(2010/02) February 2010 mtb

Chris: we sign contract so permission granted already!!!!

Apple: oh good!!!! Lovie! You got hear? ORGANISE!!! HAHHAHAHAHHA [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lovie: nope, I have not bought any yet.. haha.. I have hand-me-down clothing.. mostly white in color coz dont know the gender yet.

all the clothing we passing around are among our frens.. fren passed to me then me passed to fren then fren to fren and then fren to me.. haha.. so its a merry go round lor.. heehee..

tira: nope still dont know the gender wor~.. my next appt is 2nd oct.. sigh.. which means im into my 21wks liao..

Mambobb: oh? your bb did not cooperate? so 2nd oct you would be doing the FA scan also right? then you should know at that scan cas it is detailed!

Tira: Oh it is that good? The sales lady recommended the belt to me but I did not buy. I do not know if I need it or not so thought of asking my elder sis first before buying. I too start to have backache at times.

Apple : ~.~".. Aiyo, dun pour cold water on me leh.. Ahahahaahah

Serene : I didn't wash wor coz when she gave me, she told me tat she wash it! Aha! :p

Tira : So bad of u lor! Buy what u like and leave all the "chores" to ur hb and mum! Hahahahaha

Okay lah, then we shall organise before apple darling changed her mind!!

mambobb : Wah, so good! Have so many hand-me-downs to pass ard! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] *Envious*


I washed all my bb clothes b4 keep them into the plastic bag and into the toyogo box but due to our humid weather, clothes still turn yellowish! So the only way is to take out at least 3x a yr to wash it....

tira: no lah.. the doc didnt arrange me to go for scanning this mth so have to wait till 21wks then do FA scan together lor..

apple: wow.. u able to know this fri liao arh.. good good.. heehee..

Oh Pot luck.. heehee.. yummy yummy..

Serene: My HB is not so handsome type, see won't sian can already haha. But character good lor.. Haha. No like me, a bit bad tempered.

That day told my hub that actually i thought mine #2 is boy and i actually hope is a boy again....then hub suddenly says who's knows we may have #3..... this is 1st time he mentioned about #3... i said NO! 2 is enough!

Lovie: You will still wash the baby clothes before giving brith right? If not after one year, sure will have a bit of the kept-too-long kind of smell.

Mambobb: Haha, not so sure, 15 week plus.. Hope able to know.. Haha. My HB also curious.

Lovie: What pour cold water on you??

Apple: no, i don;t have that kind of patience. I intend to just play music to the bb and read to it.

Bel: Don't buy the one from mothercare. unless! the one i got is a brand called Anita by Thyme Maternity. you can find it at OG. But they are closing down, so they are not bringing anymore stock so if you want you better grab fast! My gf also uses this and she swears by it.

Lovie: of course! i work hard for 9 mths. Then it is their turn!!! hehe

Bel: Haha. Think so, he always accompany to my checkup. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] He everyday will keep looking at my tummy.

Apple: hehe i bought THE THREE LITTLE PIGS but haven't read yet, cas feel very silly. let it listen to music first i guess.

Tira: The one I saw is not from mothercare. It is a small maternity shop in vivo. I cannot remember the name of the shop. Same stretch as mothercare and Spring maternity. Cost around $30.

The one that you bought, is there only one colour? The one I saw only have it in white. Which OG branch did you get it from?

Apple: Haha. My hb does go checkups with me and will also look or touch my tummy. It is a good sign that your hb keep looking at your tummy. It means that he feels attached to your baby. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bel: i am not sure about the one you saw, but Anita is available at all the OGs. I went to the Orchard one yesterday and the Albert one today. After discount it is $80.10 but i tell you even if $200 i will also pay!!! Only have white.

Apple: Yah, cas i like books. i will raise a book worm :p [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hehe...Not too gan cheong abt bb gender...

For my hb & i, we only wondering bb look like who?

For eyes...gotta to be like me...eyes big big...

For nature like me, bubbly & lotsa of notti ideas..

if like him, bb will be v inquisitive,"zheng yi gan"! :D

Serene : Ohh.. I see.. Didnt thought of it wor, unlike u! So throughtful!

Bel : Yap, before I give birth, will still take out for a wash!

Apple : Coz u ask me to confirm mine is a boy 1st. Wahahahaha..

Tira : Wahahahaahah.. True also hor, we really work our GUTS out!

chrisstan: Hahaha. Same here. I told hb, eyes got to be like mine. Nose like his. Yesterday he was telling baby that when he/she grow up, must be filial to parents like him. Wahahaha. I told him I am also filial to both our parents mah. :p

tira/apple: actually I dont really read books to my #1 when she was in my tummy.. I only started to read to her when she was out.. when she was about 4-5mths.. when her sight is much better..

Now I have one story book on my bed, whenever she wants me to read to her, she will take the book and ask me read [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]..

Its up to individual when you want to start.. no hard rules [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

But I must say baby tends to be more calm when there is soothing music. When they are cranky.. and have tried all the methods, like put oil on their tummy, give milk, change diaper etc.. all doesnt work.. u can try to play the music.. sometimes it really works [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

haha.. my doc say my bb is 99.5% boy, so def not looking at girl's stuff liao.

I bought something like a maternity belt too, but more like a maternity support tube. can wear over tummy, and can double up as a tube top too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] the maternity belt i tried on at mothercare not comfortable.

ok must go get ready to go out. sigh.

chat tmr [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

take care all!


hehe...that's part of "tai jiao" too -> telling bb what he must be like! ^_^

i miss seeing bb...

i just went n stared at prev 17wk scan photo...looking fwd to seeing bb again on 21wk scan...

Even better, looking fwd to hold bb in my arms in 38-40wks! ^_^

Lovie: You're back! Guess u're feeling much better today.. Sounding so happy! Hehe.. Congrats on knowing that ur baby is 70% boy! Hee.. better than nothing hor? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lovie/Apple: I see "east side potluck"! I also wanna join! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Raine/Tira: About the maternity belt? Is it elastic? Does it feel restrictive when u wear it?

Tira : Yap, u're always right!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Apple : Ahahahaha.. Doubt any gynae would dare to combine bb's gender wif u! Can only confirm when sees bb! :p

Tam : Thks for being happy for me too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Knowing bb's sex is definately a good thing to start wif coz.... CAN START SHOPPING. Hahahhahahah..

East Side potluck is SURELY in the making! Cheers!~


Raine: I agree. The maternity belt at Motehrcare is not very good. The one i bought gives me instant relief from backache. The one from Mothercare feels strange.

TamL: Yes mine is elastic and it stretches to accommodate the tummy as it grows,. It feels snug but not restrictive. i love mine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lovie: glad you agree hehe :p

