(2010/02) February 2010 mtb

Hi mummies,I'm back after MIA for a few days. Was on MC last friday due to blocked nose and itchy throat but i'm fine now...except that i'm beginning to feel emo alr. Coz my hubby is going for his 17 days of reservist tmr onwards. =( I am so gonna miss him!

Anyway,all the talks abt babies' gender make me so impatient. My 20week scan is on 24 Sept and that's like 16 more days??? Oh man.....i think by that time,my neck as long as a giraffe's neck liao. Hopefully hubby can take some time off from his reservist to go for the checkup with me...so we can know our child's gender together.

So emo now...

Oh,and i think my 17wk tummy still looks very small. Hubby told me just now that i look as though i have a very big 'du nan' and not pregnant. -.-


good morning mummies.....

I am the earliest today........ cant sleep sine 3.45am woke up.....

Lovie.....pls dont forget abt me when u organise EAST POTLUCK.....ok

so tired recently.....too many things happens ard me....office also very busy...cant even take leave to rest....so stress & tired.

My mum condition was also not good....visit her last night....she look so bad now.....i have a gut feeling that she will not be able to see my bb born....cant carry my bb.... think of this...make me so sad...but on other hand... i know that life is not easy for her anymore as mum has to go thro' all the jabs, medication, tests, machine to prolong her life now.... it will be good for her to go w/o anymore pain on her....poor thing to see with my mum in the pain now....we are also not sure whether how she want her life to go on.... is she really want the doctor to help her or just leave in this way. sad sad sad......... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

We know that that is life.....family members or friends will come & leave our world.... My dad even say that it if my mum happen to leave us ...he dont want us to see us too sad as it is time for mum to leave us.... it is just fate that she has to end her life in this condition., which no one want that too.... Actually, i still have things to ask her regards to pregancy.... but i only can ask but no answer from her.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Sorry mummies who read this.....start your day with my long story..... dont worry i will take care of myself as life will still go on w/o my mum. Just want to let my feeling out..... catch up with your mummies later of the day.

lovie...i also have hand me down clothing.... if you dont mind.....i can go & dig some of my son's clothing for you if we meet for the pot luck....hahhahahhaha.....

good morning mummies..

kath: sorry to hear abt ur mum's condition. yes.. we do feel sad and helpless when our loved ones are suffering and we cant do much. There are always decisions to make to ease their pain.. and these decisions NEVER come easily. But you hv to be strong for your mum. Jia you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

gd morning mummies...


its tough for anyone to face this kind of situation more so for u during pregnancy times... do take care n be strong... for ur family, bb n of coz for urself... jiayou!!

the potluck only for the east ah...?

Kath: that is so tough.. i felt so sad when i read your posting because I think for us women, out mothers are the most important and supportive person we have.. my heart goes out to you.

Good Morning!~

YewYew : Dun get urself too emo!!! Cheer up, babe! Think of sth or doing sth to keep you very occupy during this time while hb is not ard so tat u will not be having wilful thoughts! U can try visiting ur mum everyday after work or so to keep urself occupy! Wif ppl ard, u won't feel so bored and won't realise time passes! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Kath : No worries, u're counted as part of east port luck too! Hahahahaha.. Dun stress urself much and im sure taking good care of urself is what ur mum hopes for and surely u won't wan to disappoint her? U got bb boy's clothings for me? Hehe..

It's impt for us to stay happy! If not, it will be ez for us to sing our way into PRE-NATAL DEPRESSION!

i did, i did some research apparently creams are not scientifically proven. And it has got to do with genes too. If your family members has it, most prob you will get it too. so i immediately sms my sis last nite and she said hers was quite bad..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

chrisstan: Yup. Hb has been talking more to baby recently. Haha. Sometimes when I feel slight pain and discomfort, means that baby is at that area. When hb see me frown, he will ask me if baby is bullying me again. He will then tell baby not to bully me. Bedtime, he will ask baby to go to sleep, say that both daddy and mummy is going to sleep, so baby also sleep ok? So funny.

Kath: Be strong.

MiniMe: Yup. My elder sis said it has got to do with genes. That time I wanted to buy stretch cream, she said no need. Both my mum and her don't have stretch marks. I thought I better play safe, so I still bought a bottle to apply.

Mini : I think it's better for u to apply and as for genes thing, there isn't any truth behind it as well as it was "proven & research by humans..?" Confusing eh? Hahahahah..

kath--> stay strong. we will always support u emotionally.

Lovie--> still exited about yr boy boy?

Tira--> so can u feel the bb movement now?

Yvonne : Now im more excited about the "seller" lor.. Lik what ive told ya, i bought some bb clothes for my boy BUT THEN last min, the lady said that she was having high fever and was admitted to hospital and tat she havent made a any bulk buying.. ~.~" My god! I've tt her the money liao lor.. And now i can only pray for her to get better so that she can be discharge and buy bb clothes for me!

