(2010/02) February 2010 mtb


Thanks for the detailed post!!!

It's really ver informative for me!

Thanks for taking time to write!

Shall try it out! Hehe..


In tat case, u gotta keep washing the towel..

U use those normal towel on him or tat towels tat belongs to him alone?


Hahahaha.. Shall try out and stop washing his butt using water.

Dun wanna create fear in water wif him lor!

Juz find it increasingly hard to wash him clean coz he wouldn't stop wriggling! Heiz..

Wanna say him oso dun noe whether he understand anot!



In the afternoon, he poo and I bring him to the washing area to wash him and he cling onto me for his dear life!

Guess I read this post late, yay? Hehe

morning mummies!


the 1st time i put her in the potty, she smiled when i made the 'umm' sound to mimick poo-ing... guess she found it fun? haha...


Anyone cooked brown rice porridge with the avent steamer with blender? Can we blend the brown rice with it? Do I still need to cook the brown rice with s separate pot?

Tira> oops...too use to shortforms online.. Heeee

Yeah of cos! I can live w/o hubby but cannot live w/o her..! Haha..

Happi> o.. But Cherish wun use the pillows as support to stand up? Mine will tend to when she wide awake else sleep will lie beside n hug. So worry at times dunno she be awake sudd. Hence used matresses below even.. Sigh.. Every dae new patterns so wish while hse made if plastic..?! Wahaha

Bbin> u joining the Jan mummies b'dae bash? Steady?! They'd list very long leh! Ard 50pax?! Btw where to hse tiz big part bash?

Lovie> hmmm todae onwards can try other methods to wash his buttock lor..


Does your girl still wakes up very often? My boy has been waking up every hour for about 2 weeks already. He used to be able to sleep through from 10pm to 8am or the most eke up once at around 4am. Now he'll become very irritable and rub his face, then wakes up crying. I tried to pat him but he cries louder till whole face very red. When I carry him up, he'll latch a while and sleep. Sometimes, just fall asleep again when I carry him. Really vey tired from waking up every hour.

Anyone experiencing the same thing with their babies?

Angel: she used to push herself up using the pillows. But we discourage her. Even at play on bed if she does so we give her a very firm "NO". She understAnd it now. When she is awake b4 me she will use her hand n pat me asking me to wake up. Babies r very intelligent. Hv to teach since young they understand de.

Lovie: cherish now best. Even sleep also can poo. Last nite wake me up at 5 am I check, she make a very big business. Have to clean her up cos she poo so much the poo leak out frm sides of her diapers n kena her pants.

Angel: there will be time when yr gal can stand. Like cherish, now can push herself up to stand. She will lift up her butt up use her hand push her self up to stand. Can stand for a few wobbly seconds. So u hv to look out. That's y u hv to be firm with yr gal. If she does dangerous stunt on bed u better put a stop to it. It will b a battle initially but it is for LO safety.


Boh Lah! I went to catch a movie at iluma.. Resident Evil..


Hahahaha.. But hor, as long as they poo, even if wee hours is also fine right?

Rather than they dun poo and gotta keep on counting the days on how long "it" didnt come! ;p

Bryest> hmm.. Estovan testing isit? Mine tiz daes seems to b ok la, if excl the nite b4 cos she was hug by preggy..

Tat wk as like wat Happi hint to me, realli teething. U can try put ur finger inside let Jim bite, if got teeth can feel hard surface.

Else other reasons may be stomach discomfort or 'extra' spooky things?

Happi> u 4got my gal is Ling(jing) Gek Siao?


Got try train her b4 like how to climb down the bed past 1mth no use. In the end daddy told me she fell on him twice. Den last few daes he describe scenario to me. Not consider fall is consider she climb over the pillows o surrounded her den climb onto him den abit like jump onto his body n best him like a drum when she succeed landing on him.. Wa! Steady hor?

Btw she already like to stand with support on watever comes to her hands. Bth

Bryest,happi>>> oops.. Pardon my fat fingers on iPhone cummthe auto dictionary on on some words error..


Testing} teething

Jim} Him

Angel: cherish can stand with support since she was 6 mths n that's y I emphasize on "discipline" her on bed "don'ts". She also will stand with whatever she lay her hands on. But that does not mean it is an excuse to let her fall. Please pardon my harsh words. With the progress of our babies everyday we also need to improvise some new patterns to counter react totheir nonsense. I uses disciplinary to teach my gal what is right n wat is wrong. Wat she can do n wat she cannot. I don't know abt u.

