(2010/02) February 2010 mtb

Tam/ gyan/lovie/ woofy> ya sure gotta get car seat but men hor.. Tiz Hubby wanna get Exp like Ferrari kind.. Faint.. Told him exp doesn't mean bb like to sit inside lor.. So economical best .. Tat y I sian abt tok to him abt car sear.. Faint.. Men..


Sp cala> of cos feel sad. The 1st fall she had almost make me cry soo long n guilty tat almost went into depression again .. Until hubby keep comfort me. But i quickly got 2 mattreses surround the floor n the foot of bed a big comforted folded in half cos no space put mattress. Den 2,3rd falls was on daddy body. Tho protected like tiz bit I was not are to c her reactions. But mum say seems fine. The most recent 1 I was damn piss wif MIL cos was trusted her the most cos she got exp wif nephews n niece. But I blame myself tat dae And can't b trusting to any1 100% lor. Cos should not listen to her say 'go eat dinner I surround her wif pillows' sigh.. My bunny even can say tell me shud up dun make her mum feel bad..?!?! I almost flare up tat dae. But after dinner keep hugging my gal n playing wif her alone.. Dun let his relatives touch her..! Make it like I wanna latch her in room n den dun go out c them :p

Oh yeah..! Juz back from isetan sale. Tink beri good leh.. Eg Nuk 30% off, many other items more den 20%.. I onli grab some light stuff like DVD, teats.. :p and can spen almost 100 bucks ..!

Lovie/cloh> can't sling her cos my mum use squat toilet not the toilet bowl lor.. Haha

But juz now heard she place her in bumbo seat n place the seat in at the toilet door... So funny she describe.. Tink tiz long wk end I try tat wif her let her smell mummy poo.. :p


Aiyo, muz let MIL know wor..

Cannot let her take matters into her own hand mah.. *sigh*


In tat case, dun put a car seat and risk getting caught har! ;p

Or take Bus/MRT lah! Muahahahahaha

Or u "gek" ur shit and try not to poo lor.

Wait till ur mum or hb comes home then u do!

But pathetic lah..


The moral of the lesson is trust ONLY yourself when it comes to looking after yr gal!!!Hope u and hb can come to an agreement which car seat to get. U may wanna check out the bed railings for yourself. My friend gave me bed railings but i find them unsafe cuz the height is not high enuf. When yr gal can pull to standing/stand, they can still topple over. The ones i have also doesnt protect the bed fully cuz got lobang. They r actually more suited for toddlers cuz the lobang supposed to let the toddler get up and down easily.


Personally, i think a gd mummy is one who already knew what the definition of one is b4 having a kid[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I dun think i am a gd mummy but striving to b one[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sp> bed railings seems not high enuf.. Tink I go KP tiz wk end take a look. But now I tink if bb will bang her head on it when balancing herself or not..? Argh.. As she grows notice more patterns..faint .. Tink muz keep trying Tom n educate her.. Really wonder how my fren's mum taught her LO to climb down the bed by herself?? N can steadily go down backside n legs town 1st den slowly release herself to the floor while holding onto the bedsheet.?! Unbelievable clever LO. N she can do tat when she abt 8mths old?!

Lovie> hey hey.. Tink u wan purposely tease me rite? Gem sai till bunny home? Haha :D

Angel: same same!! Hubby oso wanted get the Ferrari car seat. He said the last taka sale (nt the recent 1) gt sale like 200+ onli bt we didn't buy tat time coz already had the infant seat. As for ur mil, understand la since I oso stay wif mil. Bt diff is my mil don bother bout us de.. We're like invisible. Haha!! So looking 4ward to our own hm...

Hey mummies.. Does ur LOs slp thro the night already? My ger still can't leh.. So tiring.. Esp recently, she slp mayb half hr than wake up crying. I pat her oso cannot than i carry her out of playpen than she slp in my arms. Happens maybe 2-3 times a night, nt including the times she wake up for milk, which is bout 1-2 times.. Making me alwaz feeling tired in office.. Jialat.. How how???

Julie> wah! Tatz cheap leh! Should haf buy n sell here msg.. Den I buy 250 from u.. Hahaha

Hmm.. Sounds abit like me last wk leh. But like mine similar to Happi LO.. Teething lor.. Wonder if similar to urs?

SP> actually personally find it hard to judge good or bad

For me I juz feel she is healthy n happy bb I very contented liao...

