(2010/02) February 2010 mtb

Whoofy, indeed. I was v furious last nite. Dunno wat to do with the person. She meant well but sometimes I am really v angry with her when she likes to use her method of taking care of her children on my bb. She even buy those bottle crysanthemum tea and fried snacks for her son to drink and eat though knowing that he has a bad cough. Then she always bring out some old toys that have been kept for a long time for my bb to play, didn't even wash them. Pardon me for being a cleanliness freak, but I really cannot tolerate that.

Perhaps, it all started with the fact that when I asked her for advice on baby previously, then she always say it is quite long ago she cannot remember. Then now I come to forum and learn things from u all, she then add on her comments here and there, like dun need to steam fruits, just feed directly etc.... then ask me to buy those bottled puree to feed. Fed up!

Btw, for my first attempt of the sweet potato puree seems to cause Jing Feng a bit cranky. When I was feeding him with it for 4 days, Jing Feng's been fussing a lot in the day (not sleeping well and kept wanting to be carried, carried liao, still fuss). Then when I stopped the puree 2 days ago, he seems to be back to normal soothing self. Really wonder if it is because of the sweet potato puree cos I didn't buy the red-skinned Jap type but brown-skinned Indonesia type. Anyone experienced that?

hi morning mummiesssss....... long time no login liao.....

Hi Jesline....stay cool...at times, u have to show your action ...once the dirty toys are given to your baby.....just take & wash it b4 your baby touch it lor....at times, your body language can be read by others...at most, they say u so "CLEAN HAR" & some comments lor.... just "REN" ok.....

Kath, I intend to wash all the toys that I can see the next time I visit them. I feel like banging my head into the wall when she passed the dirty toy to my bb and when my bb put into his mouth, then she say v dirty, cannot eat hor. Wat is the diff when bb's hands already in contact with the dirty toys and later he put his fingers in his mouth? In the first place, shd not even give my bb the toy if she knows is dirty!

Ytd, my face v black and I stayed absolutely quiet. I also cannot tahan that sometimes for diplomacy reason, we got to keep bb awake so that they can play with him though he is v sleepy liao. Or gotta wake him up half-way thro his nap to entertain other people. My bb's not a toy lor.

Jesline :

Seems like tis "fren" of urs may be living in olden times..

Dun get too worked up wif such person..

Most importantly is tat u r clear of the DOs and DONs..

And best thing.. keep Jing Feng away frm ths person ! =P

Shortleg, my hair is dropping too and getting more, strangely. I thought it is becos I am growing my hair long again. I intend to change shampoo to see if it helps. Cos mayb use the same shampoo for too long liao.

Whoofy, she will always kae siao and take over from another person carrying him, nv when I am carrying.

A v bad mama, sometimes, I cannot tolerate what I see, I just walk away, in case I blow up on the spot!


Yalor, now I hate to wash hair coz i see so many strands on the floor. Haiz... hormones ar, hormones!!

Btw, do you have to meet that "fren" of yours so often? if it is once in awhile, maybe can REN but if too frequent, u need to voice your displeasure soon.


i guess so...


haha.. ur story reminded me of a neighbour i trying to siam... oso don like the way she 'handle' my gal...

Jesline :

U must try to show ur power.. let her know who is in charge lor..

Like my MIL.. she also like to "hog" Jolie whenever she can.. Each time if my FIL or SIL carrying Jolie.. she will not let them carry for long and jus snatch her away frm their hands..

She also ever do tat frm me, simply try to grab Jolie frm me, but I pull away and told her tat I will carry her..

Maybe it's also due to my MIL act of "violence".. Jolie aways dun like when she carries her.. within minutes she will start to get cranky. So in the end, she's back into my arms..

Jesline, ya tell her off lor or just carry yr boy away as.this show that u r not happy .....leave the place soon if possible..don't angry....just to firm n protect towards yr baby....dun care who is that as we r just protecting our kids.

Good morning!!

Christine: How you find the taobao things?

Jesline: Just straight tell her off la, hehe, if you find difficult, ask ur hb say her.

apple: quite ok ar. why? the sizes are as per expected. but those from children's place de althou i ordered for 18 mos, they are small. my ger can only wear them now.

hmmmm... think i did not do a comprehensive measurements that time.

