(2010/02) February 2010 mtb


tat time hven give birth, u 'entertained' urself wif washing mah... u can 'recollect' those days again lor... den wont b bored! hehehe....


Kath, told my HB if anything happen to MIL, we got to b prepared of the consequences later.

Anyhow, I am just letting off my steam. Ytd nite is simply too much for me. Still gotta go on. Just pray everything will go smooth after.

Jesline: I wld agree with the rest of the mommies here.... it is better to avoid than next times the r/ship with MIL go sour....

Hello Mummies,

very long never come in. Just changed job, so very busy... only managed to catch up on the forum last weekend cos' long hols. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw, any mummy wants to exchange milk with me? I need Friso 2 and can get everything except Mamil Gold.

Thanks for all your good advice. Sigh... r'ship already not good with MIL liao. No matter what I do, she also not v please with me as a DIL. Just now, help her to clean up the bathroom after she bathe the nephew, she also give me a face. Mayb bad mood.

Then bb just now got frightened by the nephew and wanting me to carry him, MIL still try to sooth him. Again, cannot stop his cries, she pass to my HB instead when bb kept raising his hands towards me. Mayb she thinks that I don't want to let her take care of bb, so she purposely didn't want to pass bb to me.

Anyway, despite all my complaints, I will still try hard to make r'ship work out. 说难听点,she already in her golden years, still trying her best to help instead of enjoying herself. As my HB's wife, I will try to accommodate.

Just keeping my fingers crossed that she's can managed for a few months till my job stabilises, then I will get a maid to help out. Pray that she will understand me one day.

wa so scary abt mil! sigh i m sahm lookin after one active baby myself with no maid. sure can drive me nuts at times then my mum will sometimes come over to help out but not often cos she has backaches to carry an active child so i will get angry with my mil who refuses to help out at all. luckily she doesnt stay with us but it's my phobia tt one day she will. pray hard to whoever who will listen hee then when i go to her house with baby and she cries she will say she wants this or that then i told her no she jus wants her milk then she will pretend tt she knows wat baby wants. i was like thinking pls lor she doesnt even lk after her how would she knows what she wants then she will carry her and walk around. of course she hungry she will still keep cryin ma then last time she will say my gal naughty keep cryin so i was quite pissed off. i told hubby to tell her she dunno baby so dun anyhow give comment so after i feed baby baby calmed down then in my heart i smirked at her. hmph of course mother knows best k then alot of things i learnt online or thru mothers n i have my way of lking after baby she will sometimes oppose but i dun care cos only see them a few hours a week then i told my hubby if he wants baby to grow well he has to stand on my side cos i research n not like some hearsay or old folks tales. anyway she nv bring up my hubby n his bro at all wat so she isnt as gd as my mum who brought us up herself

sometimes i wonder if i have a son n next time b mil to his wife i will treat my dil like my own child


When are you gonna start work? Not trying to scare you but even my relationship with my own mum is affected after she comes over and help me look after my boy.

There are a lot of things we do and think differently cos of generation gap. When I tell her should be done according to how I feel, she tell me she used to do her way when she looks after us. She keeps insisting my boy doesn't like cereal and should eat porridge. If not, he'll not want to eat rice next time. At least I tell my mum off, she won't be unhappy cos I'm her daughter. Don't think it applies to mils.

Wyshania: my girl is having unsweeten barley. Usually my nanny will feed her abt twice a wk.

Jesline: im sure yr mil wun wan to "harm" yr bb. After is het son's children. The elders sure will hv their own way of taking care of bb but im sure with their exp they can tk care of bb better than us. I used to hv some "diff thinking" frm my nanny. But my hb assures me n ask me keep 1 eyes close. N guess what, my girl is very well taken care off n my nanny is even more anxious abt her than me.

We 1st time mummies may be very ambitious want this n tht our way for our bb. But y dun step 1 step behind n c things again. Things may turn out fine.

Having said tht, i understand the problems wif mil. Trust me cos im staying with 1 . I just 1 ear in 1 ear out.


Sorry, I thought you referring to swim suit. I think you can check out kiddy palace or mothercare. Don't think fox has bathing suit, only swim suit.