Angel: aiya wasted no buy if nt can give u discount sell at 300 haha!! Dono teething not leh, tat time when her bottom 2 cum out oso cry cry cry than I gt the cream to apply, can't rem the name. Tat time I apply oso is coz could c white at the gums meaning teeth cuming out, bt now I cant c coz is on top n she oso don wanna open her mouth let me c. Bt I guess shd b bah, coz there was a period she could slp 5-6hrs straight, so shiok.. Haiz I better catch some slp now since she asleep. Who knows another half hr later I back here typing again.. Haha!!


My bed railings are the netted kind. Definitely not high enough but safe if LO bang against them. Anyway, my gal sleeps in cot with bumpers. She can pull to standing now in her cot, sometimes bangs her head against the bumper when she falls but at least the bumper would absorb some of the impact. I never leave my LO unsupervised even when she's on the playmate cuz she will crawl all over the place anyway. The safest is to leave in playpen with safe toys inside if u need to leave the LO unsupervised for a while or put in jumperoo or walker with wheels removed. Just my 2 cents worth

Julie: Is it possible that ur LO didn't eat/drink enough in the day so keeps waking up at night?? Or napped too much and too close to evening time? Now I don't give my boy milk after 12mn.. til next morning 7.30am.. Also, after 6.30pm, no more naps so that he can sleep at night.. He is down to 2 naps per day, 1.5-2hr each.

Julie: Forgot to reply u about fruits to give LO.. If no steamer/blender, u can give papaya, banana, apples, pears.. What u can do is to cut the papaya (small ones), apples, pears into half and use a spoon to scrape the flesh and give.. U can select those softer, ripe ones so easily to scrape and eat.. Actually it's recommended to steam/lightly cook the fruits for LOs before 8 mths, but I know in the past our parents just give 'raw'.. hee.. For bananas, just mash with a fork..

Julie: Ideally, you should steam first, then blend. But if your bb knows how to swallow already, you can try steam and mash with spoon. It just means that your puree is coarser. And if your baby is really good in swallowing, then can try what Tam suggest -- use a spoon to scrape the fresh apple.

Evening mommies....reading the last few entries...guess i came in at the wrong timing cos its about baby safety.....hehehe... Been looking after my gal...she's alright now...

Ive told about my baby fall the other day, cos i was so distressed, sad...angry with myself....but time is slowly healing me... But nevertheless, I will never forget the sound when she drop. Even though my flooring is parquet...the sound really is heart stopping....haiz...

Maybe my story will be a hard lesson learnt for myself and something to bear in mind for the rest of the mommies and their los..

I was alone that day and was rushing to get a change of clothes for my gal. Stupidly I thought placing her in the middle of the king sized bed was safe enough as I 'believed' that she can only flip once. I was proven damn wrong. I left, pick out the cloth and just as I close the drawer (all in a span of a minute or less), I heard a loud thud....damn scary thud.. I rushed...didnt see her on the bed, saw her on the floor, in a crawling position.. Picked her up, saw the baluku huge huge already on forehead...then my heart stopped even longer when I saw blood spots on the front of her blouse.. and in her right nosetril. I panicked and tried to soothe her...Mind was blank...called my hubby working all the way in Changi...to rush to KKH cos I decided to bring her there asap. Changed her asap careful not to come in contact wth her nose at all..(scared got fracture etc).. Took a cab...

Reached KKH, I felt lost...cos I nvr been there...gave birth at Thomson mah.. Oh yah..in cab, she was so quiet...and she slept sitting down..which was a first....huddled her and all...almost wanted to cry liow..

Then at KKH finaly located the Children Emergency...everything was fast...thank god.. x-ray also...then doc say as a procedure, must ward her for observation and also her baluku he measured was quite big. He also checked nose but thank goodness he say all bone in tact....not fractured. At every touch by the doctor, my gal cried..my heart break.. When it comes to x-ray..they don allow me in, only my hubby..cos im not strong enough to hold her down for the xray.. The feeling of being asked to stay outside when my baby was screaming her heart out..was indescribable..

Initially didnt want to inform my parents and in laws....u knowlah..scared kena scolded cos my fault mah... then when hear her have to be warded..bopian...inform lor..

In ward, she have to sleep on a cot bed which has very high railing...and all metal summore...The moment my gal lie down, she flipped...head almost hit the metal bars if not for me who had anticipated and blocked her head with my hands...so unsafe...Niwae no medicine...nothing...just observation....Chose B1 ward cos I saw alot of children in B2 having fever and placed with fever patches running around and its open ward..so after thinking long...although more expensive...i choose B1, a four bedder with air con.