Any mommies bought the RL items from the SMH spree by Tikumom...

Jus saw tat her hubby passed away over last wkend.. so if u hav ordered frm her.. will need to wait a few more wks after she's settled the funeral arrangements..


buay tahan tis spree lei... wait bloody long for it... n best, she supposed to refund me for item OOS, till nw still no $$!! i wanted to wait for the tings to arrive n settle wif her once n for all... saw ur name, so gd, gg to receive ur items soon...

Christine: I mean the quality of taobao. I find the quality ok, how about you? I bought 1 set of Gap PJ, find it not bad, next spree i will buy more.

As for the children place not yet open and see.

Bbin :

I also hav not receive my RL items.. no leh.. mine is in batch 35 & 35 leh.. still got long time den my turn..

Just hope that items are alrdy in SG.. jus hav to wait for her to sort it out lor..

Chris, yes the deeds are by the SIL. I dunno why I cannot have the strength to tell them abt my views. Mayb I also dun wan to embarrass my HB, so I always complain to him but I guess nothing we can do but just try to diplomatically avoid.

Last nite, I am also upset by the fact that my HB purposely woke up my bb bcos MIL not happy that bb always nap at her place and sometimes up to 1hr cos she cannot play with him. And she always made sarcastic remarks like we always bring bb to her home for napping session. Wah lau, how can I control bb sleep. And when we arrive at her home at 7 plus, she will also complain to us why we are so late. Sometimes, she will go to the extend to call us to chase us to go her home. Bo bian, bb nap till 6.30pm, we got to feed him first if not bb will fuss in car.

Then, I also dislike my MIL kept repeatedly say that bb is looking for my HB when bb fuss in her arms. Simply refuse to let me carry my bb. Then, always end up HB passes bb on to me when bb still cries after he carried him. HB also knows I unhappy but wat to do. Where got these kind of pple!

Then, I intend to start working. Initially, planned with HB to get nanny, already arranged cos MIL just recovered after her hospitalisation and still on medication so don't want her to overwork. But she insists she take care and mistaken us that we don't like her taking care of my bb. I told myself to ren and not complain again but each time, I just gave up and let it out.


Hahahahaha.. Okay lah but am think am very suay lor coz i wanted to buy KOI and also ice-cream but the 2 of 'em was OOS! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I will give a 4 star performance! Hahahahaha


Though am thankful for able to go out kai kai wif hb, i oso prefer to look after Kiefer at night rather than to rely on MIL!

I havent try out ur method for washing poo though.. Hehe

RE : Tikumum.. Aiyo! So sad! Hubby passed away.. Choy!!!

apple: same here. i will also buy more in the next TaoBao Spree if there is.

Jesline: HB got no power to say ar? Next time when HB passes bb to u, say back indirectly lor like 'i tot ah po said u looking for daddy? why pass to mummy now leh?'

cannot insist to get a nanny ar?

Jesline :

Haiz.. tats the problem wif SIL & MILs...

Next time tell ur MIL tat it's medically known tat baby must sleep otherwise they wont grow !!!!

Last time my MIL also like to disturb Jolie whenever she's napping..

Sometimes they come over to our place for dinner, and so happen Jolie is sleeping..

Imagine she can jus walk into our bedroom.. stand beside Jolie and call her name

Initially we din know she called her, we jus thought she went in to take a look at her..

Den somehow every time she went in, she will in the end carry her out and say "Jolie wake up liaoz, so I carry her out lor !"

Den 1 day, Jolie slept very soundly and was not woken up by her.. So she came out of the bedroom, complaining .."Wah.. girl girl sleep so deep ah..keep calling her also dun wake up !"

Immediately my face turn black !!!! I stared at my hubby and he got my hint.

My hubby scolded her .. no wonder every time Jolie will wake up when she goes in and see her.. it's bcos she's been calling her and waking her up !!!! And yet, she still can proudly say it's becos Jolie knoes she's here and wanna play wif her.. so woke up !!!!

Sometimes we reali need our hubby to put the message across..