Happi> tink maybe Cherish more guai den her.. Sigh.. Tried hitting her arms n legs so hard turn red she cry awhile den after awhile still no use. Hence decided wif hubby better dun gif her chance. Tatz y I even dismantle the bb cot when she learn how to flip. Change her clothes on floor wif mattress. N slowly when she progress, looking at her pattern. Most times like stubborn cow..

Den rem my PD told me his 3kids all sleep on floor with him. Hence yest bth better play caution just dismantle bed oso.

If Cherish is train well that's good to hear [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] pardon me

Cos juz wanna play safe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope u dun mind if any above words not pleasing to eyes. Hard to say over words here ka.. If u Noe wat I mean ('',)

Bryest> o ya.. U got order the Bellamy rice cearesl le? Cos I wanna trf the 5pkts of rice cereal to u if u gonna order. Btw the est lead time is how long? Thkq

Tam> long time ne c u here.. If u happen to read here todae can lemme now when the happy bellies order ETA? Thkq

Happi> o ya. U training cherish to sleep on mattres which kind u get for her huh? Is it normal single or thick thick super single or ? Is it nec to get thick ones so as to avoid LO cold cold if sleep too close near floor?

Btw u place it in seperate room or same room with u?

Cos me thinking soon wanna train her sleep alone wif grandma soon?


I haven't order yet cos minimum order is $200 and total order haven't hit $200 yet. Planning to order by next week. They will deliver the stuff to me 2 days after I place orders and make payment. Where can I pass you your 5 packets?

I still can't see the teeth yet. He has been waking up every hour for almost 2 weeks already. Initially I thought it's cos of his allergy but he has recovered and still waking up every hour.

Angel: no point hitting her. What I did is just when she is doing the action we will tell her no. If she listen we will praise her. Babies r intelligent they know but somehow they will test boundaries so it boils down to how firm u r.

I bought the single mattress. Not those spring type but thick. Ah, I to things one at s time. Train her to sleep on mattress 1st then later then train her sleep next room.

Bryest>> dear..very tiring siah.. Hmmm.... If c pd again may b better? U starting work soon somemore rite?

Btw how much r u short from 200? I can ask my GFs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Paiseh ah.. Other den rice cereal 5.50, still got wat items?

Hi mums, sorry to interupt. I have a Friso gold stage 2 900g unopened, expiry date 4th May 2010, for sale at $30. Pls PM me if interested...

Happi> oic the thick kinds. Tink need to get one liao n slowly step by step arrange her to sleep in seperate room. Hmm..Tried several methods from hard to soft but can't get her to climb down the right way.. Mayb i'm too soft. In the end So juz follow PD does. Feel safer in a way.

Heee.. Juz now she finally learnt to sayang mummy n not beat my arm when hugging me.. Heee.. N she say mum... Mum... Wonder she hungry wanna latch or callin me? Hmmhmm.. Eye rolling.. (*.*)

Btw tat dae u say feed her ngor fish, wat is it call in english ah? Wanna try go ntuc find.

Bryest>o ya, may b can try hug him koala bear n den shift him to ur chest area hear ur heartbeat. It works for me too tat time. Trial n error Liao..

Btw I can pick up goods from u ard Amk, or Jurong or orchard or yishun? Or u prefer where?

Angel : climb down???? i'm not so "high level" yet teach my gal climb down... i only told hef no climbing up the cushions on bed. She now can stand up herself so i play safe make her sleep on mattress.... ngor fish i think its threadfin fish ba... so far i've tried ngor fish, xue yu n salmon for Cherish... today i tried chicken....


Think still short of about $50. I'm thinking of buying some other products to hit $200. What's your email add? I send you the list of products they have and the prices.

My boy keeps waking up and cry just now. I tried latching him but he doesn't want and keeps crying. Not sure whether he's uncomfortable. If he carries on waking up every hour, I'll sure collapse when I start work. Moreover, I've to stay back quite late for my work. Sigh


My friend just informed me that she would like to buy the bellamys products. I have exceeded $200 already. I'll be placing orders tomorrow. Let me have your email add so that I can forward the list of products to you. If you wanna add on other products, just SMS me or pm me. I can arrange to pass to you when the stuff reaches me.

