(2010/02) February 2010 mtb


I see, u prefer Jan huh? Then u can tell yr doc to induce you, left a few days for Jan.


What you mean?

serene : I find it increasingly hard to wash V coz stomach gets in the way! Hahahhahah.. Everytime i bath, i always feel as though i didnt wash it clean!

Serene: Yeah.. I kinda prefer a January & Capricorn baby! heehee! But it's alright! I'll check with Doc later [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lovie: I find it really hard to clean my butt after poo-ing! :p

Serene: I've yet to take Materity leave.. I dun think i will take la.. Work till give birth lor, it will make me keep away from thinking la.. Haha.

Portia : Hahahahahah.. Is it? I think for me, is more of V! Heiz.. I think no choice lah, we'll juz have to bear wif it!

Bel : I also prefer a tiger bb so am asking my bb to hold on! ;)

Serene : ya lor.. tats why my ML only start 13 Feb lor.. at least CNY can rest if bb not out yet..

Lovie : Can still eat & play MJ when he's out mah.. anyway u at home.. eat secretly lor.. hahahah

Ok.. I going off liao... bye mommies..

apple : The big movement tat u're saying will sometimes occur to me when am playing mj! Hahahahaha.. And i always think tat it's becoz my boy doesn't like me to mj! ;p

Gyan : She sms u and told u eh.. Hahahahahaa

apple : If u go on early ML, we can meet up often coz we stay near each other! Hahahahahah..

whoofy : Cannot lah! Gotta look after him. If i still play so much mj after i deliver, doubt hb will be happy lor and i will also feel guilty if i play too much and not care for him! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

LOvie: Haha.. Normally i've more big movement at night.. My hb will stare at my tummy and tok to baby dun bully mummy, mummy is in pain.. Be gentle.

That time you may already give birth liao la, cannot meet up. :p

Gyan: Oh, bbin give birth liao huh..

Thanks Peng!

I thought they'll use self -dissolving stitches instead of those that require removing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Lovie: haha thanks!! How long has ur maid been with you? I've also been having this hygiene thing. Keep cleaning & buying all the anti- bact stuff until my hb cannot stand me!


Oic...hahaha! Thought why u have difficulty washing V! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


So you still can catch the CNY goodies!


Unless you really feel uncomfortable then you may want to estimate and take few days off from week 38 onwards or week 39.

Hi ladies, at the gynae's clinic now & I have to admit tonight as Baby's movements have reduced alot..

Hopefully all goes well

Hi mummies,

CONGRATULATIONS to all those who have given birth! Do share ur baby's photos here,ya? I love to look at babies. =D

Jia you and all the best to those still waiting! WE CAN DO IT!!! =D

Portia: admit tonight? All d best to u ya. Update us on ur condition [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Serene: Ya, i will see how when it goes nearer to the due date. If really feel very tired, i may take earlier ML. For now, i just leave it first. Cos my company will start to shut down on 12th Feb to 18th Feb. Only back to work on 19th Feb. So it is a long break to me also..

Portia: Oh, Jiayou and have a smooth delivery.


Have a smooth delivery!


Take the long break for a good rest and enjoy yr CNY goodies. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Went to see gynae this afternoon and still no sign that bb wants to come out at 39 weeks! One more week and if bb still doesn't come out, then gotta induce... In the meantime, have to closely monitor bb's movement...

haiz, think I must start talking more to bb to psycho him to come out...

Lois: Who know your baby will come out in these few days?

Serene: I dun dare to eat much CNY stuffs as you know i scare my baby weight shot up too much.. I must control too. Hehe.

fii0nn: Ya, for now i also never count, cos she is still frequent moving inside my tummy.

PixMommy: Have your baby engage?

Serene: yes, but i hate bird's nest.. this one you can cook in pork rib soup etc.. i dun like sweet things [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Portia: hang in there!!! have a smooth delivery!

Portia: All the best!

Apple: Gynae didn't mention if engaged anot. She just said give one more wk to see how. Cervix still closed.

fii0nn: At first I also worried coz I didn't monitor bb's mvt until a wk back. Now, I just check that there are at least 5 mvts in 5 hrs. And continuous kicks counted as 1. There must be an interval of at least 10 mins before the next kick can be counted as the 2nd kick.

Thanks everyone! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mine is quite adnormal as his movements really reduced alot. Even when gynae tried to 'shake' my tummy, not much reaction. Just last week he gave pretty 'violent' kicks... Thankfully his heartbeat is ok but gynae doesn't want me to take the risk so admitting tonight after 11.30pm.

fii0nn: haiz, i cannot dun bother, cos the movements are so big as if he's like Bruce Lee learning chinese kungfu inside

Hi Apple, dun mind help me to update. THanks!

DOB:25th Jan, Name: Javier, Gender: Prince, C-section, 3.24kg and 49cm

Congrats to all Mummies that have delivered and all the best to the rest that are waiting =")

pixmommy:eek:hh thnx!

gyan: lol. so hard?! does it hurt??

portia: jiayou! u will see ur bb very soon! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


gyan: i can oso feel pain sometimes when bb move while i'm lying dwn on my side.. this is d only thing i noticed i guess! lol. bb is very very active when i wanna slp!