But we must also show them whois in charge, so that when hubby not ard, we are not invisible.

I hav a dog at hom, and when my in laws come over, he will jump wif joy & bark..

But there'r times whem Jolie is sleeping.. So I will purposely scold my dog in front of my in laws very sternly.. told my dog to shut up and better not wake Jolie up !!! Otherwise I will cane him ! Indirectly I am sending the message to my MIL too.. And reali let them knoe I am serious abt it..

Whoofy, not quite possible for now cos last nite, my HB try to explain our concerns to MIL that she may want to have a good rest first before taking care of our bb and that my FIL is going overseas in Oct which leave her all on her own to manage. MIL already v unhappy on hearing that cos I can hear her from the living room when HB try to talk to her in the kitchen quietly.

Actually, MIL got good endurance. The day that she went to hospital, I took time to visit her and baby during lunch time from work, she already v sick but still refuse to let me take half day leave to take care of bb. Till night time, when I went back again to fetch bb, she had high fever and cannot get out of bed, I called my HB quickly to take her hospital. She really loves my son a lot. But we are really worried abt her health. Sometimes, can only blame on generation gap and also misunderstandings.

But HB and I have already decided to let her take care of bb first, if didn't work out, will be Plan B (either nanny or get maid). I also have concerns cos this time I am working for my friend, so if in any case cause inconvenience to her due to family issues, I also v pai say. My friend quite nice, know my situation, has promised me that I can to go off work on the dot and no weekend work. This kind of job difficult to find.

Jesline :

Understand ur situation.. but do pardon me for saying tis.. Lookin at the current problems u had wif ur SIL & MIL.. there'll be more conflicts to come when she starts takin care of ur baby..

Jesline: i also share the same concerns that whoofy raises. My mom who is my ger's primary caretaker, also got good endurance, and like ur MIL, refused to let me take 1/2 day. Then there's was once, i quite pissed off and told her 'You insisted that u wanna look after her, but u dun even wanna take good care of yourself and nurse your health back. How do u think u can look after her for long long time? How do u think u can look after her and another one if i were to give birth? You so selfish, only to think of the current soln but never think of a long time one.' Then i walked away with my ger. I know this is a harsh one, but it works lor. i'm not saying tat u ve to be the one saying this, but u can prepare ur hb to say it, and then after he said tat, ask him to walk away to 'pretend he is really angry and disappointed'

jesline,....ya tell her off ....or ask your hb to pass the massage... i will always tell my hb....if he dont wan to say anything/help...i will tell my MIL off directly...i no give face one.... dont care .....

Jesline, if u r not happy with yr MIL now., then better dont let her to take care of your baby as there will be alot of problems coming down the road. It would be better to find a nanny as nanny, u still can tell her off but MIL....u tell her off....she sure to say that HELP u to take care of the baby .....u still so fussy.... so y let her have the chance to SAY u leh....right.

All your reasonings are what I have tot of too but think if I refused to let MIL take care of bb, the situation will be worse. MIL too stubborn. Unless we don't want to meet her anymore.


Ur MIL is stuborn coz she loves your son alot. Haiz.... bo bian for you i guess. Think abt it, it will be better for her to take care as u know for sure she wont ill treat him. If you leave it with the nanny or maid, u may run the risk of your son getting mistreated.

That's my view la, coz initially i also dun like my MIL to take care of my son but I heard toooo many cases of maids ill treating the babies. Very scary lor.

Shortleg, yup. So after complaining, still gotta go back face reality. Cos HB ever told me unless we don't want to meet again, if not, she being the elder, gotta to try to accommodate. My HB v filial, also dun wan to make it difficult for him.

Jesline, this kind of situation i been through before too. That time, i insisted at my end....hb LL too..y must make our life so difficult...i think in the future yr mil sure say bcos of taking care of yr baby...her health no good la.......etc.....etc.....is all your faults.....


ur 'boring' is referring to the forum huh........... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Coz the maid's wif me and tat she's needed to do hsework so can't go out wif me..

Couldn't leave her alone at hse coz she's leaving liao..

Dun wanna let her have any chance to bring home souvenirs!!! Hahaahahahah..