Bryest> oh.. good! Exceed Liao ah .. Than no need the list. U placing order todae? Juz add on for me. Total I want 10 pkts of rice cereal. ;) so pass u 55bucks cash when meet up or I IB transfer to ur a/c? PM ur a/c no. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thkq!

Juz latched her.. Sudd feel line eating mc Donald b'fast.. Goody morn!! Haha!

Hmm.. Dun scare me is it colic??!? Or do u believe 'pan tang' things? Recently got carry him downstairs n happen to walk past funerals? Dunno how to feel their lil stomachs can feel if it's bloated or indigestion? Or got try hug him place his lil face n ear on ur heart?

Happi> oops.. Diff frequency juz now? :D

Aiya I keep thinking if my fren taught her LO climb down the bed?!! Her mum dunno how teach her ard8mths old she climb down n up the bed n all over the bed room safely n like a happy lil explored..!

O the cushions n she guai guai listen to u? That's good! Mine mfin realli notice if she got STOP at the pillow n dun climb over but got pause n hug the whole of th pillow like sooo comfy den lie n stop there lor. Maybe my instincts or I Kia C.. Keep worry she may climb over the high pillows or knock them over n kick them over 1 sudden night when I was sleeping? So juz the Hua Mian i scared scared soI jus go follow my PD doing

Hey..! Btw how to off the auto dictionary in iPhone huh? Bth... Got singlish n shortforms to install apps? Wahahaha

O treadfin fish! Thkq! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Early morn kpkb downstairs.. Tink a murder may happen in AMK?!?! Scary...

Lovie> hey! The resident evil nice? How many star out of 5 will u give?

Me miss watching movies with hubby sudd... Hmmm....

Happi> btw realli muz compliment Cherish leh. I still rem she guai guai sit on ur lap while u eat lunch! U juz onli feed her a few grains of rice to keep her in place..?! It's really a blessing to haf her character ('',)

Cos not all bb like tat.. If my fren's.. His bb would haf scream n squirm can't sit still b satisfy wif juz a few grains?

Mine touchwood c her mood 1 hor.. Sometimes feed her a few gerber stars ok..or a pc of plastic small kind like tissue paper plastic. Record long was small ziplock bag!while I finish 1bowl of ban mian time :D

Angel: cherish also must c mood. But when she wantd to b naughty she can be very naughty n stubborn. Thats when the "disciplinary mistress" steps in. Yes cherish was in good mood tht day and thus can be satisfy with some rice. Haa.

Yr ipone.. Go to settings=> General=>Keyboard=>auto correction "off"

Angel: just a piece of advice. Like u say not all babies r the same. Thus as a mother we hv to do what is required of us. For example cherish now can open drawers. For fear tht she will hurt her fingers when she accidentally close the drawers , we bought "safety lock" n clip on the drawers. As she is crawling now we also bought corners safety pads n stick on the sharp corners of tables etc.

My point is we will not be able to teach babies "safety" in time, so as mothers n guardians we hv go take n prepare our own safety measures. Pls do not hit yr gal no point de. Must point out her mistake just at that time she is doing. If u hv difficulties pls ask the " higher authorities" . PRAY. I remember u r christian ? I pray for every reasons n ask God for strength n guidance. Certain things we really do need our Almighty Father to help [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] He nvr fails u n will guide yr gal along too.

Jesline :

My nanny gives Jolie apple to eat... Before her 2 buck teeth came out, nanny will give her a thin slice of apple to "munch".. But now that she has teeth, can bite a chunck of apple.. so nanny uses spoon to "scrap" the apple and feed Jolie.. She loves it...

I also bougth a few Gerber's Apple & Pear juice for Jolie to drink.. But I will dilute it wif water.. cos scare too scare...

Lovie :

Nothing is too time wasted for u !!!! Dun mind sharing to another mommies who wanna learn... =P

I also hope Kiefer will enjoy bath mah...

Angel :

I also using iphone most of the time to type and surf leh... If urs fat fingers.. den mine must be giant / swollen fingers leh...