The same night her baluku already grew smaller..Emotions had tire me out but cannot sleep peacefully cos every two hours, nurses came and check on her blood pressure and temperature.. damn jialat...Morning came and had major eyebags. After eye, nose and ear doctor came to check, he gave the green light to go home..was so happy... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

From my bad experience, Ive learnt never to underestimate a baby...mine or anyone elses. But surprisingly, my gal now seldom flip anymore...in front of me lah...Asked or encouraged her to turn..she like scared2. left her in cot the same position..and when came back..still same...unlike last time..place her on left..she will end up right... but this is no reason for me to remain complacent... Been blaming myself hard... Days after the incident, whenever go out, every nook and corner, I imagine accidents waiting to happen with her in it... When I see a flight of stairs, I imagine her in a pram, tumbling down... same with carrying her...scared she'll just decide to squirm her way out of my grip and fall... Know its extreme but had these feelings the past few days..today was better...hopefully to get rid of these images and return to being a mom..although i had not been a good one before..il try my very best.

Oh dear, Blue, this sounds so traumatic. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I'm glad that your baby is fine! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Freesia - very traumatic for the mommy who learnt her lesson the hard way...hehe....serve me right...

Was told by the doctor that if after the fall, within 24hrs, no vomiting anytime eg before or after feed, or maybe baby not responding well to your actions....being really quiet..not feeding well...its a sign of something wrong in the head...maybe touchwood..rapture etc... so the important period is the 1st 24hr..if everything is normal, baby active..then baby will turn out alright..

Jesline - thanks for the concern..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] have not been using comp for the past few days...everything olso on iphone...reading smh on iphone makes me headache and im not particularly fast with typing so long on phone...hehe

Angel - I do not know how you feel after ur lo fell few times...Mine fell once i already like not myself...if few times..i think i will really have depression...hehe..... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Blue ...

Glad to knoe baby is alrite...

Dun keep blaming urself ok... Nobody is perfect, and we all learn thru experiences... Tats how we grow and mature..

Pls take care of urself .. Dun hallucinate all the possible dangers everywhere lah.. U will get depression leh...

Blue: I guess allmummies make mistakes so long as we learn from it. My gal fell off the bed too when she was abt 3 mths old. N my bed is also quite high cos of the thick mattress. She was able to do leopard crawls then but I underestimate her. I left her sleeping in the middle of the bed when I chk on her she was still sleeping but alr fidgeting. I knw she is asking but I tot well I just go make milk. But my bk was turn less then a min n I heard a thud n a loud cry. The cry is something I nvr forget. I calm her dwn fed her milk n make sure she respond to us n no vomiting within half an hr of drinking milk. After which brought her to kkh for check up. We were spare x ray n all sort of test cos I alr did wat was required at home( fed milk make sure no vomit , checking her response, her limbs etc) but the doc wants to admit her as a SOP to monitor her. I refuse I told them I will monitor myself. I can't bear to leave m gal in hospital. The 1st 72 hrs is crucial. Having pass the 72 hrs n all clear, now I do nt take any chances.

She still sleeps with me on my bEd but I surround her with big hEavy cushions. 1 of us will be with her all time. If leave her alone she will be in her playpen. I rather she b safe then me worrying myself sick again.

Angel : cannot "Gek" sai hor... later come out faster. Should be "Loon" sai!!!

btw, Ferrari car seat not ex lor... mine oso Ferrari one, bought at Taka Fair only $269!


glad ur LO's ok nw... take care of urself... don worry since the doc has given green light... juz don repeat the whole nightmare again (which i strongly believe u wont)... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Blue : blood! omg, luckily your gal is fine... anyway stop imagining if not really get depression... just be more careful next time =P

Angel : since u wanna save $$$ dun need to buy the sling liao... since u oredi bought the walker... just put her in the walker and push inside the toilet with u!

Angel: car seat is for safety purpose. If u dun wan to buy

Maybe can get hand me Downs? Mine is a hand me dwn from hb colleagues. Dun compromise yr gal's safety just bcos yr hb is vain n wants a Ferrari. Hand me fown works just as good n serve it's purpose. I'm sorry to say, my hb is very particular when come to his car. Upgrade thisn that etc. N he does not like the car seat in his car too for aesthetic reasons. But he knows his daughter' s safety is more important then anything else in the whole world. Probably it's time u talk to yr hb n get him to grow up n consider yr gal's safety

Blue: Ur recount of the incident sounds scary.. but am glad that ur gal is ok now. don't think too much, else it'll be stressful for u..

