(2010/02) February 2010 mtb

Serene: Dun overstress yourself. It seems like me everyday also got dream. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Tiring.

Yvonne: That good. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Christine: Ya, last night i'm listening to music while lying on my bed. Not so sure is baby moving..

Kath: How are you? Your mum getting better, hope it is. I'm ok, but been feeling nausea and giddy.. At least the number of puking is lesser and have much appeitite.


Vit C pills is v common outside. Ask pharmacist which brand to recommend.

Else, eat more Vit C rich fruits/fresh fruit juices.

Nothing beats fresh food source!


Serene: Ooh.. ok.. thanks! Do take care.. About flu medicine, better to check with ur doctor.. GPs will also know what is suitable for pregnant ladies.. that time my GP say don't get over the counter medicine cos not a lot of flu medicine is tested safe for pregnant ladies.. Best is drink more water and get more rest..

Apple: what type of baby music CD did u get? Soothing?

Sagit: That's great! Started to buy princess clothes?

morning mummies.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

think i spent a bit too much $$ over the last few days - at taka fair spent ard $400.. (babyplus plus diaperbag). then yesterday went to mothercare spent another $300 - on pregnancy pillows (WORKS WONDERS and def helps me sleep now) and newborn clothes pack and maternity wear, etc. Then bought couple of tops from spring maternity.. heh. uhoh!! :S hb frown but knows its necessary expenditure haha..


Ya, I will get the flu medicine from him tomorrow.


Me too, used to have dreams very often.


I will check with my gynae to recommend the brand to buy from outside. As for fruits, I'm quite lazy to eat but i know is good so will try to eat more.

Tam: I bought 4 cd in 1 package, one cd is for bedtime, one is for prenatal, the other two forget the purpose, it costs S$39.90. I also bought another cd for relaxing and smoothing for mummy and baby, cost S$19.90. That CD when i listen make me sleepy. Hahaha.


The pregnancy pillow is those that you put below yr tummy when you sleeps side way huh?

I love to buy infant wear from Mothercare, their cotton quality is very soft and good but their price also ex.

Minime: yups think its abt $106. I also bought the wedge one for my office chair ($35).

serene & apple: yups its the pregnancy pillow.. u noe, the long flat pillow to hug when u sleep slideways. def helps me sleep now, cos used to wake up with backache almost every nite.

Have you all thought of the name for your baby?

So far I have already confirmed the chinese name but hasn't confirm the christian name... has a few in mind...


You mean they sell the back cushion pillow for office chair? At mothercare? I will need that...cos everyday got backache after office hrs... i think is due to long hrs of sitting and the posture!


anyone of you doing baby full month celebration outside? if there is any place good and reasonable price to recommend?


Good morning ladies

Serene: Ya, not all flu pills are safe to be taken for pregnant ladies. My hb got a book on medicines and most of the flu pills got side effects. Some have very little side effect that even pharmarcist and GP will still give. Better check with your gynae.


if lazy to eat fruits, can just buy fresh fruit juices during lunchtime to drink.

i used to do that when i was working. ^_^

serene & bel: yups mothercare sells the wedge back cushion for office chair. its my first day using it today, so far so good, no backache yet, but its the first few hours of the day only. maybe see how later in the evening. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

but i def need a back pillow for office chair, have really bad backaches these few days. think its the growing tummy.

Serene: For the name of baby, i will check with shifu after the baby give birth. This will based on the timing and date of the baby birth.

Raine: Which outlet of mothercare you buy for the pillow?

Serene and Tam, thanks!

I haven't start buying any baby stuff yet.

I still have serious heartburn feeling everyday, so no mood to do anything yet.....

Apple: Oh.. Sounds like quite good.. I need something to help me sleep.. Haha.. can't sleep well at night.. I'll go check it out. Thanks!

Serene: Have been thinking of names but haven't really shortlisted any.. So hard to choose english names..

Sarah: Wow, u're planning for first month celebration already? I haven't thought so far yet..

apple: i bought from plaza sing outlet. think i took their last pregnancy pillow haha.. not sure. there was this person who reserved it but was overseas haha.. lucky me.

bought $300 worth of stuff so now am member.. keke.

sagit: i think u shd show quite a bit by 16wks, but every tummy is different. by 20wks u will def show. am quite happy with my bump now at 18wks, pple giving me seats on the train keke.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sagit: Now my tummy is protuding a bit.. but not very obvious.. just looks like i've put on weight around my waist.. If wear loose clothes, can't tell..

