muackz to Alfon! So long no c him n Kiefer Sunshine mummy.. How r u? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Can my princess choose among ur Boys? Wahahaha

Smiley: My mum cooked the porridge over the stove. She said the outer skin will come off but won't melt. So she will just remove it after cooking.

Angel : Hi.. I'm good. Thank you. I should be stopping by end Dec alr. I'm only pumping twice a day now. Cherish is only on 2 feed of ebm now, the rest are fm. I will slowly reduce to 1 feed of ebm..then switch to full FM...

Freesia : If you know how to make the tomato paste from fresh tomatoes, can teach me? Heee.... then i try try see if I can make from fresh tomatoes too... i tried once, but it's a bit sourish... hmmm...

Hi Mummies, I have some baby weaning food to let go.

1) Nestle Graduates Puff (Peach)

Each: $6.00

Buy two at: $11


2) Nestle Cerelac (Rice & Mixed Vegetables)

Each: $4.00

Buy two at: $7


3) Nestle Cerelac (Brown Rice)

Each: $5.00

Buy two at: $9


Further offer: Buy all 6 items above at $24.

Interested Please email me at [email protected]



Long Long Time No See!!!

Bz having fun & oso taking care of Kiefer thus didnt log in..

Glad u're fine though.. :p


Dun know wat's wrong wif him lor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

extremely whiny and grumble these days!

It's taking a toll on me lor.

Am flaring up at him daily! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Anybody wearing contact lens 1-day Acuvue Moist at -7.50 degree? I have 44pcs to let go. Done LASIK and thus contact lens not needed anymore. Selling at $40 for 44pcs. Price negotiable.

Please email [email protected] if interested. Thanks!


lovie.....must be patience to your boyyyyyy...sometime he also dont wan to be whiny & grumble as he cant talk & tell u when is wrong with him....this is the only way he expressed out ....... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lovie: I think they r at this testing yr patience stage. It's especially tough on u cos u r sahm n facing him 24/7 with no break. Cherish alr get on my nerves at times thou I take care of her every nite n during wkends only. Tell her cannot she purposely go do then when doing can look bk n c if I'm looking at her anot.

What I did us ask hb or mil to take her while I go toilet take a break n wash my face. If nobody around I put her in her stroller n push her are my estate. Tht way I can get some fresh air.

Having said that, sometimes I still flare up n scold her.

The stroller part is my new found way to cool dwn. My hb was in reserve the past 3 weeks n I hv no one to help me when my girl is hm. So I put her in stroller n push her out. Surprisingly, she calms dwn after the walk n I felt better too.

Lovie> yo! Y he bully u again? Haha

Too sian c u everyday or cope at home too long? Wahaha.. Bring him go gai gai la.. Woofy oso papazao wif J last time rite? O ya.. Where's she? Drown in work le? 

Happi> oic..me tiz daes drop some dunno y.. Maybe subconscious wanna wean off cos Xmas is nearing n mummy wanna drink.!? 

Hmm.. Seems tiz thread moving slower le?

Waoh.. Jan thread still as active.. Got bb bash party.. Wooohooo..! 

Gyan.. Can c my icons ah.. y both boys booked le? .. 

Nvm will help her look for older boys 

 to Alfonse! Thk him 4 adding me

Angel: I wanted to wean her off ever since she is 6 mths old but she is teething n was super cranky n to add on to tht her tummy still wasn't strong enuf to stomach fm thus I hv to intro fm milk slowly into her diet whilst slowly cutting dwn on ebm. Now she is much better do i intend to stop by dec. I cut dwn her ebm by a pack mth by mth. Nw she on 2 ebm feed per day n the rest of 3 feeds is fm. I will cut dwn to 1 pack by end this mth then by dec.... Wooohooo i can say goodbye to the pump. Haaa.

Kiefer is booked by jolie's mummy.

Alfonse booked by Chloe's mummy ( correct me if I'm wrong)

Jared booked by cherish's mummy.

Resident hunk Aden booked by ZX's mummy

Freesia's Ryan booked by.... Erm argghhh brain freeze. Freesia yr boy booked by who ar?

So Angel, u probably can go Jan thread or 2009 thread n search for yr future son in law. Haha

Smiley: dun b worried abt yr bb boh gey. I had frm my pd that some bb dun start teething till they r older. Cherish started teething when she was 4 mths old n only had 2 bottom teeth. N did not teeth again till recently. I was concern cos I tot teething is suppose to b gradual. But my pd says bb will teeth till 18 mths (fast) or the "slower" ones till 36 mths.

Cherish after stop teething for 6 mths suddenly had 2 upper teeth alr sprout out n 1 more bottom tooth coming out. That's explains y she was super cranky the past weeks. She had 3 teeth coming out almost the same time.

morning mummies!

happines & lovie,

i've been 'hamtam-ing' my gal these days simply coz its becoming a nightmare to make her take her nap... always end up shout/scold n beat her or leave room n she ended up sobbing hard... damn jialat...

Smiley: My gal also boh gey, no tooth till now, next sat will be her 9 months. But find her yesterday body a bit warm, measure her temperature is 36.7 deg. She is quite cranky since yesterday.

hi amiley, my bb also bogeh. a sale girl even looked shocked and pointing to my bb says, maybe he has calcium deficiency blah blah. well, i don't know. i haven't checked with PD. I surfed online, if by 12 months still no teeth, need to check with PD? lack of Vit D? But hey, I enjoy his no teeth looks so much, liked Elmo everytime he laugh

Happi: wrong wrong. Cloh's Cherish is booked by my Kyden. Can't remember who Gyan booked... i think it is mini's pretty Kate? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Smiley: My boy has 4 teeth now. 2 on top and 2 below! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I used to wrap a sterile gauze round my finger to clean his gums and tongue. But kanna bite real hard one day. So i am using the pigeon toothbrush now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Happi: I tried making homemade tomato sauce. Just throw about 3 tomatoes into boiling water (like cooking hard boiled eggs). Cook till the skin slightly peel off. Scoop up the tomatoes, remove the skin and seeds. Transfer into saucepan and slowly cook over low fire while mashing it up. Ya, it's a bit sour, but surprisingly, my boy ate up everything with his pasta. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I also saw a bottle of readymade strained tomato sauce from the supermarket. Looks good, it's organic and salt free. Only 1 ingredient - organic tomato! Just bought it, may try one of these days.

bbin : she dun wan to nap that means she not tired. They now nap lesser compared to last time. Cherish only nap twice a day now. N each nap may last between 1/2 he to 1 hr. they will want to sleep when tired.... force them only makes us more tired. Just let her play n engage more games with her to tire her out.

freesia : i uses the canned strain tomatoes. but not organic. I did tried with fresh tomatoes but sour end up i need to add some sugar...

Ooops, Kyden booked by Chloe... hee sorry...


the prob is she kept rubbing her eyes which she usually does if she's sleepy... but @ the same time, she oso wanto play... can puke blood...

nw she has YET another bad habit... keep blinking her eyes... jialat la...

Hi gals,

Keke, quite a few bb same like rk still Bo gay. Keke.

But it's look kind of funny Bo gay as his size is abt 1yo.

And when he laff I also wanna laff cos it's v funny.

Bbin: sigh... A "sick" weekend for the family, hubby sick, me sick, maid sick.... Just hope our little one don't get it...

I hope nothing serious happened to you... Take it ez ya...