Goood morming mommies..

I received an sms frm Abboott Singapore.. saying I won : 2 Baby IQ Dvds frm the Similac Follow On Quiz !! Yeah.. hahaaaa

Jesline :

Jus hav to close an eye on watever u see.. and left ear in, right ear out bah..

But sometimes it's also rather effective to use the "boh chap" tactic..

Since ur MIL dun like to pass bb to u whenever he cries, den by cool abt it, dun bother..

Let her continue to soothe the baby or pass to ur hubby.. and see wat happens next lor..

I can tell u tat chances are the baby will cry even louder !!!

Cos our babies now are very smart.. They may hav alrdy generated the relation of :

- play time = daddy, grand parents

- need comforting = mommy / nanny

Sometimes when Jolie cry while my MIL is carrying her, she's not willing to pass over.. jus continue carrying her, swing & shake her (which makes it even worse !!)

So I purposely will walk away (bad mommy) .. dun be bothered .. let my hubby go settle wif his mom ! Soon after.. hubby also cannot manage, pass Jolie back to me. And once she's in my arms, it's straight to the bedroom where no one else can play wif her liaoz !

Me very KNS one ... to me.. it's "kiang jio hor, mai gei kiang " theory..

But of course.. tis one u dun need to learn lah..


Bryest, I must admit that my temper quite short at times and I will take her for granted at times. My mum is a v nice lady, v accommodating. When my mum comes over to help with baby, she will always do things my way so that we will not have any conflict and help me with my household chores if I am not around at home. The other day, dunno wat happen, bb kept crying after I came back from interview. So I questioned my mother on what happen in the day as if she's done something to bb and she's quite upset. In the evening, I felt really bad and called to apologise to her.

Jesline, after i have a kid, i have learn to appreicate my mum more and become more protective of her too. She's takiing care of my child and i feel more comfortable telling her wat to do. but cannot expect that she will do it word for word lor. I guess humans are not roborts mah, i also have to close one eye. unless its urgent cases like she want to feed my bb with honey, then i say no. otherwise if those are harmless then let it be lor. its indeed very tiring to take care of a child.

Happy, u are right in a way. Cos I believe she loves my son so much that she felt that my son belonged to her family (old traditional thinking of family line), so v protective and that I am a DIL who shd b submissive all the time.

Actually, I am v glad that MIL wants to help with bb care-taking (cos my mum can't as she's not in pink of health and my dad is pretty fussing and likes travelling) but we are just worried for her health and managing it alone, esp after she was hospitalised the last time for taking care of bb when I am back to work 1+ mths back. I just don't want at the end of the day, adult and kid are down at the same time. I just find that sometimes she's too stubborn to weight the pros and cons of situation and insists her way.

Whoofy, I already pierced my ears deaf and my eyes blind liao when I am there. I leave everything for my HB to talk to the family if things are not right. Almost cut my tongue so I cannot complaint verbally to HB and almost chop my fingers so that I can no longer pour the dirty laundry in this forum.


like what happiness say.....if yr MIL really wan to take care of your bb then u really have to REN & close one eye.......

for me.... there is one times my elder son make me really angry..... I want to cane him but my MIL stop me doing that & say nevermind la...dont beat my son.....forgive my son. I shout at my MIL & ask her go away as i wan to punish my son. I told her off that i am letting my son know that what he did was wrong & i wan him to remember not to repeat again... Then my HB came home....she complain lor.... but i told my HB why i wan to beat my son. At times, we have diff view with our PIL or our own parents, after all, we know what is the best for our kids....We too also need to learn & handle our kids too....

Good morning mummies,

Be it MIL or our own mum, we have to respect and accomodate and even tolerate them. We may hv our own way of doing things but like some mummies say, just close one eye when they are ard.

Our babies need us but they also need the love our their grandparents [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh btw, is cod fish to "oily" for babies? I dont feel like giving him threadfin coz I don't like the taste :p

Prefer son to eat what I like in case he can't finish, I can help him :p


Bathing suit and swim suit is the same, right? I am quite blur abt all these things. ;p Actually, i want to bring Evangeline to swim in the swimming pool. My Hubby says go naked but I am afraid she will catch a cold, so wants to buy a swim suit that covers as much body as possible.

