(2010/02) February 2010 mtb


I'm old but you're not.


My throat gets sensitive usually at night and will cough and nausea, vomit.


U r serene also?


just back from gynae check last nite...wow..dr adrian clinic is over crowded yesterday...so many ppl as i get to know from the nurse that he is on leave for the pass few days.

my bb is growing well. ;)

Serene--> dr adrain hv schedule the DS test for me. He said can do this week or next week. I choose next Friday.

Christine --> do u know if the DS test done by dr adrian or otehr doc?

btw, dr adrian told me not to drink the milk powder for pregnant lady as weill surely put on 20-25kg of weight..scary le...to him, everything also dont need. He said normal food that we eta is sufficient enough.

lovie: sayang sayang..but still got 2nd test see chemistry pass anot mah...wahahaha

whoofy: added you in fb liao..

yvonne: i added u already? blurzz...

lovie--> that's mean, u never delete the rest of us as all of us are uglier than u lo...sad sad sad le....hehehehe. so those who deleted by lovie or not accepted by her should be good news....;) WAHAHAHAHA

serene.. ya lor.. office damn busy.. haiz.. anyway.. typo error.. Me can't access FB in office...

anyway.. I'm preparing a spreadsheet for mummies who wanna order Clairns stretch mark cream...

As for the Tonic Oil.. I am still trying to check which is the correct prdt code leh..

Mummies using Clarins tonic oil, can check behind the bottle for any 5 digit or 6 digit code ????


Glad that your bb is well. Can't tell the gender yet from now yah?

My colleauge is going on leave next Thurs & Fri. So means if he arrange the DS scan appt for me, must be either next mon to wed.

DS test not done by Dr Adrian.

Exactly! He don't encourage maternal milk.

To make my brain works right, pls confirm the following:-

jmi = jaime wong

lovie = rae ho?

maomao = alice wong

apple = sy chew?

tira = diana quek

peng = veronica chia

yvonne = yvonne chuah

snoopy = cindy lim

christine = christine ong

Serene : Hahahahaahah. K lah, we're old and PRETTY k. Sui boh? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

SERENE --> dont know yet le...how i wish can know the gender. oh..when is yr next visit? is up to you to choose the date for the DC test. he ask me choose this week but i prefer next week so that i can hv the scan on evry week to ensure bb is growing well...hehe..so that i can sleep peacefully.

Yaya, he told me unless i wanan gain 20-25kg of weight, then i should go ahead n drink. i ask about calcium tablets, iron, vit C..he said all dont need. Just take the multivitamin pill he gave is sufficient enough. he told me sg mum is alwasy over nutritious...hehehe

Snoopy : Oh yah hor.. Hahahahahha. Dun know can pass anot. (on Friday)

Yvonne : U caught me. Hahahahahhah. Aiyo.. Bad U!

mambobb... i add on.

jmi = jaime wong

lovie = rae ho?

maomao = alice wong

apple = sy chew?

tira = diana quek

peng = veronica chia

yvonne = yvonne chuah

snoopy = cindy lim

christine = christine ong

mambobb = serene lim

jaspire = joanne loo


Me old and pretty, you young and pretty. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I'm LEE. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


But i thought DS scan is recommended to be done between week 10-13??? There is a period recommended. Not sure i'm right about the week. I rem read it from the phamplet of DS scan when i did mine last time in TMC....

Yes, i also ask his opinion about other vitamins, he also say no need! But i think i want to take at least the Vitamin C. I ask him about the cod liver capsule too, he told me after the 1st trimester.

jaspire: thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

serene: okok next time they have to refer u as serene lee me serene lim.. haha both also SL leh.. haha

I have deleted Edelynn Lam since she does not belong here.. sigh...

jaspire: i have added u liao..

kath/serene: u no FB acct?


So did you told your gynae about the coughing? Wondering is that normal. Anyway going to see my gynae this fri, shall c what she says..

Ohh btw i staying at senja there.. You?

serene....yes next week i will be in 12weeks..so gam gam lo.

yup, i bought the fish oil from him. that one he never said anything. but can only start to take after 12 weeks


Ya both SL! Cos our names too common. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm a new bird to FB and hardly active leh.


Really? Me stayed Senja Link? U stayed Senja Grand?

For my case, i guess is becos of my hyperactive airway which was caused by months of coughing early of this year. Since then, my throat has been super sensitive. Esp everytime after my food, i will tend to cough and ease my throat! Is very irritating.


Currently staying with my IL's at Senja Road, moving to Senja Grand soon!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] We are staying pretty near..

morning ladies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Have you all start looking for CL? When do we start looking for 1? I didnt get 1 last time but am thinking of getting 1 this time round...


U just bought a house at Senja Grand? Yes we stayed pretty near. Sometimes i go to yr park for walk, last time i go there for jogging too.

We can meet up with our babies next time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

so nobody know edelXXX?

dr adrian is right, drink maternal milk will put on alot. For my 1st kid, kiasu so I drink everyday, I put on alot!! 2nd kid, lactose intolerant, LS after drinking so I just eat calcium tablet instead, so wasnt so huge, manageable. This time round, I will just stick to calcium tablets.

I'm thinking to challenge chicken rice for lunch today! Not sure if suits me cos i have avoided chicken for quite some time...

Serene: I just submit my mc under ACJ woman clinic, i think he will know lor.. I hack care now la.. I wait till 11 weeks then tell him lor, which will be one more mc for the appointment...


Me too! I drank alot maternal milk during #1, gained 19-20kg!!! Scary! So this time round, i stick strictly to just the pills gynae gave. Btw, how much have u put on now?


now only put on a few grams...cant eat much. eat too full v xin ku. Only morning b4 bfast feel ok, downhill after that, worst in evenings and night. every night cant wait for the kids to go to bed so that I can also crawl into bed...

chicken rice used to b my fav, but now cant eat also, think its the smell of the rice. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