How come ur dictionary got such save those error words ?? Thought the phone will auto prompt the correct spelling ?? Must be u added those wrong typo words in ur dicionary issit ?? heeheeeeee..

I dunno why Jolie reali hates to be tummy flat !! Every time we put her in tat position, hoping she can learn a bit of crawling.. she'll cry within the next few minutes !!

Now she also likes to stand !! Will uses anything she can support to try standing up ! Sometimes when she sit beside me on the bed, she will grab my shirt and try to stand !!

Happi reali has a good point.. parenting is reali not easy.. and none of us are born wif to perfect this skill.. We learn along the way.. and as much as we can, will try to protect and prevent any possible dangers tat our LO may encounter..

Personally also dun believe is hitting.. cos it may result is back fire when LO grow up..

Jolie sometimes also dun wanna sit still in her bumbo seat when eating porridge.. always wanna arch back.. so will give her a firm "No" and stare.. den praise her when she eats her porridge properly..

Guess now is reali 爱的教育 liao !!!

Woofy>maybe mine beri swollen wahaha..hmmm will try get use it.. heee

Happi> yeah! Thkq! ya got hard n soft many diff methods teaching her.. She likes praises most I find.. Now latest trick teaching her to kiss mummy Wahaha..! :p

Ya she like prayers at times I find too

She hear me pray out loud she doze off beside me pretty fast! N zzz like an angel... So lovely!

Another success trip to church now! She doze off now liao


U going today?

Whoofy,cos someone advise me to give raw apples and raw pears for babies. She told me that people steam and cook the pears for storage in freezer. But I tot the reason for steaming them is to make them more easily digestable and also not overly sweet.

Whoofy: jolie may be one of those babies who skip 1 step. Start to stand n walk w/o crawling. Such babies r really very very intelligent as the elders said. They r smart n clever.

Angel: then u must pray to her more often. Cherish dun go to church cos het daddy is a buddhist. Our agreement is to let cherish choose her religion she iscomfortable with when she grow up. I can't to church after i deliver cherish cos nobody take care of her. But i may be going to the church near my office. They hv weekdays evening service. Think He heard my prayers. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jesline :

Steam or boil .. den blend to puree and frozen also can... And yes.. it can reduce the sweetness too..

I remember when I was young, my mom also boil apple soup for us to drink. very simple.. cut apples, boiled wif water and add some pandan leaves.. it's a mild sweetness taste .. can even put in fridge and drink it cold.. ahahah

Happi :

Huh ?! Skip 1 step eh... aiyo.. no good lah.. den she will be super naughty.. 还没爬就飞??!!!

Angel :

Ur fingers how swollen also wont be as big as mine leh.. me a size 16 mother leh...

Ehh.. a odd Qs.. After so many mths..

How to burp bb? Pat stroke up or downwards ah?

Cos rem nurse taught me down

Den my mum keep saying down else bb spit up.. ? Hmmm.??

Happi> yesh! Thk Him he answered ur prayers in His ways. At least u can go back to Him some ways.

Ya she loves the service juz now n was clapping her hands during songs .. Had her lunch in the cry room.. Not too bad..

Den let her choose her belief bah

For me I realli thk Him for softening my hubby somehow to allow Jasielle to be baptize n follow me to church on Sundays tho alternate wk.. ;)

Whoofy: not many babies like dat. My godson also dun crawl n started standing then walk. Very intelligent boy.

Angel: last time i burp cherish stroke upwards. I dun burp her since she knows how to sit steadily. Think she was 4 mths plus i stop burping her. When they r mobile liao actually can stop burping cos when thry move thry csn burp on their own.

Whoofy: i also remember drinking yhe boiled apple soup when i was young. Suppose to b a cooling drink. Now think of it makes me drool. Maybe should boil for cherish 1 day. Natural apple soup + cooling.

Super angry this evening! Someone fed my baby with cooked rice which her son who's having cough, has eaten. Still telling me that can feed my baby the soya sauce potato that is soft.

Jesline :

Oh... tats bad.. how come tat person such an idiot ! And still say can feed baby wif soya sauce potato ???!! Must be crazy !

Apple puree is nice too..so long as Jing Feng likes it ok liaoz..

Happi> o thkq! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ah....! Mon blue! Wat a long wk ahead.. Working mummies.. 加油..!