Good morning, mummies!

Lovie: It is very difficult to tell my MIL and even convince her cos old pple are stubborn! But normally i will tell her not to give that and this first..

Angel: I think so, when i come back from home, Rachael few time like want to complain.. Hahaha, due to my MIL give her milk late..

Blue: It must be a terrible lesson to learn.. Glad to hear that your gal is ok now. Since it is over, do not blame yourself anymore.

Morning mummies!! u guys are early!!

Blue: Scary to hear ur story. My niece fell fm her bed b4 too, i was at my granny house, and was in the living rm when suddenly heard a loud bang in my cousin's rm.. her mummy faster ran into the rm to a screaming bb.. reli poor thing.. but luckily nothing serious.. don worry, u n ur LO will be fine.. at least u learn something.. never to leave her alone on the bed..

Tam: I oso not sure if is not enuff in the day coz nanny takes care of her. when i fetch her back after work, she onli tells me what time was her last meal, which norm would be porridge at 5+. as for milk, i feed her bout twice b4 she slps, like yest, she drank 200ml each feed, but this morn scary, she drank 200ml oso, but when burping her, she suddenly vomitted.. scared me.. maybe too much?

Freesia: how can i tell if bb can swallow well?

Julie: Heh... i know my bb can't swallow well. When I break the happybaby puff into halves and let him eat, he will "cough" at times. But he loves the puffs... much more than purees. I think my boy is like me - likes titbits more than main meals.

apple: yep! I tot i replied to u last nite, but only realised that i was dreaming... sigh..

u will only be in yishun on sunday ya?

Jmi: u received my email for the Children Place ma?

Any mummies using the modern cloth diapers on your baby? I want to check how long you use each insert and how long before you change the whole diaper??

Happi> will get a new 1 definitely cis no haf hand me downs at my side [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Anyway my hubby juz want a chio car seat to match his red jazz.. Men.. N juz found out may got to spend more on his car to get the big stereo speaker in the boot to be hidden fix below boot like tat... Cos he wants his stereo but we need tar boot space to put stroller lor once car seat is bought n fix in lor.. Faint.. Men..!

Angel: my hb also same WANs stereo, want to change rim etc. But then he knows that right Now that's not important. Talk to yr hb again. If he has the $$ to bubbly stereo then might as well use that $$ to buy a good car seat for yr girl's safety. Is his stereo more important then his daughter's safety? N hor it Is a law in Singapore to put children in car seat.

Blue> glad to know ur LO is safe. Realli scary to c blood .. Tink I can use this on u too.. ' Stop reproaching yourself..!'

Tat was wat my hubby told me when our gal fell the 1st time. We totally freak out but thk God no major baluku.. juz red red n after soothing n let her watch tv she smile. But I sooo depress n keep talking to myself.. Like u blame myself. We were zzz on bed but since dunno when she flip at 3mths? She seems to progress faster den last yen bb like my bro n I.. Says my mum..

After tat incident like Happi, I placed many pillows n cushions. On top of tat I got mattresses on the floor. But very fast she can climb on the pillow when she awake.

Anyway how to define good mum? Cannot define leh. Accidents are called accidents mah.. N their guardians Juz haf to be more careful lor. N try to outwit them! ;) at times I even feel can learn from tiz Feb gang for eg. Got bedrails meh? I dunno got leh! Etc stuff...

Cos there will be other things I'll need to worry in providing her.. Education? How to b good role model? Which peers to let her keep in touch wif so got good influence? Wat food to eat? Etc etc..

Happi> haha.. Tink our hubbies can b good frens leh.. Aiya he wan car seat n stereo somi tell himmearn more $ be top sales coming months lor.. I OL fix pay dun ask me fork extra on his stereo fixation part :p

Guess wat he say? Tink need to upgrade car to Wish! Can put more barang.. Faint..


Gyan> oh ya.. Loon not Gek sai.. Wahahaha.. Bth u.. Hmm. Put walker in toilet is good idea! But no space.. Maybe juz the bumbo seat inside juz nice..

Juz now I poo poo n place her juz at the toilet door with her toy. She c I poo she oso poo leh! I c get face knows she poo liao.. Den keep talking to her.. Wah! Clever gal.. Mummy loony oso copy me? Morn poo good gal.. She Bo chap men play her toy.. so cute