Raine: Above $300 can get membership at Mothercare? What r the perks of the membership? Cos i thinking if should accumulate the things i wanna get and get all at the same time to get the membership..

TamL: i think its 10% discount on regular priced items, accumulation of points, private sales, member prices i think.. something like that.


My gynae's clinic just called to postpone my appt to Thurs. Thus if I can wait till thurs, will see a GP tonite for the flu medicine...


Do let me know if the wedge pillow for office chair works. Me too had backache and yes is due to the big tummy!


Actually every morning, i drank a glass of fresh tomato juice, that has been my habit for quite long already but i guess is not enough though. Opp my office has a coffee shop that has a fruit stall but me now avoid to walk too far esp the 2 way road is always very busy and very hard to cross and last time, i run. Now i know i can't.

Apple, Tam L,

That time for my boy, I'm the one who decide his christian and chinese name but after he's born, my hubby took his 'shen chen ba zhi' and the chinese name that i hv chosen to a shifu and he only change abit on the last character. I prefer it that way then to imagine him giving me some odd names that left me with no choice.

Serene: Ic.. I think for me, won't be finding a shifu for the name.. chinese name we roughly have an idea but english name quite difficult.. cos wanna a meaningful, yet not hard to pronounce or won't mispronounce name..

Raine, Tam L,

To get the membership at mothercare, has to spend $300 in 1 receipt huh? Is the membership a lifetime one?

Tam L,

The last time for my boy, I decided on the christian name first and chinese name last...but this time round, maybe becos the middle name follow the bro, so easier to decide on the chinese name, but having problem to decide the christian name...

Serene: Oh ic.. ok.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Raine: Wah, only 1 year membership? quite short.. maybe I dun buy stuff from there first... hee..

Hi to all, it has been quite sometimes since last log in...

Down with a bad flu for the past few days.. Today is the 6th day already. Nose is totally blocked. Also has seen 3x of company doc.. Prescribed with the flu medic as well as nasal spray for the night to help unblock nose... And today I decided to get Vit C pills hope it does work wonder... To help me build up my immunity.

Just a little update, after my gynae check last sat, currently now on my 16.5wks.. Moving into 2nd tri.. All & all, everything is fine, bb is growing well, now est 10.5cm already.. Bb position still not able to cfm the gender, but gynae gve a 80% conclusion tt it will be a boy..

Flu virus are everywhere, mums2b, take gd care of yrself.. Drink more water, has lots of rest..

TamL: coz if i don't think now i don't think i will have time during the confinement period..sure very tired. moreover my hubby & my side relative alot...our house not big enuff and i won't want ppl come and go till evening time. that will be tiring.

Back with lunch.. Today not much appeitite..

Tam: Okok. You can start to taijiao liao after buying baby music cd.

Raine: Oic.. Then i need to go and source around for the pillow liao..

Serene: Normally shifu will give a few names to choose. So i find still ok la. As for christian name, i think i would prefer to let my kid choose when he/she grow up.


wah so gd ah.. got ppl give up seat to u... juz this morning, 2 person stared @ my tummy... both ended up looking either down or elsewhere... boho!


i had flu in my 1st trim too... was given nasal spray, flu pills & cough mixture... only took once for flu pill & cough but didn spray the nasal spray... after tat, brought these medicines to gynae n asked if its safe to use... all passed except for the spray le (he said got some steriod content)... so maybe u shd check wif ur gynae abt the spray...

Serene: Yup.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So maybe won't start so early..

libtuarius: Take care and drink lotsa water.. Read that in pregnancy, our nasal membranes will swell a bit so more tendency to be blocked..

Sarah: Oh.. true also... during confinement sure tiring.. now plan then hubby can help to coordinate also good..

Apple: Yup.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

serene--> u still feel yr bubbles/ bb movement? i did not feel antyhign since yesterday which make me a little worried...

thanks, bbin & tam L...

Just took the suppose non-drowsy medic.. but still find myself getting drowsy.. hahaha..

Hope i won't doze off in the office...

Libtuarius: Think a lot of flu medicine can cause a bit of drowsiness cos supposed to let u rest more.. if drowsy maybe u wanna see if can take leave to rest for the rest of the day? Better to recover fast than to drag it.. Get well soon!


Yes now the feeling gets more frequent since yesterday. Even while sitting here at work, i can feel it occasionally too.

Don worry, maybe yr bb in comfort zone, sleeping...


Ya.... not much protrusion. More of stomach a bit bloated after food. Can't tell if i wear loose clothes. My colleagues also said can't tell.

