(2010/02) February 2010 mtb

Tira : Hahahahahahah. I very versatile ok. I watch telly and talk to u at the same time. Switching between FB and Forum.

Lovie: telly very boring! i am surfing for a good pregnancy pillow. the last one i found looks good, but my cousin says it will take up 75% of my bed.. so where hb sleep? hehe

Tira : Wahahahahah. But weird huh. Pre preggie, we can settle wif normal pillow. Aft preggie, we tends to be aching more often than normal hor..

I cannot change pillows coz i juz change once in April and June. I gotta make do wif it 1st. If am really uncomfortable then will consider changing! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

what i like is i can make a burrow and lay on my front even when i get a lot bigger. something to help me cushion tummy hehe

Lovie: it is, esp when he makes me breakfast every morning and massage my back when it aches. and i need him at hospital when i deliver cas i scared of pontianak!

Tira : Hahahahah.. Dun worry, dun worry. U're not going to get single bedded right? So they would be someone to acc u! The pillow looks cool! I also want one. Hahahahaah. All ur fault! Hmph.

Someone please advise who's ede.. Hahahahaha. Think it's EZ

Lovie: i will take single bed so i can have toilet ALL TO MYSELF. not sharing toilet. no. no. no. so yah, i need hb to protect me from hantu. haha, i think the pillow will really help with back pain!!!

anyway, i have sent them an email asking if they ship to Sg and how much. will update you when i get answer so those who want can also buy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lovie: exactly!! so must be nice to hb for now.

Muffin: i found one at Tampines One, but it is smaller and it cost $120+

im trying to email ask for shipping price but dono why their email. My email keep saying got something wrong with their email address...

i hv start buying some baby rompers.. hehehe buy the safe colour like white n yellow..

i purposely sart early cause i know gt many other things to buy. hence start with cheaper ones 1st...

In fact baby clothes nt that cheap. Dun want to feel pinch so buy now lor.. If buy later wait feel the pinch.. i 1st time mum so will need to but all for the 1st time.. 1st grandchild hence no pass downs.....

Dear mummies-to-be,

Ever wonder what it's REALLY like once your bundle of joy has arrived? :) What better way to learn about motherhood from recent new mums? :) We're a group of new mummies who have just walked this exciting path and would like to share our experiences with you! We'll share our different delivery processes, adapting life changes with our new baby, useful (and often useless!) baby products and most importantly, how to prepare for baby's arrival in the first 30 days to 3 months. To assist you with this major transition in life, we have put together our workshop which will cover all the crucial knowledge in basic babycare and more importantly, the art of caring for yourselves.

Name: Baby Basics Workshop by mums4mums

Time: 3.00pm-4.30pm (90mins)

Date: 22 August 2009 (Saturday)

Fee : $20 per participant

Key Topics covered: (3 speakers)

1) Our delivery experiences

2) Breastfeeding baby (breastpumps recommendations, essential nursing accessories, etc.)

3) Formula feeding (types, bottles, sterilisers, other baby products & brands we like, etc)

4) Baby time (transporting baby, baby activities, games to play and "trial-and-tested" baby necessities)

5) Mummy's time (care for self and family bonds)

6) Q&A

Workshop registration is based on a first come first, capped at the first 20 couples.

We'll provide afternoon tea, snacks and lotsa fun!

Takeaways will also include our workshop summary handouts and useful motherhood information sheets.

Please feel free to contact us at [email protected] for any enquiries & we hope to see you then, thank you!

good morning,

everybody shd be either on their way to work or still zzzzzzzz [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good morning!


U r so early!


That's bad, i suffered that the whole day yesterday and finally today is ok! I hate having headache!

good morning ladies...

lovie: you and tira busy scribbling on my fb wall last nite huh? hahaha...

i copycat tira by adding my name next to my nick so that you ladies will not be confused [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Snoopy : Hahahahhahah. Very funny, right? Abt the FB thing. Dun worry, u will get to see real me on Friday. Are u excited?!?! Wahahahahha. Copy nick with name beside for now 1st till everyone settles down. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

snoopy/apple: yes yes.. me 'serene' - mambobb... haha.. there is another 'SERENE' here too but I have not added her in the FB leh.. heehee...

btw WHO IS Ede**** L**????

snoopy : ~.~" U shld sayang me and not rub salt onto my wounds mah.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hahahhahahah. No one knows who's Edelynn lor. Im gonna delete if no one admits coz she's prettier than i do. WAAHHAHAHHAHAAHHH


morning mummies

past few days was super busy.. din even hav time to come in... WOW... now everyone is getting connected thru facebook liaoz ah.. Ok.. can add me too.. but I can access FB in office, can only add u all when back home..

my email : [email protected]