These few days, i keep experiencing "fluttering" in womb. Like sth is poking my womb and that it wasn't frequenct tat kind. I told hb tat bb is moving ard and ask him to place his hand on me and he too, experience the "movements" and had a pleasant surprise! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lovie--hope she will get better..if nt yr money will gone?

ya, think that is bb movement but i cant feel mine these few days. very worried ;(

Lovie: It feels great right? My hb can touch my tummy and tell me which part of my tummy baby is at now when baby is resting. He taught me but I still can't get it. =.="

MiniMe: scrub religiously and apply cream. eventually they will fade. don't give up!

Yvonne: yah i can feel bubbles haha. last night we went to Bella Pizza for dinner and someone dropped a tray. my bb started bubbling. I don;t think he likes noises very much.

Lovie: which seller was this??

Tira: Got to use one hand to push your tummy to a side first. If you want to try to feel baby is on the left or not, you have to use your palm to push from right to left (not too hard) and hold it there. Then use the other hand to press lightly in slow circular motion. If you feel something harder than the rest of the tummy, that is the baby. I see he feel from top left to bottom. If baby is not on the left side, then push the tummy from left to right, then repeat on the steps.

Yvonne : Ya lor! I hope she will get well too lor. Now ive got no means to find her and im a bit worried.. Heiz.. Dun worry about bb��s movements! Bb might be resting! :p If u��re worried then make a trip down to gynae to play safe bah. Right? Rather than being worried right now and not doing anything to ease ur worries!

Bel : Wahahahahhaha.. Suddenly it��s as though ur hb is carrying the bb and not YOU! SO funny and heart-warming lor! Dun u feel so? Tat kind of connection si simply beyond words and tat the excitement tat hb shows everytime he gets to ��touch and sense�� bb��s movements is simply PRICELESS! (Like CC ads.. Wahahahahahah..)

Tira : I dun know her wor.. I found her in one of the thread.. U also bought something from those threads before?

Morning Feb mummies!

Bel: how does he know? By shape of tummy? By touch?

Sometimes, my tummy shape got different shape in different parts...bb moving around?



what if bb is in centre (head up bum down)?

i just guess...bb kicks strongly on left or right, bb head & legs facing side...

if bb kicks strongly below my belly button, bb head & legs facing up & down...

my way of guessing... ;p

Lovie: no, but i remember this thing that happened sometime last year when a seller went missing on singaporebrides. quite bad. you seller is hospitalised you said?


it's true that generally, bb dun like sudden loud noises...

my bb also reacts to sudden tv booming sound or movie theatre loud sound.

But afterawhile, they got used to it & wont kick anymore. ^_^

Chris: my gf's bb really hates anything on her tummy. he will kick everything off, including the scanner and monitor when she goes for a check up. i told her she is incubating a tyrant! hehe

Tira: Hehe. Ok, you ask your hb to try and see if it works.

chrisstan: By touch. Mine cannot see when baby move or so far I never see baby move. Only feel it. Don't press too hard. He said usually we are feeling the back of baby. I am not too sure. :p

Lovie: He definitely knows more about giving birth than me. Haha. Of course he never give birth before.

Lovie: Hehe.. the joys of shopping! Now i dunno baby's gender yet already bought some neutral clothes.. Can't help it.. heh.. Dunno this week i go gynae visit can guess gender or not.. else gotta wait 1 more month..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Tira: Oh... sounds good.. U got urs from OG? Will go have a look.

Yew yew: Hope u're better now.. Take care.. Hubby go reservist is 'bad' for pregnant women.. sure emo.. Next month my hubby going overseas for work.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Now i think liao already feeling sad.. *hugs*

Kath: Hang in there gal.. It's not easy for u during this period of time, but do take care and be strong..

Minime/Sarah: Buy those creams that are specially made for pregnant women or those that says safe for use in pregnancy should be ok.. Think quite a few of us here using the galenic elancyl cream (green box)..

Bel: Didn't know can feel baby on the left or right this way.. Interesting.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Shall try that tonight...


hehe...my bb can "sense" my hand on tummy & kicks that area...

Even during ultrasound scan also...bb "sense" the scanner moving abt my tummy & becomes active & kicks & wave arms ard... :D

Tira : Yap, the seller said that she was admitted to hospital wor..

Yvonne : Choy! Choy! Choy!

Bel : Hahahhaha.. U sound hb to be so mysterious!


Lovie: you monitor the situation, but at any time if you feel uncomfortable, ask for your $ back. Cas if she cannot deliver the things on time as promised, you have even right to cancel the order and demand $$ back.

