(2010/02) February 2010 mtb

Tira: Before pregnant and after pregnant look will be about the same la.

Mambobb: You hor.. I think without edit also beautiful.

Muffin: Added you.

Maomao: I added you too.

apple: yup, i went late apr. hubby kept insisting bb is made in japan but i counted and told him so many times it's not. when he was convinced, then he say ok, at least it's all the power foods he had in japan that help him made bb!

Jmi: hi Jim, i added you already!

muffin: rubbish, rubbish, rubbish!!

Chris: i added my name here after tira to reduce confusion!

Maomao27: Haha.. Your hb so funny. Me went on sep last year.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I also put some photos in my facebook. So you went to diseyland. I went to disneysea.


Yeah, Jmi = Jaime, it's been my shortform [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I kinda know where you stay :p.

Used to live in Tampines before moving to the NE area [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tira: Yeah, opposite ITE Simei and I can see Kingmen's office from your roof garden pix, so I know your 'exact' location ;)

NE isn't that far from the east. My PIL are still staying in Tampines [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ez, apple: yes.. i burst out laughing when he said that. haha..

apple, sept must have seen many flowers right?? shall go see ur photos tonight. i wanted to go during flower season.. but april/may was the only time we could afford. but luckily we still caught the cherry blossoms.

me going off liao.. hubby's here. have a good dinner, mummies!

btw, snoopy=cindy, mambobb=serene right?

Hi mummies,

I would also like to join in the fb craze... so hard to keep up with the thread, its running way too fast for me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I hardly gets to check the thread now and always feel so tired. Gosh!

My email is [email protected]

i prefer to know later but end i know it so much earlier... Since ovulation day i had right or left abdominal cramps, xtreme bad back pain n pee like 5times every night, bad water retention n sore breast...

That made me suspect lor.. My nurse sis got give the kit, try for fun then saw faint line. I tot maybe evaporation line. But i still go out but 2 guardian brand n clear blue. tried on all got faint line but clearblue i got dark line..Go GP on the menses due date..

christine: alamak... hmm, i dunno wats wrong. I go home and check my fb cos ofc cannot access at all. Very restricted here.

Ez: i had no idea until i could not keep down my coke, and I was 7 weeks by then! Your hb v funny!

Jaspire: it is ok, can always agar-agar the flow of conversation one. i added u already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

good n bad know earlier..

Good cause u take precaution earlier but bad cause u miss on all the good stuff earlier. I was 4weeks exactly when i found out.. Time passes slow when u know it earlier.. 1st time go gynae cant hear heartbeat yet cause only 5 weeks..

actually my hb du want to hv kids so early. He keep saying must enjoy time together 1st..

Had to play drama like crying when see other plp kids then he gave in.. hahahaha

HB dun want kids earlier but when 1st time go scan i so nervous he was smiling frm ear to ear..

He tell plp on the 2nd scan BB look like him..Crazy..

Tira: Of course they look like aliens. Its my crazy HB who have this idea BB looks like him. Then BB was blowing bubbles and he say BB was sticking tongue out and make fun of him.. Hahaha, he is even more excited n more imaginative then me...

Ez: That is hilarious!!! but is is great that he is so excited about the bb. hopefully he will still be as enthusiastic when it comes to diaper-changing times haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hahaha i hope so too. He loves to sleep a lot and every weekend all he wanna do is play games.. I guess he is still playful. He is 29years old. Hope having a BB makes him a bit more mature n help out..

Right now he only keep wanting stylo child. He keeps saying his son n daughter must be stylo like him.

i ask him one day, "now plp are all talking abt educating kids abt sex at young age".. I asked him how to teach?

He told me, aiyah just open PORN lor.. I was like, what the hell...

Hahaha, haiz quite miss my HB. Haven seen him for a week now. Dono when he will com back. He say Australia is 12degrees now...

Ez: it is good you have a supportive hb, and actually i think it is great that he is still youthful!! Porn.. hahaha, must tell my hb that one!

I'm back. Hahahahahah. ;o)

So right now, everyone's happy wif each other's face right?!?! Any objection, PLEASE KEEP it to urself. Wahahahaahahah

Tira : Lilypie is the much for famous tag other than others. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Tira ; No lah, juz wanna tell u tat u're clever for findind tat "lilype" coz the rest of the tags is very "lao ya" Hahahahah. lilypie is better and cute!

We very active in FB eh. Hahahahaah. Think the rest of mummies is bz wif EATING, SLPING, WATCHING TELLY & CHIT CHATTING. Hahahahah