I have gone to Kiddy Palace but the swim suit there is very small le.. as in dun cover much.

Can I check with those mummies who bring their babies swimming at Hwa Xia, what do you let your babies wear and where to buy them? Any mummy let their baby swim in cold water yet?

morning mummies!


if u wanto keep her warm, better to get her thermal swimwear... some BP selling too... but i hven go luk for one so cant give u the link...

lovie & gyan,

buay tahan u 2 lei... keep 'flirting' here....


ur stuff wif me... ready to exchange tis weekend??

HI Chirstine,

I brought my son swimming for a few times already. He is wearing an insulating suit from Mothercare. Made of rubbery material with velcro. It is supposed to keep babies warm in the pool. Maybe you can try that? I think it is not a good idea to let her swim naked as it can be windy at times.

With the insulating suit, ur girl can swim in "not so warm" water. Try to bring her in the morning when there is a little morning sun. Hope this helps [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bbin :

Wah.. I got stuff wif u ah ??? Wat ah ????

Sure.. can meet tis wkend.. I'm not working..

Been quite awhile since Jolie & Zx meet wor...

Hi mummies, went to cook my lunch just now. Thanks for ur advice again. After talking abt it, I felt better. I do feel guilty for airing my unhappiness here. Sometimes, on my part, I am not as tolerant as I want myself to be. Usually, after KP, I will be good again.

Shortleg, mayb try gnor fish, dunno wat it is called in english. But suppose to be v good.

Bbin :

Milk powder I knoe lah...

Oh.. the loots.... the gold bars & diamonds we rob frm bank.. (ssshhhsssshhhhhhssss)

Ok ok.. lets me to split the loot.

hi jesline,

take it easy. i can u/s your frustration. for 1st time mum usually hor will be more anxious. i remb for my #1, i am v anxious and i can say i quite particular over what she can eat n cant eat. can do n cant do...my no no list is so long...hahahaha. then my SIL n MIL alws suan me till today le. now i got my #2 and i can sense that i am so much different as b4 le. my no no list shrink to almost nothing liao except the food part. keke

Smiley :

Yes.. for me I bought a box of Durian snowskin frm Goodwood Park for my nanny .. cos personally we feel she reali takes good care of Jolie and love her very much.. it's also a gesture of appreciation I guess..

When CNY comes, I intend to buy "bah kua" for her..

Whoofy: i also "sayang" u. Can buy a box of mao shan wang mooncake for me? Wahahaha... I also always buy cakes n snacks for my nanny. Cos she sayang my gal n always buy new clothes n toys for her nvr taking xtra $ frm me.

Shortlegged pig> eh.. Personally dun find cod fish porridge oily wor.. Been feeding her past few wks till today. But got cut off the skin la.. Haha I same as u leh

But i dun like salmon so nvr cook salmon porridge for her yet :p

But treadfin fish yet to try .. Not nice taste meh? Heee

Jesline> eh.. So in the end u decided let MIL tk care bb in long run? Or? Btw how old is she ah?

Anyway me sane as bryest even when my mum tk care bb already have friction lor.. I cant imagine if my MIL tk care..?

Tho last time i tot she very experience but my mum not as exp.. But God realli has His ways I find out slowly my relatinship with mum strenghten in a way I din realize when I was young n took so many things in granted

Tho we friction but evernite will be fine.

Cant imagine outside family tho is in laws..? Overnite can realli b fine..? Maybe more den 24hrs den can heal? Haha..


Ok I shall try cod tmr.. Hope he likes it.

Anyone tried the Tiger Jar to cook porridge? I read that it can cook porridge quickly and easily. Was thinking of buying it to cook for son. Havent really started him on porridge so got to do it soon.


Lovie aka laundry mama> wah got 4 star so nice meh? Ok.. Will consider


Wah.. Valentine not coming yet.. Flirting again? :D

Happi> o ya forgot ask u.. How ur new job? No more LKK liao.

